/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <grp.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "fs.h" #include "util.h" #define BLKSIZ 512 #undef major #define major(dev) ((int)(((unsigned int)(dev) >> 8) & 0xff)) #undef minor #define minor(dev) ((int)((dev) & 0xff)) #undef makedev #define makedev(major, minor) (((major) << 8) | (minor)) enum Type { REG = '0', AREG = '\0', HARDLINK = '1', SYMLINK = '2', CHARDEV = '3', BLOCKDEV = '4', DIRECTORY = '5', FIFO = '6', RESERVED = '7' }; struct header { char name[100]; char mode[8]; char uid[8]; char gid[8]; char size[12]; char mtime[12]; char chksum[8]; char type; char linkname[100]; char magic[6]; char version[2]; char uname[32]; char gname[32]; char major[8]; char minor[8]; char prefix[155]; }; static struct ent { char *name; time_t mtime; } *ents; static size_t entslen; static int tarfd; static ino_t tarinode; static dev_t tardev; static int mflag, vflag; static int filtermode; static const char *filtertool; static const char *filtertools[] = { ['J'] = "xz", ['Z'] = "compress", ['a'] = "lzma", ['j'] = "bzip2", ['z'] = "gzip", }; static void pushent(char *name, time_t mtime) { ents = reallocarray(ents, entslen + 1, sizeof(*ents)); ents[entslen].name = strdup(name); ents[entslen].mtime = mtime; entslen++; } static struct ent * popent(void) { if (entslen) { entslen--; return &ents[entslen]; } return NULL; } static int comp(int fd, const char *tool, const char *flags) { int fds[2]; if (pipe(fds) < 0) eprintf("pipe:"); switch (fork()) { case -1: eprintf("fork:"); case 0: dup2(fd, 1); dup2(fds[0], 0); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); execlp(tool, tool, flags, NULL); weprintf("execlp %s:", tool); _exit(1); } close(fds[0]); return fds[1]; } static int decomp(int fd, const char *tool, const char *flags) { int fds[2]; if (pipe(fds) < 0) eprintf("pipe:"); switch (fork()) { case -1: eprintf("fork:"); case 0: dup2(fd, 0); dup2(fds[1], 1); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); execlp(tool, tool, flags, NULL); weprintf("execlp %s:", tool); _exit(1); } close(fds[1]); return fds[0]; } static ssize_t eread(int fd, void *buf, size_t n) { ssize_t r; again: r = read(fd, buf, n); if (r < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) goto again; eprintf("read:"); } return r; } static ssize_t ewrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t n) { ssize_t r; if ((r = write(fd, buf, n)) != n) eprintf("write:"); return r; } static void putoctal(char *dst, unsigned num, int size) { if (snprintf(dst, size, "%.*o", size - 1, num) >= size) eprintf("snprintf: input number too large\n"); } static int archive(const char *path) { char b[BLKSIZ]; struct group *gr; struct header *h; struct passwd *pw; struct stat st; size_t chksum, i; ssize_t l, r; int fd = -1; if (lstat(path, &st) < 0) { weprintf("lstat %s:", path); return 0; } else if (st.st_ino == tarinode && st.st_dev == tardev) { weprintf("ignoring %s\n", path); return 0; } pw = getpwuid(st.st_uid); gr = getgrgid(st.st_gid); h = (struct header *)b; memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); estrlcpy(h->name, path, sizeof(h->name)); putoctal(h->mode, (unsigned)st.st_mode & 0777, sizeof(h->mode)); putoctal(h->uid, (unsigned)st.st_uid, sizeof(h->uid)); putoctal(h->gid, (unsigned)st.st_gid, sizeof(h->gid)); putoctal(h->size, 0, sizeof(h->size)); putoctal(h->mtime, (unsigned)st.st_mtime, sizeof(h->mtime)); memcpy( h->magic, "ustar", sizeof(h->magic)); memcpy( h->version, "00", sizeof(h->version)); estrlcpy(h->uname, pw ? pw->pw_name : "", sizeof(h->uname)); estrlcpy(h->gname, gr ? gr->gr_name : "", sizeof(h->gname)); if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { h->type = REG; putoctal(h->size, (unsigned)st.st_size, sizeof(h->size)); fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) eprintf("open %s:", path); } else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { h->type = DIRECTORY; } else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { h->type = SYMLINK; if ((r = readlink(path, h->linkname, sizeof(h->linkname) - 1)) < 0) eprintf("readlink %s:", path); h->linkname[r] = '\0'; } else if (S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) || S_ISBLK(st.st_mode)) { h->type = S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) ? CHARDEV : BLOCKDEV; putoctal(h->major, (unsigned)major(st.st_dev), sizeof(h->major)); putoctal(h->minor, (unsigned)minor(st.st_dev), sizeof(h->minor)); } else if (S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) { h->type = FIFO; } memset(h->chksum, ' ', sizeof(h->chksum)); for (i = 0, chksum = 0; i < sizeof(*h); i++) chksum += (unsigned char)b[i]; putoctal(h->chksum, chksum, sizeof(h->chksum)); ewrite(tarfd, b, BLKSIZ); if (fd != -1) { while ((l = eread(fd, b, BLKSIZ)) > 0) { if (l < BLKSIZ) memset(b + l, 0, BLKSIZ - l); ewrite(tarfd, b, BLKSIZ); } close(fd); } return 0; } static int unarchive(char *fname, ssize_t l, char b[BLKSIZ]) { char lname[101], *tmp, *p; long mode, major, minor, type, mtime, uid, gid; struct header *h = (struct header *)b; int fd = -1; if (!mflag && ((mtime = strtol(h->mtime, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0')) eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->mtime); if (remove(fname) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) eprintf("remove %s:", fname); tmp = estrdup(fname); mkdirp(dirname(tmp)); free(tmp); switch (h->type) { case REG: case AREG: case RESERVED: if ((mode = strtol(h->mode, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0') eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->mode); fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0644); if (fd < 0) eprintf("open %s:", fname); if (fchmod(fd, mode) < 0) eprintf("fchmod %s:", fname); break; case HARDLINK: case SYMLINK: snprintf(lname, sizeof(lname), "%.*s", (int)sizeof(h->linkname), h->linkname); if (((h->type == HARDLINK) ? link : symlink)(lname, fname) < 0) eprintf("%s %s -> %s:", (h->type == HARDLINK) ? "link" : "symlink", fname, lname); break; case DIRECTORY: if ((mode = strtol(h->mode, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0') eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->mode); if (mkdir(fname, (mode_t)mode) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) eprintf("mkdir %s:", fname); break; case CHARDEV: case BLOCKDEV: if ((mode = strtol(h->mode, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0') eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->mode); if ((major = strtol(h->major, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0') eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->major); if ((minor = strtol(h->minor, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0') eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->minor); type = (h->type == CHARDEV) ? S_IFCHR : S_IFBLK; if (mknod(fname, type | mode, makedev(major, minor)) < 0) eprintf("mknod %s:", fname); break; case FIFO: if ((mode = strtol(h->mode, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0') eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->mode); if (mknod(fname, S_IFIFO | mode, 0) < 0) eprintf("mknod %s:", fname); break; default: eprintf("unsupported tar-filetype %c\n", h->type); } if ((uid = strtol(h->uid, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0') eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->uid); if ((gid = strtol(h->gid, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0') eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->gid); if (!getuid() && chown(fname, uid, gid)) weprintf("chown %s:", fname); if (fd != -1) { for (; l > 0; l -= BLKSIZ) if (eread(tarfd, b, BLKSIZ) > 0) ewrite(fd, b, MIN(l, BLKSIZ)); close(fd); } pushent(fname, mtime); return 0; } static void skipblk(ssize_t l) { char b[BLKSIZ]; for (; l > 0; l -= BLKSIZ) if (!eread(tarfd, b, BLKSIZ)) break; } static int print(char *fname, ssize_t l, char b[BLKSIZ]) { puts(fname); skipblk(l); return 0; } static void c(const char *path, struct stat *st, void *data, struct recursor *r) { archive(path); if (vflag) puts(path); if (st && S_ISDIR(st->st_mode)) recurse(path, NULL, r); } static void sanitize(struct header *h) { size_t i, j; struct { char *f; size_t