#!/usr/bin/env python # SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright 2018 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This software is provided under a slightly modified version # of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file # for more information. # # Description: Remote registry manipulation tool. # The idea is to provide similar functionality as the REG.EXE Windows utility. # # e.g: # ./reg.py Administrator:password@targetMachine query -keyName HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\WBEM -s # # Author: # Manuel Porto (@manuporto) # Alberto Solino (@agsolino) # # Reference for: [MS-RRP] # from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import codecs import logging import sys import time from struct import unpack from impacket import version from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport, rrp, scmr, rpcrt from impacket.examples import logger from impacket.system_errors import ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS from impacket.structure import hexdump from impacket.smbconnection import SMBConnection class RemoteOperations: def __init__(self, smbConnection, doKerberos, kdcHost=None): self.__smbConnection = smbConnection self.__smbConnection.setTimeout(5 * 60) self.__serviceName = 'RemoteRegistry' self.__stringBindingWinReg = r'ncacn_np:445[\pipe\winreg]' self.__rrp = None self.__regHandle = None self.__doKerberos = doKerberos self.__kdcHost = kdcHost self.__disabled = False self.__shouldStop = False self.__started = False self.__stringBindingSvcCtl = r'ncacn_np:445[\pipe\svcctl]' self.__scmr = None def getRRP(self): return self.__rrp def __connectSvcCtl(self): rpc = transport.DCERPCTransportFactory(self.__stringBindingSvcCtl) rpc.set_smb_connection(self.__smbConnection) self.__scmr = rpc.get_dce_rpc() self.__scmr.connect() self.__scmr.bind(scmr.MSRPC_UUID_SCMR) def connectWinReg(self): rpc = transport.DCERPCTransportFactory(self.__stringBindingWinReg) rpc.set_smb_connection(self.__smbConnection) self.__rrp = rpc.get_dce_rpc() self.__rrp.connect() self.__rrp.bind(rrp.MSRPC_UUID_RRP) def __checkServiceStatus(self): # Open SC Manager ans = scmr.hROpenSCManagerW(self.__scmr) self.__scManagerHandle = ans['lpScHandle'] # Now let's open the service ans = scmr.hROpenServiceW(self.__scmr, self.__scManagerHandle, self.__serviceName) self.__serviceHandle = ans['lpServiceHandle'] # Let's check its status ans = scmr.hRQueryServiceStatus(self.__scmr, self.__serviceHandle) if ans['lpServiceStatus']['dwCurrentState'] == scmr.SERVICE_STOPPED: logging.debug('Service %s is in stopped state' % self.__serviceName) self.__shouldStop = True self.__started = False elif ans['lpServiceStatus']['dwCurrentState'] == scmr.SERVICE_RUNNING: logging.debug('Service %s is already running' % self.__serviceName) self.__shouldStop = False self.__started = True else: raise Exception('Unknown service state 0x%x - Aborting' % ans['CurrentState']) # Let's check its configuration if service is stopped, maybe it's disabled :s if self.__started is False: ans = scmr.hRQueryServiceConfigW(self.__scmr, self.__serviceHandle) if ans['lpServiceConfig']['dwStartType'] == 0x4: logging.debug('Service %s is disabled, enabling it' % self.__serviceName) self.__disabled = True scmr.hRChangeServiceConfigW(self.__scmr, self.__serviceHandle, dwStartType=0x3) logging.debug('Starting service %s' % self.__serviceName) scmr.hRStartServiceW(self.__scmr, self.__serviceHandle) time.sleep(1) def enableRegistry(self): self.__connectSvcCtl() self.__checkServiceStatus() self.connectWinReg() def __restore(self): # First of all stop the service if it was originally stopped if self.__shouldStop is True: logging.debug('Stopping service %s' % self.__serviceName) scmr.hRControlService(self.__scmr, self.__serviceHandle, scmr.SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP) if self.__disabled is True: logging.debug('Restoring the disabled state for service %s' % self.__serviceName) scmr.hRChangeServiceConfigW(self.__scmr, self.__serviceHandle, dwStartType=0x4) def finish(self): self.__restore() if self.__rrp is not None: self.__rrp.disconnect() if self.__scmr is not None: self.__scmr.disconnect() class RegHandler: def __init__(self, username, password, domain, options): self.__username = username self.__password = password self.__domain = domain self.__options = options self.__action = options.action.upper() self.__lmhash = '' self.__nthash = '' self.__aesKey = options.aesKey self.__doKerberos = options.k self.__kdcHost = options.dc_ip self.__smbConnection = None self.__remoteOps = None # It's possible that this is defined somewhere, but I couldn't find where self.__regValues = {0: 'REG_NONE', 1: 'REG_SZ', 2: 'REG_EXPAND_SZ', 3: 'REG_BINARY', 4: 'REG_DWORD', 5: 'REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN', 6: 'REG_LINK', 7: 'REG_MULTI_SZ', 11: 'REG_QWORD'} if options.hashes is not None: self.__lmhash, self.__nthash = options.hashes.split(':') def connect(self, remoteName, remoteHost): self.__smbConnection = SMBConnection(remoteName, remoteHost, sess_port=int(self.__options.port)) if self.__doKerberos: self.__smbConnection.kerberosLogin(self.