// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
namespace Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Text;
/// Helper methods for the ESENT API. These do data conversion for
/// setting columns.
public static partial class Api
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
/// The encoding used to convert the string.
public static void SetColumn(
JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, string data, Encoding encoding)
SetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, data, encoding, SetColumnGrbit.None);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
/// The encoding used to convert the string.
/// SetColumn options.
public static void SetColumn(
JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, string data, Encoding encoding, SetColumnGrbit grbit)
if (null == data)
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, null, 0, grbit, null);
else if (0 == data.Length)
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, null, 0, grbit | SetColumnGrbit.ZeroLength, null);
else if (Encoding.Unicode == encoding)
// Optimization for setting Unicode strings.
fixed (char* buffer = data)
new IntPtr(buffer),
checked(data.Length * sizeof(char)),
else if (encoding.GetMaxByteCount(data.Length) <= Caches.ColumnCache.BufferSize)
// Encoding.GetBytes(char*, int, byte*, int) overload is missing in new Windows UI.
// So we can't use the ColumnCache. We'll just use a different GetBytes() overload.
byte[] buffer = encoding.GetBytes(data);
fixed (byte* bytes = buffer)
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, new IntPtr(bytes), buffer.Length, grbit, null);
// The encoding output will fix in a cached buffer. Get one to avoid
// more memory allocations.
byte[] buffer = null;
buffer = Caches.ColumnCache.Allocate();
fixed (char* chars = data)
fixed (byte* bytes = buffer)
int dataSize = encoding.GetBytes(chars, data.Length, bytes, buffer.Length);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, new IntPtr(bytes), dataSize, grbit, null);
if (buffer != null)
Caches.ColumnCache.Free(ref buffer);
byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, bytes, bytes.Length, grbit, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, byte[] data)
SetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, data, SetColumnGrbit.None);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
/// SetColumn options.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, byte[] data, SetColumnGrbit grbit)
if ((null != data) && (0 == data.Length))
grbit |= SetColumnGrbit.ZeroLength;
int dataLength = (null == data) ? 0 : data.Length;
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, data, dataLength, grbit, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, bool data)
byte b = data ? (byte)0xff : (byte)0x0;
SetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, b);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, byte data)
const int DataSize = sizeof(byte);
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, short data)
const int DataSize = sizeof(short);
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, int data)
const int DataSize = sizeof(int);
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, long data)
const int DataSize = sizeof(long);
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, Guid data)
const int DataSize = 16; // sizeof(Guid) isn't a compile-time constant
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, DateTime data)
SetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, data.ToOADate());
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, float data)
const int DataSize = sizeof(float);
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, double data)
const int DataSize = sizeof(double);
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Perform atomic addition on one column. The column must be of type
/// . This function allows multiple sessions to update the
/// same record concurrently without conflicts.
/// This method wraps .
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update.
/// The column to update. This must be an escrow-updatable column.
/// The delta to apply to the column.
/// The current value of the column as stored in the database (versioning is ignored).
public static int EscrowUpdate(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, int delta)
var previousValue = new byte[sizeof(int)];
int actualPreviousValueLength;
out actualPreviousValueLength,
previousValue.Length == actualPreviousValueLength,
"Unexpected previous value length. Expected an Int32");
return BitConverter.ToInt32(previousValue, 0);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, ushort data)
const int DataSize = sizeof(ushort);
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, uint data)
const int DataSize = sizeof(uint);
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Modifies a single column value in a modified record to be inserted or to
/// update the current record.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The columnid to set.
/// The data to set.
public static void SetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, ulong data)
const int DataSize = sizeof(ulong);
var pointer = new IntPtr(&data);
JetSetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, pointer, DataSize, SetColumnGrbit.None, null);
/// Write a serialized form of an object to a column.
/// The session to use.
/// The table to write to. An update should be prepared.
/// The column to write to.
/// The object to write. The object must be serializable.
[SuppressMessage("Exchange.Security", "EX0043:DoNotUseBinarySoapFormatter", Justification = "Suppress warning in current code base.The usage has already been verified.")]
public static void SerializeObjectToColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, object value)
if (null == value)
Api.SetColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, null);
using (var stream = new ColumnStream(sesid, tableid, columnid))
var serializer = new BinaryFormatter
Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Persistence)
serializer.Serialize(stream, value);
/// Sets columns from ColumnValue objects.
/// The session to use.
/// The cursor to update. An update should be prepared.
/// The values to set.
public static void SetColumns(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, params ColumnValue[] values)
if (null == values)
throw new ArgumentNullException("values");
if (0 == values.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("values", values.Length, "must have at least one value");
NATIVE_SETCOLUMN* nativeSetcolumns = stackalloc NATIVE_SETCOLUMN[values.Length];
Api.Check(values[0].SetColumns(sesid, tableid, values, nativeSetcolumns, 0));
/// Verifies that the given encoding is valid for setting/retrieving data. Only
/// the ASCII and Unicode encodings are allowed. An
/// is thrown if the encoding isn't valid.
/// The encoding to check.
private static void CheckEncodingIsValid(Encoding encoding)
string webName = encoding.WebName;
if (webName != "utf-8" && webName != "utf-16")
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"encoding", webName, "Invalid Encoding type. Only Unicode (utf-8 and utf-16) encodings are allowed.");
const int AsciiCodePage = 20127; // from MSDN
const int UnicodeCodePage = 1200; // from MSDN
int codePage = encoding.CodePage;
if ((AsciiCodePage != codePage) && (UnicodeCodePage != codePage))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"encoding", codePage, "Invalid Encoding type. Only ASCII and Unicode encodings are allowed");