Merge branch 'vardec_varass_dependency'

This commit is contained in:
Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 2023-08-21 15:04:48 +02:00
commit 45579b859f
8 changed files with 100 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -63,9 +63,22 @@ jobs:
uses: dlang-community/setup-dlang@v1
compiler: ${{ matrix.dc }}
- name: Install Doveralls (code coverage tool)
run: |
# wget -O doveralls ""
# mv doveralls_linux_travis doveralls
# chmod +x doveralls
dub fetch doveralls
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev
- name: DUB unit tests with coverage
run: dub test --coverage
- name: Coverage upload
run: |
export CI_BRANCH=$(git branch --show-current)
dub run doveralls -- -t ${{secrets.COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN}}
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[![D](]( [![Coverage Status](](
Official Tristan Language project compiler

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@ -59,13 +59,17 @@ mixin template EmitBase()
@ArgGroup("Emit", "Options pertaining to the code emitter")
@ArgNamed("symbol-mapper|sm", "The symbol mapping technique to use")
@ArgNamed("symbol-mapper|sm", "The symbol mapping technique to use for DGen (C emitter)")
SymbolMappingTechnique symbolTechnique = SymbolMappingTechnique.HASHMAPPER;
@ArgNamed("prettygen|pg", "Generate pretty-printed code")
bool prettyPrintCodeGen = true;
@ArgNamed("ccompiler|cc", "The system C compiler to use for DGne (C emitter)")
string systemCC = "clang";
@ArgNamed("output|o", "Filename of generated object file")
@ -75,6 +79,10 @@ mixin template EmitBase()
bool entrypointTestEmit = true; // TODO: Change this later to `false` of course
@ArgNamed("preinlineArguments|pia", "Whether or not to preinline function call arguments in DGen (C emitter)")
bool preinlineArguments = false; // TODO: Change this later to `true` of course
@ArgNamed("library-link|ll", "Paths to any object files to ,ink in during the linking phase")
@ -84,7 +92,7 @@ mixin template EmitBase()
void EmitBaseInit(Compiler compiler)
// Set the symbol mapper technique
compiler.getConfig().addConfig(ConfigEntry("emit:mapper", symbolTechnique));
compiler.getConfig().addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:mapper", symbolTechnique));
// Set whether pretty-printed code should be generated
compiler.getConfig().addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:pretty_code", prettyPrintCodeGen));
@ -92,6 +100,12 @@ mixin template EmitBase()
// Set whether or not to enable the entry point testing code
compiler.getConfig().addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:emit_entrypoint_test", entrypointTestEmit));
// Set whether or not to enable pre-inlining of function call arguments in DGen
compiler.getConfig().addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:preinline_args", preinlineArguments));
// Set the C compiler to use for DGen
compiler.getConfig().addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:compiler", systemCC));
// Set the paths to the object files to link in
compiler.getConfig().addConfig(ConfigEntry("linker:link_files", bruh));