__username, self.__password, self.__domain, self.__lmhash, self.__nthash, self.__aesKey, self.__kdcHost) else: self.__smbConnection.login(self.__username, self.__password, self.__domain, self.__lmhash, self.__nthash) def close(self): if self.__remoteOps is not None: self.__remoteOps.finish() if self.__smbConnection is not None: self.__smbConnection.close() def run(self, remoteName, remoteHost): self.connect(remoteName, remoteHost) self.__remoteOps = RemoteOperations(self.__smbConnection, self.__doKerberos, self.__kdcHost) try: self.__remoteOps.enableRegistry() except Exception as e: logging.debug(str(e)) logging.warning('Cannot check RemoteRegistry status. Hoping it is started...') self.__remoteOps.connectWinReg() try: dce = self.__remoteOps.getRRP() if self.__action == 'QUERY': return self.query(dce, self.__options.keyName) else: logging.error('Method %s not implemented yet!' % self.__action) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() logging.debug(str(e)) finally: if self.__remoteOps: self.__remoteOps.finish() def query(self, dce, keyName): # Let's strip the root key try: rootKey = keyName.split('\\')[0] subKey = '\\'.join(keyName.split('\\')[1:]) except Exception: raise Exception('Error parsing keyName %s' % keyName) if rootKey.upper() == 'HKLM': ans = rrp.hOpenLocalMachine(dce) elif rootKey.upper() == 'HKU' or rootKey.upper() == 'HKCU': ans = rrp.hOpenCurrentUser(dce) elif rootKey.upper() == 'HKCR': ans = rrp.hOpenClassesRoot(dce) else: raise Exception('Invalid root key %s ' % rootKey) hRootKey = ans['phKey'] try: ans2 = rrp.hBaseRegOpenKey(dce, hRootKey, subKey, samDesired=rrp.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED | rrp.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | rrp.KEY_QUERY_VALUE) except Exception: raise Exception('Error hBaseRegOpenKey 2') if self.__options.v: print(keyName) value = rrp.hBaseRegQueryValue(dce, ans2['phkResult'], self.__options.v) print('\t' + self.__options.v + '\t' + self.__regValues.get(value[0], 'KEY_NOT_FOUND') + '\t', str(value[1])) return value elif self.__options.ve: print(keyName) value = rrp.hBaseRegQueryValue(dce, ans2['phkResult'], '') print('\t' + '(Default)' + '\t' + self.__regValues.get(value[0], 'KEY_NOT_FOUND') + '\t', str(value[1])) return value elif self.__options.s: self.__print_all_subkeys_and_entries(dce, subKey + '\\', ans2['phkResult'], 0) else: print(keyName) self.__print_key_values(dce, ans2['phkResult']) values=[] i = 0 while True: try: key = rrp.hBaseRegEnumKey(dce, ans2['phkResult'], i) print(keyName + '\\' + key['lpNameOut'][:-1]) values.append(f"{keyName}\\{key['lpNameOut'][:-1]}") i += 1 except Exception as e: break # ans5 = rrp.hBaseRegGetVersion(rpc, ans2['phkResult']) # ans3 = rrp.hBaseRegEnumKey(rpc, ans2['phkResult'], 0) return values def __print_key_values(self, rpc, keyHandler): i = 0 while True: try: ans4 = rrp.hBaseRegEnumValue(rpc, keyHandler, i) lp_value_name = ans4['lpValueNameOut'][:-1] if len(lp_value_name) == 0: lp_value_name = '(Default)' lp_type = ans4['lpType'] lp_data = b''.join(ans4['lpData']) print('\t' + lp_value_name + '\t' + self.__regValues.get(lp_type, 'KEY_NOT_FOUND') + '\t', end=' ') self.__parse_lp_data(lp_type, lp_data) i += 1 except rrp.DCERPCSessionError as e: if e.get_error_code() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: break def __print_all_subkeys_and_entries(self, rpc, keyName, keyHandler, index): index = 0 while True: try: subkey = rrp.hBaseRegEnumKey(rpc, keyHandler, index) index += 1 ans = rrp.hBaseRegOpenKey(rpc, keyHandler, subkey['lpNameOut'], samDesired=rrp.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED | rrp.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS) newKeyName = keyName + subkey['lpNameOut'][:-1] + '\\' print(newKeyName) self.__print_key_values(rpc, ans['phkResult']) self.__print_all_subkeys_and_entries(rpc, newKeyName, ans['phkResult'], 0) except rrp.DCERPCSessionError as e: if e.get_error_code() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: break except rpcrt.DCERPCException as e: if str(e).find('access_denied') >= 0: logging.error('Cannot access subkey %s, bypassing it' % subkey['lpNameOut'][:-1]) continue elif str(e).find('rpc_x_bad_stub_data') >= 0: logging.error('Fault call, cannot retrieve value for %s, bypassing it' % subkey['lpNameOut'][:-1]) return raise @staticmethod def __parse_lp_data(valueType, valueData): try: if valueType == rrp.REG_SZ or valueType == rrp.REG_EXPAND_SZ: if type(valueData) is int: print('NULL') else: print("%s" % (valueData.decode('utf-16le')[:-1])) elif valueType == rrp.REG_BINARY: print('') hexdump(valueData, '\t') elif valueType == rrp.REG_DWORD: print("0x%x" % (unpack(' 1: print('') hexdump(valueData, '\t') else: print(" NULL") except: print(" NULL") elif valueType == rrp.REG_MULTI_SZ: print("%s" % (valueData.decode('utf-16le')[:-2])) else: print("Unknown Type 0x%x!" % valueType) hexdump(valueData) except Exception as e: logging.debug('Exception thrown when printing reg value %s', str(e)) print('Invalid data') pass if __name__ == '__main__': # Init the example's logger theme logger.init() # Explicitly changing the stdout encoding format if sys.stdout.encoding is