mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 04:38:23 +00:00
2466 lines
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2466 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "history/history_inner_widget.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
#include "core/file_utilities.h"
#include "history/history_service_layout.h"
#include "history/history_media_types.h"
#include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h"
#include "window/window_controller.h"
#include "chat_helpers/message_field.h"
#include "historywidget.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
#include "apiwrap.h"
#include "lang.h"
namespace {
constexpr auto kScrollDateHideTimeout = 1000;
class DateClickHandler : public ClickHandler {
DateClickHandler(PeerData *peer, QDate date) : _peer(peer), _date(date) {
void setDate(QDate date) {
_date = date;
void onClick(Qt::MouseButton) const override {
App::main()->showJumpToDate(_peer, _date);
PeerData *_peer = nullptr;
QDate _date;
QMimeData *mimeDataFromTextWithEntities(const TextWithEntities &forClipboard) {
if (forClipboard.text.isEmpty()) {
return nullptr;
auto result = new QMimeData();
auto tags = ConvertEntitiesToTextTags(forClipboard.entities);
if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
for (auto &tag : tags) {
tag.id = ConvertTagToMimeTag(tag.id);
result->setData(Ui::FlatTextarea::tagsMimeType(), Ui::FlatTextarea::serializeTagsList(tags));
return result;
} // namespace
// flick scroll taken from http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/demos-embedded-anomaly-src-flickcharm-cpp.html
HistoryInner::HistoryInner(HistoryWidget *historyWidget, gsl::not_null<Window::Controller*> controller, Ui::ScrollArea *scroll, History *history) : TWidget(nullptr)
, _controller(controller)
, _peer(history->peer)
, _migrated(history->peer->migrateFrom() ? App::history(history->peer->migrateFrom()->id) : nullptr)
, _history(history)
, _widget(historyWidget)
, _scroll(scroll)
, _scrollDateCheck([this] { onScrollDateCheck(); }) {
connect(&_touchSelectTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTouchSelect()));
connect(&_touchScrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTouchScrollTimer()));
connect(&_scrollDateHideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onScrollDateHideByTimer()));
subscribe(Global::RefItemRemoved(), [this](HistoryItem *item) {
subscribe(_controller->gifPauseLevelChanged(), [this] {
if (!_controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(Window::GifPauseReason::Any)) {
void HistoryInner::messagesReceived(PeerData *peer, const QVector<MTPMessage> &messages) {
if (_history && _history->peer == peer) {
} else if (_migrated && _migrated->peer == peer) {
bool newLoaded = (_migrated && _migrated->isEmpty() && !_history->isEmpty());
if (newLoaded) {
void HistoryInner::messagesReceivedDown(PeerData *peer, const QVector<MTPMessage> &messages) {
if (_history && _history->peer == peer) {
bool oldLoaded = (_migrated && _history->isEmpty() && !_migrated->isEmpty());
if (oldLoaded) {
} else if (_migrated && _migrated->peer == peer) {
void HistoryInner::repaintItem(const HistoryItem *item) {
if (!item || item->detached() || !_history) return;
int32 msgy = itemTop(item);
if (msgy >= 0) {
update(0, msgy, width(), item->height());
namespace {
// helper binary search for an item in a list that is not completely
// above the given top of the visible area or below the given bottom of the visible area
// is applied once for blocks list in a history and once for items list in the found block
template <bool TopToBottom, typename T>
int binarySearchBlocksOrItems(const T &list, int edge) {
// static_cast to work around GCC bug #78693
auto start = 0, end = static_cast<int>(list.size());
while (end - start > 1) {
auto middle = (start + end) / 2;
auto top = list[middle]->y;
