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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# portable decryption functions and BSD DB parsing by Laurent Clevy (@lorenzo2472)
# from https://github.com/lclevy/firepwd/blob/master/firepwd.py
import hmac
import json
import sqlite3
import struct
import sys
import traceback
import os
from lazagne.config.module_info import ModuleInfo
from lazagne.config.crypto.pyDes import triple_des, CBC
from lazagne.config.crypto.pyaes import AESModeOfOperationCBC
from lazagne.config.dico import get_dic
from lazagne.config.constant import constant
from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder
from binascii import unhexlify
from base64 import b64decode
from lazagne.config.winstructure import char_to_int, convert_to_byte
from hashlib import sha1, pbkdf2_hmac
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser # Python 2.7
except ImportError:
from configparser import RawConfigParser # Python 3
if sys.version_info[0]:
python_version = sys.version_info[0]
def l(n):
return long(n)
except NameError:
return int(n)
CKA_ID = unhexlify('f8000000000000000000000000000001')
def long_to_bytes(n, blocksize=0):
"""long_to_bytes(n:long, blocksize:int) : string
Convert a long integer to a byte string.
If optional blocksize is given and greater than zero, pad the front of the
byte string with binary zeros so that the length is a multiple of
# after much testing, this algorithm was deemed to be the fastest
s = convert_to_byte('')
n = l(n)
while n > 0:
s = struct.pack('>I', n & 0xffffffff) + s
n = n >> 32
# strip off leading zeros
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] != convert_to_byte('\000')[0]:
# only happens when n == 0
s = convert_to_byte('\000')
i = 0
s = s[i:]
# add back some pad bytes. this could be done more efficiently w.r.t. the
# de-padding being done above, but sigh...
if blocksize > 0 and len(s) % blocksize:
s = (blocksize - len(s) % blocksize) * convert_to_byte('\000') + s
return s
class Mozilla(ModuleInfo):
def __init__(self, browser_name, path):
self.path = path
ModuleInfo.__init__(self, browser_name, category='browsers')
def get_firefox_profiles(self, directory):
List all profiles
cp = RawConfigParser()
profile_list = []
cp.read(os.path.join(directory, 'profiles.ini'))
for section in cp.sections():
if section.startswith('Profile') and cp.has_option(section, 'Path'):
profile_path = None
if cp.has_option(section, 'IsRelative'):
if cp.get(section, 'IsRelative') == '1':
profile_path = os.path.join(directory, cp.get(section, 'Path').strip())
elif cp.get(section, 'IsRelative') == '0':
profile_path = cp.get(section, 'Path').strip()
else: # No "IsRelative" in profiles.ini
profile_path = os.path.join(directory, cp.get(section, 'Path').strip())
if profile_path:
profile_path = profile_path.replace('/', '\\')
except Exception as e:
self.error(u'An error occurred while reading profiles.ini: {}'.format(e))
return profile_list
def get_key(self, profile):
Get main key used to encrypt all data (user / password).
Depending on the Firefox version, could be stored in key3.db or key4.db file.
row = None
# Remove error when file is empty
with open(os.path.join(profile, 'key4.db'), 'rb') as f:
content = f.read()
if content:
conn = sqlite3.connect(
os.path.join(profile, 'key4.db')) # Firefox 58.0.2 / NSS 3.35 with key4.db in SQLite
c = conn.cursor()
# First check password
c.execute("SELECT item1,item2 FROM metadata WHERE id = 'password';")
row = c.next() # Python 2
except Exception:
row = next(c) # Python 3
except Exception:
if row:
(global_salt, master_password, entry_salt) = self.manage_masterpassword(master_password=b'',
if global_salt:
# Decrypt 3DES key to decrypt "logins.json" content
c.execute("SELECT a11,a102 FROM nssPrivate;")
for row in c:
if row[0]:
a11 = row[0] # CKA_VALUE
a102 = row[1] # f8000000000000000000000000000001, CKA_ID
if python_version == 2:
a102 = str(a102)
if a102 == CKA_ID:
