
838 lines
17 KiB

public import compiler.symbols.check;
import std.conv : to;
import compiler.typecheck.dependency.core : Context;
* TODO: Implement the blow and use them
* These are just to use for keeping track of what
* valid identifiers are.
* Actually it might be, yeah it will
public class Program
private string moduleName;
private Program[] importedModules;
private Statement[] statements;
this(string moduleName)
this.moduleName = moduleName;
public void addStatement(Statement statement)
statements ~= statement;
public static StatementType[] getAllOf(StatementType)(StatementType, Statement[] statements)
StatementType[] statementsMatched;
foreach(Statement statement; statements)
/* TODO: Remove null, this is for unimpemented */
if(statement !is null && cast(StatementType)statement)
statementsMatched ~= cast(StatementType)statement;
return statementsMatched;
public Variable[] getGlobals()
Variable[] variables;
foreach(Statement statement; statements)
if(typeid(statement) == typeid(Variable))
variables ~= cast(Variable)statement;
return variables;
/* TODO: Make this use weights */
public Statement[] getStatements()
/* Re-ordered by lowest wieght first */
Statement[] stmntsRed;
bool wCmp(Statement lhs, Statement rhs)
return lhs.weight < rhs.weight;
import std.algorithm.sorting;
stmntsRed = sort!(wCmp)(statements).release;
return stmntsRed;
public class Statement
public byte weight = 0;
/* TODO: Used for type checking */
public Context context;
public void setContext(Context context)
this.context = context;
public Context getContext()
return context;
private static ulong rollingCount = 0;
private Container container;
public final void parentTo(Container container)
this.container = container;
public final Container parentOf()
return container;
public override string toString()
return to!(string)(rollingCount++);
public enum AccessorType
public enum InitScope
public class Assignment : Statement
private string identifier;
private Expression assignmentExpression;
this(string identifier, Expression assignmentExpression)
this.identifier = identifier;
this.assignmentExpression = assignmentExpression;
* Entity
* Declared variables, defined classes and functions
public class Entity : Statement
/* Accessor type */
private AccessorType accessorType = AccessorType.PUBLIC;
/* Function/Modifier type */
private InitScope initScope;
/* Name of the entity (class's name, function's name, variable's name) */
protected string name;
this(string name)
{ = name;
public void setAccessorType(AccessorType accessorType)
this.accessorType = accessorType;
public AccessorType getAccessorType()
return accessorType;
public void setModifierType(InitScope initScope)
this.initScope = initScope;
public InitScope getModifierType()
return initScope;
public string getName()
return name;
/* TODO: DO we need intermediary class, TypedEntity */
public class TypedEntity : Entity
private string type;
/* TODO: Return type/variable type in here (do what we did for ENtity with `name/identifier`) */
this(string name, string type)
this.type = type;
public string getType()
return type;
public import compiler.symbols.containers;
public class ArgumentList
* VariableParameter
* Represents a kindof-Variable which is used to indicate
* it is a function's parameter - to differentiate between
* those and other variables like local/global definitions
* and so on
* These are only to be used in the `Function` class (below)
public final class VariableParameter : Variable
this(string type, string identifier)
super(type, identifier);
/* TODO: Don't make this a Container, or maybe (make sure I don't rely on COntainer casting for other shit
* though, also the recent changes) */
public class Function : TypedEntity, Container
private VariableParameter[] params;
private Statement[] bodyStatements;
this(string name, string returnType, Statement[] bodyStatements, VariableParameter[] params)
super(name, returnType);
// Add the parameters first THEN the function's body statements
// because they must be available before other statements
// which may reference them, Secondly they must be added (the VariableParameter(s))
// such that they are lookup-able.
// Add the funciton's body
// Save a seperate copy of the parameters (to seperate them from the
// other body stetements)
this.params = params;
/* Weighted as 1 */
weight = 1;
public VariableParameter[] getParams()
return params;
public bool hasParams()
return params.length != 0;
public void addStatement(Statement statement)
public void addStatements(Statement[] statements)
public Statement[] getStatements()
import compiler.symbols.containers : weightReorder;
return weightReorder(bodyStatements);
* This will sift through all the `Statement[]`'s in held
* within this Function and will find those which are Variable
public Variable[] getVariables()
Variable[] variables;
foreach(Statement statement; bodyStatements)
if(statement !is null && cast(Variable)statement)
variables ~= cast(Variable)statement;
return variables;
public override string toString()
string argTypes;
for(ulong i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
Variable variable = params[i];
if(i == params.length-1)
argTypes ~= variable.getType();
argTypes ~= variable.getType() ~ ", ";
return "Function (Name: "~name~", ReturnType: "~type~", Args: "~argTypes~")";
public class Variable : TypedEntity
/* TODO: Just make this an Expression */
private VariableAssignment assignment;
this(string type, string identifier)
super(identifier, type);
/* Weighted as 2 */
weight = 2;
public void addAssignment(VariableAssignment assignment)
this.assignment = assignment;
public VariableAssignment getAssignment()
return assignment;
public override string toString()
return "Variable (Ident: "~name~", Type: "~type~")";
public import compiler.symbols.expressions;
* TODO: Rename to `VariableDeclarationAssignment`
public class VariableAssignment : Statement
private Expression expression;
private Variable variable;
this(Expression expression)
this.expression = expression;
public Expression getExpression()
return expression;
public Variable getVariable()
return variable;
public void setVariable(Variable variable)
this.variable = variable;
public override string toString()
return "[varAssignDec'd: To: "~variable.toString()~"]";
* TODO: Rename to ``
public class VariableAssignmentStdAlone : Statement
private Expression expression;
private string varName;
