WIP: Dependency

This commit is contained in:
Tristan B. Kildaire 2021-06-06 23:10:16 +02:00
parent 28bbd68857
commit d42779c3cc
2 changed files with 28 additions and 325 deletions

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@ -90,15 +90,8 @@ public final class TypeChecker
/* TODO: Process class ? vars funcs ?*/
import compiler.typecheck.dependancy;
dependancyGenerate(this, modulle);
string depsString;
foreach(string key; keysOrder)
depsString ~= key~": "~to!(string)(deps[key])~", ";
gprintln("Final deps: "~to!(string)(depsString));
StructuralOrganizer so = new StructuralOrganizer(this);

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@ -7,353 +7,63 @@ import compiler.typecheck.core;
import std.conv : to;
* A list of all the full-paths of entities and what they rely on
* So far we are looking at types and seeing what they depend on, not yet
* for assignments. When we get to assignments we should then add more
public string[][string] deps;
public string[] keysOrder;
public void encounter(string entityName, string dependentOn)
public final class StructuralOrganizer
if(entityName !in deps)
/* The associated TypeChecker */
private TypeChecker tc;
this(TypeChecker tc)
keysOrder ~= entityName;
this.tc = tc;
deps[entityName] ~= dependentOn;
gprintln("[Encounter] Entity: \""~entityName~"\" set to be dependent on \""~dependentOn~"\"");
public void encounter(TypeChecker tc, Entity entityDependee, Entity dependentOn)
/* Full path of thing depending on something else */
string dependee = tc.getResolver().generateName(tc.getModule(), entityDependee);
/* Full path of the thing it is dependent on */
string dependency = tc.getResolver().generateName(tc.getModule(), dependentOn);
encounter(dependee, dependency);
* Given a path to a class and a relative container to start at
* this will start at the top of the path and dependencyGneerate
* on each of them
* Example:
* module j;
* A.B.C cInstance;
* class A
* {
* class B
* {
* }
* }
/* TODO: Implement me */
public bool hasDepChecked(TypeChecker tc, Entity entity)
/* Full path of the entity */
string entityFullPath = tc.getResolver().generateName(tc.getModule(), entity);
/* TODO: Return a list of Statement, in their init order */
public void checkContainer(Container container)
/* Get all Entities */
Entity[] entities;
foreach(Statement statement; container.getStatements())
if(statement !is null && cast(Entity)statement)
entities ~= cast(Entity)statement;
* Check if it is in there
* TODO: Use `in`
* Process entities
foreach(string key; deps.keys)
import std.string : cmp;
if(cmp(key, entityFullPath) == 0)
return true;
return false;
import compiler.typecheck.reliance;
* Statically initilizes a given class
public void staticInitClass(TypeChecker tc, Clazz clazz)
* Don't init if we have initted before
if(hasDepChecked(tc, clazz))
* Get all Entities of the class that are static
Entity[] staticEntities;
foreach (Statement statement; clazz.getStatements())
if (statement !is null && cast(Entity) statement)
Entity entity = cast(Entity)statement;
if(entity.getModifierType() == InitScope.STATIC)
staticEntities ~= cast(Entity) statement;
* Process the static members
foreach(Entity staticMember; staticEntities)
foreach(Entity entity; entities)
* If the static member is a variable
* declaration
Variable variable = cast(Variable)staticMember;
/* Get the variable's type */
Type variableType = tc.getType(clazz, variable.getType());
* Check if the type is a class type
Clazz classType = cast(Clazz)variableType;
/* Static initialize the class if it is not this class-type */
if(classType != clazz)
/* Set this class to be dependent on the class of the class-type */
encounter(tc, clazz, classType);
/* Initialize (statically) the class referred to by the class-type */
staticInitClass(tc, classType);
/* This class depends on this variable being initialized */
encounter(tc, clazz, variable);
/* If then variable has an assignment */
/* TODO: Add assignment support */
encounter(tc, staticMember, staticMember);
public bool isClassMember(TypeChecker tc, Clazz c, string memberName)
