
250 lines
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module tristanable.manager;
import std.socket : Socket;
import core.sync.mutex : Mutex;
import bmessage : bSendMessage = sendMessage;
import tristanable.queue : Queue;
import core.thread : Thread, Duration, dur;
import tristanable.watcher;
import std.container.dlist;
import tristanable.exceptions;
* Manager
* This is the core class that is to be instantiated
* that represents an instance of the tristanable
* framework. It is passed a Socket from which it
* reads from (using a bformat block reader).
* It contains a Watcher which does the reading and
* appending to respective queues (the user need not
* worry about this factum).
* The functions provided allow users to wait in a
* tight loop to dequeue ("receive" in a blcoking mannger)
* from a specified queue.
public final class Manager
/* All queues */
private DList!(Queue) queues;
private Mutex queuesLock;
/* TODO Add drop queue? */
* The remote host
private Socket socket;
private Watcher watcher;
private bool isAlive;
* Constructs a new Manager with the given
* endpoint Socket
this(Socket socket, Duration timeOut = dur!("msecs")(100), bool newSys = false)
/* TODO: Make sure the socket is in STREAM mode */
/* Set the socket */
this.socket = socket;
/* Initialize the queues mutex */
queuesLock = new Mutex();
/* Initialize the watcher */
watcher = new Watcher(this, socket, timeOut, newSys);
* Starts the session (watcher)
public void start()
/* Set this session as alive */
this.isAlive = true;
/* Start the watcher */
public Queue getQueue(ulong tag)
Queue matchingQueue;
foreach(Queue queue; queues)
if(queue.getTag() == tag)
matchingQueue = queue;
return matchingQueue;
/* TODO: Probably remove this or keep it */
public bool isValidTag(ulong tag)
return !(getQueue(tag) is null);
* Returns a new queue with a new ID,
* if all IDs are used then it returns
* null
* Use this if you don't care about reserving
* queues IDs and just want a throwaway queue
* FIXME: All tags in use, this won't handle it
public Queue generateQueue()
/* Newly generated queue */
Queue newQueue;
ulong curGuess = 0;
bool bad = true;
reguess: while(bad)
continue reguess;
bad = false;
/* Create the new queue with the free id found */
newQueue = new Queue(this, curGuess);
/* Add the queue (recursive mutex) */
return newQueue;
public Queue[] getQueues()
Queue[] queues;
foreach(Queue queue; this.queues)
queues ~= queue;
return queues;
* Removes the given Queue, `queue`, from the manager
* Throws a TristanableException if the id of the
* queue wanting to be removed is not in use by any
* queue already added
public void removeQueue(Queue queue)
/* Make sure such a tag exists */
/* Unlock queue before throwing an exception */
throw new TristanableException(this, "Cannot remove a queue with an id not in use");
* Adds the given Queue, `queue`, to the manager
* Throws a TristanableException if the id of the
* queue wanting to be added is already in use by
* another already added queue
public void addQueue(Queue queue)
/* Make sure such a tag does not exist already */
queues ~= queue;
/* Unlock queue before throwing an exception */
throw new TristanableException(this, "Cannot add queue with id already in use");
public Socket getSocket()
return socket;
* Called by the Watcher thread when there is a socket
* error such that the `isValid` status field that
* the Queue operations check can be checked to see
* if the Queue calls should unblock due to a dead
* socket
* FIXME: End user should not be able to call this
void invalidate()
isAlive = false;
bool isInvalid()
return !isAlive;
* TODO: Comment
* TODO: Testing
public void shutdown()
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* Make the loop stop whenever it does */
/* Wait for the thread to end */