module compiler.compiler; import gogga; import std.conv : to; import compiler.lexer; import std.stdio : File; import compiler.parsing.core; import compiler.symbols.check; import; import compiler.typecheck.core; import compiler.typecheck.exceptions; import core.stdc.stdlib; import compiler.codegen.emit.core; import compiler.codegen.emit.dgen; public class CompilerConfiguration { private string[string] config; public void setConfig(VType)(string key, VType value) { config[key] = to!(string)(value); } public VType getConfig(VType)(string key) { import std.algorithm : canFind; if(canFind(config.keys(), key)) { return to!(VType)(config[key]); } else { // TODO: Change to a TError // throw new Exception("Key not found"); return false; } } } public class Compiler { /* The input source code */ private string inputSource; /* The lexer */ private Lexer lexer; /* The parser */ private Parser parser; /* The typechecker/code generator */ private TypeChecker typeChecker; /* The chosen code emitter to use */ private CodeEmitter emitter; private File emitOutFile; /* The configuration */ private CompilerConfiguration config; /* TODO: Make the default config */ private void defaultConfig() { /* Enable Behaviour-C fixes */ config.setConfig("behavec:preinline_args", true); /* Enable pretty code generation for DGen */ config.setConfig("dgen:pretty_code", true); /* Enable entry point test generation for DGen */ config.setConfig("dgen_emit_entrypoint_test", true); } /** * Create a new compiler instance to compile the given * source code * Params: * sourceCode = the source code to compile */ this(string sourceCode, File emitOutFile) { this.inputSource = sourceCode; this.emitOutFile = emitOutFile; this.config = new CompilerConfiguration(); /* Enable the default config */ defaultConfig(); } public void compile() { // TODO: Add each step of the pipeline here /* Setup the lexer and begin lexing */ this.lexer = new Lexer(inputSource); if(lexer.performLex()) { /* Extract the tokens */ Token[] tokens = lexer.getTokens(); gprintln("Collected "~to!(string)(tokens)); /* Spawn a new parser with the provided tokens */ this.parser = new Parser(tokens); /* The parsed Module */ Module modulle = parser.parse(); /* Spawn a new typechecker/codegenerator on the module */ this.typeChecker = new TypeChecker(modulle); /* Perform typechecking/codegen */ this.typeChecker.beginCheck(); /* Perform code emitting */ this.emitter = new DCodeEmitter(typeChecker, emitOutFile, config); emitter.emit(); // Emit the code emitOutFile.close(); // Flush (perform the write() syscall) emitter.finalize(); // Call CC on the file containing generated C code } else { // TODO: Throw a lexing error here or rather `performLex()` should be doing that gprintln("Error when lexing (make this an exception throw)", DebugType.ERROR); } } } /** * Performs compilation of the provided module(s) * * Params: * sourceFiles = The module(s) to perform compilation with */ void beginCompilation(string[] sourceFiles) { /* TODO: Begin compilation process, take in data here */ gprintln("Compiling files "~to!(string)(sourceFiles)~" ..."); foreach(string sourceFile; sourceFiles) { /* Read in the source code */ gprintln("Reading source file '"~sourceFile~"' ..."); File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */ ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size(); byte[] fileBytes; fileBytes.length = fileSize; fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes); sourceFileFile.close(); /* The file to output to */ File outFile;"tlangout.c", "w"); /* Create a new compiler */ Compiler compiler = new Compiler(cast(string)fileBytes, outFile); /* Perform the compilation */ compiler.compile(); } } unittest { // TODO: Add tests here for our `simple_.t` tests or put them in DGen, I think here is better // FIXME: Crashes and I think because too fast or actually bad state? Maybe something is not being // cleared, I believe this may be what is happening // ... see issue #88 // ... UPDATE: It seems to be any unit test..... mhhhh. string[] testFiles = ["source/tlang/testing/simple_while.t" ]; foreach(string testFile; testFiles) { beginCompilation([testFile]); } }