2016-01-24 09:59:40 +01:00

877 lines
38 KiB

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file="TemporaryDatabase.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// <summary>
// </summary>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Microsoft.Database.Isam
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop;
using Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.Server2003;
using Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.Vista;
using Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.Windows7;
/// <summary>
/// A Database is a file used by the ISAM to store data. It is organized
/// into tables which are in turn comprised of columns and indices and
/// contain data in the form of records. The database's schema can be
/// enumerated and manipulated by this object. Also, the database's
/// tables can be opened for access by this object.
/// <para>
/// A <see cref="TemporaryDatabase"/> is used to access the temporary database. There
/// is one temporary database per instance and its location is configured
/// by Instance.IsamSystemParameters.TempPath. The temporary database is used
/// to store temporary tables.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
public class TemporaryDatabase : DatabaseCommon, IDisposable
/// <summary>
/// The table collection
/// </summary>
private TableCollection tableCollection = null;
/// <summary>
/// The temporary table handle collection
/// </summary>
private TempTableHandleCollection tempTableHandleCollection = null;
/// <summary>
/// The cleanup
/// </summary>
private bool cleanup = false;
/// <summary>
/// The disposed
/// </summary>
private bool disposed = false;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TemporaryDatabase"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isamSession">The session.</param>
internal TemporaryDatabase(IsamSession isamSession)
: base(isamSession)
lock (isamSession)
this.cleanup = true;
this.tableCollection = new TableCollection();
this.tempTableHandleCollection = new TempTableHandleCollection(false);
/// <summary>
/// Finalizes an instance of the TemporaryDatabase class
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of tables in the database.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>a collection of tables in the database</returns>
public override TableCollection Tables
return this.tableCollection;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether [disposed].
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// <c>true</c> if [disposed]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </value>
internal override bool Disposed
return this.disposed || this.IsamSession.Disposed;
this.disposed = value;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the temporary table handles.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The temporary table handles.
/// </value>
private TempTableHandleCollection TempTableHandles
return this.tempTableHandleCollection;
/// <summary>
/// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
/// </summary>
public new void Dispose()
lock (this)
/// <summary>
/// Creates a single table with the specified definition in the database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableDefinition">The table definition.</param>
/// <exception cref="EsentTableDuplicateException">
/// Thrown when the table definition overlaps with an already existing table.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">A MaxKeyLength &gt; 255 is not supported for indices over a temporary table on this version of the database engine.;tableDefinition</exception>
public override void CreateTable(TableDefinition tableDefinition)
lock (this.IsamSession)
// validate the table definition for creating a TT
// convert the given table definition into an JET_OPENTEMPORARYTABLE
// struct that we will use to create the TT
JET_OPENTEMPORARYTABLE openTemporaryTable = this.MakeOpenTemporaryTable(tableDefinition);
// check if the TT already exists
if (this.Exists(tableDefinition.Name))
throw new EsentTableDuplicateException();
// do not allow the TT to be created if the session is in a
// transaction. we disallow this to sidestep the problem where
// JET will automatically close (and destroy) the TT if the
// current level of the transaction is aborted
if (this.IsamSession.TransactionLevel > 0)
// NOTE: i'm thinking that this requirement is pretty lame,
// especially since it only hits us on an abort. I am going
// to allow this for now and see what happens
// throw new ArgumentException( "We do not currently allow you to create temp tables while inside of a transaction." );
// create the TT
JET_TABLEID tableid = new JET_TABLEID();
if (DatabaseCommon.CheckEngineVersion(
DatabaseCommon.ESENTVersion(6, 0, 6000, 0),
DatabaseCommon.ESEVersion(8, 0, 685, 0)))
VistaApi.JetOpenTemporaryTable(this.IsamSession.Sesid, openTemporaryTable);
tableid = openTemporaryTable.tableid;
if (openTemporaryTable.cbKeyMost > 255)
throw new ArgumentException("A MaxKeyLength > 255 is not supported for indices over a temporary table on this version of the database engine.", "tableDefinition");
out tableid,
// re-create the TT's schema to reflect the created TT
TableDefinition tableDefinitionToCache = MakeTableDefinitionToCache(tableDefinition, openTemporaryTable);
// cache the TT and its handle
TempTableHandle tempTableHandle = new TempTableHandle(
tableDefinitionToCache.Type == TableType.Sort || tableDefinitionToCache.Type == TableType.PreSortTemporary);
/// <summary>
/// Deletes a single table in the database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
/// <exception cref="EsentObjectNotFoundException">
/// Thrown when the specified table can't be found.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="EsentTableInUseException">
/// Thrown when the specified table still has cursors open.
