mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 04:38:23 +00:00
1159 lines
43 KiB
1159 lines
43 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "overview/overview_layout.h"
#include "styles/style_overview.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
#include "ui/filedialog.h"
#include "boxes/addcontactbox.h"
#include "boxes/confirmbox.h"
#include "lang.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "application.h"
#include "fileuploader.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "playerwidget.h"
#include "media/media_audio.h"
#include "localstorage.h"
#include "history/history_media_types.h"
namespace Overview {
namespace Layout {
void ItemBase::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
App::hoveredLinkItem(active ? _parent : nullptr);
void ItemBase::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) {
App::pressedLinkItem(pressed ? _parent : nullptr);
void RadialProgressItem::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
if (p == _openl || p == _savel || p == _cancell) {
a_iconOver.start(active ? 1 : 0);
ItemBase::clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active);
void RadialProgressItem::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) {
ItemBase::clickHandlerPressedChanged(p, pressed);
void RadialProgressItem::setLinks(ClickHandlerPtr &&openl, ClickHandlerPtr &&savel, ClickHandlerPtr &&cancell) {
_openl = std_::move(openl);
_savel = std_::move(savel);
_cancell = std_::move(cancell);
void RadialProgressItem::step_iconOver(float64 ms, bool timer) {
float64 dt = ms / st::msgFileOverDuration;
if (dt >= 1) {
} else if (!timer) {
a_iconOver.update(dt, anim::linear);
if (timer && iconAnimated()) {
void RadialProgressItem::step_radial(uint64 ms, bool timer) {
if (timer) {
} else {
_radial->update(dataProgress(), dataFinished(), ms);
if (!_radial->animating()) {
void RadialProgressItem::ensureRadial() const {
if (!_radial) {
_radial = new Ui::RadialAnimation(animation(const_cast<RadialProgressItem*>(this), &RadialProgressItem::step_radial));
void RadialProgressItem::checkRadialFinished() {
if (_radial && !_radial->animating() && dataLoaded()) {
delete _radial;
_radial = nullptr;
RadialProgressItem::~RadialProgressItem() {
delete base::take(_radial);
void FileBase::setStatusSize(int32 newSize, int32 fullSize, int32 duration, qint64 realDuration) const {
_statusSize = newSize;
if (_statusSize == FileStatusSizeReady) {
_statusText = (duration >= 0) ? formatDurationAndSizeText(duration, fullSize) : (duration < -1 ? formatGifAndSizeText(fullSize) : formatSizeText(fullSize));
} else if (_statusSize == FileStatusSizeLoaded) {
_statusText = (duration >= 0) ? formatDurationText(duration) : (duration < -1 ? qsl("GIF") : formatSizeText(fullSize));
} else if (_statusSize == FileStatusSizeFailed) {
_statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed);
} else if (_statusSize >= 0) {
_statusText = formatDownloadText(_statusSize, fullSize);
} else {
_statusText = formatPlayedText(-_statusSize - 1, realDuration);
Date::Date(const QDate &date, bool month)
: _date(date)
, _text(month ? langMonthFull(date) : langDayOfMonthFull(date)) {
void Date::initDimensions() {
_maxw = st::normalFont->width(_text);
_minh = st::linksDateMargin.top() + st::normalFont->height + st::linksDateMargin.bottom() + st::linksBorder;
void Date::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, TextSelection selection, const PaintContext *context) const {
if (clip.intersects(QRect(0, st::linksDateMargin.top(), _width, st::normalFont->height))) {
p.drawTextLeft(0, st::linksDateMargin.top(), _width, _text);
namespace {
void paintPhotoVideoCheck(Painter &p, int width, int height, bool selected) {
int checkPosX = width - st::overviewPhotoCheck.width();
int checkPosY = height - st::overviewPhotoCheck.height();
if (selected) {
p.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, width, height), st::overviewPhotoSelectOverlay);
st::overviewPhotoChecked.paint(p, QPoint(checkPosX, checkPosY), width);
} else {
st::overviewPhotoCheck.paint(p, QPoint(checkPosX, checkPosY), width);
} // namespace
Photo::Photo(PhotoData *photo, HistoryItem *parent) : ItemBase(parent)
, _data(photo)
, _link(new PhotoOpenClickHandler(photo))
, _goodLoaded(false) {
void Photo::initDimensions() {
_maxw = 2 * st::overviewPhotoMinSize;
_minh = _maxw;
int32 Photo::resizeGetHeight(int32 width) {
width = qMin(width, _maxw);
if (width != _width || width != _height) {
_width = qMin(width, _maxw);
_height = _width;
return _height;
void Photo::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, TextSelection selection, const PaintContext *context) const {
bool good = _data->loaded(), selected = (selection == FullSelection);
if (!good) {
good = _data->medium->loaded();
if ((good && !_goodLoaded) || _pix.width() != _width * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
_goodLoaded = good;
int32 size = _width * cIntRetinaFactor();
if (_goodLoaded || _data->thumb->loaded()) {
