It is also possible to provide the tool with a list of credentials that will be tested on the target. DonPAPI will try to use them to decipher masterkeys.
The RemoteOps part can be spoted by some EDR. It can be disabled using `--no_remoteops` flag, but then the machine DPAPI key won't be retrieved, and scheduled task credentials/Wi-Fi passwords won't be harvested.
- Benjamin Delpy ([@gentilkiwi]( for most of the DPAPI research (always greatly commented, <3yourcode)
- Alberto Solino ([@agsolino]( for the tremendous work of Impacket ( Almost everything we do here comes from impacket.
- [Alesandro Z]( & everyone who worked on Lazagne ( for the VNC & Firefox modules, and most likely for a lots of other ones in the futur.
- dirkjanm [@_dirkjan]( for the base code of adconnect dump ( & every research he ever did. I learned so much on so many subjects thanks to you. <3
- [@byt3bl33d3r]( for CME (lots of inspiration and code comes from CME : )
- All the Team at [@LoginSecurite]( for their help in debugging my shity code (special thanks to [@layno]( & [@HackAndDo]( for that)