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# Script module file for the 'DSInternals' module.
# Copyright (c) Michael Grafnetter
# Load the platform-specific libraries.
# Note: This operation cannot be done in the module manifest,
# as it only supports restricted language mode.
$interopAssemblyPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "$env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE\DSInternals.Replication.Interop.dll"
Add-Type -Path $interopAssemblyPath
catch [System.IO.FileLoadException]
# This usually happens to users of the ZIP distribution who forget to unblock it before extracting the files.
$message = 'Could not load assembly "{0}". Try unblocking it using either the Properties dialog or the Unblock-File cmdlet and reload the DSInternals module afterwards. ' -f $interopAssemblyPath
Write-Error -Message $message `
-Exception $PSItem.Exception `
-Category SecurityError `
-CategoryTargetName $interopAssemblyPath `
-CategoryActivity $PSItem.CategoryInfo.Activity `
-CategoryReason $PSItem.CategoryInfo.Reason
# Cmdlet aliases
New-Alias -Name Set-ADAccountPasswordHash -Value Set-SamAccountPasswordHash
New-Alias -Name Set-WinUserPasswordHash -Value Set-SamAccountPasswordHash
New-Alias -Name Get-ADPasswordPolicy -Value Get-SamPasswordPolicy
New-Alias -Name Get-ADDefaultPasswordPolicy -Value Get-SamPasswordPolicy
New-Alias -Name ConvertFrom-UnattendXmlPassword -Value ConvertFrom-UnicodePassword
New-Alias -Name ConvertTo-AADHash -Value ConvertTo-OrgIdHash
New-Alias -Name ConvertTo-MsoPasswordHash -Value ConvertTo-OrgIdHash
New-Alias -Name Get-ADReplicationAccount -Value Get-ADReplAccount
New-Alias -Name ConvertFrom-ManagedPasswordBlob -Value ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob
New-Alias -Name Get-SysKey -Value Get-BootKey
New-Alias -Name Get-SystemKey -Value Get-BootKey
New-Alias -Name Set-ADDBSysKey -Value Set-ADDBBootKey
New-Alias -Name Test-ADPasswordQuality -Value Test-PasswordQuality
New-Alias -Name Test-ADDBPasswordQuality -Value Test-PasswordQuality
New-Alias -Name Test-ADReplPasswordQuality -Value Test-PasswordQuality
New-Alias -Name Get-KeyCredential -Value Get-ADKeyCredential
New-Alias -Name Get-KeyCredentialLink -Value Get-ADKeyCredential
New-Alias -Name Get-ADKeyCredentialLink -Value Get-ADKeyCredential
New-Alias -Name Get-LsaPolicy -Value Get-LsaPolicyInformation
New-Alias -Name Set-LsaPolicy -Value Set-LsaPolicyInformation
# Export the aliases
Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Cmdlet * |