# a11 : CKA_VALUE
# a102 : f8000000000000000000000000000001, CKA_ID
# self.print_asn1(a11, len(a11), 0)
# OBJECTIDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.
# OCTETSTRING entry_salt_for_3des_key
# }
# }
# OCTETSTRING encrypted_3des_key (with 8 bytes of PKCS#7 padding)
# }
decoded_a11 = decoder.decode(a11)
key = self.decrypt_3des(decoded_a11, master_password, global_salt)
if key:
self.debug(u'key: {key}'.format(key=repr(key)))
yield key[:24]
# else:
# Nothing saved
except Exception:
key3_file = os.path.join(profile, 'key3.db')
if os.path.exists(key3_file):
key_data = self.read_bsddb(key3_file)
# Check masterpassword
(global_salt, master_password, entry_salt) = self.manage_masterpassword(master_password=u'',
if global_salt:
key = self.extract_secret_key(key_data=key_data,
if key:
self.debug(u'key: {key}'.format(key=repr(key)))
yield key[:24]
except Exception:
def get_short_le(d, a):
return struct.unpack('<H', d[a:a + 2])[0]
def get_long_be(d, a):
return struct.unpack('>L', d[a:a + 4])[0]
def print_asn1(self, d, l, rl):
Used for debug
type_ = char_to_int(d[0])
length = char_to_int(d[1])
if length & 0x80 > 0: # http://luca.ntop.org/Teaching/Appunti/asn1.html,
# nByteLength = length & 0x7f
length = char_to_int(d[2])
# Long form. Two to 127 octets. Bit 8 of first octet has value "1" and
# bits 7-1 give the number of additional length octets.
skip = 1
skip = 0
if type_ == 0x30:
seq_len = length
read_len = 0
while seq_len > 0:
len2 = self.print_asn1(d[2 + skip + read_len:], seq_len, rl + 1)
seq_len = seq_len - len2
read_len = read_len + len2
return length + 2
elif type_ in (0x6, 0x5, 0x4, 0x2): # OID, OCTETSTRING, NULL, INTEGER
return length + 2
elif length == l - 2:
self.print_asn1(d[2:], length, rl + 1)
return length
def read_bsddb(self, name):
Extract records from a BSD DB 1.85, hash mode
Obsolete with Firefox 58.0.2 and NSS 3.35, as key4.db (SQLite) is used
with open(name, 'rb') as f:
# http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db.1.85.tar.gz
header = f.read(4 * 15)
magic = self.get_long_be(header, 0)
if magic != 0x61561:
self.warning(u'Bad magic number')
return False
version = self.get_long_be(header, 4)
if version != 2:
self.warning(u'Bad version !=2 (1.85)')
return False
pagesize = self.get_long_be(header, 12)
nkeys = self.get_long_be(header, 0x38)
readkeys = 0
page = 1
db1 = []
while readkeys < nkeys:
f.seek(pagesize * page)
offsets = f.read((nkeys + 1) * 4 + 2)
offset_vals = []
i = 0
nval = 0
val = 1
keys = 0
while nval != val:
keys += 1
key = self.get_short_le(offsets, 2 + i)
val = self.get_short_le(offsets, 4 + i)
nval = self.get_short_le(offsets, 8 + i)
offset_vals.append(key + pagesize * page)
offset_vals.append(val + pagesize * page)
readkeys += 1
i += 4
offset_vals.append(pagesize * (page + 1))
val_key = sorted(offset_vals)
for i in range(keys * 2):
data = f.read(val_key[i + 1] - val_key[i])
page += 1
db = {}
for i in range(0, len(db1), 2):
db[db1[i + 1]] = db1[i]
return db
def decrypt_3des(decoded_item, master_password, global_salt):
User master key is also encrypted (if provided, the master_password could be used to encrypt it)
# See http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/key3.html
pbeAlgo = str(decoded_item[0][0][0])
if pbeAlgo == '1.2.840.113549.': # pbeWithSha1AndTripleDES-CBC
entry_salt = decoded_item[0][0][1][0].asOctets()
cipher_t = decoded_item[0][1].asOctets()
# See http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/key3.html
hp = sha1(global_salt + master_password).digest()
pes = entry_salt + convert_to_byte('\x00') * (20 - len(entry_salt))
chp = sha1(hp + entry_salt).digest()
k1 = hmac.new(chp, pes + entry_salt, sha1).digest()
tk = hmac.new(chp, pes, sha1).digest()
k2 = hmac.new(chp, tk + entry_salt, sha1).digest()
k = k1 + k2
iv = k[-8:]
key = k[:24]
return triple_des(key, CBC, iv).decrypt(cipher_t)
# New version
elif pbeAlgo == '1.2.840.113549.1.5.13': # pkcs5 pbes2
assert str(decoded_item[0][0][1][0][0]) == '1.2.840.113549.1.5.12'
assert str(decoded_item[0][0][1][0][1][3][0]) == '1.2.840.113549.2.9'
assert str(decoded_item[0][0][1][1][0]) == '2.16.840.'