this(string varName, Expression expression)
this.varName = varName;
this.expression = expression;
/* Weighted as 2 */
weight = 2;
public Expression getExpression()
return expression;
public string getVariableName()
return varName;
public override string toString()
return "[varAssignStdAlone: To: "~varName~"]";
public class IdentExpression : Expression
/* name */
private string name;
this(string name)
{ = name;
public string getName()
return name;
public void updateName(string newName)
name = newName;
public class VariableExpression : IdentExpression
this(string identifier)
import compiler.typecheck.core;
public override string evaluateType(TypeChecker typeChecker, Container c)
string type;
return null;
public override string toString()
return "[varExp: "~getName()~"]";
public class Call : IdentExpression
this(string ident)
public final class FunctionCall : Call
/* Argument list */
private Expression[] arguments;
this(string functionName, Expression[] arguments)
this.arguments = arguments;
public override string toString()
return super.toString()~" "~name~"()";
public Expression[] getCallArguments()
return arguments;
* ReturnStmt
* Represents a return statement with an expression
* to be returned
public final class ReturnStmt : Statement
// The Expression being returned
private Expression returnExpression;
this(Expression returnExpression)
this.returnExpression = returnExpression;
/* Statement level weighting is 2 */
weight = 2;
public Expression getReturnExpression()
return returnExpression;
* IfStatement
* Represents an if statement with branches of code
* and conditions per each
public final class IfStatement : Entity, Container
private Branch[] branches;
private static ulong ifStmtContainerRollingNameCounter = 0;
this(Branch[] branches)
this.branches = branches;
weight = 2;
public Branch[] getBranches()
return branches;
public override void addStatement(Statement statement)
branches ~= cast(Branch)statement;
public override void addStatements(Statement[] statements)
branches ~= cast(Branch[])statements;
public override Statement[] getStatements()
return cast(Statement[])branches;
public override string toString()
return "IfStmt";
* WhileLoop
* Represents a while loop with conditional code
public final class WhileLoop : Entity, Container
private Branch branch;
private static ulong whileStmtContainerRollingNameCounter = 0;
public const bool isDoWhile;
* Creates a new While Loop parser node, optionally specifying
* if this is to be interpreted (in-post) as a while-loop
* or do-while loop
* Params:
* branch = The <code>Branch</code> that makes up this while
* loop
* isDoWhile = If <code>true</code> then interpret this as a
* do-while loop, however if <code>false</code>
* then a while-loop (default optional value)
this(Branch branch, bool isDoWhile = false)
this.branch = branch;
this.isDoWhile = isDoWhile;
weight = 2;
public Branch getBranch()
return branch;
public override void addStatement(Statement statement)
// You should only be adding one branch to a while loop
assert(branch is null);
branch = cast(Branch)statement;
public override void addStatements(Statement[] statements)
// Only one Branch in the given input list
assert(statements.length == 1);
// You should only be adding one branch to a while loop
assert(branch is null);
branch = (cast(Branch[])statements)[0];
public override Statement[] getStatements()
return cast(Statement[])[branch];
public override string toString()
return "WhileLoop";
public final class ForLoop : Entity, Container
private Statement preLoopStatement;
private Branch branch;
private bool hasPostIterate;
private static ulong forStmtContainerRollingNameCounter = 0;
* Creates a new For Loop parser node
* Params:
* preLoopStatement = The <code>Statement</code> to run before
* beginning the first iteration
* branch = The <code>Branch</code> that makes up this for
* loop
this(Branch branch, Statement preLoopStatement = null, bool hasPostIterate = false)
this.preLoopStatement = preLoopStatement;
this.branch = branch;
this.hasPostIterate = hasPostIterate;
weight = 2;
public bool hasPostIterateStatement()
return hasPostIterate;
public bool hasPreRunStatement()
return !(preLoopStatement is null);
public Branch getBranch()
return branch;
public Statement getPreRunStatement()
return preLoopStatement;
public override void addStatement(Statement statement)
// You should only be adding one branch to a for loop
assert(branch is null);
branch = cast(Branch)statement;
public override void addStatements(Statement[] statements)
// Only one Branch in the given input list
assert(statements.length == 1);
// You should only be adding one branch to a for loop
assert(branch is null);
branch = (cast(Branch[])statements)[0];
public override Statement[] getStatements()
// If there is a pre-run statement then prepend it
return cast(Statement[])[preLoopStatement, branch];
// If not, then just the Branch container
return cast(Statement[])[branch];
public override string toString()
return "ForLoop";
* Branch
* Represents a condition and code attached to
* run on said condition
* NOTE: I feel as though this should be a container
* with a `generalPass` applied to it in `dependency/core.d`
public final class Branch : Entity, Container
private Expression branchCondition;
private Statement[] branchBody;
private static ulong branchContainerRollingNameCounter = 0;
* Creates a new Branch which will couple a condition
* as an instance of <code>Expression</code> and a body
* of <code>Statement</code>(s) apart of it
* Params:
* condition = The condition as an <code>Expression</code>
* branch = The body of <code>Statement</code>(s) making up the branch
this(Expression condition, Statement[] branch)
this.branchCondition = condition;
this.branchBody = branch;
* Effectively checks if this branch is an 'else' branch
* Returns: <code>true</code> if so, <code>false</code>
* otherwise
public bool hasCondition()
return !(branchCondition is null);
* Returns the condition of the branch
* Returns: The condition as an instance of <code>Expression</code>
public Expression getCondition()
return branchCondition;
public Statement[] getBody()
return branchBody;
public override void addStatement(Statement statement)
branchBody ~= statement;
public override void addStatements(Statement[] statements)
branchBody ~= statements;
public override Statement[] getStatements()
return branchBody;
public override string toString()
return "Branch";