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namespace DSInternals.DataStore
using DSInternals.Common;
using DSInternals.Common.Cryptography;
using DSInternals.Common.Data;
using DSInternals.Common.Exceptions;
using DSInternals.Common.Properties;
using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Principal;
public partial class DirectoryAgent : IDisposable
#region SetAccountPassword
public bool SetAccountPassword(DistinguishedName dn, SecureString newPassword, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
var obj = this.FindObject(dn);
return this.SetAccountPassword(obj, dn, newPassword, bootKey, skipMetaUpdate);
public bool SetAccountPassword(SecurityIdentifier objectSid, SecureString newPassword, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
var obj = this.FindObject(objectSid);
return this.SetAccountPassword(obj, objectSid, newPassword, bootKey, skipMetaUpdate);
public bool SetAccountPassword(string samAccountName, SecureString newPassword, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
var obj = this.FindObject(samAccountName);
return this.SetAccountPassword(obj, samAccountName, newPassword, bootKey, skipMetaUpdate);
public bool SetAccountPassword(Guid objectGuid, SecureString newPassword, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
var obj = this.FindObject(objectGuid);
return this.SetAccountPassword(obj, objectGuid, newPassword, bootKey, skipMetaUpdate);
protected bool SetAccountPassword(DatastoreObject targetObject, object targetObjectIdentifier, SecureString newPassword, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
// Validate input
Validator.AssertNotNull(newPassword, "newPassword");
// Calculate NT hash
byte[] ntHash = NTHash.ComputeHash(newPassword);
// We need to read sAMAccountName and userPrincipalName to be able to generate the supplementalCredentials.
string samAccountName;
targetObject.ReadAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.SAMAccountName, out samAccountName);
string userPrincipalName;
targetObject.ReadAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.UserPrincipalName, out userPrincipalName);
var supplementalCredentials = new SupplementalCredentials(
return this.SetAccountPasswordHash(
#endregion SetAccountPassword
#region SetAccountPasswordHash
public bool SetAccountPasswordHash(DistinguishedName dn, byte[] newNtHash, SupplementalCredentials newSupplementalCredentials, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
var obj = this.FindObject(dn);
return this.SetAccountPasswordHash(obj, dn, newNtHash, newSupplementalCredentials, bootKey, skipMetaUpdate);
public bool SetAccountPasswordHash(SecurityIdentifier objectSid, byte[] newNtHash, SupplementalCredentials newSupplementalCredentials, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
var obj = this.FindObject(objectSid);
return this.SetAccountPasswordHash(obj, objectSid, newNtHash, newSupplementalCredentials, bootKey, skipMetaUpdate);
public bool SetAccountPasswordHash(string samAccountName, byte[] newNtHash, SupplementalCredentials newSupplementalCredentials, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
var obj = this.FindObject(samAccountName);
return this.SetAccountPasswordHash(obj, samAccountName, newNtHash, newSupplementalCredentials, bootKey, skipMetaUpdate);
public bool SetAccountPasswordHash(Guid objectGuid, byte[] newNtHash, SupplementalCredentials newSupplementalCredentials, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
var obj = this.FindObject(objectGuid);
return this.SetAccountPasswordHash(obj, objectGuid, newNtHash, newSupplementalCredentials, bootKey, skipMetaUpdate);
protected bool SetAccountPasswordHash(DatastoreObject targetObject, object targetObjectIdentifier, byte[] newNtHash, SupplementalCredentials newSupplementalCredentials, byte[] bootKey, bool skipMetaUpdate)
// Validate input
Validator.AssertLength(newNtHash, NTHash.HashSize, "newNtHash");
Validator.AssertNotNull(bootKey, "bootKey");
if (!targetObject.IsAccount)
throw new DirectoryObjectOperationException(Resources.ObjectNotSecurityPrincipalMessage, targetObjectIdentifier);
if (newSupplementalCredentials == null)
// Create empty supplemental credentials structure, beca
newSupplementalCredentials = new SupplementalCredentials();
// Load the password encryption key
var pek = this.GetSecretDecryptor(bootKey);
// Calculate LM hash
// Note that AD uses a random value in LM hash history since 2003.
byte[] lmHash = new byte[LMHash.HashSize];
new Random().NextBytes(lmHash);
// Write the data
using (var transaction = this.context.BeginTransaction())
// Load account RID as it is used in the key derivation process
SecurityIdentifier sid;
targetObject.ReadAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.ObjectSid, out sid);
int rid = sid.GetRid();
// Start a database transaction
// Encrypt and set NT hash
byte[] encryptedNtHash = pek.EncryptHash(newNtHash, rid);
targetObject.SetAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.NTHash, encryptedNtHash);
// Clear the LM hash (Default behavior since 2003)
targetObject.SetAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.LMHash, null);
// Encrypt and set NT hash history
byte[] encryptedNtHashHistory = pek.EncryptHashHistory(new byte[][] { newNtHash }, rid);
targetObject.SetAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.NTHashHistory, encryptedNtHashHistory);
// Encrypt and set LM hash history.
