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synced 2025-03-22 11:18:44 +00:00
923 lines
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923 lines
31 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "chat_helpers/field_autocomplete.h"
#include "data/data_document.h"
#include "data/data_peer_values.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "apiwrap.h"
#include "storage/localstorage.h"
#include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
#include "styles/style_widgets.h"
#include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
#include "chat_helpers/stickers.h"
FieldAutocomplete::FieldAutocomplete(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent)
, _scroll(this, st::mentionScroll) {
_inner = _scroll->setOwnedWidget(object_ptr<internal::FieldAutocompleteInner>(this, &_mrows, &_hrows, &_brows, &_srows));
connect(_inner, SIGNAL(mentionChosen(UserData*, FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod)), this, SIGNAL(mentionChosen(UserData*, FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod)));
connect(_inner, SIGNAL(hashtagChosen(QString, FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod)), this, SIGNAL(hashtagChosen(QString, FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod)));
connect(_inner, SIGNAL(botCommandChosen(QString, FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod)), this, SIGNAL(botCommandChosen(QString, FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod)));
connect(_inner, SIGNAL(stickerChosen(not_null<DocumentData*>,FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod)), this, SIGNAL(stickerChosen(not_null<DocumentData*>,FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod)));
connect(_inner, SIGNAL(mustScrollTo(int, int)), _scroll, SLOT(scrollToY(int, int)));
connect(_scroll, SIGNAL(geometryChanged()), _inner, SLOT(onParentGeometryChanged()));
void FieldAutocomplete::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
Painter p(this);
auto opacity = _a_opacity.current(getms(), _hiding ? 0. : 1.);
if (opacity < 1.) {
if (opacity > 0.) {
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _cache);
} else if (_hiding) {
p.fillRect(rect(), st::mentionBg);
void FieldAutocomplete::showFiltered(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
QString query,
bool addInlineBots) {
_chat = peer->asChat();
_user = peer->asUser();
_channel = peer->asChannel();
if (query.isEmpty()) {
_type = Type::Mentions;
rowsUpdated(internal::MentionRows(), internal::HashtagRows(), internal::BotCommandRows(), _srows, false);
_emoji = nullptr;
query = query.toLower();
auto type = Type::Stickers;
auto plainQuery = query.midRef(0);
switch (query.at(0).unicode()) {
case '@':
type = Type::Mentions;
plainQuery = query.midRef(1);
case '#':
type = Type::Hashtags;
plainQuery = query.midRef(1);
case '/':
type = Type::BotCommands;
plainQuery = query.midRef(1);
bool resetScroll = (_type != type || _filter != plainQuery);
if (resetScroll) {
_type = type;
_filter = TextUtilities::RemoveAccents(plainQuery.toString());
_addInlineBots = addInlineBots;
void FieldAutocomplete::showStickers(EmojiPtr emoji) {
bool resetScroll = (_emoji != emoji);
_emoji = emoji;
_type = Type::Stickers;
if (!emoji) {
rowsUpdated(_mrows, _hrows, _brows, internal::StickerRows(), false);
_chat = nullptr;
_user = nullptr;
_channel = nullptr;
bool FieldAutocomplete::clearFilteredBotCommands() {
if (_brows.isEmpty()) return false;
return true;
namespace {
template <typename T, typename U>