QImage img = (_data->loaded() ? _data->full : (_data->medium->loaded() ? _data->medium : _data->thumb))->pix().toImage();
if (!_goodLoaded) {
img = imageBlur(img);
if (img.width() == img.height()) {
if (img.width() != size) {
img = img.scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
} else if (img.width() > img.height()) {
img = img.copy((img.width() - img.height()) / 2, 0, img.height(), img.height()).scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
} else {
img = img.copy(0, (img.height() - img.width()) / 2, img.width(), img.width()).scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
_pix = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std_::move(img));
} else if (!_pix.isNull()) {
_pix = QPixmap();
if (_pix.isNull()) {
p.fillRect(0, 0, _width, _height, st::overviewPhotoBg);
} else {
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _pix);
if (selected || context->selecting) {
paintPhotoVideoCheck(p, _width, _height, selected);
void Photo::getState(ClickHandlerPtr &link, HistoryCursorState &cursor, int x, int y) const {
if (hasPoint(x, y)) {
link = _link;
Video::Video(DocumentData *video, HistoryItem *parent) : FileBase(parent)
, _data(video)
, _duration(formatDurationText(_data->duration()))
, _thumbLoaded(false) {
void Video::initDimensions() {
_maxw = 2 * st::minPhotoSize;
_minh = _maxw;
int32 Video::resizeGetHeight(int32 width) {
_width = qMin(width, _maxw);
_height = _width;
return _height;
void Video::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, TextSelection selection, const PaintContext *context) const {
bool selected = (selection == FullSelection), thumbLoaded = _data->thumb->loaded();
bool loaded = _data->loaded(), displayLoading = _data->displayLoading();
if (displayLoading) {
if (!_radial->animating()) {
bool radial = isRadialAnimation(context->ms);
if ((thumbLoaded && !_thumbLoaded) || (_pix.width() != _width * cIntRetinaFactor())) {
_thumbLoaded = thumbLoaded;
if (_thumbLoaded && !_data->thumb->isNull()) {
int32 size = _width * cIntRetinaFactor();
QImage img = imageBlur(_data->thumb->pix().toImage());
if (img.width() == img.height()) {
if (img.width() != size) {
img = img.scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
} else if (img.width() > img.height()) {
img = img.copy((img.width() - img.height()) / 2, 0, img.height(), img.height()).scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
} else {
img = img.copy(0, (img.height() - img.width()) / 2, img.width(), img.width()).scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
_pix = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std_::move(img));
} else if (!_pix.isNull()) {
_pix = QPixmap();
if (_pix.isNull()) {
p.fillRect(0, 0, _width, _height, st::overviewPhotoBg);
} else {
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _pix);
if (selected) {
p.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, _width, _height), st::overviewPhotoSelectOverlay);
if (!selected && !context->selecting && !loaded) {
if (clip.intersects(QRect(0, _height - st::normalFont->height, _width, st::normalFont->height))) {
int32 statusX = st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), statusY = _height - st::normalFont->height - st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
int32 statusW = st::normalFont->width(_statusText) + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x();
int32 statusH = st::normalFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
statusX = _width - statusW + statusX;
p.fillRect(rtlrect(statusX - st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), statusY - st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), statusW, statusH, _width), selected ? st::msgDateImgBgSelected : st::msgDateImgBg);
p.drawTextLeft(statusX, statusY, _width, _statusText, statusW - 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x());
if (clip.intersects(QRect(0, 0, _width, st::normalFont->height))) {
int32 statusX = st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), statusY = st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
int32 statusW = st::normalFont->width(_duration) + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x();
int32 statusH = st::normalFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
p.fillRect(rtlrect(statusX - st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), statusY - st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), statusW, statusH, _width), selected ? st::msgDateImgBgSelected : st::msgDateImgBg);
p.drawTextLeft(statusX, statusY, _width, _duration, statusW - 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x());
QRect inner((_width - st::msgFileSize) / 2, (_height - st::msgFileSize) / 2, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize);
if (clip.intersects(inner)) {
if (selected) {
} else if (_a_iconOver.animating()) {
float64 over = a_iconOver.current();
p.setOpacity((st::msgDateImgBg->c.alphaF() * (1 - over)) + (st::msgDateImgBgOver->c.alphaF() * over));
} else {
bool over = ClickHandler::showAsActive(loaded ? _openl : (_data->loading() ? _cancell : _savel));
