2016-02-22 22:19:34 +00:00
Generates NuGet Packages.
#Requires -Version 3
$repoRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..\'
$solutionDir = Join-Path $repoRoot 'Src\'
$outputDir = Join-Path $repoRoot 'Build\packages\'
2018-12-30 19:05:44 +00:00
$toolsDir = Join-Path $repoRoot 'Scripts\Tools'
$nuget = Join-Path $toolsDir 'nuget.exe'
2016-02-22 22:19:34 +00:00
# Create output dir if it does not exist
mkdir $outputDir -Force
2018-12-30 19:05:44 +00:00
# Download nuget.exe to Tools
$nugetExeUrl = 'https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe'
if(-not (Test-Path $nuget))
mkdir $toolsDir
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nugetExeUrl -OutFile $nuget
2016-02-22 22:19:34 +00:00
# Pack all *.csproj files that have a corresponding *.nuspec file
Get-ChildItem -Path $repoRoot -Filter *.nuspec -Recurse -File |
ForEach-Object { $PSItem.FullName.Replace('.nuspec', '.csproj') } |
ForEach-Object {
$solutionFile = $PSItem
2018-12-30 21:49:17 +00:00
& $nuget pack $solutionFile -OutputDirectory $outputDir -IncludeReferencedProjects -Verbosity detailed -NonInteractive
2016-02-22 22:19:34 +00:00