inline int indexOfInFirstN(const T &v, const U &elem, int last) {
for (auto b = v.cbegin(), i = b, e = b + qMax(v.size(), last); i != e; ++i) {
if (*i == elem) {
return (i - b);
return -1;
void FieldAutocomplete::updateFiltered(bool resetScroll) {
int32 now = unixtime(), recentInlineBots = 0;
internal::MentionRows mrows;
internal::HashtagRows hrows;
internal::BotCommandRows brows;
internal::StickerRows srows;
if (_emoji) {
srows = Stickers::GetListByEmoji(_emoji, _stickersSeed);
} else if (_type == Type::Mentions) {
int maxListSize = _addInlineBots ? cRecentInlineBots().size() : 0;
if (_chat) {
maxListSize += (_chat->participants.empty() ? _chat->lastAuthors.size() : _chat->participants.size());
} else if (_channel && _channel->isMegagroup()) {
if (_channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.empty() || _channel->lastParticipantsCountOutdated()) {
} else {
maxListSize += _channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size();
if (maxListSize) {
auto filterNotPassedByUsername = [this](UserData *user) -> bool {
if (user->username.startsWith(_filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
bool exactUsername = (user->username.size() == _filter.size());
return exactUsername;
return true;
auto filterNotPassedByName = [&](UserData *user) -> bool {
for (const auto &nameWord : user->nameWords()) {
if (nameWord.startsWith(_filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
auto exactUsername = (user->username.compare(_filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0);
return exactUsername;
return filterNotPassedByUsername(user);
bool listAllSuggestions = _filter.isEmpty();
if (_addInlineBots) {
for_const (auto user, cRecentInlineBots()) {
if (user->isInaccessible()) continue;
if (!listAllSuggestions && filterNotPassedByUsername(user)) continue;
if (_chat) {
auto ordered = QMultiMap<TimeId, not_null<UserData*>>();
const auto byOnline = [&](not_null<UserData*> user) {
return Data::SortByOnlineValue(user, now);
mrows.reserve(mrows.size() + (_chat->participants.empty() ? _chat->lastAuthors.size() : _chat->participants.size()));
if (_chat->noParticipantInfo()) {
} else if (!_chat->participants.empty()) {
for (const auto [user, v] : _chat->participants) {
if (user->isInaccessible()) continue;
if (!listAllSuggestions && filterNotPassedByName(user)) continue;
if (indexOfInFirstN(mrows, user, recentInlineBots) >= 0) continue;
ordered.insertMulti(byOnline(user), user);
for (const auto user : _chat->lastAuthors) {
if (user->isInaccessible()) continue;
if (!listAllSuggestions && filterNotPassedByName(user)) continue;
if (indexOfInFirstN(mrows, user, recentInlineBots) >= 0) continue;
if (!ordered.isEmpty()) {
ordered.remove(byOnline(user), user);
if (!ordered.isEmpty()) {
for (auto i = ordered.cend(), b = ordered.cbegin(); i != b;) {
} else if (_channel && _channel->isMegagroup()) {
QMultiMap<int32, UserData*> ordered;
if (_channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.empty() || _channel->lastParticipantsCountOutdated()) {
} else {
mrows.reserve(mrows.size() + _channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size());
for (const auto user : _channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants) {
if (user->isInaccessible()) continue;
if (!listAllSuggestions && filterNotPassedByName(user)) continue;
if (indexOfInFirstN(mrows, user, recentInlineBots) >= 0) continue;
} else if (_type == Type::Hashtags) {
bool listAllSuggestions = _filter.isEmpty();
auto &recent(cRecentWriteHashtags());
