using DSInternals.Common; using DSInternals.Common.Cryptography; using System; namespace DSInternals.Replication { public class ReplicationSecretDecryptor : DirectorySecretDecryptor { private const int SaltOffset = 0; private const int BlobMinSize = SaltSize + 1; private byte[] key; public override byte[] CurrentKey { get { return this.key; } } public override SecretEncryptionType EncryptionType { get { return SecretEncryptionType.ReplicationRC4WithSalt; } } public ReplicationSecretDecryptor(byte[] key) { Validator.AssertNotNull(key, "key"); // Session key size: NTLM - 16B, Kerberos - 32B Validator.AssertMinLength(key, KeySize, "key"); this.key = key; } public override byte[] DecryptSecret(byte[] blob) { // Blob structure: Salt (16B), Encrypted secret (rest) Validator.AssertMinLength(blob, BlobMinSize, "blob"); // Extract salt and the actual encrypted data from the blob byte[] salt = blob.Cut(SaltOffset, SaltSize); byte[] encryptedSecret = blob.Cut(SaltOffset + SaltSize); // Perform decryption byte[] decryptedBlob = DecryptUsingRC4(encryptedSecret, salt, this.CurrentKey); // The blob is prepended with CRC byte[] decryptedSecret; uint expectedCrc = BitConverter.ToUInt32(decryptedBlob, 0); decryptedSecret = decryptedBlob.Cut(sizeof(uint)); Validator.AssertCrcMatches(decryptedSecret, expectedCrc); return decryptedSecret; } } }