auto chooseLeft = (TopToBottom ? (top <= edge) : (top < edge));
if (chooseLeft) {
start = middle;
} else {
end = middle;
return start;
} // namespace
template <bool TopToBottom, typename Method>
void HistoryInner::enumerateItemsInHistory(History *history, int historytop, Method method) {
// no displayed messages in this history
if (historytop < 0 || history->isEmpty()) {
if (_visibleAreaBottom <= historytop || historytop + history->height <= _visibleAreaTop) {
auto searchEdge = TopToBottom ? _visibleAreaTop : _visibleAreaBottom;
// binary search for blockIndex of the first block that is not completely below the visible area
auto blockIndex = binarySearchBlocksOrItems<TopToBottom>(history->blocks, searchEdge - historytop);
// binary search for itemIndex of the first item that is not completely below the visible area
auto block = history->blocks.at(blockIndex);
auto blocktop = historytop + block->y;
auto blockbottom = blocktop + block->height;
auto itemIndex = binarySearchBlocksOrItems<TopToBottom>(block->items, searchEdge - blocktop);
while (true) {
while (true) {
auto item = block->items.at(itemIndex);
auto itemtop = blocktop + item->y;
auto itembottom = itemtop + item->height();
// binary search should've skipped all the items that are above / below the visible area
if (TopToBottom) {
if (itembottom <= _visibleAreaTop && (cAlphaVersion() || cBetaVersion())) {
// Debugging a crash
auto debugInfo = QStringList();
auto debugValue = [&debugInfo](const QString &name, int value) {
debugInfo.append(name + ":" + QString::number(value));
debugValue("historytop", historytop);
debugValue("history->height", history->height);
debugValue("blockIndex", blockIndex);
debugValue("history->blocks.size()", history->blocks.size());
debugValue("blocktop", blocktop);
debugValue("block->height", block->height);
debugValue("itemIndex", itemIndex);
debugValue("block->items.size()", block->items.size());
debugValue("itemtop", itemtop);
debugValue("item->height()", item->height());
debugValue("itembottom", itembottom);
debugValue("_visibleAreaTop", _visibleAreaTop);
debugValue("_visibleAreaBottom", _visibleAreaBottom);
for (int i = 0; i != qMin(history->blocks.size(), 5); ++i) {
debugValue("y[" + QString::number(i) + "]", history->blocks[i]->y);
debugValue("h[" + QString::number(i) + "]", history->blocks[i]->height);
for (int j = 0; j != qMin(history->blocks[i]->items.size(), 5); ++j) {
debugValue("y[" + QString::number(i) + "][" + QString::number(j) + "]", history->blocks[i]->items[j]->y);
debugValue("h[" + QString::number(i) + "][" + QString::number(j) + "]", history->blocks[i]->items[j]->height());
auto valid = [history, &debugInfo] {
auto y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != history->blocks.size(); ++i) {
auto innery = 0;
if (history->blocks[i]->y != y) {
debugInfo.append("bad_block_y" + QString::number(i) + ":" + QString::number(history->blocks[i]->y) + "!=" + QString::number(y));
return false;
for (int j = 0; j != history->blocks[i]->items.size(); ++j) {
if (history->blocks[i]->items[j]->pendingInitDimensions()) {
debugInfo.append("pending_item_init" + QString::number(i) + "," + QString::number(j));
} else if (history->blocks[i]->items[j]->pendingResize()) {
debugInfo.append("pending_resize" + QString::number(i) + "," + QString::number(j));
if (history->blocks[i]->items[j]->y != innery) {
debugInfo.append("bad_item_y" + QString::number(i) + "," + QString::number(j) + ":" + QString::number(history->blocks[i]->items[j]->y) + "!=" + QString::number(innery));
return false;
innery += history->blocks[i]->items[j]->height();
if (history->blocks[i]->height != innery) {
debugInfo.append("bad_block_height" + QString::number(i) + ":" + QString::number(history->blocks[i]->height) + "!=" + QString::number(innery));
return false;
y += innery;
return true;
if (!valid()) {
