# Pathing features - Long distance pathing and splicing. Baritone calculates paths in segments # Goals The pathing goal can be set to any of these options - GoalBlock - one specific block that the player should stand inside at foot level - GoalXZ - an X and a Z coordinate, used for long distance pathing - GoalYLevel - a Y coordinate - GoalTwoBlocks - a block position that the player should stand in, either at foot or eye level - GoalGetToBlock - a block position that the player should stand adjacent to, below, or on top of - GoalNear - a block position that the player should get within a certain radius of, used for following entities And finally GoalComposite. GoalComposite is a list of other goals, any one of which satisfies the goal. For example, `mine diamond_ore` creates a GoalComposite of GoalTwoBlock s for every diamond ore location it knows of.