# # Server / Singleplayer # # Name of the server, to be displayed when players join and in the serverlist. # type: string server_name = [RX] Open source block game # Description of server, to be displayed when players join and in the serverlist. # type: string server_description = Server hosted by redxen.eu # Domain name of server, to be displayed in the serverlist. # type: string server_address = minetest.redxen.eu # Homepage of server, to be displayed in the serverlist. # type: string server_url = https://redxen.eu # Automatically report to the serverlist. # type: bool server_announce = true # Announce to this serverlist. # type: string # serverlist_url = servers.minetest.net # Remove color codes from incoming chat messages # Use this to stop players from being able to use color in their messages # type: bool # strip_color_codes = false ## Network # Network port to listen (UDP). # This value will be overridden when starting from the main menu. # type: int port = 30000 # The network interface that the server listens on. # type: string # bind_address = # Enable to disallow old clients from connecting. # Older clients are compatible in the sense that they will not crash when connecting # to new servers, but they may not support all new features that you are expecting. # type: bool strict_protocol_version_checking = false # Specifies URL from which client fetches media instead of using UDP. # $filename should be accessible from $remote_media$filename via cURL # (obviously, remote_media should end with a slash). # Files that are not present will be fetched the usual way. # type: string # remote_media = # Enable/disable running an IPv6 server. # Ignored if bind_address is set. # Needs enable_ipv6 to be enabled. # type: bool ipv6_server = true ## Game # Default game when creating a new world. # This will be overridden when creating a world from the main menu. # type: string # NOTE: This has been changed in a recent version but the game wasn't updated to reflect on the change default_game = mineclone2 # Message of the day displayed to players connecting. # type: string motd = Welcome! # Maximum number of players that can be connected simultaneously. # type: int max_users = 100 # World directory (everything in the world is stored here). # Not needed if starting from the main menu. # type: path map-dir = /var/lib/minetest/prod # Time in seconds for item entity (dropped items) to live. # Setting it to -1 disables the feature. # type: int # item_entity_ttl = 900 # Specifies the default stack size of nodes, items and tools. # Note that mods or games may explicitly set a stack for certain (or all) items. # type: int # default_stack_max = 99 # Enable players getting damage and dying. # type: bool enable_damage = true # Enable creative mode for all players # type: bool creative_mode = false # A chosen map seed for a new map, leave empty for random. # Will be overridden when creating a new world in the main menu. # type: string # fixed_map_seed = # New users need to input this password. # type: string # default_password = # The privileges that new users automatically get. # See /privs in game for a full list on your server and mod configuration. # type: string # default_privs = interact, shout # Privileges that players with basic_privs can grant # type: string # basic_privs = interact, shout # Whether players are shown to clients without any range limit. # Deprecated, use the setting player_transfer_distance instead. # type: bool # unlimited_player_transfer_distance = true # Defines the maximal player transfer distance in blocks (0 = unlimited). # type: int player_transfer_distance = 300 # Whether to allow players to damage and kill each other. # type: bool enable_pvp = true # Enable mod channels support. # type: bool # enable_mod_channels = false # If this is set, players will always (re)spawn at the given position. # type: string # static_spawnpoint = # If enabled, new players cannot join with an empty password. # type: bool disallow_empty_password = false # If enabled, disable cheat prevention in multiplayer. # type: bool disable_anticheat = false # If enabled, actions are recorded for rollback. # This option is only read when server starts. # type: bool # enable_rollback_recording = false # Format of player chat messages. The following strings are valid placeholders: # @name, @message, @timestamp (optional) # type: string chat_message_format = <@name> @message # A message to be displayed to all clients when the server shuts down. # type: string # kick_msg_shutdown = Server shutting down. # A message to be displayed to all clients when the server crashes. # type: string kick_msg_crash = This server has experienced an internal error. You will now be disconnected. If this keeps happening mail me at caskd@redxen.eu # Whether to ask clients to reconnect after a (Lua) crash. # Set this to true if your server is set up to restart automatically. # type: bool # ask_reconnect_on_crash = false # From how far clients know about objects, stated in mapblocks (16 nodes). # # Setting this larger than active_block_range will also cause the server # to maintain active objects up to this distance in the direction the # player is