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Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 2024-04-10 21:54:36 +02:00
parent 6c5b752220
commit 2cb6a1e973
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@ -244,83 +244,6 @@ private class GoggaTransform : Transform
* Mixes in a set of easy helper methods
* for each log-level in `Level`, with
* matching nams
* Params:
* gLogger = the `GoggaLogger` identifier
public mixin template LoggingFuncs(alias gLogger)
if(__traits(isSame, typeof(gLogger), GoggaLogger))
import std.meta : AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf;
import std.traits : ParameterDefaults;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
import dlog.basic : Level;
* Generatesd a function named after
* the given log level and using
* the log level provided with
* the correct default (call-site
* based) arguments containing
* line information
* Params:
* gLogger = the logger identifier
* level = the log level
private mixin template MakeFuncFor(alias GoggaLogger gLogger, Level level)
import std.conv : to;
import gogga.core : GoggaCompInfo;
public void `~to!(string)(level)~`(Text...)
Text segments,
string c1 = __FILE_FULL_PATH__,
string c2 = __FILE__,
ulong c3 = __LINE__,
string c4 = __MODULE__,
string c5 = __FUNCTION__,
string c6 = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
gLogger.doLog(segments, GoggaCompInfo(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6), Level.`~to!(string)(level)~`);
// Generate methods per each log level
static foreach(level; EnumMembers!(Level))
mixin MakeFuncFor!(gLogger, level);
* Tests using the mixin for method
* names
GoggaLogger gLogger = new GoggaLogger();
gLogger.addHandler(new FileHandler(stdout));
mixin LoggingFuncs!(gLogger);
DEBUG("fok", 2,2);
ERROR("fok", 2,2);
INFO("fok", 2,2);
WARN("fok", 2,2);
* A `GoggaLogger`