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synced 2025-03-02 17:57:33 +00:00
Implemented more smoke tests
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@ -5,20 +5,20 @@ param(
Describe 'DSInternals PowerShell Module' {
Context 'Module Manifest' {
Context 'Manifest' {
$moduleManifestPath = Join-Path $ModulePath DSInternals.psd1
It 'should exist' {
It 'exists' {
$moduleManifestPath | Should -Exist
It 'should be valid' {
It 'is valid' {
Test-ModuleManifest -Path $moduleManifestPath -ErrorAction Stop
It 'should have the same version as the binary module' {
It 'has the same version as the binary module' {
# Load the assembly
$assemblyPath = Join-Path $ModulePath 'DSInternals.PowerShell.dll'
$assembly = [System.Reflection.AssemblyName]::GetAssemblyName($assemblyPath)
@ -32,41 +32,37 @@ Describe 'DSInternals PowerShell Module' {
Context 'Module File Structure' {
Context 'File Structure' {
It 'should contain MAML help' {
It 'contains MAML help' {
Join-Path $ModulePath en-US\DSInternals.PowerShell.dll-Help.xml | Should -Exist
It 'should contain About topic' {
It 'contains About topic' {
Join-Path $ModulePath en-US\about_DSInternals.help.txt | Should -Exist
It 'should contain Visual C++ Runtime (<Platform>)' -TestCases @{ Platform = 'x86' },@{ Platform = 'amd64' } -Test {
It 'contains Visual C++ Runtime (<Platform>)' -TestCases @{ Platform = 'x86' },@{ Platform = 'amd64' } -Test {
param([string] $Platform)
# Regardless of the runtime version, we expect 2 additional DLLs to be present in the x86/amd64 directory
$platformSpecificPath = Join-Path $ModulePath $Platform
Get-ChildItem -Path $platformSpecificPath -Recurse -Include msvc*,vcruntime* |
Measure-Object |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count |
Should -BeExactly 2
Should -HaveCount 2
It 'should not contain debug symbols' {
It 'does not contain debug symbols' {
# Only the DSInternals.DataStore.pdb should be present to simplify troubleshooting.
Get-ChildItem -Path $ModulePath -Recurse -Filter *.pdb |
Measure-Object |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count |
Should -BeExactly 1
Should -HaveCount 1
It 'should not contain unit tests' {
It 'does not contain unit tests' {
Get-ChildItem -Path $ModulePath -Recurse -Filter *.Test.* | Should -BeNull
It 'should not contain .NET XML documentation' {
It 'does not contain .NET XML documentation' {
Get-ChildItem -Path $ModulePath -Recurse -Filter *.xml -Exclude *.dll-Help.xml | Should -BeNull
@ -94,44 +90,90 @@ Describe 'DSInternals PowerShell Module' {
It 'should have file details' {
Get-ChildItem $ModulePath -Recurse -Filter DSInternals.*.dll |
where { $PSItem.VersionInfo.ProductName -eq $null } |
Should -BeNull
Should -BeNull
It 'should have up-to-date copyright information' {
It 'has up-to-date copyright information' {
$expectedInfo = '*© 2015-{0}*' -f (Get-Date).Year
Get-ChildItem $ModulePath -Recurse -Filter DSInternals.*.dll |
where { $PSItem.VersionInfo.LegalCopyright -notlike $expectedInfo } |
Should -BeNull
Should -BeNull
Describe 'Powershell Cmdlets' {
# Import the DSInternals PowerShell Module
Import-Module $ModulePath
Context 'Hash Calculation' {
It 'ConvertTo-NTHash should be working' {
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Pa$$w0rd' -AsPlainText -Force
ConvertTo-NTHash -Password $password |
Should Be '92937945B518814341DE3F726500D4FF'
It 'ConvertTo-KerberosKey should be working' {
# Check that 3 types of kerberos keys are generated from a given password.
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Pa$$w0rd' -AsPlainText -Force
ConvertTo-KerberosKey -Password $password -Salt 'CONTOSOAdministrator' |
Should -HaveCount 3
Context 'Hash Calculation Cmdlets' {
It 'should be working' {
Context 'Database Manipulation' {
It 'Get-BootKey is working in online mode' {
(Get-BootKey -Online).Length | Should -Be 32
It 'Get-ADDBDomainController can open the initial ntds.dit' {
# This test only works on Windows Server
$initialDBPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\ntds.dit"
if (Test-Path $initialDBPath)
$workingNTDSCopy = Copy-Item $initialDBPath TestDrive:\ -PassThru
Get-ADDBDomainController -DBPath $workingNTDSCopy | Should -Not -BeNull
Set-TestInconclusive 'The initial DB is not present in client SKUs.'
It 'Get-ADDBDomainController works repeatedly' {
if (Test-Path TestDrive:\ntds.dit)
# This actually checks proper Automapper initialization in the powershell.exe process.
Get-ADDBDomainController -DBPath TestDrive:\ntds.dit | Should -Not -BeNull
Set-TestInconclusive 'The initial DB is not present in client SKUs.'
Context 'Database Manipulation Cmdlets' {
It 'should be working' {
Context 'Replication' {
It 'Get-ADReplAccount is trying to establish an RPC connection' {
# We do not have a test server, so we try to connect to a dummy address.
# This will just check that the Interop stuff is compiled correctly, which is a good start.
{ Get-ADReplAccount -Server NonExistingServer -All -NamingContext 'DC=doesnotexist,DC=local' } |
Should -Throw 'The RPC server is unavailable'
Context 'Replication Cmdlets' {
It 'should be working' {
Context 'SAM/LSA' {
It 'Get-SamPasswordPolicy is returning some info' {
Get-SamPasswordPolicy -Domain Builtin | Should -Not -BeNull
Context 'SAM Cmdlets' {
It 'should be working' {
Context 'LSA Cmdlets' {
It 'should be working' {
Context 'Misc Cmdlets' {
It 'should be working' {
It 'Get-LsaPolicyInformation is returning computer info' {
(Get-LsaPolicyInformation).LocalDomain.Name | Should -Be $env:COMPUTERNAME
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