looking. (This can avoid mobs suddenly disappearing from view) # type: int # active_object_send_range_blocks = 8 # The radius of the volume of blocks around every player that is subject to the # active block stuff, stated in mapblocks (16 nodes). # In active blocks objects are loaded and ABMs run. # This is also the minimum range in which active objects (mobs) are maintained. # This should be configured together with active_object_send_range_blocks. # type: int # active_block_range = 2 # From how far blocks are sent to clients, stated in mapblocks (16 nodes). # type: int # max_block_send_distance = 8 # Maximum number of forceloaded mapblocks. # type: int # max_forceloaded_blocks = 16 # Interval of sending time of day to clients. # type: int # time_send_interval = 5 # Controls length of day/night cycle. # Examples: # 72 = 20min, 360 = 4min, 1 = 24hour, 0 = day/night/whatever stays unchanged. # type: int time_speed = 4 # Time of day when a new world is started, in millihours (0-23999). # type: int min: 0 max: 23999 # world_start_time = 6125 # Interval of saving important changes in the world, stated in seconds. # type: float # server_map_save_interval = 5.3 # Set the maximum character length of a chat message sent by clients. # type: int chat_message_max_size = 1024 # Amount of messages a player may send per 10 seconds. # type: float # chat_message_limit_per_10sec = 10.0 # Kick players who sent more than X messages per 10 seconds. # type: int # chat_message_limit_trigger_kick = 50 ### Physics # Horizontal and vertical acceleration on ground or when climbing, # in nodes per second per second. # type: float movement_acceleration_default = 2.4 # Horizontal acceleration in air when jumping or falling, # in nodes per second per second. # type: float movement_acceleration_air = 1.2 # Horizontal and vertical acceleration in fast mode, # in nodes per second per second. # type: float movement_acceleration_fast = 10 # Walking and flying speed, in nodes per second. # type: float movement_speed_walk = 4.317 # Sneaking speed, in nodes per second. # type: float movement_speed_crouch = 1.295 # Walking, flying and climbing speed in fast mode, in nodes per second. # type: float movement_speed_fast = 25.0 # Vertical climbing speed, in nodes per second. # type: float movement_speed_climb = 2.35 # Initial vertical speed when jumping, in nodes per second. # type: float movement_speed_jump = 6.6 # Decrease this to increase liquid resistance to movement. # type: float movement_liquid_fluidity = 1.13 # Maximum liquid resistance. Controls deceleration when entering liquid at # high speed. # type: float movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth = 0.5 # Controls sinking speed in liquid. # type: float movement_liquid_sink = 23 # Acceleration of gravity, in nodes per second per second. # type: float movement_gravity = 10.4 ### Advanced # Handling for deprecated Lua API calls: # - none: Do not log deprecated calls # - log: mimic and log backtrace of deprecated call (default). # - error: abort on usage of deprecated call (suggested for mod developers). # type: enum values: none, log, error # deprecated_lua_api_handling = log # Number of extra blocks that can be loaded by /clearobjects at once. # This is a trade-off between sqlite transaction overhead and # memory consumption (4096=100MB, as a rule of thumb). # type: int # max_clearobjects_extra_loaded_blocks = 4096 # How much the server will wait before unloading unused mapblocks. # Higher value is smoother, but will use more RAM. # type: int # server_unload_unused_data_timeout = 29 # Maximum number of statically stored objects in a block. # type: int # max_objects_per_block = 4096 # See https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_synchronous # type: enum values: 0, 1, 2 # sqlite_synchronous = 2 # ZLib compression level to use when saving mapblocks to disk. # -1 - Zlib's default compression level # 0 - no compresson, fastest # 9 - best compression, slowest # (levels 1-3 use Zlib's "fast" method, 4-9 use the normal method) # type: int min: -1 max: 9 # map_compression_level_disk = 3 # Length of a server tick and the interval at which objects are generally updated over # network. # type: float # dedicated_server_step = 0.001 # Length of time between active block management cycles # type: float # active_block_mgmt_interval = 2.0 # Length of time between Active Block Modifier (ABM) execution cycles # type: float # abm_interval = 0.25 # The time budget allowed for ABMs to execute on each step # (as a fraction of the ABM Interval) # type: float min: 0.1 max: 0.9 # abm_time_budget = 0.2 # Length of time between NodeTimer execution cycles # type: float # nodetimer_interval = 0.2 # If enabled, invalid world data won't cause the server to shut down. # Only enable this if you know what you are doing. # type: bool # ignore_world_load_errors = false # Max liquids processed per step. # type: int # liquid_loop_max = 100000 # The time (in seconds) that the liquids queue may grow beyond processing # capacity until an attempt is made to decrease its size by dumping old queue # items. A value of 0 disables the functionality. # type: int # liquid_queue_purge_time = 0 # Liquid update