debugValue("pending_init", history->hasPendingResizedItems() ? 1 : 0);
SignalHandlers::setCrashAnnotation("DebugInfo", debugInfo.join(','));
t_assert(itembottom > _visibleAreaTop);
} else {
t_assert(itemtop < _visibleAreaBottom);
if (!method(item, itemtop, itembottom)) {
// skip all the items that are below / above the visible area
if (TopToBottom) {
if (itembottom >= _visibleAreaBottom) {
} else {
if (itemtop <= _visibleAreaTop) {
if (TopToBottom) {
if (++itemIndex >= block->items.size()) {
} else {
if (--itemIndex < 0) {
// skip all the rest blocks that are below / above the visible area
if (TopToBottom) {
if (blockbottom >= _visibleAreaBottom) {
} else {
if (blocktop <= _visibleAreaTop) {
if (TopToBottom) {
if (++blockIndex >= history->blocks.size()) {
} else {
if (--blockIndex < 0) {
block = history->blocks.at(blockIndex);
blocktop = historytop + block->y;
blockbottom = blocktop + block->height;
if (TopToBottom) {
itemIndex = 0;
} else {
itemIndex = block->items.size() - 1;
template <typename Method>
void HistoryInner::enumerateUserpics(Method method) {
if ((!_history || !_history->canHaveFromPhotos()) && (!_migrated || !_migrated->canHaveFromPhotos())) {
// find and remember the top of an attached messages pack
// -1 means we didn't find an attached to next message yet
int lowestAttachedItemTop = -1;
auto userpicCallback = [this, &lowestAttachedItemTop, &method](HistoryItem *item, int itemtop, int itembottom) {
// skip all service messages
auto message = item->toHistoryMessage();
if (!message) return true;
if (lowestAttachedItemTop < 0 && message->isAttachedToNext()) {
lowestAttachedItemTop = itemtop + message->marginTop();
// call method on a userpic for all messages that have it and for those who are not showing it
// because of their attachment to the next message if they are bottom-most visible
if (message->displayFromPhoto() || (message->hasFromPhoto() && itembottom >= _visibleAreaBottom)) {
if (lowestAttachedItemTop < 0) {
lowestAttachedItemTop = itemtop + message->marginTop();
// attach userpic to the bottom of the visible area with the same margin as the last message
auto userpicMinBottomSkip = st::historyPaddingBottom + st::msgMargin.bottom();
auto userpicBottom = qMin(itembottom - message->marginBottom(), _visibleAreaBottom - userpicMinBottomSkip);
// do not let the userpic go above the attached messages pack top line
userpicBottom = qMax(userpicBottom, lowestAttachedItemTop + st::msgPhotoSize);
// call the template callback function that was passed
// and return if it finished everything it needed
if (!method(message, userpicBottom - st::msgPhotoSize)) {
return false;
// forget the found top of the pack, search for the next one from scratch
if (!message->isAttachedToNext()) {
lowestAttachedItemTop = -1;
return true;
template <typename Method>
void HistoryInner::enumerateDates(Method method) {
int drawtop = historyDrawTop();
// find and remember the bottom of an single-day messages pack
// -1 means we didn't find a same-day with previous message yet
int lowestInOneDayItemBottom = -1;
auto dateCallback = [this, &lowestInOneDayItemBottom, &method, drawtop](HistoryItem *item, int itemtop, int itembottom) {
if (lowestInOneDayItemBottom < 0 && item->isInOneDayWithPrevious()) {
lowestInOneDayItemBottom = itembottom - item->marginBottom();
// call method on a date for all messages that have it and for those who are not showing it
// because they are in a one day together with the previous message if they are top-most visible
if (item->displayDate() || (!item->isEmpty() && itemtop <= _visibleAreaTop)) {
// skip the date of history migrate item if it will be in migrated
if (itemtop < drawtop && item->history() == _history) {
if (itemtop > _visibleAreaTop) {
// previous item (from the _migrated history) is drawing date now
return false;
} else if (item == _history->blocks.front()->items.front() && item->isGroupMigrate()
