2015-12-27 18:44:17 +01:00

24 lines
651 B

#Requires -Version 5
Publishes the module into PowerShell Gallery.
URL: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/DSInternals/
This script is intended to be used by project maintainers only.
Secret API key is required to publish the module.
$rootDir = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
# Load the API key and exit on error
$apiKeyPath = Join-Path $rootDir 'Keys\PSGallery.key'
$apiKey = Get-Content $apiKeyPath -ErrorAction Stop
# Publish
$modulePath = Join-Path $rootDir 'Build\bin\Release\DSInternals'
Publish-Module -Path $modulePath `
-NuGetApiKey $apiKey `
-Repository PSGallery