for (auto i = recent.cbegin(), e = recent.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (!listAllSuggestions && (!i->first.startsWith(_filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || i->first.size() == _filter.size())) {
} else if (_type == Type::BotCommands) {
bool listAllSuggestions = _filter.isEmpty();
bool hasUsername = _filter.indexOf('@') > 0;
QMap<UserData*, bool> bots;
int32 cnt = 0;
if (_chat) {
if (_chat->noParticipantInfo()) {
} else if (!_chat->participants.empty()) {
for (const auto [user, version] : _chat->participants) {
if (!user->botInfo) continue;
if (!user->botInfo->inited) {
if (user->botInfo->commands.isEmpty()) continue;
bots.insert(user, true);
cnt += user->botInfo->commands.size();
} else if (_user && _user->botInfo) {
if (!_user->botInfo->inited) {
cnt = _user->botInfo->commands.size();
bots.insert(_user, true);
} else if (_channel && _channel->isMegagroup()) {
if (_channel->mgInfo->bots.empty()) {
if (!_channel->mgInfo->botStatus) {
} else {
for_const (auto user, _channel->mgInfo->bots) {
if (!user->botInfo) continue;
if (!user->botInfo->inited) {
if (user->botInfo->commands.isEmpty()) continue;
bots.insert(user, true);
cnt += user->botInfo->commands.size();
if (cnt) {
int32 botStatus = _chat ? _chat->botStatus : ((_channel && _channel->isMegagroup()) ? _channel->mgInfo->botStatus : -1);
if (_chat) {
for (auto i = _chat->lastAuthors.cbegin(), e = _chat->lastAuthors.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
auto user = *i;
if (!user->botInfo) continue;
if (!bots.contains(user)) continue;
if (!user->botInfo->inited) {
if (user->botInfo->commands.isEmpty()) continue;
for (auto j = 0, l = user->botInfo->commands.size(); j != l; ++j) {
if (!listAllSuggestions) {
auto toFilter = (hasUsername || botStatus == 0 || botStatus == 2)
? user->botInfo->commands.at(j).command + '@' + user->username
: user->botInfo->commands.at(j).command;
if (!toFilter.startsWith(_filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive)/* || toFilter.size() == _filter.size()*/) {
brows.push_back(qMakePair(user, &user->botInfo->commands.at(j)));
if (!bots.isEmpty()) {
for (QMap<UserData*, bool>::const_iterator i = bots.cbegin(), e = bots.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
UserData *user = i.key();
for (int32 j = 0, l = user->botInfo->commands.size(); j < l; ++j) {
if (!listAllSuggestions) {
QString toFilter = (hasUsername || botStatus == 0 || botStatus == 2) ? user->botInfo->commands.at(j).command + '@' + user->username : user->botInfo->commands.at(j).command;
if (!toFilter.startsWith(_filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive)/* || toFilter.size() == _filter.size()*/) continue;
brows.push_back(qMakePair(user, &user->botInfo->commands.at(j)));
rowsUpdated(mrows, hrows, brows, srows, resetScroll);
void FieldAutocomplete::rowsUpdated(const internal::MentionRows &mrows, const internal::HashtagRows &hrows, const internal::BotCommandRows &brows, const internal::StickerRows &srows, bool resetScroll) {
if (mrows.isEmpty() && hrows.isEmpty() && brows.isEmpty() && srows.empty()) {
if (!isHidden()) {
} else {
_mrows = mrows;
_hrows = hrows;
_brows = brows;
_srows = srows;
bool hidden = _hiding || isHidden();
if (hidden) {
if (hidden) {
void FieldAutocomplete::setBoundings(QRect boundings) {
_boundings = boundings;
void FieldAutocomplete::recount(bool resetScroll) {
int32 h = 0, oldst = _scroll->scrollTop(), st = oldst, maxh = 4.5 * st::mentionHeight;
if (!_srows.empty()) {
int32 stickersPerRow = qMax(1, int32(_boundings.width() - 2 * st::stickerPanPadding) / int32(st::stickerPanSize.width()));