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8018#page-23
entry_salt = decoded_item[0][0][1][0][1][0].asOctets()
iteration_count = int(decoded_item[0][0][1][0][1][1])
key_length = int(decoded_item[0][0][1][0][1][2])
assert key_length == 32
k = sha1(global_salt + master_password).digest()
key = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', k, entry_salt, iteration_count, dklen=key_length)
# https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/rev/fc636973ad06392d11597620b602779b4af312f6#l6.49
iv = b'\x04\x0e' + decoded_item[0][0][1][1][1].asOctets()
# 04 is OCTETSTRING, 0x0e is length == 14
encrypted_value = decoded_item[0][1].asOctets()
aes = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key, iv=iv)
cleartxt = b"".join([aes.decrypt(encrypted_value[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE])
for i in range(0, len(encrypted_value), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])
return cleartxt
def extract_secret_key(self, key_data, global_salt, master_password, entry_salt):
if unhexlify('f8000000000000000000000000000001') not in key_data:
return None
priv_key_entry = key_data[unhexlify('f8000000000000000000000000000001')]
salt_len = char_to_int(priv_key_entry[1])
name_len = char_to_int(priv_key_entry[2])
priv_key_entry_asn1 = decoder.decode(priv_key_entry[3 + salt_len + name_len:])
# data = priv_key_entry[3 + salt_len + name_len:]
# self.print_asn1(data, len(data), 0)
# See https://github.com/philsmd/pswRecovery4Moz/blob/master/pswRecovery4Moz.txt
priv_key = self.decrypt_3des(priv_key_entry_asn1, master_password, global_salt)
# self.print_asn1(priv_key, len(priv_key), 0)
priv_key_asn1 = decoder.decode(priv_key)
pr_key = priv_key_asn1[0][2].asOctets()
# self.print_asn1(pr_key, len(pr_key), 0)
pr_key_asn1 = decoder.decode(pr_key)
# id = pr_key_asn1[0][1]
key = long_to_bytes(pr_key_asn1[0][3])
return key
def decode_login_data(data):
asn1data = decoder.decode(b64decode(data)) # First base64 decoding, then ASN1DERdecode
# For login and password, keep :(key_id, iv, ciphertext)
return asn1data[0][0].asOctets(), asn1data[0][1][1].asOctets(), asn1data[0][2].asOctets()
def get_login_data(self, profile):
Get encrypted data (user / password) and host from the json or sqlite files
conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(profile, 'signons.sqlite'))
logins = []
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT * FROM moz_logins;')
except sqlite3.OperationalError: # Since Firefox 32, json is used instead of sqlite3
logins_json = os.path.join(profile, 'logins.json')
if os.path.isfile(logins_json):
with open(logins_json) as f:
loginf = f.read()
if loginf:
json_logins = json.loads(loginf)
if 'logins' not in json_logins:
self.debug('No logins key in logins.json')
return logins
for row in json_logins['logins']:
enc_username = row['encryptedUsername']
enc_password = row['encryptedPassword']
self.decode_login_data(enc_password), row['hostname']))
return logins
except Exception:
return []
# Using sqlite3 database
for row in c:
enc_username = row[6]
enc_password = row[7]
logins.append((self.decode_login_data(enc_username), self.decode_login_data(enc_password), row[1]))
return logins
def manage_masterpassword(self, master_password=b'', key_data=None, new_version=True):
Check if a master password is set.
