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Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 2024-03-29 21:01:42 +02:00
parent 3a8499ea18
commit 54278bda4f
1 changed files with 115 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Some of the methods above are related to the `Container`-side of the `Program` t
Some of the _other_ methods relating to the `markEntryAsVisited(ModuleEntry)` and so forth have to do with the mechanism by which the parser adds new modules to the program during parsing and ensures that no cycles are traversed (i.e. when a module is already being visited it should not be visited again).
### Resolution API
### The _resolver_
Now that we have a good idea of the types involved we can take a look at the API which the resolver has to offer and how it may be used in order to generate names of _entities_ and perform the resolution of _entities_.
@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ this
This constructs a new resolver with the given root program and the type checking instance. This implies you must have performed parsing, constructed a `TypeChecker` and **only then** could you instantiate a resolver.
### Name resolution
Now that we know how to construct a resolver, let's see what methods it makes available to every component from the `TypeChecker` (as it is constructed here) and onwards.
The first set of methods relate to the name generation of entities in the AST tree.
@ -78,12 +80,6 @@ The first set of methods relate to the name generation of entities in the AST tr
| `generateNameBest(Entity)`| `string` | Generate the absolute full path of the given entity without specifying which anchor point to use. |
| `generateName(Container, Entity)` | `string` | Given an entity and a container this will generate the entity's full path relative to the given container. If the container is a `Program` then the absolute name of the entity is derived. |
The second set of methods relate to the resolution facilities made available which allow one to search for entities based on various different sorts of custom _predicates_ and by name.
| Method | Return type | Description |
#### How `isDescendant(Container, Entity)` works
The first check we do is an obvious one, check if the provided entity is equal to that of the provided container, in that case it is a descendant by the rule.
@ -293,4 +289,116 @@ else
return null;
### Entity resolution
The second set of methods relate to the resolution facilities made available which allow one to search for entities based on various different sorts of custom _predicates_ and by name.
| Method | Return type | Description |
| `resolveWithin(Container, Predicate!(Entity), ref Entity[])` | `void` | Performs a horizontal-level search of the given `Container`, returning a found `Entity` when the predicate supplied returns a positive verdict on said entity then we add an entry to the ref parameter |
| `resolveWithin(Container, Predicate!(Entity))` | `Entity` | Performs a horizontal-level search of the given `Container`, returning a found `Entity` when the predicate supplied returns a positive verdict on said entity then we return it. |
| `resolveUp(Container, Predicate!(Entity))` | `Entity` | Performs a horizontal-based search of the given `Container`, returning the first `Entity` found when a positive verdict is returned from having the provided predicate applied to it. If the verdict is `false` then we do not give up immediately but rather recurse up the parental tree searching the container of the current container and applying the same logic. |
| `resolveBest(Container, string)` | `Entity` | TODO: Add me |
Only the important methods here will be mentioned. Methods pertaining to certain single-item return and predicate generation will not. For those please go examine the source code; see `resolution.d` for those codes.
#### How resolution _within_ works
The method `resolveWithin(Container, Predicate!(Entity), ref Entity[] collection)` is responsible for providing a facility where by a given predicate can be applied to all entities available at the immediate level of the given container.
With this understanding one can imagine that the implementation if rather simple then:
gprintln(format("resolveWithin(cntnr=%s) entered", currentContainer));
Statement[] statements = currentContainer.getStatements();
gprintln(format("resolveWithin(cntnr=%s) container has statements %s", currentContainer, statements));
foreach(Statement statement; statements)
Entity entity = cast(Entity) statement;
collection ~= entity;
Simply iterate over all _statements_ present within the container (immediately, not considering nested one) and apply the predicate to each. If a match is found then add it to the `collection`, otherwise continue iterating.
#### How resolving _upwards_ works
The method `resolveUp(Container currentContainer, Predicate!(Entity) predicate)` performs a horizontal-based search of the given `Container`, returning the first `Entity` found when a positive verdict is returned from having the provided predicate applied to it. We can see this below:
/* Try to find the Entity wthin the current Container */
gprintln(format("resolveUp(c=%s, pred=%s)", currentContainer, predicate));
Entity entity = resolveWithin(currentContainer, predicate);
gprintln(format("resolveUp(c=%s, pred=%s) within-search returned '%s'", currentContainer, predicate, entity));
/* If we found it return it */
return entity;
If the verdict is `false` _and_ the `currentContainer` is a kind-of `Program` then it means that there is no further up we can go and we must return `null`:
else if(cast(Program)currentContainer)
"resolveUp(cntr=%s, pred=%s) Entity was not found and we cannot crawl any further up as we are at the Program container now",
return null;
However if the verdict is `false` but the `currentContainer` _is **not**_ a kind-of `Program` then we do not give up immediately but rather recurse up the parental tree searching the container of the current container and applying the same logic.
* We will ONLY ever have a `Container`
* here of which is ALSO an `Entity`.
Container possibleParent = (cast(Entity) currentContainer).parentOf();
format("resolveUp(c=%s, pred=%s) cur container typeid: %s", currentContainer, predicate, currentContainer)
format("resolveUp(c=%s, pred=%s) possible parent: %s", currentContainer, predicate, possibleParent)
/* Can we go up */
return resolveUp(possibleParent, predicate);
/* If the current container has no parent container */
format("resolveUp(c=%s, pred=%s) Simply not found ", currentContainer, predicate)
return null;