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@ -141,6 +141,9 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
gprintln("transform(): "~to!(string)(instruction));
// The data to emit
string emmmmit;
// At any return decrement the depth
@ -172,12 +175,12 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
string renamedSymbol = mapper.symbolLookup(typedEntityVariable);
return renamedSymbol~" = "~transform(";";
emmmmit = renamedSymbol~" = "~transform(";";
/* If it is external */
return typedEntityVariable.getName()~" = "~transform(";";
emmmmit = typedEntityVariable.getName()~" = "~transform(";";
/* VariableDeclaration */
@ -218,17 +221,18 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
gprintln("VarDec(with assignment): My assignment type is: "~varAssInstr.getInstrType().getName());
// Generate the code to emit
return typeTransform(cast(Type)varDecInstr.varType)~" "~renamedSymbol~" = "~transform(varAssInstr)~";";
emmmmit = typeTransform(cast(Type)varDecInstr.varType)~" "~renamedSymbol~" = "~transform(varAssInstr)~";";
emmmmit = typeTransform(cast(Type)varDecInstr.varType)~" "~renamedSymbol~";";
return typeTransform(cast(Type)varDecInstr.varType)~" "~renamedSymbol~";";
/* If the variable is external */
return "extern "~typeTransform(cast(Type)varDecInstr.varType)~" "~typedEntityVariable.getName()~";";
emmmmit = "extern "~typeTransform(cast(Type)varDecInstr.varType)~" "~typedEntityVariable.getName()~";";
/* LiteralValue */
else if(cast(LiteralValue)instruction)
@ -237,7 +241,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
LiteralValue literalValueInstr = cast(LiteralValue)instruction;
return to!(string)(literalValueInstr.getLiteralValue());
emmmmit = to!(string)(literalValueInstr.getLiteralValue());
/* FetchValueVar */
else if(cast(FetchValueVar)instruction)
@ -257,12 +261,12 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
string renamedSymbol = mapper.symbolLookup(typedEntityVariable);
return renamedSymbol;
emmmmit = renamedSymbol;
/* If it is external */
return typedEntityVariable.getName();
emmmmit = typedEntityVariable.getName();
/* BinOpInstr */
@ -320,7 +324,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
return transform(binOpInstr.lhs)~to!(string)(getCharacter(binOpInstr.operator))~transform(binOpInstr.rhs);
emmmmit = transform(binOpInstr.lhs)~to!(string)(getCharacter(binOpInstr.operator))~transform(binOpInstr.rhs);
/* FuncCallInstr */
else if(cast(FuncCallInstr)instruction)
@ -370,7 +374,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
emit ~= ";";
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
/* ReturnInstruction */
else if(cast(ReturnInstruction)instruction)
@ -384,7 +388,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
/* Get the return expression instruction */
Value returnExpressionInstr = returnInstruction.getReturnExpInstr();
return "return "~transform(returnExpressionInstr)~";";
emmmmit = "return "~transform(returnExpressionInstr)~";";
* If statements (IfStatementInstruction)
@ -434,7 +438,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* While loops (WhileLoopInstruction)
@ -464,7 +468,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
/* Closing curly brace */
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* For loops (ForLoopInstruction)
@ -502,7 +506,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
// Close curly (body end)
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* Unary operators (UnaryOpInstr)
@ -521,7 +525,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
/* Transform the operand */
emit ~= transform(operandInstruction);
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* Pointer dereference assignment (PointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction)
@ -551,7 +555,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
emit ~= transform(rhsAssExprInstr)~";";
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* Discard instruction (DiscardInstruction)
@ -566,7 +570,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
/* Transform the expression */
emit ~= transform(valueInstruction)~";";
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* Type casting instruction (CastedValueInstruction)
@ -593,29 +597,27 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
/* The original expression */
emit ~= transform(uncastedInstruction);
return emit;
/* Handling of primitive types */
/* Add the actual cast */
emit ~= "("~typeTransform(castingTo)~")";
/* The expression being casted */
emit ~= transform(uncastedInstruction);
// TODO: Implement this
gprintln("Non-primitive type casting not yet implemented", DebugType.ERROR);
/* Handling of primitive types */
/* Add the actual cast */
emit ~= "("~typeTransform(castingTo)~")";
/* The expression being casted */
emit ~= transform(uncastedInstruction);
// TODO: Implement this
gprintln("Non-primitive type casting not yet implemented", DebugType.ERROR);
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* Array indexing (pointer-based arrays)
@ -655,7 +657,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
// return "*("~transform(indexed)~"+"~transform(index)~")";
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* Array assignments (pointer-based arrays)
@ -701,7 +703,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
emit ~= ";";
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* Array indexing (stack-based arrays)
@ -741,7 +743,7 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
// return "(TODO: Stack-array index emit)";
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
* Array assignments (stack-based arrays)
@ -785,12 +787,23 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
// return "(StackArrAssignmentInstr: TODO)";
return emit;
emmmmit = emit;
// TODO: MAAAAN we don't even have this yet
// else if(cast(StringExpression))
* Unsupported instruction
* If you get here then normally it's because
* you didn't implement a transformation for
* an instruction yet.
emmmmit = "<TODO: Base emit: "~to!(string)(instruction)~">";
return "<TODO: Base emit: "~to!(string)(instruction)~">";
return emmmmit;
@ -1272,8 +1285,10 @@ int main()
//NOTE: Change to system compiler (maybe, we need to choose a good C compiler)
string[] compileArgs = ["clang", "-o", "tlang.out",];
string systemCompiler = config.getConfig("dgen:compiler").getText();
gprintln("Using system C compiler '"~systemCompiler~"' for compilation");
string[] compileArgs = [systemCompiler, "-o", "tlang.out",];
// Check for object files to be linked in
string[] objectFilesLink;

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@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ public final class CompilerConfiguration
/* Generate a fresh new config */
CompilerConfiguration config = new CompilerConfiguration();
/* Enable Behaviour-C fixes */
config.addConfig(ConfigEntry("behavec:preinline_args", true));
/* Enable Behaviour-C fixes (TODO: This should be changed to true before release) */
config.addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:preinline_args", false));
/* Enable pretty code generation for DGen */
config.addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:pretty_code", true));
@ -209,8 +209,11 @@ public final class CompilerConfiguration
/* Enable entry point test generation for DGen */
config.addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:emit_entrypoint_test", true));
/* Set the mapping to hashing of entity names (TODO: This should be changed before release) */
config.addConfig(ConfigEntry("emit:mapper", "hashmapper"));
/* Set the mapping to hashing of entity names for DGen (TODO: This should be changed before release) */
config.addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:mapper", "hashmapper"));
/* Set the system C compiler for DGen to clang */
config.addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:compiler", "clang"));
* Configure, at compile time, the system type aliases

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@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ public class Compiler
throw new CompilerException(CompilerError.TYPECHECK_NOT_YET_PERFORMED);
throw new CompilerException(CompilerError.CONFIG_ERROR, "Missing a symbol mapper");
SymbolMapper mapper;
string mapperType = config.getConfig("emit:mapper").getText();
string mapperType = config.getConfig("dgen:mapper").getText();
if(cmp(mapperType, "hashmapper") == 0)

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@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ public class DNodeGenerator
expect("Only class-type may be used with `new`");
gprintln("Poe naais");
gprintln("King of the castle");
@ -981,8 +981,6 @@ public class DNodeGenerator
else if(cast(ArrayIndex)exp)
gprintln("Working on expressionPass'ing of ArrayIndex", DebugType.ERROR);
ArrayIndex arrayIndex = cast(ArrayIndex)exp;
// Set the context as we need to grab it later in the typechecker
@ -997,9 +995,6 @@ public class DNodeGenerator
Expression indexedExp = arrayIndex.getIndexed();
DNode indexedExpDNode = expressionPass(indexedExp, context);
// assert(false);

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@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ public final class Resolver
/* Try find the Entity within the current Contaier */
gprintln("resolveUp("~to!(string)(currentContainer)~", "~name~")");
Entity entity = resolveWithin(currentContainer, name);
gprintln("Certified 2008 financial crisis moment");
/* If we found it return it */