site_name: CRXN theme: readthedocs extra_css: [extra.css] nav: - Home: . - Getting started: - Guide: getting-started - Rules: getting-started/rules - Requirements: getting-started/requirements - Registration: getting-started/registration - Routing: - Fowarding: routing/forwarding - Setting up Bird: routing/bird - Tunneling: - Fastd: tunneling/fastd - WireGuard: tunneling/wireguard - Setting up your home network: - Configuring your hosts: - Automatically with SLAAC and radv: - Setting up radv (router): home-network/radv - Setting up SLAAC (hosts): home-network/slaac - DNS: home-network/dns - Additional: - DNS: additional/dns - DN42 interconnection: additional/dn42-interconnection - On-the-go CRXN: - What is it?: additional/otg/ - Deavmi's OTG: additional/otg/deavmi - Peers: peers - Services: services - People: people