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## Contributing Guidelines
2019-03-20 10:39:53 +00:00
* Your agree that you read the documents before you submitted a pull request.
* You agree that it's not allowed to direct link to any illegal programs or material.
* You agree that this is not a project to argue about morality.
* No drama or bitch fighting in or about this project.
* If you find that a listed website is involved into some kind of drama make a pull request and I will review it in order to verify if the claim are true or not.
## Issue ticket system
The **Issue ticket system is closed** because everyone is permitted to create a pull request which is good enough in my eyes. I simply don't like to waste my spare time with pointless issue tickets, there is a Discord/Twitter Channel for such reasons which are the better platforms to talk about findings or the project itself.
### Pull Requests
- [x] Linked Websites must be malware free, if it requires a VPN/proxy it must be mentioned due to privacy reasons.
- [x] All pages must include a proper language code e.g. (Ger) for Germany etc.
- [x] Don't argue about morality here. We all have our reasons.
- [x] If something is wrong or missing just make a PR (_see below how to do that!_)
- [x] No page except ThePirateBay should include dangerous ads or coin-miners (TPB is the only exception).
- [x] Not every software/provider gets listed (for a reason), alternatives are cool but there should be reviewed and checked if it makes sense to mention them.
2019-03-20 10:39:53 +00:00
- [x] No drama or bitch fighting, if a page is involved into such things it automatically lands on the banned list.