# My ZSH config This is my daily driver for my shell, it's *heavily customized* and relies on a lot of ZSH features It is enhanced by a few things which are submodules of this repo: - Powerlevel10k - zsh-autosuggestions - zsh-synthax-highlighting Some custom prompts depend on these binaries in your path: - jq *(for JSON parsing)* - sqlite *(if using the youtube RSS plugin [depends on newsboat cache database])* - curl *(for fetching external API data)* - busctl *(for interacting with mpv over mpris dbus IPC, see* [mpv-mpris](https://github.com/hoyon/mpv-mpris) While i do attempt to make this usable widely, don't rely on it. If you want to use this and have it work as you want it, it's expected that you can read manual pages and know at least a bit of shell scripting. ## These variables should be set in your .zshenv or your profiles/environment files ### ZDOTDIR This environment variable should be set to the root of your repository (usually ~/.config/zsh or ~/.zsh) ### zstyles #### :custom:preferences Because font support detection is a bit complicated, the `prompt` variable in this zstyle allows you to manually toggle on a specific prompt (now only p9k is available) #### :custom:prompts:weather This should be your location in the `woeid` format. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WOEID The weather is fetched from [MetaWeather](https://metaweather.com) (props to them for having a API that is authentication-free) every 12h. It is not updated live in the prompt because i don't really expect people to have their terminal open for 12h but it can be updated manually by deleting the disk cache stored at `$CACHEPATH/weather` and unsetting the `_cprompts_weather` variable in this specific order. #### :custom:prompts:covid This is a country slug for your country. This is used in the `covid_19()` prompt which shows you the daily actively infected people. It behaves the same as the weather one except that it is updated every 24h and is fetched from [Covid19API](https://api.covid19api.com/) which has a really nice JSON api which is completly free and requires no authentication.