Official Tristan Language project compiler
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Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire b352b7d3f6 MetaProcessor
- When getting the type root everything on the `Program` rather than `tc.getModule()`. We therefore now use the `tc.getProgram()` in its place. This updates the `sizeOf_Literalize(string typeName)` method.


- `emit()` has been updated to enumerate all `Module[]` of the given `Program` and then calls the respecitve `emit(...)` methods with a (`File`, `Module`) which contains the file which emitting should be written to and also the `Module` being emitted.
- At the end of `emit()` we then try to find the `Module` which contains a function named `main` and then set that as the entrypoint. If such a `main` function cannot be found we then go and do a check whether or not the `dgen:emit_entrypoint_test` configuration option is `true`, if so we then try emit a testing entrypoint and assume that the tst uses only one `Module` (this is something to be cleaned up later; as in all tests should have a `main` method).
- Implemented `findEntrypoint(ref Module mainModule, ref Function mainFunc)` which does as the name implies and finds the containing `Module` which has a `Function` named `"main"` and if so sets both ref arguments and returns `true`, otherwise they are left unset and `false` is returned
- `emitHeaderComment(...)`, `emitStaticAllocations(...)`, `emitFunctionPrototypes(...)`, `emitFunctionDefinitions(...)`, `emitFunctionPrototype(...)`, `emitFunctionDefinition(...)`, `emitCodeQueue(...)`, `emitStdint(...)`, `emitEntrypoint(...)`, `emitTestingEntrypoint(...)` now takes in `File modOut` and `Module mod`
- Note the above have not YET been updated to select correct code queues, static init. queues and `emitEntrypoint(...)` has not yet been implemented
- Updated `emitTestingEntrypoint(...)` to check using the incoming `Module`'s name
- `finalize()` will now compile all sources files, then it will link all generated object files together; optionally cleaning up all but the final genersted excutable at the end


- Fixed up name generation (we now anchor on the `Program`)
- Fixed up how we detect if a module's name is in use. We now will check and ensure it doesn't match ANY of the modules contained within the `Program`


- Implemented `forceName(string)` to set the `name` field forcefully
- The `generate()` method now calls `generalPass(Module, Context)` on each of the `Program`'s `Module`s. We then get an array of `DNode[]` from them. After this we then create a root `DNode` to represent the program and then we make it `needs(DNode)` each `Module` `DNode` created previously.


- When processing `VariableExpression` in `expressionPass(Expression exp, Context context)`, if we get a `Function` being referred to in the expression, then we now set the `Context`'s `Container` still to the `Module` containing the function's definition, _however_ we use a method from the resolver to ensure it is the correct module (because we are now using a multi-module setup).
- We have always set the **root** `Module` when entering `generalPass(Container c, Context context)` and processing a `Function` but, as with the last change mentioned above, we need to find that containing `Module` correctly. Therefore we use a method from the `Resolver` to do that.
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D Coverage Status

Official Tristan Language project compiler


Docs are available here.


To build you will need dmd and dub installed. You can then run the following:

dub test --coverage
dub build

The first command is optional but you want to make sure the compiler is working so you may as well run all the unit tests - it won't take too long.


A list of all commands can be found by typing in the following:
