Initialization queue

This is a queue where all things such as:

- Class static initializations
- Module initializations (maybe)
- Struct static initializations

will go.

Added `addInit()` along `SList initQueue` to support such a queue.

- Whenever a ClassStaticNode is come across it is added to this queue (at the back - so as to maintain allocation order, not that allocation would matter - only initialization (which is already working))
This commit is contained in:
Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 2022-10-15 20:36:18 +02:00
parent 47d1974f93
commit 0c94ece070
1 changed files with 17 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -110,18 +110,32 @@ public final class TypeChecker
import std.container.slist;
import compiler.codegen.instruction;
/* Main code queue */
private SList!(Instruction) codeQueue;
/* Initialization queue */
private SList!(Instruction) initQueue;
/* Adds an initialization instruction to the initialization queue */
public void addInit(Instruction initInstruction)
initQueue.insertAfter(initQueue[], initInstruction);
/* Adds an instruction to the front of code queue */
public void addInstr(Instruction inst)
/* Adds an instruction to the back of the code queue */
public void addInstrB(Instruction inst)
codeQueue.insertAfter(codeQueue[], inst);
/* Removes the instruction at the front of the code queue and returns it */
public Instruction popInstr()
Instruction poppedInstr;
@ -644,6 +658,9 @@ public final class TypeChecker
string clazzName = resolver.generateName(modulle, clazzPNode);
ClassStaticInitAllocate clazzStaticInitAllocInstr = new ClassStaticInitAllocate(clazzName);
/* Add this static initialization to the list of global allocations required */
// /* TODO: I am rushing so idk which quantum op to use */
// // addInstrB(new ClassStaticInitAllocate(clazzName));