&& _migrated->blocks.back()->items.back()->isGroupMigrate()) {
// this item is completely invisible and should be completely ignored
return false;
if (lowestInOneDayItemBottom < 0) {
lowestInOneDayItemBottom = itembottom - item->marginBottom();
// attach date to the top of the visible area with the same margin as it has in service message
int dateTop = qMax(itemtop, _visibleAreaTop) + st::msgServiceMargin.top();
// do not let the date go below the single-day messages pack bottom line
int dateHeight = st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.top();
dateTop = qMin(dateTop, lowestInOneDayItemBottom - dateHeight);
// call the template callback function that was passed
// and return if it finished everything it needed
if (!method(item, itemtop, dateTop)) {
return false;
// forget the found bottom of the pack, search for the next one from scratch
if (!item->isInOneDayWithPrevious()) {
lowestInOneDayItemBottom = -1;
return true;
void HistoryInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
if (!App::main() || (App::wnd() && App::wnd()->contentOverlapped(this, e))) {
if (hasPendingResizedItems()) {
Painter p(this);
QRect r(e->rect());
bool trivial = (rect() == r);
if (!trivial) {
auto ms = getms();
bool historyDisplayedEmpty = (_history->isDisplayedEmpty() && (!_migrated || _migrated->isDisplayedEmpty()));
bool noHistoryDisplayed = _firstLoading || historyDisplayedEmpty;
if (!_firstLoading && _botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty() && _botAbout->height > 0) {
if (r.y() < _botAbout->rect.y() + _botAbout->rect.height() && r.y() + r.height() > _botAbout->rect.y()) {
App::roundRect(p, _botAbout->rect, st::msgInBg, MessageInCorners, &st::msgInShadow);
p.drawText(_botAbout->rect.left() + st::msgPadding.left(), _botAbout->rect.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->ascent, lang(lng_bot_description));
_botAbout->info->text.draw(p, _botAbout->rect.left() + st::msgPadding.left(), _botAbout->rect.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip, _botAbout->width);
} else if (noHistoryDisplayed) {
HistoryLayout::paintEmpty(p, width(), height());
if (!noHistoryDisplayed) {
SelectedItems::const_iterator selEnd = _selected.cend();
bool hasSel = !_selected.isEmpty();
int32 drawToY = r.y() + r.height();
int32 selfromy = itemTop(_dragSelFrom), seltoy = itemTop(_dragSelTo);
if (selfromy < 0 || seltoy < 0) {
selfromy = seltoy = -1;
} else {
seltoy += _dragSelTo->height();
int32 mtop = migratedTop(), htop = historyTop(), hdrawtop = historyDrawTop();
if (mtop >= 0) {
int32 iBlock = (_curHistory == _migrated ? _curBlock : (_migrated->blocks.size() - 1));
HistoryBlock *block = _migrated->blocks[iBlock];
int32 iItem = (_curHistory == _migrated ? _curItem : (block->items.size() - 1));
HistoryItem *item = block->items[iItem];
int32 y = mtop + block->y + item->y;
p.translate(0, y);
if (r.y() < y + item->height()) while (y < drawToY) {
TextSelection sel;
if (y >= selfromy && y < seltoy) {
if (_dragSelecting && !item->serviceMsg() && item->id > 0) {
sel = FullSelection;
} else if (hasSel) {
auto i = _selected.constFind(item);
if (i != selEnd) {
sel = i.value();
item->draw(p, r.translated(0, -y), sel, ms);
if (item->hasViews()) {
int32 h = item->height();
p.translate(0, h);
y += h;
if (iItem == block->items.size()) {
iItem = 0;
if (iBlock == _migrated->blocks.size()) {
block = _migrated->blocks[iBlock];
item = block->items[iItem];
if (htop >= 0) {
int32 iBlock = (_curHistory == _history ? _curBlock : 0);
HistoryBlock *block = _history->blocks[iBlock];
int32 iItem = (_curHistory == _history ? _curItem : 0);
HistoryItem *item = block->items[iItem];
QRect historyRect = r.intersected(QRect(0, hdrawtop, width(), r.top() + r.height()));
int32 y = htop + block->y + item->y;
p.translate(0, y);
while (y < drawToY) {
int32 h = item->height();