int32 rows = rowscount(_srows.size(), stickersPerRow);
h = st::stickerPanPadding + rows * st::stickerPanSize.height();
} else if (!_mrows.isEmpty()) {
h = _mrows.size() * st::mentionHeight;
} else if (!_hrows.isEmpty()) {
h = _hrows.size() * st::mentionHeight;
} else if (!_brows.isEmpty()) {
h = _brows.size() * st::mentionHeight;
if (_inner->width() != _boundings.width() || _inner->height() != h) {
_inner->resize(_boundings.width(), h);
if (h > _boundings.height()) h = _boundings.height();
if (h > maxh) h = maxh;
if (width() != _boundings.width() || height() != h) {
setGeometry(_boundings.x(), _boundings.y() + _boundings.height() - h, _boundings.width(), h);
_scroll->resize(_boundings.width(), h);
} else if (y() != _boundings.y() + _boundings.height() - h) {
move(_boundings.x(), _boundings.y() + _boundings.height() - h);
if (resetScroll) st = 0;
if (st != oldst) _scroll->scrollToY(st);
if (resetScroll) _inner->clearSel();
void FieldAutocomplete::hideFast() {
void FieldAutocomplete::hideAnimated() {
if (isHidden() || _hiding) {
if (_cache.isNull()) {
_cache = Ui::GrabWidget(this);
_hiding = true;
_a_opacity.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, 1., 0., st::emojiPanDuration);
setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false);
void FieldAutocomplete::hideFinish() {
_hiding = false;
_filter = qsl("-");
void FieldAutocomplete::showAnimated() {
if (!isHidden() && !_hiding) {
if (_cache.isNull()) {
_stickersSeed = rand_value<uint64>();
_cache = Ui::GrabWidget(this);
_hiding = false;
_a_opacity.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, 0., 1., st::emojiPanDuration);
setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false);
void FieldAutocomplete::animationCallback() {
if (!_a_opacity.animating()) {
_cache = QPixmap();
if (_hiding) {
} else {
const QString &FieldAutocomplete::filter() const {
return _filter;
ChatData *FieldAutocomplete::chat() const {
return _chat;
ChannelData *FieldAutocomplete::channel() const {
return _channel;
UserData *FieldAutocomplete::user() const {
return _user;
int32 FieldAutocomplete::innerTop() {
return _scroll->scrollTop();
int32 FieldAutocomplete::innerBottom() {
return _scroll->scrollTop() + _scroll->height();
bool FieldAutocomplete::chooseSelected(ChooseMethod method) const {
return _inner->chooseSelected(method);
bool FieldAutocomplete::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) {
auto hidden = isHidden();
auto moderate = Global::ModerateModeEnabled();
if (hidden && !moderate) return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, e);
if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
QKeyEvent *ev = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e);
if (!(ev->modifiers() & (Qt::AltModifier | Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::MetaModifier))) {
if (!hidden) {
if (ev->key() == Qt::Key_Up || ev->key() == Qt::Key_Down || (!_srows.empty() && (ev->key() == Qt::Key_Left || ev->key() == Qt::Key_Right))) {
return _inner->moveSel(ev->key());
} else if (ev->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || ev->key() == Qt::Key_Return) {
return _inner->chooseSelected(ChooseMethod::ByEnter);
if (moderate && ((ev->key() >= Qt::Key_1 && ev->key() <= Qt::Key_9) || ev->key() == Qt::Key_Q)) {
bool handled = false;
emit moderateKeyActivate(ev->key(), &handled);
return handled;
return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, e);
FieldAutocomplete::~FieldAutocomplete() {
namespace internal {