/// </exception>
/// <remarks>
/// It is currently not possible to delete a table that is being used
/// by a Cursor. All such Cursors must be disposed before the
/// table can be successfully deleted.
/// </remarks>
public override void DropTable(string tableName)
lock (this.IsamSession)
if (!this.Exists(tableName))
throw new EsentObjectNotFoundException();
TempTableHandle tempTableHandle = this.TempTableHandles[tableName];
if (tempTableHandle.CursorCount > 0)
throw new EsentTableInUseException();
Api.JetCloseTable(this.IsamSession.Sesid, tempTableHandle.Handle);
/// <summary>
/// Determines if a given table exists in the database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
/// <returns>
/// true if the table was found, false otherwise
/// </returns>
public override bool Exists(string tableName)
return this.Tables.Contains(tableName);
/// <summary>
/// Opens a cursor over the specified table.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableName">the name of the table to be opened</param>
/// <returns>a cursor over the specified table in this database</returns>
public override Cursor OpenCursor(string tableName)
lock (this.IsamSession)
if (!this.Exists(tableName))
throw new EsentObjectNotFoundException();
TableDefinition tableDefinition = this.Tables[tableName];
TempTableHandle tempTableHandle = this.TempTableHandles[tableName];
JET_TABLEID tableid;
// if this is a Sort then we must always fail to dup the
// cursor
// NOTE: this is a hack to work around problems in ESE/ESENT
// that we cannot fix because we must work downlevel
if (tableDefinition.Type == TableType.Sort)
throw new EsentIllegalOperationException();
Api.JetDupCursor(this.IsamSession.Sesid, tempTableHandle.Handle, out tableid, DupCursorGrbit.None);
tempTableHandle.InInsertMode = false;
catch (EsentIllegalOperationException)
if (tempTableHandle.CursorCount > 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("It is not possible to have multiple open cursors on a temporary table that is currently in insert mode.");
tableid = tempTableHandle.Handle;
Cursor newCursor = new Cursor(this.IsamSession, this, tableName, tableid, tempTableHandle.InInsertMode);
return newCursor;
/// <summary>
/// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
/// </summary>
void IDisposable.Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// Releases the temporary table.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
/// <param name="inInsertMode">if set to <c>true</c> [in insert mode].</param>
internal void ReleaseTempTable(string tableName, bool inInsertMode)
lock (this.IsamSession)
TempTableHandle tempTableHandle = this.TempTableHandles[tableName];
tempTableHandle.InInsertMode = inInsertMode;
/// <summary>
/// Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing"><c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged resources; <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources.</param>
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
lock (this.IsamSession)
if (!this.Disposed)
if (this.cleanup)
foreach (TempTableHandle tempTableHandle in this.TempTableHandles)
Api.JetCloseTable(this.IsamSession.Sesid, tempTableHandle.Handle);
this.cleanup = false;
this.Disposed = true;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a <see cref="TableDefinition"/> object from a <see cref="JET_OPENTEMPORARYTABLE"/>
/// object, suitable for caching.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableDefinition">The table definition.</param>
/// <param name="openTemporaryTable">The open temporary table.</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="TableDefinition"/> object suitable for caching.</returns>
private static TableDefinition MakeTableDefinitionToCache(
TableDefinition tableDefinition,
// set the new table properties
TableDefinition tableDefinitionToCache = new TableDefinition(tableDefinition.Name, tableDefinition.Type);
// add the columns complete with the columnids generated when the
// TT was created