p.setBrush(over ? st::msgDateImgBgOver : st::msgDateImgBg);
p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false);
p.setOpacity((radial && loaded) ? _radial->opacity() : 1);
auto icon = ([radial, loaded, selected] {
if (radial) {
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInCancelSelected : st::historyFileInCancel);
} else if (loaded) {
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInPlaySelected : st::historyFileInPlay);
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInDownloadSelected : st::historyFileInDownload);
icon->paintInCenter(p, inner);
if (radial) {
QRect rinner(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine)));
_radial->draw(p, rinner, st::msgFileRadialLine, selected ? st::msgInBgSelected : st::msgInBg);
if (selected || context->selecting) {
paintPhotoVideoCheck(p, _width, _height, selected);
void Video::getState(ClickHandlerPtr &link, HistoryCursorState &cursor, int x, int y) const {
bool loaded = _data->loaded();
if (hasPoint(x, y)) {
link = loaded ? _openl : (_data->loading() ? _cancell : _savel);
void Video::updateStatusText() const {
bool showPause = false;
int32 statusSize = 0;
if (_data->status == FileDownloadFailed || _data->status == FileUploadFailed) {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeFailed;
} else if (_data->status == FileUploading) {
statusSize = _data->uploadOffset;
} else if (_data->loading()) {
statusSize = _data->loadOffset();
} else if (_data->loaded()) {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeLoaded;
} else {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeReady;
if (statusSize != _statusSize) {
int32 status = statusSize, size = _data->size;
if (statusSize >= 0 && statusSize < 0x7F000000) {
size = status;
status = FileStatusSizeReady;
setStatusSize(status, size, -1, 0);
_statusSize = statusSize;
Voice::Voice(DocumentData *voice, HistoryItem *parent) : FileBase(parent)
, _data(voice)
, _namel(new DocumentOpenClickHandler(_data)) {
t_assert(_data->voice() != 0);
QString d = textcmdLink(1, textRichPrepare(langDateTime(date(_data->date))));
TextParseOptions opts = { TextParseRichText, 0, 0, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_details.setText(st::normalFont, lng_date_and_duration(lt_date, d, lt_duration, formatDurationText(_data->voice()->duration)), opts);
_details.setLink(1, MakeShared<GoToMessageClickHandler>(parent));
void Voice::initDimensions() {
_maxw = st::profileMaxWidth;
_minh = st::msgFilePadding.top() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.bottom() + st::lineWidth;
void Voice::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, TextSelection selection, const PaintContext *context) const {
bool selected = (selection == FullSelection);
bool loaded = _data->loaded(), displayLoading = _data->displayLoading();
if (displayLoading) {
if (!_radial->animating()) {
bool showPause = updateStatusText();
int32 nameVersion = _parent->fromOriginal()->nameVersion;
if (nameVersion > _nameVersion) {
bool radial = isRadialAnimation(context->ms);
int32 nameleft = 0, nametop = 0, nameright = 0, statustop = 0, datetop = -1;
nameleft = st::msgFilePadding.left() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.right();
nameright = st::msgFilePadding.left();
nametop = st::msgFileNameTop;
statustop = st::msgFileStatusTop;
if (selected) {
p.fillRect(clip.intersected(QRect(0, 0, _width, _height)), st::msgInBgSelected);
QRect inner(rtlrect(st::msgFilePadding.left(), st::msgFilePadding.top(), st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize, _width));
if (clip.intersects(inner)) {
if (selected) {
} else if (_a_iconOver.animating()) {
float64 over = a_iconOver.current();
p.setBrush(style::interpolate(st::msgFileInBg, st::msgFileInBgOver, over));
} else {
bool over = ClickHandler::showAsActive(loaded ? _openl : (_data->loading() ? _cancell : _openl));
p.setBrush(over ? st::msgFileInBgOver : st::msgFileInBg);
p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false);
if (radial) {
QRect rinner(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine)));
style::color bg(selected ? st::msgInBgSelected : st::msgInBg);
_radial->draw(p, rinner, st::msgFileRadialLine, bg);
auto icon = ([showPause, this, selected] {
if (showPause) {
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInPauseSelected : st::historyFileInPause);
} else if (_statusSize < 0 || _statusSize == FileStatusSizeLoaded) {
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInPlaySelected : st::historyFileInPlay);
} else if (_data->loading()) {
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInCancelSelected : st::historyFileInCancel);
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInDownloadSelected : st::historyFileInDownload);
icon->paintInCenter(p, inner);
int32 namewidth = _width - nameleft - nameright;
if (clip.intersects(rtlrect(nameleft, nametop, namewidth, st::semiboldFont->height, _width))) {
_name.drawLeftElided(p, nameleft, nametop, namewidth, _width);
if (clip.intersects(rtlrect(nameleft, statustop, namewidth, st::normalFont->height, _width))) {
