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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ############################################################################
## ##
## This file is part of DPAPIck ##
## Windows DPAPI decryption & forensic toolkit ##
## ##
## ##
## Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Cassidian SAS. All rights reserved. ##
## This document is the property of Cassidian SAS, it may not be copied or ##
## circulated without prior licence ##
## ##
## Author: Jean-Michel Picod <jmichel.p@gmail.com> ##
## ##
## This program is distributed under GPLv3 licence (see LICENCE.txt) ##
## ##
import binascii
import struct
import hmac
import hashlib
from lib.dpapi_pick import crypto
from lib.dpapi_pick import eater
0x6601: {"name":"DES", "keyLength":64/8, "blockLength":64/8, "IVLength":64/8, "module":"des", "keyFixup":"des_set_odd_parity"},
0x6603: {"name":"DES3", "keyLength":192/8, "blockLength":64/8, "IVLength":64/8, "module":"triple_des", "keyFixup":"des_set_odd_parity"},
0x6611: {"name":"AES", "keyLength":128/8, "blockLength":128/8, "IVLength":128/8},
0x660e: {"name":"AES-128", "keyLength":128/8, "blockLength":128/8, "IVLength":128/8},
0x660f: {"name":"AES-192", "keyLength":192/8, "blockLength":128/8, "IVLength":128/8},
0x6610: {"name":"AES-256", "keyLength":256/8, "blockLength":128/8, "IVLength":128/8},
0x8009: {"name":"HMAC", "digestLength":160/8, "blockLength":512/8},
0x8003: {"name":"md5", "digestLength":128/8, "blockLength":512/8},
0x8004: {"name":"sha1", "digestLength":160/8, "blockLength":512/8},
0x800c: {"name":"sha256", "digestLength":256/8, "blockLength":512/8},
0x800d: {"name":"sha384", "digestLength":384/8, "blockLength":1024/8},
0x800e: {"name":"sha512", "digestLength":512/8, "blockLength":1024/8}
class RPC_SID(eater.DataStruct):
"""Represents a RPC_SID structure. See MSDN for documentation"""
def __init__(self, raw=None):
self.version = None
self.idAuth = None
self.subAuth = None
eater.DataStruct.__init__(self, raw)
def parse(self, data):
#print('parse rpc')
self.version = data.eat("B")
n = data.eat("B")
self.idAuth = struct.unpack(">Q", b"\0\0" + data.eat("6s"))[0]
self.subAuth = data.eat("%dL" % n)
def __str__(self):
s = ["S-%d-%d" % (self.version, self.idAuth)]
s += ["%d" % x for x in self.subAuth]
return "-".join(s)
def __repr__(self):
return """RPC_SID(%s):
revision = %d
identifier-authority = %r
subAuthorities = %r""" % (self, self.version, self.idAuth, self.subAuth)
class CredSystem(eater.DataStruct):
"""This represents the DPAPI_SYSTEM token which is stored as an LSA
Sets 2 properties:
def __init__(self, raw=None):
self.machine = None
self.user = None
self.revision = None
eater.DataStruct.__init__(self, raw)
def parse(self, data):
self.revision = data.eat("L")
self.machine = data.eat("20s")
self.user = data.eat("20s")
def __repr__(self):
if self.user is not None:
s.append("\tUser Credential : %s" % self.user.encode('hex'))
if self.machine is not None:
s.append("\tMachine Credential: %s" % self.machine.encode('hex'))
return "\n".join(s)
class CredhistEntry(eater.DataStruct):
"""Represents an entry in the Credhist file"""
def __init__(self, raw=None):
self.pwdhash = None
self.hmac = None
self.revision = None
self.hashAlgo = None
self.rounds = None
self.cipherAlgo = None
self.shaHashLen = None
self.ntHashLen = None
self.iv = None
self.userSID = None
self.encrypted = None
self.revision2 = None
self.guid = None
self.ntlm = None
eater.DataStruct.__init__(self, raw)
def __getstate__(self):
d = dict(self.__dict__)
for k in ["cipherAlgo", "hashAlgo"]:
if k in d:
d[k] = d[k].algnum
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
for k in ["cipherAlgo", "hashAlgo"]:
if k in d:
d[k] = crypto.CryptoAlgo(d[k])#'''crypto_CryptoAlgo[d[k]]'''
def parse(self, data):
self.revision = data.eat("L")
self.hashAlgo = crypto.CryptoAlgo(data.eat("L"))#'''crypto_CryptoAlgo[data.eat("L")]'''
self.rounds = data.eat("L")
self.cipherAlgo = crypto.CryptoAlgo(data.eat("L"))#'''crypto_CryptoAlgo'''
self.shaHashLen = data.eat("L")
self.ntHashLen = data.eat("L")
self.iv = data.eat("16s")
self.userSID = RPC_SID()
n = self.shaHashLen + self.ntHashLen
n += -n % self.cipherAlgo.blockSize#self.cipherAlgo['blockLength'] #blockSize
self.encrypted = data.eat_string(n)
self.revision2 = data.eat("L")
self.guid = "%0x-%0x-%0x-%0x%0x-%0x%0x%0x%0x%0x%0x" % data.eat("L2H8B")
def decryptWithKey(self, enckey):
"""Decrypts this credhist entry using the given encryption key."""