interval in seconds. # type: float # liquid_update = 1.0 # At this distance the server will aggressively optimize which blocks are sent to # clients. # Small values potentially improve performance a lot, at the expense of visible # rendering glitches (some blocks will not be rendered under water and in caves, # as well as sometimes on land). # Setting this to a value greater than max_block_send_distance disables this # optimization. # Stated in mapblocks (16 nodes). # type: int min: 2 # block_send_optimize_distance = 4 # If enabled the server will perform map block occlusion culling based on # on the eye position of the player. This can reduce the number of blocks # sent to the client 50-80%. The client will not longer receive most invisible # so that the utility of noclip mode is reduced. # type: bool server_side_occlusion_culling = true # Restricts the access of certain client-side functions on servers. # Combine the byteflags below to restrict client-side features, or set to 0 # for no restrictions: # LOAD_CLIENT_MODS: 1 (disable loading client-provided mods) # CHAT_MESSAGES: 2 (disable send_chat_message call client-side) # READ_ITEMDEFS: 4 (disable get_item_def call client-side) # READ_NODEDEFS: 8 (disable get_node_def call client-side) # LOOKUP_NODES_LIMIT: 16 (limits get_node call client-side to # csm_restriction_noderange) # READ_PLAYERINFO: 32 (disable get_player_names call client-side) # type: int # csm_restriction_flags = 62 # If the CSM restriction for node range is enabled, get_node calls are limited # to this distance from the player to the node. # type: int # csm_restriction_noderange = 0 ## Security # Prevent mods from doing insecure things like running shell commands. # type: bool secure.enable_security = true # Comma-separated list of trusted mods that are allowed to access insecure # functions even when mod security is on (via request_insecure_environment()). # type: string # secure.trusted_mods = # Comma-separated list of mods that are allowed to access HTTP APIs, which # allow them to upload and download data to/from the internet. # type: string # secure.http_mods = ## Advanced # # Client and Server # # Name of the player. # When running a server, clients connecting with this name are admins. # When starting from the main menu, this is overridden. # type: string # name = # Set the language. Leave empty to use the system language. # A restart is required after changing this. # type: enum values: , ar, ca, cs, da, de, dv, el, en, eo, es, et, eu, fil, fr, hu, id, it, ja, ja_KS, jbo, kk, kn, lo, lt, ms, my, nb, nl, nn, pl, pt, pt_BR, ro, ru, sl, sr_Cyrl, sv, sw, th, tr, uk, vi # language = # Level of logging to be written to debug.txt: # - (no logging) # - none (messages with no level) # - error # - warning # - action # - info # - verbose # type: enum values: , none, error, warning, action, info, verbose # debug_log_level = action # If the file size of debug.txt exceeds the number of megabytes specified in # this setting when it is opened, the file is moved to debug.txt.1, # deleting an older debug.txt.1 if it exists. # debug.txt is only moved if this setting is positive. # type: int # debug_log_size_max = 50 # Minimal level of logging to be written to chat. # type: enum values: , none, error, warning, action, info, verbose # chat_log_level = error # Enable IPv6 support (for both client and server). # Required for IPv6 connections to work at all. # type: bool enable_ipv6 = true ## Advanced # Default timeout for cURL, stated in milliseconds. # Only has an effect if compiled with cURL. # type: int # curl_timeout = 5000 # Limits number of parallel HTTP requests. Affects: # - Media fetch if server uses remote_media setting. # - Serverlist download and server announcement. # - Downloads performed by main menu (e.g. mod manager). # Only has an effect if compiled with cURL. # type: int # curl_parallel_limit = 8 # Maximum time in ms a file download (e.g. a mod download) may take. # type: int # curl_file_download_timeout = 300000 # Makes DirectX work with LuaJIT. Disable if it causes troubles. # type: bool # high_precision_fpu = true # Replaces the default main menu with a custom one. # type: string # main_menu_script = # Print the engine's profiling data in regular intervals (in seconds). # 0 = disable. Useful for developers. # type: int # profiler_print_interval = 0 # # Online Content Repository # # The URL for the content repository # type: string # contentdb_url = https://content.minetest.net # Comma-separated list of flags to hide in the content repository. # "nonfree" can be used to hide packages which do not qualify as 'free software', # as defined by the Free Software Foundation. # You can also specify content ratings. # These flags are independent from Minetest versions, # so see a full list at https://content.minetest.net/help/content_flags/ # type: string # contentdb_flag_blacklist = nonfree, desktop_default # Maximum number of concurrent downloads. Downloads exceeding this limit will be queued. # This should be lower than curl_parallel_limit. # type: int # contentdb_max_concurrent_downloads = 3 # Client modding enable_client_modding = true csm_restriction_flags = 0 enable_mod_channels = true