
328 lines
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Raw Normal View History

## Adobe
- [Guide: Adobe Acrobat Pro Installation and Patching (Working 18-06-2019)](https://anonym.to/?https://raddle.me/f/Piracy/81445/guide-adobe-acrobat-pro-installation-and-patching-working-18)
- [How to download latest adobe cc 2020 ISO in Google Drive](https://anonym.to/?https://telegra.ph/How-to-download-latest-adobe-cc-2020-ISO-in-Google-Drive-04-18)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Audio Guides
- [(Guide/Information) Archiving and managing audio files](https://anonym.to/?https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/h869qj/guideinformation_archiving_and_managing_audio/)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Blizzard
- [For anyone looking for the actual classic Warcraft 3 installers (not Battle.net launcher nor Reforged)](https://www.removeddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ewdlnd/for_anyone_looking_for_the_actual_classic/)
## Movie & TV Streaming
- [How To Stream Movies, TV, Anime & Sports Online](https://anonym.to/?https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/index) - Huge list provided by _/u/nbatman_.
- [Streaming pirated media in 2019 (seedbox + Sonarr + Plex)](https://anonym.to/?https://ryanlue.com/posts/2019-03-29-paying-money-to-steal-movies) - Paying Money to Steal Movies & Music on the Internet.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Graphics & Design
2020-06-28 06:12:32 +00:00
- [GFXDomain.net Tutorials board](https://anonym.to/?https://forum.gfxdomain.net/forums/others-tutorials.42/) - Forum with free tutorials for graphic design, mostly via premium file hosts but some torrents.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Nintendo Switch
- [The Ultimate Noob Guide for Hacking your Nintendo Switch](https://anonym.to/?https://guide.sdsetup.com/) - Want to hack your Nintendo Switch but dont know where to start? Just follow this guide!
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## JDownloader
- [How to bypass Mega Quota limit via JDownloader 2](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/JDownloader-2-Mega-Quota-Bypass)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Games specific
- [How to play Resident Evil Outbreak Coop Multiplayer](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/localmultiplayergames/comments/bhtfzl/how_to_play_resident_evil_outbreak_coop/)
- [Playing Resident Evil Outbreak File#1 and File#2 Online Again! YES!](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/5x99m9/playing_resident_evil_outbreak_file1_and_file2/)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
2020-06-13 08:57:57 +00:00
## Kindle eBook
- [The idiot-proof guide to downloading ebooks off IRC](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/2oftbu/guide_the_idiot_proof_guide_to_downloading_ebooks/)
- [Guide to Copy Kindle Content to PDF using Calibre [UPDATED]](https://anonym.to/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/bm837l/guide_to_copy_kindle_content_to_pdf_using_calibre/)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## VPN Guides & Tutorials
- [/r/VPN wiki](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/VPN/wiki/index) - Helpful Wiki resource written by the community from /r/VPN.
- [Choosing the best VPN (for you) - /r/VPN](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/VPN/comments/4iho8e/that_one_privacy_guys_guide_to_choosing_the_best/?st=iu9u47u7&sh=459a76f2) - That One Privacy Guy's - Guide to Choosing the Best VPN (for you)
- [Choosing the VPN that's right for you](https://anonym.to/?https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/choosing-vpn-thats-right-you) - Helpful guide from EFF.org.
- [That One Privacy Site](https://anonym.to/?https://thatoneprivacysite.net/vpn-section/) - VPN section of "That One Privacy Site" with VPN comparisons.
- [VPN over SSH](https://anonym.to/?https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VPN_over_SSH) - ArchWiki page which explains how to achieve a poor man's VPN via SSH tunneling.
- [Which VPN Services Keep You Anonymous in 2019?](https://anonym.to/?https://torrentfreak.com/which-vpn-services-keep-you-anonymous-in-2019/) - TorrentFreak article by Ernesto about which VPN you _could_ use.
- [How To Set Up an OpenVPN Server on Ubuntu 16.04](https://anonym.to/?https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-16-04) - The guide still works on newer Ubuntu releases without any problems.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Software Piracy explained
- [MIC028_Piracy Guide.indd - Microsoft (.PDF)](https://anonym.to/?http://download.microsoft.com/documents/australia/PIRACY/PiracyGuide.pdf) - Microsoft's anti software piracy guide.
- [What are the risks of using pirated Windows 10?](https://anonym.to/?https://windowsreport.com/pirated-windows-10-risks/)
- [Unofficial Reddit Guides to software piracy](https://anonym.to/?https://reddit.guide/r/Piracy/) - A list with subreddits connected to software piracy, it also lists which community was banned from Reddit.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## ISP
- [How to start your own ISP](https://anonym.to/?https://startyourownisp.com/) - Start your own ISP, lists tools which you need and lots of background information.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
2020-07-06 04:53:17 +00:00
## Self-hosting
- [How to Host "Questionable" Websites v4.0](https://anonym.to/?https://weboas.is/media/host.pdf) - PDF from weboas.is which shows how you self-host Qquestionable" websites.