FieldAutocompleteInner::FieldAutocompleteInner(FieldAutocomplete *parent, MentionRows *mrows, HashtagRows *hrows, BotCommandRows *brows, StickerRows *srows)
: _parent(parent)
, _mrows(mrows)
, _hrows(hrows)
, _brows(brows)
, _srows(srows)
, _stickersPerRow(1)
, _recentInlineBotsInRows(0)
, _sel(-1)
, _down(-1)
, _mouseSel(false)
, _overDelete(false)
, _previewShown(false) {
connect(&_previewTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onPreview()));
subscribe(Auth().downloaderTaskFinished(), [this] { update(); });
void FieldAutocompleteInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
Painter p(this);
QRect r(e->rect());
if (r != rect()) p.setClipRect(r);
auto atwidth = st::mentionFont->width('@');
auto hashwidth = st::mentionFont->width('#');
auto mentionleft = 2 * st::mentionPadding.left() + st::mentionPhotoSize;
auto mentionwidth = width()
- mentionleft
- 2 * st::mentionPadding.right();
auto htagleft = st::historyAttach.width
+ st::historyComposeField.textMargins.left()
- st::lineWidth;
auto htagwidth = width()
- st::mentionPadding.right()
- htagleft
- st::mentionScroll.width;
if (!_srows->empty()) {
int32 rows = rowscount(_srows->size(), _stickersPerRow);
int32 fromrow = floorclamp(r.y() - st::stickerPanPadding, st::stickerPanSize.height(), 0, rows);
int32 torow = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - st::stickerPanPadding, st::stickerPanSize.height(), 0, rows);
int32 fromcol = floorclamp(r.x() - st::stickerPanPadding, st::stickerPanSize.width(), 0, _stickersPerRow);
int32 tocol = ceilclamp(r.x() + r.width() - st::stickerPanPadding, st::stickerPanSize.width(), 0, _stickersPerRow);
for (int32 row = fromrow; row < torow; ++row) {
for (int32 col = fromcol; col < tocol; ++col) {
int32 index = row * _stickersPerRow + col;
if (index >= _srows->size()) break;
const auto document = _srows->at(index);
if (!document->sticker()) continue;
QPoint pos(st::stickerPanPadding + col * st::stickerPanSize.width(), st::stickerPanPadding + row * st::stickerPanSize.height());
if (_sel == index) {
QPoint tl(pos);
if (rtl()) tl.setX(width() - tl.x() - st::stickerPanSize.width());
App::roundRect(p, QRect(tl, st::stickerPanSize), st::emojiPanHover, StickerHoverCorners);
float64 coef = qMin((st::stickerPanSize.width() - st::buttonRadius * 2) / float64(document->dimensions.width()), (st::stickerPanSize.height() - st::buttonRadius * 2) / float64(document->dimensions.height()));
if (coef > 1) coef = 1;
int32 w = qRound(coef * document->dimensions.width()), h = qRound(coef * document->dimensions.height());
if (w < 1) w = 1;
if (h < 1) h = 1;
QPoint ppos = pos + QPoint((st::stickerPanSize.width() - w) / 2, (st::stickerPanSize.height() - h) / 2);
if (const auto image = document->getStickerThumb()) {
p.drawPixmapLeft(ppos, width(), image->pix(document->stickerSetOrigin(), w, h));
} else {
int32 from = qFloor(e->rect().top() / st::mentionHeight), to = qFloor(e->rect().bottom() / st::mentionHeight) + 1;
int32 last = _mrows->isEmpty() ? (_hrows->isEmpty() ? _brows->size() : _hrows->size()) : _mrows->size();
auto filter = _parent->filter();
bool hasUsername = filter.indexOf('@') > 0;
int filterSize = filter.size();
bool filterIsEmpty = filter.isEmpty();
for (int32 i = from; i < to; ++i) {
if (i >= last) break;
bool selected = (i == _sel);
if (selected) {
p.fillRect(0, i * st::mentionHeight, width(), st::mentionHeight, st::mentionBgOver);
int skip = (st::mentionHeight - st::smallCloseIconOver.height()) / 2;
if (!_hrows->isEmpty() || (!_mrows->isEmpty() && i < _recentInlineBotsInRows)) {