// NOTE: this processing loop has to mirror the loop used to generate
// the columndefs in MakeOpenTemporaryTable
int currentColumndef = 0;
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
foreach (KeyColumn keyColumn in indexDefinition.KeyColumns)
ColumnDefinition columnDefinition = tableDefinition.Columns[keyColumn.Name];
Columnid columnid = new Columnid(
ColumnDefinition columnDefinitionToCache = new ColumnDefinition(columnid);
columnDefinitionToCache.Flags = columnDefinition.Flags;
columnDefinitionToCache.MaxLength = columnDefinition.MaxLength;
columnDefinitionToCache.ReadOnly = true;
// next collect the rest of the columns and put them after the key
// columns, skipping over the columns we already added
foreach (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition in tableDefinition.Columns)
bool alreadyAdded = false;
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
foreach (KeyColumn keyColumn in indexDefinition.KeyColumns)
if (keyColumn.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == columnDefinition.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
alreadyAdded = true;
if (!alreadyAdded)
Columnid columnid = new Columnid(
ColumnDefinition columnDefinitionToCache = new ColumnDefinition(columnid);
columnDefinitionToCache.Flags = columnDefinition.Flags;
columnDefinitionToCache.MaxLength = columnDefinition.MaxLength;
columnDefinitionToCache.ReadOnly = true;
tableDefinitionToCache.Columns.ReadOnly = true;
// add the indices
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
IndexDefinition indexDefinitionToCache = new IndexDefinition(indexDefinition.Name);
indexDefinitionToCache.Flags = indexDefinition.Flags;
indexDefinitionToCache.Density = 100;
indexDefinitionToCache.CultureInfo = indexDefinition.CultureInfo;
indexDefinitionToCache.CompareOptions = indexDefinition.CompareOptions;
indexDefinitionToCache.MaxKeyLength = indexDefinition.MaxKeyLength;
foreach (KeyColumn keyColumn in indexDefinition.KeyColumns)
Columnid columnid = tableDefinitionToCache.Columns[keyColumn.Name].Columnid;
KeyColumn keyColumnToCache = new KeyColumn(columnid, keyColumn.IsAscending);
indexDefinitionToCache.KeyColumns.ReadOnly = true;
indexDefinitionToCache.ReadOnly = true;
tableDefinitionToCache.Indices.ReadOnly = true;
// return the table definition
return tableDefinitionToCache;
/// <summary>
/// Makes the <see cref="JET_OPENTEMPORARYTABLE"/> object to later open it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableDefinition">The table definition.</param>
/// <returns>The newly created <see cref="JET_OPENTEMPORARYTABLE"/> object.</returns>
private JET_OPENTEMPORARYTABLE MakeOpenTemporaryTable(TableDefinition tableDefinition)
// allocate room for our columns
int currentColumndef = 0;
openTemporaryTable.ccolumn = tableDefinition.Columns.Count;
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef = new JET_COLUMNDEF[openTemporaryTable.ccolumn];
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumnid = new JET_COLUMNID[openTemporaryTable.ccolumn];
for (int coldef = 0; coldef < openTemporaryTable.ccolumn; ++coldef)
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef[coldef] = new JET_COLUMNDEF();
// first, collect all the key columns in order and put them as the
// first columndefs. we have to do this to guarantee that the TT
// is sorted properly
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
foreach (KeyColumn keyColumn in indexDefinition.KeyColumns)
ColumnDefinition columnDefinition = tableDefinition.Columns[keyColumn.Name];
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef[currentColumndef].coltyp =
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef[currentColumndef].cp = JET_CP.Unicode;
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef[currentColumndef].cbMax = columnDefinition.MaxLength;
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef[currentColumndef].grbit = (ColumndefGrbit)columnDefinition.Flags
| ColumndefGrbit.TTKey
