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#Requires -Version 5 -Module platyPS
Refreshes MD documentation files and builds MAML files.
Przemysław Kłys (@PrzemyslawKlys)
# Set directory paths
$rootDir = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
$locale = 'en-US'
$dsInternalsModulePath = Join-Path $rootDir 'Build\bin\Release\DSInternals'
$dsInternalsModuleManifestPath = Join-Path $dsInternalsModulePath 'DSInternals.psd1'
$mdHelpPath = Join-Path $rootDir 'Documentation\PowerShell'
$xmlHelpPath = Join-Path $rootDir "Src\DSInternals.PowerShell\$locale"
# Import dependencies
Import-Module -Name platyPS
Import-Module -Name $dsInternalsModuleManifestPath
Note: This code has been used to create the initial version of the help files:
New-MarkdownHelp -Module DSInternals -AlphabeticParamsOrder -Locale $locale -WithModulePage -HelpVersion 1.0 -OutputFolder $mdHelpPath
New-MarkdownAboutHelp -AboutName DSInternals -OutputFolder $mdHelpPath
# Update MD files
Update-MarkdownHelpModule -Path $mdHelpPath -RefreshModulePage -AlphabeticParamsOrder -UpdateInputOutput
# Copy the DSInternals.md to readme.md so that it is displayed at GitHub
$moduleModuleMDPath = Join-Path $mdHelpPath 'DSInternals.md'
$readmeMDPath = Join-Path $mdHelpPath 'Readme.md'
Copy-Item -Path $moduleModuleMDPath -Destination $readmeMDPath -Force
# Generate the MAML file
New-ExternalHelp -Path $mdHelpPath -OutputPath $xmlHelpPath -Force |