st::smallCloseIconOver.paint(p, QPoint(width() - st::smallCloseIconOver.width() - skip, i * st::mentionHeight + skip), width());
if (!_mrows->isEmpty()) {
UserData *user = _mrows->at(i);
QString first = (!filterIsEmpty && user->username.startsWith(filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) ? ('@' + user->username.mid(0, filterSize)) : QString();
QString second = first.isEmpty() ? (user->username.isEmpty() ? QString() : ('@' + user->username)) : user->username.mid(filterSize);
int32 firstwidth = st::mentionFont->width(first), secondwidth = st::mentionFont->width(second), unamewidth = firstwidth + secondwidth, namewidth = user->nameText.maxWidth();
if (mentionwidth < unamewidth + namewidth) {
namewidth = (mentionwidth * namewidth) / (namewidth + unamewidth);
unamewidth = mentionwidth - namewidth;
if (firstwidth < unamewidth + st::mentionFont->elidew) {
if (firstwidth < unamewidth) {
first = st::mentionFont->elided(first, unamewidth);
} else if (!second.isEmpty()) {
first = st::mentionFont->elided(first + second, unamewidth);
second = QString();
} else {
second = st::mentionFont->elided(second, unamewidth - firstwidth);
user->paintUserpicLeft(p, st::mentionPadding.left(), i * st::mentionHeight + st::mentionPadding.top(), width(), st::mentionPhotoSize);
p.setPen(selected ? st::mentionNameFgOver : st::mentionNameFg);
user->nameText.drawElided(p, 2 * st::mentionPadding.left() + st::mentionPhotoSize, i * st::mentionHeight + st::mentionTop, namewidth);
p.setPen(selected ? st::mentionFgOverActive : st::mentionFgActive);
p.drawText(mentionleft + namewidth + st::mentionPadding.right(), i * st::mentionHeight + st::mentionTop + st::mentionFont->ascent, first);
if (!second.isEmpty()) {
p.setPen(selected ? st::mentionFgOver : st::mentionFg);
p.drawText(mentionleft + namewidth + st::mentionPadding.right() + firstwidth, i * st::mentionHeight + st::mentionTop + st::mentionFont->ascent, second);
} else if (!_hrows->isEmpty()) {
QString hrow = _hrows->at(i);
QString first = filterIsEmpty ? QString() : ('#' + hrow.mid(0, filterSize));
QString second = filterIsEmpty ? ('#' + hrow) : hrow.mid(filterSize);
int32 firstwidth = st::mentionFont->width(first), secondwidth = st::mentionFont->width(second);
if (htagwidth < firstwidth + secondwidth) {
if (htagwidth < firstwidth + st::mentionFont->elidew) {
first = st::mentionFont->elided(first + second, htagwidth);
second = QString();
} else {
second = st::mentionFont->elided(second, htagwidth - firstwidth);
if (!first.isEmpty()) {
p.setPen((selected ? st::mentionFgOverActive : st::mentionFgActive)->p);
p.drawText(htagleft, i * st::mentionHeight + st::mentionTop + st::mentionFont->ascent, first);
if (!second.isEmpty()) {
p.setPen((selected ? st::mentionFgOver : st::mentionFg)->p);
p.drawText(htagleft + firstwidth, i * st::mentionHeight + st::mentionTop + st::mentionFont->ascent, second);
} else {
UserData *user = _brows->at(i).first;
const BotCommand *command = _brows->at(i).second;
QString toHighlight = command->command;
int32 botStatus = _parent->chat() ? _parent->chat()->botStatus : ((_parent->channel() && _parent->channel()->isMegagroup()) ? _parent->channel()->mgInfo->botStatus : -1);
if (hasUsername || botStatus == 0 || botStatus == 2) {
toHighlight += '@' + user->username;
user->paintUserpicLeft(p, st::mentionPadding.left(), i * st::mentionHeight + st::mentionPadding.top(), width(), st::mentionPhotoSize);
auto commandText = '/' + toHighlight;
p.setPen(selected ? st::mentionNameFgOver : st::mentionNameFg);