| (keyColumn.IsAscending
? ColumndefGrbit.None
: ColumndefGrbit.TTDescending);
// next collect the rest of the columns and put them after the key
// columns, skipping over the columns we already added
foreach (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition in tableDefinition.Columns)
bool alreadyAdded = false;
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
foreach (KeyColumn keyColumn in indexDefinition.KeyColumns)
if (keyColumn.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == columnDefinition.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
alreadyAdded = true;
if (!alreadyAdded)
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef[currentColumndef].coltyp = DatabaseCommon.ColtypFromColumnDefinition(columnDefinition);
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef[currentColumndef].cp = JET_CP.Unicode;
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef[currentColumndef].cbMax = columnDefinition.MaxLength;
openTemporaryTable.prgcolumndef[currentColumndef].grbit = Converter.ColumndefGrbitFromColumnFlags(columnDefinition.Flags);
// set the index flags
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
openTemporaryTable.pidxunicode = new JET_UNICODEINDEX();
openTemporaryTable.pidxunicode.lcid = indexDefinition.CultureInfo.LCID;
UnicodeIndexFlags unicodeIndexFlags = Converter.UnicodeFlagsFromCompareOptions(indexDefinition.CompareOptions);
openTemporaryTable.pidxunicode.dwMapFlags = Converter.MapFlagsFromUnicodeIndexFlags(unicodeIndexFlags);
// infer the TT mode of operation and set its grbits accordingly
bool haveColumnWithLongValue = false;
foreach (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition in tableDefinition.Columns)
JET_coltyp coltyp = DatabaseCommon.ColtypFromColumnDefinition(columnDefinition);
if (coltyp == JET_coltyp.LongText || coltyp == JET_coltyp.LongBinary)
haveColumnWithLongValue = true;
bool haveIndexWithSortNullsHigh = false;
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
if ((indexDefinition.Flags & IndexFlags.SortNullsHigh) != 0)
haveIndexWithSortNullsHigh = true;
if (tableDefinition.Type == TableType.Sort)
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
if ((indexDefinition.Flags & (IndexFlags.Unique | IndexFlags.Primary)) == 0)
// External Sort without duplicate removal
openTemporaryTable.grbit = Server2003Grbits.ForwardOnly
| (haveColumnWithLongValue
? Windows7Grbits.IntrinsicLVsOnly
: TempTableGrbit.None)
| (haveIndexWithSortNullsHigh
? TempTableGrbit.SortNullsHigh
: TempTableGrbit.None);
// External Sort TT with deferred duplicate removal
openTemporaryTable.grbit = TempTableGrbit.Unique
| (haveColumnWithLongValue
? Windows7Grbits.IntrinsicLVsOnly
: TempTableGrbit.None)
| (haveIndexWithSortNullsHigh
? TempTableGrbit.SortNullsHigh
: TempTableGrbit.None);
else if (tableDefinition.Type == TableType.PreSortTemporary)
// Pre-sorted B+ Tree TT with deferred duplicate removal
openTemporaryTable.grbit = TempTableGrbit.Indexed
| TempTableGrbit.Unique
| TempTableGrbit.Updatable
| TempTableGrbit.Scrollable
| (haveColumnWithLongValue
? Windows7Grbits.IntrinsicLVsOnly
: TempTableGrbit.None)
| (haveIndexWithSortNullsHigh
? TempTableGrbit.SortNullsHigh
: TempTableGrbit.None);
else if (tableDefinition.Type == TableType.Temporary)
if (tableDefinition.Indices.Count != 0)
// B+ Tree TT with immediate duplicate removal
openTemporaryTable.grbit = TempTableGrbit.Indexed
| TempTableGrbit.Unique
| TempTableGrbit.Updatable
| TempTableGrbit.Scrollable
| TempTableGrbit.ForceMaterialization
| (haveIndexWithSortNullsHigh
? TempTableGrbit.SortNullsHigh
: TempTableGrbit.None);
// B+ Tree TT with a sequential index
openTemporaryTable.grbit = TempTableGrbit.Updatable | TempTableGrbit.Scrollable;
// set the key construction parameters for the TT
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
openTemporaryTable.cbKeyMost = indexDefinition.MaxKeyLength;
openTemporaryTable.cbVarSegMac = 0;
// return the constructed JET_OPENTEMPORARYTABLE (whew!)