None: # Output is redirected to a file sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout) print(version.BANNER) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True, description="Windows Register manipulation script.") parser.add_argument('target', action='store', help='[[domain/]username[:password]@]') parser.add_argument('-debug', action='store_true', help='Turn DEBUG output ON') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='actions', dest='action') # A query command query_parser = subparsers.add_parser('query', help='Returns a list of the next tier of subkeys and entries that ' 'are located under a specified subkey in the registry.') query_parser.add_argument('-keyName', action='store', required=True, help='Specifies the full path of the subkey. The ' 'keyName must include a valid root key. Valid root keys for the local computer are: HKLM,' ' HKU.') query_parser.add_argument('-v', action='store', metavar="VALUENAME", required=False, help='Specifies the registry ' 'value name that is to be queried. If omitted, all value names for keyName are returned. ') query_parser.add_argument('-ve', action='store_true', default=False, required=False, help='Queries for the default ' 'value or empty value name') query_parser.add_argument('-s', action='store_true', default=False, help='Specifies to query all subkeys and value ' 'names recursively.') # An add command # add_parser = subparsers.add_parser('add', help='Adds a new subkey or entry to the registry') # An delete command # delete_parser = subparsers.add_parser('delete', help='Deletes a subkey or entries from the registry') # A copy command # copy_parser = subparsers.add_parser('copy', help='Copies a registry entry to a specified location in the remote ' # 'computer') # A save command # save_parser = subparsers.add_parser('save', help='Saves a copy of specified subkeys, entries, and values of the ' # 'registry in a specified file.') # A load command # load_parser = subparsers.add_parser('load', help='Writes saved subkeys and entries back to a different subkey in ' # 'the registry.') # An unload command # unload_parser = subparsers.add_parser('unload', help='Removes a section of the registry that was loaded using the ' # 'reg load operation.') # A compare command # compare_parser = subparsers.add_parser('compare', help='Compares specified registry subkeys or entries') # A export command # status_parser = subparsers.add_parser('export', help='Creates a copy of specified subkeys, entries, and values into' # 'a file') # A import command # import_parser = subparsers.add_parser('import', help='Copies a file containing exported registry subkeys, entries, ' # 'and values into the remote computer\'s registry') group = parser.add_argument_group('authentication') group.add_argument('-hashes', action="store", metavar="LMHASH:NTHASH", help='NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH') group.add_argument('-no-pass', action="store_true", help='don\'t ask for password (useful for -k)') group.add_argument('-k', action="store_true", help='Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on ' 'target parameters. If valid credentials cannot be found, it will use the ones specified ' 'in the command line') group.add_argument('-aesKey', action="store", metavar="hex key", help='AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication (128 or 256 bits)') group = parser.add_argument_group('connection') group.add_argument('-dc-ip', action='store', metavar="ip address", help='IP Address of the domain controller. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN) specified in ' 'the target parameter') group.add_argument('-target-ip', action='store', metavar="ip address", help='IP Address of the target machine. If omitted it will use whatever was specified as target. ' 'This is useful when target is the NetBIOS name and you cannot resolve it') group.add_argument('-port', choices=['139', '445'], nargs='?', default='445', metavar="destination port", help='Destination port to connect to SMB Server') if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) options = parser.parse_args() if options.debug is True: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Print the Library's installation path logging.debug(version.getInstallationPath()) else: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) import re domain, username, password, remoteName = re.compile('(?:(?:([^/@:]*)/)?([^@:]*)(?::([^@]*))?@)?(.*)').match( options.target).groups('') # In case the password contains '@' if '@' in remoteName: password = password + '@' + remoteName.rpartition('@')[0] remoteName = remoteName.rpartition('@')[2] if options.target_ip is None: options.target_ip = remoteName if domain is None: domain = '' if options.aesKey is not None: options.k = True if password == '' and username != '' and options.hashes is None and options.no_pass is False and options.aesKey is None: from getpass import getpass password = getpass("Password:") regHandler = RegHandler(username, password, domain, options) try: regHandler.run(remoteName, options.target_ip) except Exception as e: # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() logging.error(str(e))