l; } fields[] = { { h->mode, sizeof(h->mode) }, { h->uid, sizeof(h->uid) }, { h->gid, sizeof(h->gid) }, { h->size, sizeof(h->size) }, { h->mtime, sizeof(h->mtime) }, { h->chksum, sizeof(h->chksum) }, { h->major, sizeof(h->major) }, { h->minor, sizeof(h->minor) } }; /* Numeric fields can be terminated with spaces instead of * NULs as per the ustar specification. Patch all of them to * use NULs so we can perform string operations on them. */ for (i = 0; i < LEN(fields); i++) for (j = 0; j < fields[i].l; j++) if (fields[i].f[j] == ' ') fields[i].f[j] = '\0'; } static void chktar(struct header *h) { char tmp[8], *err; char *p = (char *)h; long s1, s2, i; if (h->prefix[0] == '\0' && h->name[0] == '\0') goto bad; if (h->magic[0] && strncmp("ustar", h->magic, 5)) goto bad; memcpy(tmp, h->chksum, sizeof(tmp)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tmp); i++) if (tmp[i] == ' ') tmp[i] = '\0'; s1 = strtol(tmp, &err, 8); if (s1 < 0 || *err != '\0') goto bad; memset(h->chksum, ' ', sizeof(h->chksum)); for (i = 0, s2 = 0; i < sizeof(*h); i++) s2 += (unsigned char)p[i]; if (s1 != s2) goto bad; memcpy(h->chksum, tmp, sizeof(h->chksum)); return; bad: eprintf("malformed tar archive\n"); } static void xt(int argc, char *argv[], int mode) { char b[BLKSIZ], fname[256 + 1], *p; struct timeval times[2]; struct header *h = (struct header *)b; struct ent *ent; long size; int i, n; int (*fn)(char *, ssize_t, char[BLKSIZ]) = (mode == 'x') ? unarchive : print; while (eread(tarfd, b, BLKSIZ) > 0 && h->name[0]) { chktar(h); sanitize(h), n = 0; /* small dance around non-null terminated fields */ if (h->prefix[0]) n = snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%.*s/", (int)sizeof(h->prefix), h->prefix); snprintf(fname + n, sizeof(fname) - n, "%.*s", (int)sizeof(h->name), h->name); if ((size = strtol(h->size, &p, 8)) < 0 || *p != '\0') eprintf("strtol %s: invalid number\n", h->size); if (argc) { /* only extract the given files */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) if (!strcmp(argv[i], fname)) break; if (i == argc) { skipblk(size); continue; } } /* ignore global pax header craziness */ if (h->type == 'g' || h->type == 'x') { skipblk(size); continue; } fn(fname, size, b); if (vflag && mode != 't') puts(fname); } if (!mflag) { while ((ent = popent())) { times[0].tv_sec = times[1].tv_sec = ent->mtime; times[0].tv_usec = times[1].tv_usec = 0; if (utimes(ent->name, times) < 0) weprintf("utimes %s:", ent->name); free(ent->name); } free(ents); ents = NULL; } } static void usage(void) { eprintf("usage: %s [-C dir] [-J | -Z | -a | -j | -z] -x [-m | -t] [-f file] [file ...]\n" " %s [-C dir] [-J | -Z | -a | -j | -z] [-h] -c path ... [-f file]\n", argv0, argv0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct recursor r = { .fn = c, .hist = NULL, .depth = 0, .maxdepth = 0, .follow = 'P', .flags = DIRFIRST }; struct stat st; char *file = NULL, *dir = ".", mode = '\0'; int fd; ARGBEGIN { case 'x': case 'c': case 't': mode = ARGC(); break; case 'C': dir = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'f': file = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'm': mflag = 1; break; case 'J': case 'Z': case 'a': case 'j': case 'z': filtermode = ARGC(); filtertool = filtertools[filtermode]; break; case 'h': r.follow = 'L'; break; case 'v': vflag = 1; break; default: usage(); } ARGEND; if (!mode) usage(); if (mode == 'c') if (!argc) usage(); switch (mode) { case 'c': tarfd = 1; if (file) { tarfd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0644); if (tarfd < 0) eprintf("open %s:", file); if (lstat(file, &st) < 0) eprintf("lstat %s:", file); tarinode = st.st_ino; tardev = st.st_dev; } if (filtertool) tarfd = comp(tarfd, filtertool, "-cf"); if (chdir(dir) < 0) eprintf("chdir %s:", dir); for (; *argv; argc--, argv++) recurse(*argv, NULL, &r); break; case 't': case 'x': tarfd = 0; if (file) { tarfd = open(file, O_RDONLY); if (tarfd < 0) eprintf("open %s:", file); } if (filtertool) { fd = tarfd; tarfd = decomp(tarfd, filtertool, "-cd"); close(fd); } if (chdir(dir) < 0) eprintf("chdir %s:", dir); xt(argc, argv, mode); break; } return recurse_status; }