return openTemporaryTable;
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether this object is disposed.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">If the object has already been disposed.</exception>
private void CheckDisposed()
lock (this.IsamSession)
if (this.Disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);
/// <summary>
/// Validates the table definition.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableDefinition">The table definition.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
/// Illegal name for a temporary table.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Illegal TableType for a temporary table.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Temporary tables must have at least one column.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Illegal name for a column in a temporary table.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Illegal ColumnFlags for a column in a temporary table.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Default values are not supported for temporary table columns.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Temporary tables of type TableType.Sort and TableType.PreSortTemporary must have an index defined.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Temporary tables may only have a single index defined.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Illegal name for an index in a temporary table.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Illegal IndexFlags for an index in a temporary table.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Illegal or unsupported MaxKeyLength for an index in a temporary table.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// No KeyColumns for an index in a temporary table.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Too many KeyColumns for an index in a temporary table.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// A KeyColumn for an index in the temporary table refers to a column that doesn't exist.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Conditional columns are not supported for temporary table indices.;tableDefinition
/// or
/// Temporary tables of type TableType.PreSortTemporary and TableType.Temporary must have a primary index defined.;tableDefinition
/// </exception>
private void ValidateTableDefinition(TableDefinition tableDefinition)
// validate the table's properties
new ArgumentException("Illegal name for a temporary table.", "tableDefinition"));
if (tableDefinition.Name == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Illegal name for a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
if (
!(tableDefinition.Type == TableType.Sort || tableDefinition.Type == TableType.PreSortTemporary
|| tableDefinition.Type == TableType.Temporary))
throw new ArgumentException("Illegal TableType for a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
// validate all columns
if (tableDefinition.Columns.Count == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Temporary tables must have at least one column.", "tableDefinition");
foreach (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition in tableDefinition.Columns)
new ArgumentException("Illegal name for a column in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition"));
if (columnDefinition.Name == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Illegal name for a column in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
if (tableDefinition.Type == TableType.Sort || tableDefinition.Type == TableType.PreSortTemporary)
JET_coltyp coltyp = DatabaseCommon.ColtypFromColumnDefinition(columnDefinition);
if (coltyp == JET_coltyp.LongText || coltyp == JET_coltyp.LongBinary)
// timestamp when ESE/ESENT supports JET_bitTTIntrinsicLVsOnly
DatabaseCommon.ESENTVersion(6, 1, 6492, 0),
DatabaseCommon.ESEVersion(14, 0, 46, 0),
new ArgumentException(
"LongText and LongBinary columns are not supported for columns in a temporary table of type TableType.Sort or TableType.PreSortTemporary on this version of the database engine.",
if (0 != (columnDefinition.Flags
& ~(ColumnFlags.Fixed
| ColumnFlags.Variable
| ColumnFlags.Sparse
| ColumnFlags.NonNull
| ColumnFlags.MultiValued)))
throw new ArgumentException("Illegal ColumnFlags for a column in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
if (columnDefinition.DefaultValue != null)
throw new ArgumentException("Default values are not supported for temporary table columns.", "tableDefinition");
// validate all indices
if (tableDefinition.Indices.Count == 0
&& (tableDefinition.Type == TableType.Sort || tableDefinition.Type == TableType.PreSortTemporary))
throw new ArgumentException("Temporary tables of type TableType.Sort and TableType.PreSortTemporary must have an index defined.", "tableDefinition");
if (tableDefinition.Indices.Count > 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Temporary tables may only have a single index defined.", "tableDefinition");
foreach (IndexDefinition indexDefinition in tableDefinition.Indices)
new ArgumentException("Illegal name for an index in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition"));
if (indexDefinition.Name == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Illegal name for an index in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
if (0 != (indexDefinition.Flags
& ~(IndexFlags.Unique
| IndexFlags.Primary
| IndexFlags.AllowNull
| IndexFlags.SortNullsLow
| IndexFlags.SortNullsHigh
| IndexFlags.AllowTruncation)))
throw new ArgumentException("Illegal IndexFlags for an index in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
// Require AllowTruncation.
if (0 == (indexDefinition.Flags & IndexFlags.AllowTruncation))
throw new ArgumentException("Illegal IndexFlags for an index in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
// 255 in XP.
long keyMost = this.IsamSession.IsamInstance.IsamSystemParameters.KeyMost;
if (indexDefinition.MaxKeyLength < 255 || indexDefinition.MaxKeyLength > keyMost)
throw new ArgumentException("Illegal or unsupported MaxKeyLength for an index in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
// 12 in XP. 16 in Vista.
int keyColumnMost = 16;
if (indexDefinition.KeyColumns.Count == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("No KeyColumns for an index in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
if (indexDefinition.KeyColumns.Count > keyColumnMost)
throw new ArgumentException("Too many KeyColumns for an index in a temporary table.", "tableDefinition");
foreach (KeyColumn keyColumn in indexDefinition.KeyColumns)
if (!tableDefinition.Columns.Contains(keyColumn.Name))
throw new ArgumentException("A KeyColumn for an index in the temporary table refers to a column that doesn't exist.", "tableDefinition");
if (indexDefinition.ConditionalColumns.Count != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Conditional columns are not supported for temporary table indices.", "tableDefinition");
if ((indexDefinition.Flags & IndexFlags.Primary) == 0
&& (tableDefinition.Type == TableType.PreSortTemporary
|| tableDefinition.Type == TableType.Temporary))
throw new ArgumentException("Temporary tables of type TableType.PreSortTemporary and TableType.Temporary must have a primary index defined.", "tableDefinition");