p.setPen(selected ? st::mediaInFgSelected : st::mediaInFg);
int32 unreadx = nameleft;
if (_statusSize == FileStatusSizeLoaded || _statusSize == FileStatusSizeReady) {
textstyleSet(&(selected ? st::mediaInStyleSelected : st::mediaInStyle));
_details.drawLeftElided(p, nameleft, statustop, namewidth, _width);
unreadx += _details.maxWidth();
} else {
int32 statusw = st::normalFont->width(_statusText);
p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, statustop, _width, _statusText, statusw);
unreadx += statusw;
if (_parent->isMediaUnread() && unreadx + st::mediaUnreadSkip + st::mediaUnreadSize <= _width) {
p.setBrush(selected ? st::msgFileInBgSelected : st::msgFileInBg);
p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true);
p.drawEllipse(rtlrect(unreadx + st::mediaUnreadSkip, statustop + st::mediaUnreadTop, st::mediaUnreadSize, st::mediaUnreadSize, _width));
p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false);
void Voice::getState(ClickHandlerPtr &link, HistoryCursorState &cursor, int x, int y) const {
bool loaded = _data->loaded();
bool showPause = updateStatusText();
int32 nameleft = 0, nametop = 0, nameright = 0, statustop = 0, datetop = 0;
nameleft = st::msgFilePadding.left() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.right();
nameright = st::msgFilePadding.left();
nametop = st::msgFileNameTop;
statustop = st::msgFileStatusTop;
QRect inner(rtlrect(st::msgFilePadding.left(), st::msgFilePadding.top(), st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize, _width));
if (inner.contains(x, y)) {
link = loaded ? _openl : ((_data->loading() || _data->status == FileUploading) ? _cancell : _openl);
if (rtlrect(nameleft, statustop, _width - nameleft - nameright, st::normalFont->height, _width).contains(x, y)) {
if (_statusSize == FileStatusSizeLoaded || _statusSize == FileStatusSizeReady) {
auto textState = _details.getStateLeft(x - nameleft, y - statustop, _width, _width);
link = textState.link;
cursor = textState.uponSymbol ? HistoryInTextCursorState : HistoryDefaultCursorState;
if (hasPoint(x, y) && !link && !_data->loading()) {
link = _namel;
void Voice::updateName() const {
int32 version = 0;
if (const HistoryMessageForwarded *fwd = _parent->Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (_parent->fromOriginal()->isChannel()) {
_name.setText(st::semiboldFont, lng_forwarded_channel(lt_channel, App::peerName(_parent->fromOriginal())), _textNameOptions);
} else {
_name.setText(st::semiboldFont, lng_forwarded(lt_user, App::peerName(_parent->fromOriginal())), _textNameOptions);
} else {
_name.setText(st::semiboldFont, App::peerName(_parent->from()), _textNameOptions);
version = _parent->fromOriginal()->nameVersion;
_nameVersion = version;
bool Voice::updateStatusText() const {
bool showPause = false;
int32 statusSize = 0, realDuration = 0;
if (_data->status == FileDownloadFailed || _data->status == FileUploadFailed) {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeFailed;
} else if (_data->loaded()) {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeLoaded;
if (audioPlayer()) {
AudioMsgId playing;
auto playbackState = audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, AudioMsgId::Type::Voice);
if (playing == AudioMsgId(_data, _parent->fullId()) && !(playbackState.state & AudioPlayerStoppedMask) && playbackState.state != AudioPlayerFinishing) {
statusSize = -1 - (playbackState.position / (playbackState.frequency ? playbackState.frequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency));
realDuration = playbackState.duration / (playbackState.frequency ? playbackState.frequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency);
showPause = (playbackState.state == AudioPlayerPlaying || playbackState.state == AudioPlayerResuming || playbackState.state == AudioPlayerStarting);
} else {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeReady;
if (statusSize != _statusSize) {
setStatusSize(statusSize, _data->size, _data->voice()->duration, realDuration);
return showPause;
Document::Document(DocumentData *document, HistoryItem *parent) : FileBase(parent)
, _data(document)
, _msgl(new GoToMessageClickHandler(parent))
, _namel(new DocumentOpenClickHandler(_data))
, _thumbForLoaded(false)
, _name(documentName(_data))
, _date(langDateTime(date(_data->date)))
, _namew(st::semiboldFont->width(_name))
, _datew(st::normalFont->width(_date))
, _colorIndex(documentColorIndex(_data, _ext)) {
setStatusSize(FileStatusSizeReady, _data->size, _data->song() ? _data->song()->duration : -1, 0);
if (withThumb()) {
int32 tw = convertScale(_data->thumb->width()), th = convertScale(_data->thumb->height());
if (tw > th) {
_thumbw = (tw * st::overviewFileSize) / th;
} else {
_thumbw = st::overviewFileSize;
} else {
_thumbw = 0;
_extw = st::overviewFileExtFont->width(_ext);
if (_extw > st::overviewFileSize - st::overviewFileExtPadding * 2) {
_ext = st::overviewFileExtFont->elided(_ext, st::overviewFileSize - st::overviewFileExtPadding * 2, Qt::ElideMiddle);
