* refactor: Simplify Firefox master key retrieval and decryption functions.
- Simplify variable names and functions in browsingdata/password/password.go
- Modify Decrypt function for each PBE type to have only one parameter named globalSalt in crypto/crypto.go
- Implement functions to retrieve master key from Firefox's key4.db file and query metadata and private NSS data in browser/firefox/firefox.go
* chore: Add dependencies and tests to Firefox package.
- Add go-sqlmock and github.com/kisielk/sqlstruct dependencies
- Add tests for Firefox package metadata and nssPrivate query
- Add test for Firefox's processMasterKey function (currently commented out)
* refactor: Refactor Firefox test functions, remove unused code
- Remove unused test function in firefox_test.go file
- Clean up code by removing unnecessary changes
- Simplify file structure for easier maintenance and readability
* chore: Resize logo and update browser support in READMEs (#284)
* chore: Resize logo and update browser support in READMEs
* docs: Update Coverage Status badge URL
* chore: add typos check linter in github actions (#285)
* refactor: Disable JSON handling in logger/logger.go.
* chore: Standardize spelling and add typos check workflows.
* refactor: Update SQLite driver import for browsing data package.
* refactor: Refactor browsing data package to use SQLite driver instead of SQLite3.
* docs: Add contribution guidelines to README file (#289)
* chore: Refactor file and directory names for improved organization and consistency
* refactor: Refactor logging to use structured slog package.
- Remove `gookit` dependencies from `go.sum`
- Improve error logging in multiple packages by replacing `log` with `log/slog`
- Update dependencies in `go.mod`
- Add new `logger` package with test cases
- Refactor logging statements in multiple packages to use `slog` instead of `log`
- Change logging format and level in multiple packages for better structured logging
* refactor: Refactor logger package and add handler interface
- Refactor logger package
- Rename `defaultHandler` to `DefaultLogger`
- Move `ReplaceAttr` function to `Logger` struct
- Implement `LogHandler` struct with `slog.Handler` interface
- Add new `Logger` methods for configuration
- Add `SetMaxLevel`, `SetJSONHandler`, `SetTextHandler`, `SetOutput`, `SetVerbose`, `SetReplaceAttrFunc`
- Add verbose flag to `cmd/hack-browser-data/main.go` to increase logging
* refactor: Refactor logger package to use simplified handler initialization.
- Refactor logger package to use Default instead of DefaultLogger
- Update `NewHandler` method to correctly reference `Default` logger and simplify handler initialization
- Update tests for logger to reflect changes in Default usage
- Rename `DefaultLogger` to `Default` and update comments to better reflect its purpose
- Update function calls in hack-browser-data main.go to reflect logger package updates
* refactor: Refactor logging in Chromium implementation
Refactor logging and simplify decryption in chromium files
- Replace logger package import with shared slog package
- Change logging messages to use slog instead of logger
- Simplify decryption process by removing first 5 characters of encrypted key
- Refactor error logging in linux file to use shared slog package
- Replace string concatenation with formatted string in linux error message