If so, try to find it using a dictionary attack
(global_salt, master_password, entry_salt) = self.is_master_password_correct(master_password=master_password,
if not global_salt:
self.info(u'Master Password is used !')
(global_salt, master_password, entry_salt) = self.brute_master_password(key_data=key_data,
if not master_password:
return '', '', ''
return global_salt, master_password, entry_salt
def is_master_password_correct(self, key_data, master_password=b'', new_version=True):
entry_salt = b""
if not new_version:
# See http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/key3.html
pwd_check = key_data.get(b'password-check')
if not pwd_check:
return '', '', ''
# Hope not breaking something (not tested for old version)
# entry_salt_len = char_to_int(pwd_check[1])
# entry_salt = pwd_check[3: 3 + entry_salt_len]
# encrypted_passwd = pwd_check[-16:]
global_salt = key_data[b'global-salt']
global_salt = key_data[0] # Item1
item2 = key_data[1]
# self.print_asn1(item2, len(item2), 0)
# OBJECTIDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.
# OCTETSTRING entry_salt_for_passwd_check
# }
# }
# OCTETSTRING encrypted_password_check
# }
decoded_item2 = decoder.decode(item2)
cleartext_data = self.decrypt_3des(decoded_item2, master_password, global_salt)
if cleartext_data != convert_to_byte('password-check\x02\x02'):
return '', '', ''
return global_salt, master_password, entry_salt
except Exception:
return '', '', ''
def brute_master_password(self, key_data, new_version=True):
Try to find master_password doing a dictionary attack using the 500 most used passwords
wordlist = constant.password_found + get_dic()
num_lines = (len(wordlist) - 1)
self.info(u'%d most used passwords !!! ' % num_lines)
for word in wordlist:
global_salt, master_password, entry_salt = self.is_master_password_correct(key_data=key_data,
if master_password:
self.info(u'Master password found: {}'.format(master_password))
return global_salt, master_password, entry_salt
self.warning(u'No password has been found using the default list')
return '', '', ''
def remove_padding(self, data):
Remove PKCS#7 padding
nb = struct.unpack('B', data[-1])[0] # Python 2
except Exception:
nb = data[-1] # Python 3
return data[:-nb]
except Exception:
return data
def decrypt(self, key, iv, ciphertext):
Decrypt ciphered data (user / password) using the key previously found
data = triple_des(key, CBC, iv).decrypt(ciphertext)
return self.remove_padding(data)
def run(self):
Main function
pwd_found = []
self.path = self.path.format(**constant.profile)
if os.path.exists(self.path):
for profile in self.get_firefox_profiles(self.path):
self.debug(u'Profile path found: {profile}'.format(profile=profile))
credentials = self.get_login_data(profile)
if credentials:
for key in self.get_key(profile):
for user, passw, url in credentials:
'URL': url,
'Login': self.decrypt(key=key, iv=user[1], ciphertext=user[2]).decode('utf-8'),
'Password': self.decrypt(key=key, iv=passw[1], ciphertext=passw[2]).decode('utf-8'),
except Exception:
self.debug(u'An error occured decrypting the password: {error}'.format(
self.info(u'Database empty')
return pwd_found
# Name, path
firefox_browsers = [
(u'firefox', u'{APPDATA}\\Mozilla\\Firefox'),
(u'blackHawk', u'{APPDATA}\\NETGATE Technologies\\BlackHawk'),
(u'cyberfox', u'{APPDATA}\\8pecxstudios\\Cyberfox'),
(u'comodo IceDragon', u'{APPDATA}\\Comodo\\IceDragon'),
(u'k-Meleon', u'{APPDATA}\\K-Meleon'),
(u'icecat', u'{APPDATA}\\Mozilla\\icecat'),
firefox_browsers = [Mozilla(browser_name=name, path=path) for name, path in firefox_browsers]