_extw = st::overviewFileExtFont->width(_ext);
void Document::initDimensions() {
_maxw = st::profileMaxWidth;
if (_data->song()) {
_minh = st::msgFilePadding.top() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.bottom();
} else {
_minh = st::overviewFilePadding.top() + st::overviewFileSize + st::overviewFilePadding.bottom() + st::lineWidth;
void Document::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, TextSelection selection, const PaintContext *context) const {
bool selected = (selection == FullSelection);
bool loaded = _data->loaded() || Local::willStickerImageLoad(_data->mediaKey()), displayLoading = _data->displayLoading();
if (displayLoading) {
if (!_radial->animating()) {
bool showPause = updateStatusText();
bool radial = isRadialAnimation(context->ms);
int32 nameleft = 0, nametop = 0, nameright = 0, statustop = 0, datetop = -1;
bool wthumb = withThumb();
if (_data->song()) {
nameleft = st::msgFilePadding.left() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.right();
nameright = st::msgFilePadding.left();
nametop = st::msgFileNameTop;
statustop = st::msgFileStatusTop;
if (selected) {
p.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, _width, _height), st::msgInBgSelected);
QRect inner(rtlrect(st::msgFilePadding.left(), st::msgFilePadding.top(), st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize, _width));
if (clip.intersects(inner)) {
if (selected) {
} else if (_a_iconOver.animating()) {
float64 over = a_iconOver.current();
p.setBrush(style::interpolate(st::msgFileInBg, st::msgFileInBgOver, over));
} else {
bool over = ClickHandler::showAsActive(loaded ? _openl : (_data->loading() ? _cancell : _openl));
p.setBrush(over ? st::msgFileInBgOver : st::msgFileInBg);
p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false);
if (radial) {
QRect rinner(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine)));
style::color bg(selected ? st::msgInBgSelected : st::msgInBg);
_radial->draw(p, rinner, st::msgFileRadialLine, bg);
auto icon = ([showPause, loaded, this, selected] {
if (showPause) {
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInPauseSelected : st::historyFileInPause);
} else if (loaded) {
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInPlaySelected : st::historyFileInPlay);
} else if (_data->loading()) {
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInCancelSelected : st::historyFileInCancel);
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInDownloadSelected : st::historyFileInDownload);
icon->paintInCenter(p, inner);
} else {
nameleft = st::overviewFileSize + st::overviewFilePadding.right();
nametop = st::linksBorder + st::overviewFileNameTop;
statustop = st::linksBorder + st::overviewFileStatusTop;
datetop = st::linksBorder + st::overviewFileDateTop;
QRect border(rtlrect(nameleft, 0, _width - nameleft, st::linksBorder, _width));
if (!context->isAfterDate && clip.intersects(border)) {
p.fillRect(clip.intersected(border), st::linksBorderFg);
QRect rthumb(rtlrect(0, st::linksBorder + st::overviewFilePadding.top(), st::overviewFileSize, st::overviewFileSize, _width));
if (clip.intersects(rthumb)) {
if (wthumb) {
if (_data->thumb->loaded()) {
if (_thumb.isNull() || loaded != _thumbForLoaded) {
_thumbForLoaded = loaded;
ImagePixOptions options = ImagePixSmooth;
if (!_thumbForLoaded) options |= ImagePixBlurred;
_thumb = _data->thumb->pixNoCache(_thumbw * cIntRetinaFactor(), 0, options, st::overviewFileSize, st::overviewFileSize);
p.drawPixmap(rthumb.topLeft(), _thumb);
} else {
p.fillRect(rthumb, st::black);
} else {
p.fillRect(rthumb, documentColor(_colorIndex));
if (!radial && loaded && !_ext.isEmpty()) {
p.drawText(rthumb.left() + (rthumb.width() - _extw) / 2, rthumb.top() + st::overviewFileExtTop + st::overviewFileExtFont->ascent, _ext);
if (selected) {
p.fillRect(rthumb, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay);
if (radial || (!loaded && !_data->loading())) {
QRect inner(rthumb.x() + (rthumb.width() - st::msgFileSize) / 2, rthumb.y() + (rthumb.height() - st::msgFileSize) / 2, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize);
if (clip.intersects(inner)) {
float64 radialOpacity = (radial && loaded && !_data->uploading()) ? _radial->opacity() : 1;
if (selected) {
p.setBrush(wthumb ? st::msgDateImgBgSelected : documentSelectedColor(_colorIndex));
} else if (_a_iconOver.animating()) {
float64 over = a_iconOver.current();
if (wthumb) {
p.setOpacity((st::msgDateImgBg->c.alphaF() * (1 - over)) + (st::msgDateImgBgOver->c.alphaF() * over));
} else {
p.setBrush(style::interpolate(documentDarkColor(_colorIndex), documentOverColor(_colorIndex), over));
} else {
bool over = ClickHandler::showAsActive(_data->loading() ? _cancell : _savel);
p.setBrush(over ? (wthumb ? st::msgDateImgBgOver : documentOverColor(_colorIndex)) : (wthumb ? st::msgDateImgBg : documentDarkColor(_colorIndex)));
p.setOpacity(radialOpacity * p.opacity());
p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false);
auto icon = ([loaded, this, selected] {
if (loaded || _data->loading()) {
