<# .SYNOPSIS Refreshes MD documentation files and builds MAML files. .AUTHOR Przemysław Kłys (@PrzemyslawKlys) #> #Requires -Version 5 -Module platyPS # Set directory paths $rootDir = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $locale = 'en-US' $dsInternalsModulePath = Join-Path $rootDir 'Build\bin\Release\DSInternals' $mdHelpPath = Join-Path $rootDir 'Documentation\PowerShell' $modulePagePath = Join-Path $mdHelpPath 'Readme.md' $xmlHelpSrcPath = Join-Path $rootDir "Src\DSInternals.PowerShell\$locale" $xmlHelpBuildPath = Join-Path $dsInternalsModulePath $locale $aboutPagePath = Join-Path $xmlHelpSrcPath 'about_DSInternals.help.txt' # Import dependencies Import-Module -Name platyPS # Remove any pre-existing XML help Remove-Item $xmlHelpBuildPath -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Load the freshly compiled module to generate the help for Import-Module -Name $dsInternalsModulePath <# Note: This code has been used to create the initial version of the help files: New-MarkdownHelp -Module DSInternals -AlphabeticParamsOrder -Locale $locale -WithModulePage -HelpVersion 1.0 -OutputFolder $mdHelpPath New-MarkdownAboutHelp -AboutName DSInternals -OutputFolder $mdHelpPath #> # Update MD files Update-MarkdownHelpModule -Path $mdHelpPath -ModulePagePath $modulePagePath -RefreshModulePage:$false -AlphabeticParamsOrder -UpdateInputOutput # Generate the MAML file New-ExternalHelp -Path $mdHelpPath -OutputPath $xmlHelpSrcPath -Force -ShowProgress # Capitalize the help topic name $aboutPage = Get-Content -Path $aboutPagePath ($aboutPage -creplace 'about_dsinternals','about_DSInternals') | Out-File -FilePath $aboutPagePath -Force -Encoding utf8