.TH MKNOD 1 ubase-VERSION .SH NAME \fBmknod\fR - create a special device file .SH SYNOPSIS \fBmknod\fR [\fB-m \fImode\fR] \fIname type major minor .SH DESCRIPTION \fBmknod\fR reates a special device file named \fIname\fR with major number \fImajor\fR, and minor number \fIminor\fR. \fItype\fR specifies what kind of special file will be created and must be one of: .TP \fBu\fR or \fBc\fR A character device. .TP \fBb\fR A block device. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB-m\fR \fImode\fR Set the mode of the new file based on the octal value of \fImode\fR. .SH SEE ALSO mknod (2)