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInCancelSelected : st::historyFileInCancel);
return &(selected ? st::historyFileInDownloadSelected : st::historyFileInDownload);
icon->paintInCenter(p, inner);
if (radial) {
QRect rinner(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine)));
_radial->draw(p, rinner, st::msgFileRadialLine, selected ? st::msgInBgSelected : st::msgInBg);
if (selected || context->selecting) {
QRect check(rthumb.topLeft() + QPoint(rtl() ? 0 : (rthumb.width() - st::defaultCheckbox.diameter), rthumb.height() - st::defaultCheckbox.diameter), QSize(st::defaultCheckbox.diameter, st::defaultCheckbox.diameter));
p.fillRect(check, selected ? st::overviewFileChecked : st::overviewFileCheck);
st::defaultCheckbox.checkIcon.paint(p, QPoint(rthumb.width() - st::defaultCheckbox.diameter, rthumb.y() + rthumb.height() - st::defaultCheckbox.diameter), _width);
int32 namewidth = _width - nameleft - nameright;
if (clip.intersects(rtlrect(nameleft, nametop, qMin(namewidth, _namew), st::semiboldFont->height, _width))) {
if (namewidth < _namew) {
p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, nametop, _width, st::semiboldFont->elided(_name, namewidth));
} else {
p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, nametop, _width, _name, _namew);
if (clip.intersects(rtlrect(nameleft, statustop, namewidth, st::normalFont->height, _width))) {
p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, statustop, _width, _statusText);
if (datetop >= 0 && clip.intersects(rtlrect(nameleft, datetop, _datew, st::normalFont->height, _width))) {
p.setFont(ClickHandler::showAsActive(_msgl) ? st::normalFont->underline() : st::normalFont);
p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, datetop, _width, _date, _datew);
void Document::getState(ClickHandlerPtr &link, HistoryCursorState &cursor, int x, int y) const {
bool loaded = _data->loaded() || Local::willStickerImageLoad(_data->mediaKey());
bool showPause = updateStatusText();
int32 nameleft = 0, nametop = 0, nameright = 0, statustop = 0, datetop = 0;
bool wthumb = withThumb();
if (_data->song()) {
nameleft = st::msgFilePadding.left() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.right();
nameright = st::msgFilePadding.left();
nametop = st::msgFileNameTop;
statustop = st::msgFileStatusTop;
QRect inner(rtlrect(st::msgFilePadding.left(), st::msgFilePadding.top(), st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize, _width));
if (inner.contains(x, y)) {
link = loaded ? _openl : ((_data->loading() || _data->status == FileUploading) ? _cancell : _openl);
if (hasPoint(x, y) && !_data->loading()) {
link = _namel;
} else {
nameleft = st::overviewFileSize + st::overviewFilePadding.right();
nametop = st::linksBorder + st::overviewFileNameTop;
statustop = st::linksBorder + st::overviewFileStatusTop;
datetop = st::linksBorder + st::overviewFileDateTop;
QRect rthumb(rtlrect(0, st::linksBorder + st::overviewFilePadding.top(), st::overviewFileSize, st::overviewFileSize, _width));
if (rthumb.contains(x, y)) {
link = loaded ? _openl : ((_data->loading() || _data->status == FileUploading) ? _cancell : _savel);
if (_data->status != FileUploadFailed) {
if (rtlrect(nameleft, datetop, _datew, st::normalFont->height, _width).contains(x, y)) {
link = _msgl;
if (!_data->loading() && _data->isValid()) {
if (loaded && rtlrect(0, st::linksBorder, nameleft, _height - st::linksBorder, _width).contains(x, y)) {
link = _namel;
if (rtlrect(nameleft, nametop, qMin(_width - nameleft - nameright, _namew), st::semiboldFont->height, _width).contains(x, y)) {
link = _namel;
bool Document::updateStatusText() const {
bool showPause = false;
int32 statusSize = 0, realDuration = 0;
if (_data->status == FileDownloadFailed || _data->status == FileUploadFailed) {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeFailed;
} else if (_data->status == FileUploading) {
statusSize = _data->uploadOffset;
} else if (_data->loading()) {
statusSize = _data->loadOffset();
} else if (_data->loaded()) {
if (_data->song()) {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeLoaded;
if (audioPlayer()) {
AudioMsgId playing;
auto playbackState = audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, AudioMsgId::Type::Song);
if (playing == AudioMsgId(_data, _parent->fullId()) && !(playbackState.state & AudioPlayerStoppedMask) && playbackState.state != AudioPlayerFinishing) {
statusSize = -1 - (playbackState.position / (playbackState.frequency ? playbackState.frequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency));
realDuration = playbackState.duration / (playbackState.frequency ? playbackState.frequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency);
showPause = (playbackState.state == AudioPlayerPlaying || playbackState.state == AudioPlayerResuming || playbackState.state == AudioPlayerStarting);
if (!showPause && (playing == AudioMsgId(_data, _parent->fullId())) && App::main() && App::main()->player()->seekingSong(playing)) {
showPause = true;
} else {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeLoaded;