return false;
public string findEnd(TypeChecker tc)
string end;
foreach(string entityPath; deps.keys)
string[] dependencies = deps[entityPath];
foreach(string dependency; dependencies)
/* Check if the dependency has only itself */
string visitedNode = dependency;
string[] visistedNodeDependencies = deps[visitedNode];
/* If only one dep, add to top of init queue */
if(visistedNodeDependencies.length == 1)
foreach(string vNodeDep; visistedNodeDependencies)
return end;
public void virtualInitClass(TypeChecker tc, Clazz clazz)
* Returns true if the path downwards is all static dentities
public void dependancyGenerate(TypeChecker tc, Container container)
* The Container Entity
Entity containerEntity = cast(Entity)container;
string containerEntityName = tc.getResolver().generateName(tc.getModule(), containerEntity);
* Get all Entities
Entity[] containerEntities;
foreach (Statement statement; container.getStatements())
if (statement !is null && cast(Entity) statement)
containerEntities ~= cast(Entity) statement;
gprintln("[dependencyGenerate] Container: \""~containerEntityName~"\" has the following members:\n\n"~to!(string)(containerEntities));
* Process all entities
* The natural order would be classes, funcitons/variables (I cannot remember TOOD: check this)
* If, for example, we have `A aInstance;` as a module-level variable declaration then
* we must statically initialize A (the class as that is a class-type reference) - we do
* this by visiting the class and initializing all of it's things
foreach(Entity entity; containerEntities)
* If we are at Module level then things differ
* ever so slightly
if(container == tc.getModule())
* If we have a module-level variable declaration then we want to check
* if the type of the variable being declared is:
* 1. Basic (int, float, etc.)
* - Then we will do nothing, it is not dependent
* 2. Non-basic (Class-case only)
* - Then we will check if that class is accessible
* 1. If it is at the module-level then it is implied static so it would be
* 2. If at a level deeper then more care must be taken
* TODO: Assignments still not supported as this means more checking
* Variable declaration
/* Variable being declared */
Variable variable = cast(Variable)entity;
/* Get the variable's type */
Type variableType = tc.getType(container, variable.getType());
Type type = tc.getType(container, variable.getType());
* Check if the type is a class type
/* If the variable has a class-type */
Clazz classType = cast(Clazz)variableType;
/* Get the class-type */
Clazz classType = cast(Clazz)type;
/* If the class is defined at the module-level then it is static by default */
if(classType.parentOf() == tc.getModule())
* Then mark the class as a dependency (the class-name/type reference)
* must cause the static initialization to go off
* module pp;
* Person k;
* class Person { }
* Above it means that because the type of `k` is `Person` and that is a
* class type therefore the Person class should have its static constructor
* run (=> all static members should be initialized)
* Okay, so we do all of the above SECOND, first the class must be checked itself
staticInitClass(tc, classType);
encounter(tc, variable, classType);
/* TODO: Possible errors but may work too */
gprintln("Woah there cowboy, this is dangerous territory", DebugType.WARNING);
* Anything else (TODO: Checking)
/* TODO: EVerything else is fine */
/* TODO: Either struct or primtive, neither have static initlization */
/* We need to still know it exists */
encounter(tc, variable, variable);
/* TODO: Ensure that we set dependences as A.B.C with A B C all static */
/* If then variable has an assignment */
/* TODO: Handle assignment case */
/* TODO: Add assignment support */
/* TODO: Implement me */
* If we are at the Class level
else if(cast(Clazz)container)
/* TODO: Only should be called in static-initialization case */
// Clazz clazz = cast(Clazz)container;
// assert(clazz.);
* If we are at the Struct level
else if(cast(Struct)container)
* Any other type of Container
/* This shouldn't happen */
gprintln("BAAD", DebugType.ERROR);