p.drawText(2 * st::mentionPadding.left() + st::mentionPhotoSize, i * st::mentionHeight + st::mentionTop + st::semiboldFont->ascent, commandText);
auto commandTextWidth = st::semiboldFont->width(commandText);
auto addleft = commandTextWidth + st::mentionPadding.left();
auto widthleft = mentionwidth - addleft;
if (widthleft > st::mentionFont->elidew && !command->descriptionText().isEmpty()) {
p.setPen((selected ? st::mentionFgOver : st::mentionFg)->p);
command->descriptionText().drawElided(p, mentionleft + addleft, i * st::mentionHeight + st::mentionTop, widthleft);
p.fillRect(Adaptive::OneColumn() ? 0 : st::lineWidth, _parent->innerBottom() - st::lineWidth, width() - (Adaptive::OneColumn() ? 0 : st::lineWidth), st::lineWidth, st::shadowFg);
p.fillRect(Adaptive::OneColumn() ? 0 : st::lineWidth, _parent->innerTop(), width() - (Adaptive::OneColumn() ? 0 : st::lineWidth), st::lineWidth, st::shadowFg);
void FieldAutocompleteInner::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) {
_stickersPerRow = qMax(1, int32(width() - 2 * st::stickerPanPadding) / int32(st::stickerPanSize.width()));
void FieldAutocompleteInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
_mousePos = mapToGlobal(e->pos());
_mouseSel = true;
void FieldAutocompleteInner::clearSel(bool hidden) {
_mouseSel = _overDelete = false;
setSel((_mrows->isEmpty() && _brows->isEmpty() && _hrows->isEmpty()) ? -1 : 0);
if (hidden) {
_down = -1;
_previewShown = false;
bool FieldAutocompleteInner::moveSel(int key) {
_mouseSel = false;
int32 maxSel = (_mrows->isEmpty() ? (_hrows->isEmpty() ? (_brows->isEmpty() ? _srows->size() : _brows->size()) : _hrows->size()) : _mrows->size());
int32 direction = (key == Qt::Key_Up) ? -1 : (key == Qt::Key_Down ? 1 : 0);
if (!_srows->empty()) {
if (key == Qt::Key_Left) {
direction = -1;
} else if (key == Qt::Key_Right) {
direction = 1;
} else {
direction *= _stickersPerRow;
if (_sel >= maxSel || _sel < 0) {
if (direction < -1) {
setSel(((maxSel - 1) / _stickersPerRow) * _stickersPerRow, true);
} else if (direction < 0) {
setSel(maxSel - 1, true);
} else {
setSel(0, true);
return (_sel >= 0 && _sel < maxSel);
setSel((_sel + direction >= maxSel || _sel + direction < 0) ? -1 : (_sel + direction), true);
return true;
bool FieldAutocompleteInner::chooseSelected(FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod method) const {
if (!_srows->empty()) {
if (_sel >= 0 && _sel < _srows->size()) {
emit stickerChosen((*_srows)[_sel], method);
return true;
} else if (!_mrows->isEmpty()) {
if (_sel >= 0 && _sel < _mrows->size()) {
emit mentionChosen(_mrows->at(_sel), method);
return true;
} else if (!_hrows->isEmpty()) {
if (_sel >= 0 && _sel < _hrows->size()) {
emit hashtagChosen('#' + _hrows->at(_sel), method);
return true;
} else if (!_brows->isEmpty()) {
if (_sel >= 0 && _sel < _brows->size()) {
UserData *user = _brows->at(_sel).first;
const BotCommand *command(_brows->at(_sel).second);
int32 botStatus = _parent->chat() ? _parent->chat()->botStatus : ((_parent->channel() && _parent->channel()->isMegagroup()) ? _parent->channel()->mgInfo->botStatus : -1);
if (botStatus == 0 || botStatus == 2 || _parent->filter().indexOf('@') > 0) {
emit botCommandChosen('/' + command->command + '@' + user->username, method);
} else {
emit botCommandChosen('/' + command->command, method);
return true;
return false;
void FieldAutocompleteInner::setRecentInlineBotsInRows(int32 bots) {
_recentInlineBotsInRows = bots;
void FieldAutocompleteInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
