.TH CTRLALTDEL 8 ubase-VERSION .SH NAME \fBctrlaltdel\fR - set the function of Ctrl-Alt-Del combination .SH SYNOPSIS \fBctrlaltdel\fR [\fB-hs\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION Based on examination of the linux/kernel/sys.c code, it is clear that there are two supported functions that the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence can perform: a hard reset, which immediately reboots the computer without calling sync(2) and without any other preparation; and a soft reset, which sends the SIGINT (interrupt) signal to the init process (this is always the process with PID 1). If this option is used, the init(8) program must support this feature. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB-h\fR perform a hard reset .TP \fB-s\fR perform a soft reset