2021-05-12 21:12:27 +00:00

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# Configure logging
log syslog all;
# log "/var/log/bird.log" { debug, trace, info, remote, warning, error, auth, fatal, bug };
# Turn on global debugging of all protocols (all messages or just selected classes)
# debug protocols all;
# debug protocols { events, states };
# Turn on internal watchdog
# watchdog warning 5 s;
# watchdog timeout 30 s;
filter crxn_filter
if (net ~ fd8a:6111:3b1a::/48) then accept;
# The Device protocol is not a real routing protocol. It does not generate any
# routes and it only serves as a module for getting information about network
# interfaces from the kernel. It is necessary in almost any configuration.
protocol device {
protocol direct {
interface "crxn*";
# The Kernel protocol is not a real routing protocol. Instead of communicating
# with other routers in the network, it performs synchronization of BIRD
# routing tables with the OS kernel. One instance per table.
protocol kernel {
ipv6 {
import all;
export all;
protocol babel {
ipv6 {
import filter crxn_filter;
export all;
interface "crxn*" {
type wired;