_mousePos = mapToGlobal(e->pos());
_mouseSel = true;
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
if (_overDelete && _sel >= 0 && _sel < (_mrows->isEmpty() ? _hrows->size() : _recentInlineBotsInRows)) {
_mousePos = mapToGlobal(e->pos());
bool removed = false;
if (_mrows->isEmpty()) {
QString toRemove = _hrows->at(_sel);
RecentHashtagPack &recent(cRefRecentWriteHashtags());
for (RecentHashtagPack::iterator i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) {
if (i->first == toRemove) {
i = recent.erase(i);
removed = true;
} else {
} else {
UserData *toRemove = _mrows->at(_sel);
RecentInlineBots &recent(cRefRecentInlineBots());
int32 index = recent.indexOf(toRemove);
if (index >= 0) {
removed = true;
if (removed) {
_mouseSel = true;
} else if (_srows->empty()) {
} else {
_down = _sel;
void FieldAutocompleteInner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
int32 pressed = _down;
_down = -1;
_mousePos = mapToGlobal(e->pos());
_mouseSel = true;
if (_previewShown) {
_previewShown = false;
if (_sel < 0 || _sel != pressed || _srows->empty()) return;
void FieldAutocompleteInner::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) {
_mousePos = QCursor::pos();
void FieldAutocompleteInner::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) {
if (_sel >= 0) {
void FieldAutocompleteInner::updateSelectedRow() {
if (_sel >= 0) {
if (_srows->empty()) {
update(0, _sel * st::mentionHeight, width(), st::mentionHeight);
} else {
int32 row = _sel / _stickersPerRow, col = _sel % _stickersPerRow;
update(st::stickerPanPadding + col * st::stickerPanSize.width(), st::stickerPanPadding + row * st::stickerPanSize.height(), st::stickerPanSize.width(), st::stickerPanSize.height());
void FieldAutocompleteInner::setSel(int sel, bool scroll) {
_sel = sel;
if (scroll && _sel >= 0) {
if (_srows->empty()) {
emit mustScrollTo(_sel * st::mentionHeight, (_sel + 1) * st::mentionHeight);
} else {
int32 row = _sel / _stickersPerRow;
emit mustScrollTo(st::stickerPanPadding + row * st::stickerPanSize.height(), st::stickerPanPadding + (row + 1) * st::stickerPanSize.height());
void FieldAutocompleteInner::onUpdateSelected(bool force) {
QPoint mouse(mapFromGlobal(_mousePos));
if ((!force && !rect().contains(mouse)) || !_mouseSel) return;
if (_down >= 0 && !_previewShown) return;
int32 sel = -1, maxSel = 0;
if (!_srows->empty()) {
int32 rows = rowscount(_srows->size(), _stickersPerRow);
int32 row = (mouse.y() >= st::stickerPanPadding) ? ((mouse.y() - st::stickerPanPadding) / st::stickerPanSize.height()) : -1;
int32 col = (mouse.x() >= st::stickerPanPadding) ? ((mouse.x() - st::stickerPanPadding) / st::stickerPanSize.width()) : -1;
if (row >= 0 && col >= 0) {
sel = row * _stickersPerRow + col;
maxSel = _srows->size();
_overDelete = false;
} else {
sel = mouse.y() / int32(st::mentionHeight);
maxSel = _mrows->isEmpty() ? (_hrows->isEmpty() ? _brows->size() : _hrows->size()) : _mrows->size();
_overDelete = (!_hrows->isEmpty() || (!_mrows->isEmpty() && sel < _recentInlineBotsInRows)) ? (mouse.x() >= width() - st::mentionHeight) : false;
if (sel < 0 || sel >= maxSel) {
sel = -1;
if (sel != _sel) {
if (_down >= 0 && _sel >= 0 && _down != _sel) {
_down = _sel;
if (_down >= 0 && _down < _srows->size()) {
void FieldAutocompleteInner::onParentGeometryChanged() {
_mousePos = QCursor::pos();
if (rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(_mousePos))) {
void FieldAutocompleteInner::onPreview() {
if (_down >= 0 && _down < _srows->size()) {
_previewShown = true;
} // namespace internal