RedXen Gaming

About us

We are a small community of gamers that play the same games and enjoy the same things!


3 June - Now hosting server on DigitalOcean with improved bandwidth
17 May - Added reaction roles to the discord server
10 May - Adapted the homepage to almost all viewports
6 May - Got a new homepage! The one you are on now
1 May - Discord revamp with new channels, categories and roles


Currently planning on hosting servers for some games but our bandwidth doesn't allow it for now.
In the near future we will get better bandwidth.
The approx. number of players that wouldn't impact performance would be ~ 5 players.
That amount is too low for a server.

Current Staff

Owner: casKd
Administrator: Davids_Trains
Super-Moderator: McDonlad
Moderators: ChuppaChupps & Korato

Current Setup

Our current server setup consists of:
2 vCPU's
Up to 90 Mbps bandwidth
Dockerized Discourse
Dockerized YAGPDB