ubase - suckless linux base utils ================================= ubase is a collection of tools similar in spirit to util-linux but much simpler. The following programs are currently implemented: chvt clear ctrlaltdel dd df dmesg eject fallocate free getty halt hwclock id insmod killall5 login lsmod lsusb mknod mkswap mount mountpoint pagesize pidof pivot_root ps respawn rmmod stat su swapoff swapon switch_root sysctl truncate umount unshare uptime watch who The complement of ubase is sbase[1] which mostly follows POSIX and provides all the portable tools. Together they are intended to form a base system similar to busybox but much smaller and suckless. Building -------- To build ubase, simply type make. You may have to fiddle with config.mk depending on your system. You can also build ubase-box, which generates a single binary containing all the required tools. You can then symlink the individual tools to ubase-box. Ideally you will want to statically link ubase. We highly recommend using musl-libc[2]. ubase is known to compile with gcc, clang and tcc. [1] http://git.suckless.org/sbase/ [2] http://www.musl-libc.org/