2020-07-06 04:53:17 +00:00
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
2020-07-06 04:53:17 +00:00
## Searching and finding Ebooks & TextBooks
- [How To find and download ebooks & textbooks](https://anonym.to/?https://opentrackers.org/downloading-ebooks-textbooks/) - A guide to help people find ebooks & textbooks (_updated September 10, 2017_).
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## eMule
2020-07-26 05:03:36 +00:00
- [How to use eMule in 2018](https://anonym.to/?https://archive.is/j1T6o) - An up-to-date guide detailing how to use eMule to download rare content from the eDonkey and Kad P2P networks.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
### Exploit Development
- [Exploit Writing Tutorials](https://anonym.to/?https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2009/07/19/exploit-writing-tutorial-part-1-stack-based-overflows/) - Tutorials on how to develop exploits.
- [Shellcode Examples](http://shell-storm.org/shellcode/) - A big shellcodes database.
- [Shellcode Tutorial](http://www.vividmachines.com/shellcode/shellcode.html) - Tutorial on how to write shellcode.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Torrent DMCA prevention
- Open QB advance settings, and bind the network interface to your VPN network adapter (TAP) - e.g. PIA/Proton [check this example](https://anonym.to/?https://i.imgur.com/pD7atey.jpg).
- [ANONYMOUS TORRENTING WITH I2P-SNARK: USING SNARK](https://anonym.to/?https://privacytutorials.wordpress.com/2015/01/05/anonymous-torrenting-with-i2p-snark-using-snark/)
- [How to Download Torrents with Tor](https://anonym.to/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/i0jhl3/tutorial_how_to_download_torrents_with_tor/)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- [DockSTARTer](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/GhostWriters/DockSTARTer) - DockSTARTer helps you get started with home server apps running in Docker.
- [MediaServer-DockerComposeFiles](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/vaeyo/MediaServer-DockerComposeFiles) - Docker-Compose Files for Media Server Related Apps [Radarr, Sonarr, Plex, rTorrent, NZBGet, Ombi, Emby, etc].
- [QuickBox IO](https://anonym.to/?https://quickbox.io/) - Seedbox installer script.
- [rtinst](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/arakasi72/rtinst) - Seedbox installation script for Ubuntu and Debian systems.
- [sboxsetup](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/dannyti/sboxsetup) - Another Seedbox setup script.
- [Seedbox Guide](https://anonym.to/?https://seedboxgui.de/) - comparison tool to help you find the best fitting Seedbox.
- [swizzin](https://anonym.to/?https://swizzin.ltd/) - A light, modular package management suite for media-oriented servers.
- [usenet-docker](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/justinhamlett/usenet-docker) - Docker-compose configuration for Sabnzbd, CouchPotato, Plex, Sonarr, Plexpy, Nzbhydra, Muximux, Radarr, NZBGet and Ombi with a Nginx proxy.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Plex
- [hoarding.me](https://anonym.to/?https://hoarding.me/) - Unlimited and automated. How to setup your own dream Plex server?!
- [linuxserver/docker-plex](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-plex) - LinuxServer.io Plex Media Server docker image.
- [Plex](https://anonym.to/?https://www.plex.tv/) - Your content<6E>from live and recorded TV and personal media, to on-demand web shows, video news, and podcasts—beautifully organized and ready to stream everywhere.
- [PGBlitz.com](https://anonym.to/?https://pgblitz.com/) - Deploy a Hastey Server through Docker & Ansible with local or Unlimited Google HD.
2020-07-06 04:53:17 +00:00
- [Plexi](https://anonym.to/?http://plexpi.com/) - Plex Media Server for your Raspberry Pi 3.
- [plexinc/pms-docker](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/plexinc/pms-docker) - Official Plex docker image.
2020-07-06 04:53:17 +00:00
- [Timhaak/Plex](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/timhaak/docker-plex) - Alternative Plex docker image.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
### Plex Transcoding
- [kube-plex](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/munnerz/kube-plex) - Scalable Plex Media Server on Kubernetes -- dispatch transcode jobs as pods on your cluster!
- [Plex-Remote-Transcoder](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/wnielson/Plex-Remote-Transcoder) - A distributed transcoding backend for Plex.
- [UnicornTranscoder](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/UnicornTranscoder/UnicornTranscoder) - A remote transcoder for Plex Media Server.
2020-06-28 06:12:32 +00:00
- [Unlock the transcode or 'session' limit on nVidia consumer grade GPUs](https://anonym.to/?http://slothtechtv.com/2018/09/unlock-the-transcode-or-session-limit-on-nvidia-consumer-grade-gpus) - Article describing how to bypass the artifical single-transcode limit.