} else {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeReady;
if (statusSize != _statusSize) {
setStatusSize(statusSize, _data->size, _data->song() ? _data->song()->duration : -1, realDuration);
return showPause;
Link::Link(HistoryMedia *media, HistoryItem *parent) : ItemBase(parent) {
auto textWithEntities = _parent->originalText();
QString mainUrl;
auto text = textWithEntities.text;
auto &entities = textWithEntities.entities;
int32 from = 0, till = text.size(), lnk = entities.size();
for_const (auto &entity, entities) {
auto type = entity.type();
if (type != EntityInTextUrl && type != EntityInTextCustomUrl && type != EntityInTextEmail) {
auto customUrl = entity.data(), entityText = text.mid(entity.offset(), entity.length());
auto url = customUrl.isEmpty() ? entityText : customUrl;
if (_links.isEmpty()) {
mainUrl = url;
_links.push_back(LinkEntry(url, entityText));
while (lnk > 0 && till > from) {
auto &entity = entities.at(lnk);
auto type = entity.type();
if (type != EntityInTextUrl && type != EntityInTextCustomUrl && type != EntityInTextEmail) {
int32 afterLinkStart = entity.offset() + entity.length();
if (till > afterLinkStart) {
if (!QRegularExpression(qsl("^[,.\\s_=+\\-;:`'\"\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}<>*&^%\\$#@!\\\\/]+$")).match(text.mid(afterLinkStart, till - afterLinkStart)).hasMatch()) {
till = entity.offset();
if (!lnk) {
if (QRegularExpression(qsl("^[,.\\s\\-;:`'\"\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}<>*&^%\\$#@!\\\\/]+$")).match(text.mid(from, till - from)).hasMatch()) {
till = from;
_page = (media && media->type() == MediaTypeWebPage) ? static_cast<HistoryWebPage*>(media)->webpage() : 0;
if (_page) {
mainUrl = _page->url;
if (_page->document) {
_photol.reset(new DocumentOpenClickHandler(_page->document));
} else if (_page->photo) {
if (_page->type == WebPageProfile || _page->type == WebPageVideo) {
_photol = MakeShared<UrlClickHandler>(_page->url);
} else if (_page->type == WebPagePhoto || _page->siteName == qstr("Twitter") || _page->siteName == qstr("Facebook")) {
_photol.reset(new PhotoOpenClickHandler(_page->photo));
} else {
_photol = MakeShared<UrlClickHandler>(_page->url);
} else {
_photol = MakeShared<UrlClickHandler>(_page->url);
} else if (!mainUrl.isEmpty()) {
_photol = MakeShared<UrlClickHandler>(mainUrl);
if (from >= till && _page) {
text = _page->description;
from = 0;
till = text.size();
if (till > from) {
TextParseOptions opts = { TextParseMultiline, int32(st::linksMaxWidth), 3 * st::normalFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_text.setText(st::normalFont, text.mid(from, till - from), opts);
int32 tw = 0, th = 0;
if (_page && _page->photo) {
if (!_page->photo->loaded()) _page->photo->thumb->load(false, false);
tw = convertScale(_page->photo->thumb->width());
th = convertScale(_page->photo->thumb->height());
} else if (_page && _page->document) {
if (!_page->document->thumb->loaded()) _page->document->thumb->load(false, false);
tw = convertScale(_page->document->thumb->width());
th = convertScale(_page->document->thumb->height());
if (tw > st::linksPhotoSize) {
if (th > tw) {
th = th * st::linksPhotoSize / tw;
tw = st::linksPhotoSize;
} else if (th > st::linksPhotoSize) {
tw = tw * st::linksPhotoSize / th;
th = st::linksPhotoSize;
_pixw = qMax(tw, 1);
_pixh = qMax(th, 1);
if (_page) {
_title = _page->title;
#ifndef OS_MAC_OLD
auto parts = mainUrl.splitRef('/');
#else // OS_MAC_OLD
auto parts = mainUrl.split('/');
#endif // OS_MAC_OLD
if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
auto domain = parts.at(0);
if (parts.size() > 2 && domain.endsWith(':') && parts.at(1).isEmpty()) { // http:// and others
domain = parts.at(2);
parts = domain.split('@').back().split('.');
if (parts.size() > 1) {
_letter = parts.at(parts.size() - 2).at(0).toUpper();
if (_title.isEmpty()) {
_title.reserve(parts.at(parts.size() - 2).size());
_title.append(_letter).append(parts.at(parts.size() - 2).mid(1));
_titlew = st::semiboldFont->width(_title);
void Link::initDimensions() {
_maxw = st::linksMaxWidth;
_minh = 0;
if (!_title.isEmpty()) {
_minh += st::semiboldFont->height;
if (!_text.isEmpty()) {
_minh += qMin(3 * st::normalFont->height, _text.countHeight(_maxw - st::linksPhotoSize - st::linksPhotoPadding));
_minh += _links.size() * st::normalFont->height;
_minh = qMax(_minh, int32(st::linksPhotoSize)) + st::linksMargin.top() + st::linksMargin.bottom() + st::linksBorder;
int32 Link::resizeGetHeight(int32 width) {
_width = qMin(width, _maxw);
int32 w = _width - st::linksPhotoSize - st::linksPhotoPadding;
for (int32 i = 0, l = _links.size(); i < l; ++i) {
_links.at(i).lnk->setFullDisplayed(w >= _links.at(i).width);
_height = 0;
if (!_title.isEmpty()) {
_height += st::semiboldFont->height;
if (!_text.isEmpty()) {
_height += qMin(3 * st::normalFont->height, _text.countHeight(_width - st::linksPhotoSize - st::linksPhotoPadding));
_height += _links.size() * st::normalFont->height;
_height = qMax(_height, int32(st::linksPhotoSize)) + st::linksMargin.top() + st::linksMargin.bottom() + st::linksBorder;