#print(f'using key {enckey}')
cleartxt = crypto.dataDecrypt(self.cipherAlgo, self.hashAlgo, self.encrypted,
enckey, self.iv, self.rounds)
#print(f'cleartext {cleartxt}')
self.pwdhash = cleartxt[:self.shaHashLen]
self.ntlm = cleartxt[self.shaHashLen:self.shaHashLen + self.ntHashLen].rstrip(b"\x00")
if len(self.ntlm) != 16:
self.ntlm = None
def decryptWithHash(self, pwdhash):
"""Decrypts this credhist entry with the given user's password hash.
Simply computes the encryption key with the given hash then calls
self.decryptWithKey() to finish the decryption.
self.decryptWithKey(crypto.derivePwdHash(pwdhash, str(self.userSID)))#self.crypto ?
def derivePwdHash(pwdhash, sid, digest='sha1'):
Internal use. Computes the encryption key from a user's password hash
return hmac.new(pwdhash, (sid + "\0").encode("UTF-16LE"), digestmod=lambda: hashlib.new(digest)).digest()
def decryptWithPassword(self, password):
"""Decrypts this credhist entry with the given user's password.
Simply computes the password hash then calls self.decryptWithHash()
return self.decryptWithHash(hashlib.sha1(password.encode("UTF-16LE")).digest())
def jtr_shadow(self):
"""Returns a string that can be passed to John the Ripper to crack this
CREDHIST entry. Requires to use a recent jumbo version of JtR plus
the configuration snipplet in the "3rdparty" directory of DPAPIck.
Unless you know what you are doing, you shall not call this function
yourself. Instead, use the method provided by CredHistPool object.
rv = []
if self.pwdhash is not None:
rv.append("%s:$dynamic_1400$%s" % (self.userSID, self.pwdhash.encode('hex')))
if self.ntlm is not None:
rv.append("%s:$NT$%s" % (self.userSID, self.ntlm.encode('hex')))
return "\n".join(rv)
def __repr__(self):
s = ["CredHist entry",
"\trevision = %x\n" % self.revision,
"\thash = %r" % self.hashAlgo,
"\trounds = %i" % self.rounds,
"\tcipher = %r" % self.cipherAlgo,
"\tshaHashLen = %i" % self.shaHashLen,
"\tntHashLen = %i" % self.ntHashLen,
"\tuserSID = %s" % self.userSID,
"\tguid = %s" % self.guid,
"\tiv = %s" % binascii.hexlify(self.iv)]#.encode("hex")
if self.pwdhash is not None:
s.append("\tpwdhash = %s" % binascii.hexlify(self.pwdhash))#.encode("hex")
if self.ntlm is not None:
s.append("\tNTLM = %s" % binascii.hexlify(self.ntlm))#.encode("hex")
return "\n".join(s)
class CredHistFile(eater.DataStruct):
"""Represents a CREDHIST file.
Be aware that currently, it is not possible to check whether the decryption
succeeded or not. To circumvent that and optimize a little bit crypto
operations, once a credhist entry successfully decrypts a masterkey, the
whole CredHistFile is flagged as valid. Then, no further decryption occurs.
def __init__(self, raw=None):
self.entries_list = []
self.entries = {}
self.valid = False
self.footmagic = None
self.curr_guid = None
eater.DataStruct.__init__(self, raw)
def parse(self, data):
while True:
l = data.pop("L")
if l == 0:
self.addEntry(data.pop_string(l - 4))
self.footmagic = data.eat("L")
self.curr_guid = "%0x-%0x-%0x-%0x%0x-%0x%0x%0x%0x%0x%0x" % data.eat("L2H8B")
def addEntry(self, blob):
"""Creates a CredhistEntry object with blob then adds it to the store"""
x = CredhistEntry(blob)
self.entries[x.guid] = x
def validate(self):
"""Simply flags a file as successfully decrypted. See the class
documentation for information.
self.valid = True
def decryptWithHash(self, h):
"""Try to decrypt each entry with the given hash"""
if self.valid:
curhash = h
for entry in self.entries_list:
curhash = entry.pwdhash
except Exception as ex:
#print('erro Decrypting')
def decryptWithPassword(self, pwd):
"""Try to decrypt each entry with the given password.
This function simply computes the SHA-1 hash with the password, then
calls self.decryptWithHash()
#print(f'password : {pwd}')
return self.decryptWithHash(hashlib.sha1(pwd.encode("UTF-16LE")).digest())
def jtr_shadow(self, validonly=False):
"""Returns a string that can be passed to John the Ripper to crack the
CREDHIST entries. Requires to use a recent jumbo version of JtR plus
the configuration snipplet in the "3rdparty" directory of DPAPIck.
If validonly is set to True, will only extract CREDHIST entries
that are known to have sucessfully decrypted a masterkey.
if validonly and not self.valid:
return ""
s = []
for e in self.entries.itervalues():
return "\n".join(s)
def __repr__(self):
s = ["CredHistPool: %s" % self.curr_guid]
for e in self.entries:
return "\n".join(s)
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