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## Linux Hardening
- [kloak](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/vmonaco/kloak) - Keystroke-level online anonymization kernel: obfuscates typing behavior at the device level.
- [The practical linux hardening guide](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/trimstray/the-practical-linux-hardening-guide) - This guide details the planning and the tools involved in creating a secure Linux production systems - work in progress project!
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Netflix
- [How To Get Everything On Netflix](https://www.removeddit.com/r/NetflixViaVPN/comments/4z5fiq/how_to_get_everything_on_netflix_not_only_the_us/d6t00gv/) Recovered Link to a post by /u/huldre99
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Windows 10 Hardening
- [Windows 10 Privacy Guide](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/adolfintel/Windows10-Privacy) - An in-depth guide on purging Windows 10 of Microsoft's attempts to track you.
- [Windows 10 hardening by CHEF-KOCH](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Windows-10-hardening) - Windows 10 hardening without gimmicks.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Windows 10 Tutorials
- [How to download and install Windows 10 LTSB/LTSC](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/8pfnun/how_to_download_and_install_windows_10_ltsb/) - Guide by /u/sq_skez on how to download and install Windows 10 LTSB/LTSC.
- [How to SVF patch Windows 10](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/How-to-SVF-patch-Windows-10)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
2019-04-21 15:18:16 +00:00
## Bypassing PayWalls
- [[Guide] Bypassing paywalls on iOS apps](https://anonym.to/?https://zero-day.io/bypassing-paywalls-on-ios-apps/) - Bypassing paywalls on iOS apps.
- [Get Around Paywalls with Incognito Mode](https://anonym.to/?https://lifehacker.com/get-around-paywalls-with-incognito-mode-1679310015) - Tutorial how to get around a Paywall with Incognito Mode.
- [How to Get Around Newspaper Paywalls in 2019](https://anonym.to/?https://medium.com/black-edge-consulting/how-to-bypass-virtually-every-news-paywall-705602c4c2ce?source=linkShare-ccf1b677570b-1549597061&_branch_match_id=638842629899229780) - How to bypass newspaper paywalls and access the WSJ, NYT, Washington Post, Business Insider, Financial Times for free.
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## iOS
- [iOS hardening guide by Z24T](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/Z24T/iOS-Security/blob/master/Settings.md) + for [iOS 12](https://anonym.to/?https://www.stigviewer.com/stig/apple_ios_12/)
- [How to add HackYouriPhone Repo in Cydia](https://anonym.to/?http://repo.hackyouriphone.org/add)
- [iOS: How to crack your apps (IPA) and share it with people! (Working versions past iOS 9!)](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/e6r80n/ios_how_to_crack_your_apps_ipa_and_share_it_with/)
2019-06-09 06:41:05 +00:00
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## qBittorrent
- [Auto unRar](https://anonym.to/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/byemt3/auto_unrar_qbittorrent/) or via [script](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/arfoll/unrarall)
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## Baidu
- [Guide to baidu account creation/downloading from pan.baidu](https://anonym.to/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/by70qt/guide_to_baidu_account_creationdownloading_from/)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## YouTube (Premium)
- [How to get yt premium for free](https://anonym.to/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/d6ltfc/so_here_is_how_to_get_yt_premium_for_free/) - A short tutorial on how you get YouTube Premium for free.
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## Wget
2020-01-26 14:26:58 +00:00
- [wget - a noob's guide](https://anonym.to/?https://the-eye.eu/public/wget-noobs-guide.pdf) - A beginner guide on how to use `wget`.
- [tpget](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/0x6a73/tpget) - Tutorialspoint downloader tool.
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## HTML5 & CSS
2020-01-26 14:43:32 +00:00
- [Haxnode](https://anonym.to/?https://haxnode.com/) - Replacement for TutsGalaxy, learn HTML5 and CSS3 fundamentals.
- [BookFlare](https://anonym.to/?https://bookflare.org/) - Replacement for TutsGalaxy, learn HTML5 and CSS3 fundamentals.
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## Mega.nz Limit quota bypass
- [Unlimited Mega.nz-IDM-downloader](https://anonym.to/?https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Mega.nz-IDM-downloader) - Download Mega.nz without any limits.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Music Downloader tools
- [How to use Chimera multi music downloader](https://anonym.to/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y8rtsLw7Rc)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Linux Gaming
- [Playing The Outer Worlds on Linux without the Epic Games Launcher](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/drspy4/playing_the_outer_worlds_on_linux_without_the/)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Bypass IGG DRM
- [How to break IGG-GAMES's DRM ](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/dn4t2e/how_to_break_igggamess_drm_repost_since_deleted/) - A guide to bypass IGG motherf*cking DRM.