return _height;
void Link::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, TextSelection selection, const PaintContext *context) const {
int32 left = st::linksPhotoSize + st::linksPhotoPadding, top = st::linksMargin.top() + st::linksBorder, w = _width - left;
if (clip.intersects(rtlrect(0, top, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize, _width))) {
if (_page && _page->photo) {
QPixmap pix;
if (_page->photo->medium->loaded()) {
pix = _page->photo->medium->pixSingle(ImageRoundRadius::Small, _pixw, _pixh, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize);
} else if (_page->photo->loaded()) {
pix = _page->photo->full->pixSingle(ImageRoundRadius::Small, _pixw, _pixh, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize);
} else {
pix = _page->photo->thumb->pixSingle(ImageRoundRadius::Small, _pixw, _pixh, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize);
p.drawPixmapLeft(0, top, _width, pix);
} else if (_page && _page->document && !_page->document->thumb->isNull()) {
p.drawPixmapLeft(0, top, _width, _page->document->thumb->pixSingle(ImageRoundRadius::Small, _pixw, _pixh, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize));
} else {
int32 index = _letter.isEmpty() ? 0 : (_letter.at(0).unicode() % 4);
switch (index) {
case 0: App::roundRect(p, rtlrect(0, top, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize, _width), st::msgFileRedColor, DocRedCorners); break;
case 1: App::roundRect(p, rtlrect(0, top, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize, _width), st::msgFileYellowColor, DocYellowCorners); break;
case 2: App::roundRect(p, rtlrect(0, top, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize, _width), st::msgFileGreenColor, DocGreenCorners); break;
case 3: App::roundRect(p, rtlrect(0, top, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize, _width), st::msgFileBlueColor, DocBlueCorners); break;
if (!_letter.isEmpty()) {
p.drawText(rtlrect(0, top, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize, _width), _letter, style::al_center);
if (selection == FullSelection) {
App::roundRect(p, rtlrect(0, top, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize, _width), st::overviewPhotoSelectOverlay, PhotoSelectOverlayCorners);
st::overviewLinksChecked.paint(p, QPoint(st::linksPhotoSize - st::overviewLinksChecked.width(), top + st::linksPhotoSize - st::overviewLinksChecked.height()), _width);
} else if (context->selecting) {
st::overviewLinksCheck.paint(p, QPoint(st::linksPhotoSize - st::overviewLinksCheck.width(), top + st::linksPhotoSize - st::overviewLinksCheck.height()), _width);
if (!_title.isEmpty() && _text.isEmpty() && _links.size() == 1) {
top += (st::linksPhotoSize - st::semiboldFont->height - st::normalFont->height) / 2;
} else {
top = st::linksTextTop;
if (!_title.isEmpty()) {
if (clip.intersects(rtlrect(left, top, qMin(w, _titlew), st::semiboldFont->height, _width))) {
p.drawTextLeft(left, top, _width, (w < _titlew) ? st::semiboldFont->elided(_title, w) : _title);
top += st::semiboldFont->height;
if (!_text.isEmpty()) {
int32 h = qMin(st::normalFont->height * 3, _text.countHeight(w));
if (clip.intersects(rtlrect(left, top, w, h, _width))) {
_text.drawLeftElided(p, left, top, w, _width, 3);
top += h;
for (int32 i = 0, l = _links.size(); i < l; ++i) {
if (clip.intersects(rtlrect(left, top, qMin(w, _links.at(i).width), st::normalFont->height, _width))) {
p.setFont(ClickHandler::showAsActive(_links.at(i).lnk) ? st::normalFont->underline() : st::normalFont);
p.drawTextLeft(left, top, _width, (w < _links.at(i).width) ? st::normalFont->elided(_links.at(i).text, w) : _links.at(i).text);
top += st::normalFont->height;
QRect border(rtlrect(left, 0, w, st::linksBorder, _width));
if (!context->isAfterDate && clip.intersects(border)) {
p.fillRect(clip.intersected(border), st::linksBorderFg);
void Link::getState(ClickHandlerPtr &link, HistoryCursorState &cursor, int x, int y) const {
int32 left = st::linksPhotoSize + st::linksPhotoPadding, top = st::linksMargin.top() + st::linksBorder, w = _width - left;
if (rtlrect(0, top, st::linksPhotoSize, st::linksPhotoSize, _width).contains(x, y)) {
link = _photol;
if (!_title.isEmpty() && _text.isEmpty() && _links.size() == 1) {
top += (st::linksPhotoSize - st::semiboldFont->height - st::normalFont->height) / 2;
if (!_title.isEmpty()) {
if (rtlrect(left, top, qMin(w, _titlew), st::semiboldFont->height, _width).contains(x, y)) {
link = _photol;
top += st::webPageTitleFont->height;
if (!_text.isEmpty()) {
top += qMin(st::normalFont->height * 3, _text.countHeight(w));
for (int32 i = 0, l = _links.size(); i < l; ++i) {
if (rtlrect(left, top, qMin(w, _links.at(i).width), st::normalFont->height, _width).contains(x, y)) {
link = _links.at(i).lnk;
top += st::normalFont->height;
Link::LinkEntry::LinkEntry(const QString &url, const QString &text)
: text(text)
, width(st::normalFont->width(text))
, lnk(MakeShared<UrlClickHandler>(url)) {
} // namespace Layout
} // namespace Overview