byte[] encryptedLmHashHistory = pek.EncryptHashHistory(new byte[][] { lmHash }, rid);
targetObject.SetAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.LMHashHistory, encryptedLmHashHistory);
// Encrypt and set Supplemental Credentials
byte[] encryptedSupplementalCredentials = pek.EncryptSecret(newSupplementalCredentials.ToByteArray());
targetObject.SetAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.SupplementalCredentials, encryptedSupplementalCredentials);
// Set the pwdLastSet attribute
if (!skipMetaUpdate)
targetObject.SetAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.PasswordLastSet, DateTime.Now);
// As supplementalCredentials contains salted values, we will always presume that the values of password attributes have changed.
bool passwordHasChanged = true;
string[] passwordAttributes = {
this.CommitAttributeUpdate(targetObject, passwordAttributes, transaction, passwordHasChanged, skipMetaUpdate);
return passwordHasChanged;
#endregion SetAccountPasswordHash
#region BootKey
/// <summary>
/// Re-encrypts the PEK list using a new boot key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldBootKey">Current boot key, using which the PEK list is encrypted.</param>
/// <param name="newBootKey">New boot key using which to encrypt the PEK list.</param>
public void ChangeBootKey(byte[] oldBootKey, byte[] newBootKey)
// Validate
Validator.AssertLength(oldBootKey, BootKeyRetriever.BootKeyLength, "oldBootKey");
if(newBootKey != null)
// This value is optional. No encryption is used when blank key is provided.
Validator.AssertLength(newBootKey, BootKeyRetriever.BootKeyLength, "newBootKey");
if(HashEqualityComparer.GetInstance().Equals(oldBootKey, newBootKey))
// Both keys are the same so no change is required.
if (!this.context.DomainController.DomainNamingContextDNT.HasValue)
// The domain object must exist
throw new DirectoryObjectNotFoundException("domain");
// Execute
using (var transaction = this.context.BeginTransaction())
// Retrieve and decrypt
var domain = this.FindObject(this.context.DomainController.DomainNamingContextDNT.Value);
byte[] encryptedPEK;
domain.ReadAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.PEKList, out encryptedPEK);
var pekList = new DataStoreSecretDecryptor(encryptedPEK, oldBootKey);
// Encrypt with the new boot key (if blank, plain encoding is done instead)
byte[] binaryPekList = pekList.ToByteArray(newBootKey);
// Save the new value
bool hasChanged = domain.SetAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.PEKList, binaryPekList);
this.CommitAttributeUpdate(domain, CommonDirectoryAttributes.PEKList, transaction, hasChanged, true);
/// <summary>
/// Checks the validity of a given boot key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bootKey">The boot key to be checked.</param>
/// <returns>Returns True if and only if the boot key can be used to decrypt the PEK list.</returns>
public bool CheckBootKey(byte[] bootKey)
var decryptor = this.GetSecretDecryptor(bootKey);
return decryptor != null;
return false;
public DirectorySecretDecryptor GetSecretDecryptor(byte[] bootKey = null)
if (bootKey == null && !this.context.DomainController.IsADAM)
// This is an AD DS DB, so the BootKey is stored in the registry. Stop processing if it is not provided.
return null;
if (this.context.DomainController.State == DatabaseState.Boot)
// The initial DB definitely does not contain any secrets.
return null;
// HACK: Save the current cursor position, because it is shared.
var originalLocation = this.dataTableCursor.SaveLocation();
int pekListDNT;
if (this.context.DomainController.IsADAM)
// This is a AD LDS DB, so the BootKey is stored directly in the DB.
// Retrieve the pekList attribute of the root object:
byte[] rootPekList;
var rootObject = this.FindObject(ADConstants.RootDNTag);
rootObject.ReadAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.PEKList, out rootPekList);
// Retrieve the pekList attribute of the schema object:
byte[] schemaPekList;
var schemaObject = this.FindObject(this.context.DomainController.SchemaNamingContextDNT);
schemaObject.ReadAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.PEKList, out schemaPekList);
// Combine these things together into the BootKey/SysKey
bootKey = BootKeyRetriever.GetBootKey(rootPekList, schemaPekList);
// The actual PEK list is located on the Configuration NC object.
pekListDNT = this.context.DomainController.ConfigurationNamingContextDNT;
// This is an AD DS DB, so the PEK list is located on the Domain NC object.
pekListDNT = this.context.DomainController.DomainNamingContextDNT.Value;
// Load the PEK List attribute from the holding object and decrypt it using Boot Key.
var pekListHolder = this.FindObject(pekListDNT);
byte[] encryptedPEK;
pekListHolder.ReadAttribute(CommonDirectoryAttributes.PEKList, out encryptedPEK);
return new DataStoreSecretDecryptor(encryptedPEK, bootKey);
#endregion BootKey