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Spotify
- [Dockerized Spotify downloader with metadata](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ew5cus/dockerized_spotify_downloader_with_metadata/)
## Wii
- [Wii Hacking Guide](https://anonym.to/?https://wii.guide/) - Provides hacking guidance for the Wii console.
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## Cloud Encryption
- [Encrypt Your Files Before Uploading it to Cloud With Cryptomator](https://anonym.to/?https://itsfoss.com/cryptomator/)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Pi-Hole
- [[Guide] How to install WireGuard on a Raspberry Pi (full tunnel + split tunnel) using Pi-Hole as DNS.](https://anonym.to/?https://old.reddit.com/r/pihole/comments/bnihyz/guide_how_to_install_wireguard_on_a_raspberry_pi/)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## Shared Drive (old name was Team Drive) Guides
- [A complete guide of shared drive (Team drive)](https://anonym.to/?https://telegra.ph/A-complete-guide-of-shared-drive-Team-drive-01-23)
**[`^ back to top ^`](#)**
## How to create a Windows 10 Custom ISO
- [How To Make A Custom Windows 10 ISO YouTube Video](https://anonym.to/?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6XPff38iSc)
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## Google Drive & G-Index
- [G-Index [DarkMode + MultiAuth + English] + TD Maker + Custom Domain[.ga] Tutorial](https://anonym.to/?https://telegra.ph/G-Index-DarkMode--MultiAuth--English--TD-Maker--Custom-Domainga-Tutorial-04-29)
- [Gdrive Guide-Noob Friendly](https://anonym.to/?https://telegra.ph/Gdrive-Guide-Noob-Friendly-04-10)
2020-06-24 17:16:40 +00:00
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2020-06-28 06:12:32 +00:00
### Telegram Bot Tutorials
- [Deploy your own Telegram Bots - Step-by-Step](https://anonym.to/?https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLY4kbZ2IQXbph4S54Z-JnA)
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2020-06-24 17:16:40 +00:00
## Misc Tutorials
- [How to get free Rock Band 1, 2 & 3 DLC without RGH/JTAG](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/d4lohq/how_to_get_free_rock_band_1_2_3_dlc_without/) - Get Rock Band 1-3 working on PS3 and Wii/U & Xbox 360 without the need of using RGH/JTAG.
- [How to get ti-nspire CX student software for free, even after the free trial.](https://anonym.to/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/d5e70k/how_to_get_tinspire_cx_student_software_for_free/)
- [Traning Circle](https://anonym.to/?https://trainingcircle.in/) - (EN-US) - Coding, reversing & other tutorials.
- [How To Get Lynda & Skillshare Premium Account Legally | Lynda Free For Lifetime | SkillShare For 3 Months!](https://anonym.to/?https://onehack.us/t/how-to-get-lynda-skillshare-premium-account-legally-lynda-free-for-lifetime-skillshare-for-3-months/54470) - (`needs adblocker`)
2020-06-29 00:44:54 +00:00
- [How to download snahp zippy files without using your computer space and bandwidth!!!](https://anonym.to/?https://telegra.ph/How-to-download-snahp-zippy-files-without-using-your-computer-space-and-bandwidth-08-25)
2020-07-06 04:53:17 +00:00
- [Every bookmark manager ever made](https://anonym.to/?https://bookmarkos.com/every-bookmark-manager-ever-made/) Lists all eBook Manager.
- ["A simple script for easily downloading emulator.games ROMs"](https://anonym.to/?https://www.removeddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/aytutr/a_simple_script_for_easily_downloading/) - Reddit guide and userscript created by /u/estel_smith to allow you to easily download ROMs from Emulator.Games.
2020-07-08 09:16:15 +00:00
- [Tutorial on how to download from pirate streaming sites without Jdownloader or IDM](https://anonym.to/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/hlz1tb/made_a_quick_tutorial_on_how_to_download_from/)
2020-06-24 17:16:40 +00:00
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2020-07-08 09:16:15 +00:00
## VPN Related Tutorials
- [How To Initiate VPN From Terminal in Linux](https://anonym.to/?https://askubuntu.com/questions/95926/how-to-initiate-vpn-from-terminal)
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2020-07-06 04:53:17 +00:00
2020-08-01 08:58:04 +00:00
## Linux Resources & Guidance
* [Linux Journey](https://anonym.to/?https://linuxjourney.com/)
* [Arch Wiki](https://anonym.to/?https://wiki.archlinux.org/)
2020-07-06 04:53:17 +00:00
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2020-08-01 08:58:04 +00:00
## madVR Guides
* [madVR and Animes](https://anonym.to/?https://anime.my/tutorials/madvr/) - A madVR Guide how to watch Animes in best quality.
* [MadVR Expert Guide](https://anonym.to/?https://wiki.jriver.com/index.php/MadVR_Expert_Guide) - An advance guide how to use madVR.
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