# DSInternals ## about_DSInternals # SHORT DESCRIPTION The Directory Services Internals (DSInternals) PowerShell Module exposes several internal and undocumented features of Active Directory. # LONG DESCRIPTION The main features of the DSInternals PowerShell Module include: - Offline ntds.dit file manipulation, including hash dumping, password resets, group membership changes, SID History injection and enabling/disabling accounts. - Online password hash dumping through the Directory Replication Service Remote Protocol (MS-DRSR). - Active Directory password auditing that discovers accounts sharing the same passwords or having passwords in a public database like HaveIBeenPwned or in a custom dictionary. - Domain or local account password hash injection through the Security Account Manager Remote Protocol (MS-SAMR) or directly into the database. - LSA Policy modification through the Local Security Authority Remote Protocol (MS-LSAD / LSARPC). - Extracting credential roaming data and DPAPI domain backup keys, either online through MS-DRSR and LSARPC or offline from ntds.dit. - Bare-metal recovery of domain controllers from just IFM backups (ntds.dit + SYSVOL). - Password hash calculation, including NT hash, LM hash and kerberos keys. # NOTE Features exposed through these tools are not supported by Microsoft. Improper use might cause irreversible damage to domain controllers or negatively impact domain security. # SEE ALSO [Get-ADDBAccount](Get-ADDBAccount.md) [Get-ADReplAccount](Get-ADReplAccount.md) [Test-PasswordQuality](Test-PasswordQuality.md) [New-ADDBRestoreFromMediaScript](New-ADDBRestoreFromMediaScript.md) [ConvertTo-NTHash](ConvertTo-NTHash.md)