if (historyRect.y() < y + h && hdrawtop < y + h) {
TextSelection sel;
if (y >= selfromy && y < seltoy) {
if (_dragSelecting && !item->serviceMsg() && item->id > 0) {
sel = FullSelection;
} else if (hasSel) {
auto i = _selected.constFind(item);
if (i != selEnd) {
sel = i.value();
item->draw(p, historyRect.translated(0, -y), sel, ms);
if (item->hasViews()) {
p.translate(0, h);
y += h;
if (iItem == block->items.size()) {
iItem = 0;
if (iBlock == _history->blocks.size()) {
block = _history->blocks[iBlock];
item = block->items[iItem];
if (mtop >= 0 || htop >= 0) {
enumerateUserpics([&p, &r](HistoryMessage *message, int userpicTop) {
// stop the enumeration if the userpic is below the painted rect
if (userpicTop >= r.top() + r.height()) {
return false;
// paint the userpic if it intersects the painted rect
if (userpicTop + st::msgPhotoSize > r.top()) {
message->from()->paintUserpicLeft(p, st::historyPhotoLeft, userpicTop, message->history()->width, st::msgPhotoSize);
return true;
int dateHeight = st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.top();
//QDate lastDate;
//if (!_history->isEmpty()) {
// lastDate = _history->blocks.back()->items.back()->date.date();
//// if item top is before this value always show date as a floating date
//int showFloatingBefore = height() - 2 * (_visibleAreaBottom - _visibleAreaTop) - dateHeight;
auto scrollDateOpacity = _scrollDateOpacity.current(ms, _scrollDateShown ? 1. : 0.);
enumerateDates([&p, &r, scrollDateOpacity, dateHeight/*, lastDate, showFloatingBefore*/](HistoryItem *item, int itemtop, int dateTop) {
// stop the enumeration if the date is above the painted rect
if (dateTop + dateHeight <= r.top()) {
return false;
bool displayDate = item->displayDate();
bool dateInPlace = displayDate;
if (dateInPlace) {
int correctDateTop = itemtop + st::msgServiceMargin.top();
dateInPlace = (dateTop < correctDateTop + dateHeight);
//bool noFloatingDate = (item->date.date() == lastDate && displayDate);
//if (noFloatingDate) {
// if (itemtop < showFloatingBefore) {
// noFloatingDate = false;
// }
// paint the date if it intersects the painted rect
if (dateTop < r.top() + r.height()) {
auto opacity = (dateInPlace/* || noFloatingDate*/) ? 1. : scrollDateOpacity;
if (opacity > 0.) {
int dateY = /*noFloatingDate ? itemtop :*/ (dateTop - st::msgServiceMargin.top());
int width = item->history()->width;
if (auto date = item->Get<HistoryMessageDate>()) {
date->paint(p, dateY, width);
} else {
HistoryLayout::ServiceMessagePainter::paintDate(p, item->date, dateY, width);
return true;
bool HistoryInner::event(QEvent *e) {
if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchBegin || e->type() == QEvent::TouchUpdate || e->type() == QEvent::TouchEnd || e->type() == QEvent::TouchCancel) {
QTouchEvent *ev = static_cast<QTouchEvent*>(e);
if (ev->device()->type() == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen) {
return true;
return QWidget::event(e);
void HistoryInner::onTouchScrollTimer() {
auto nowTime = getms();
if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration && _touchWaitingAcceleration && (nowTime - _touchAccelerationTime) > 40) {
_touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual;
} else if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto || _touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration) {
int32 elapsed = int32(nowTime - _touchTime);
QPoint delta = _touchSpeed * elapsed / 1000;
bool hasScrolled = _widget->touchScroll(delta);
if (_touchSpeed.isNull() || !hasScrolled) {
_touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual;
_touchScroll = false;
} else {
_touchTime = nowTime;
void HistoryInner::touchUpdateSpeed() {
const auto nowTime = getms();
if (_touchPrevPosValid) {
const int elapsed = nowTime - _touchSpeedTime;
if (elapsed) {
const QPoint newPixelDiff = (_touchPos - _touchPrevPos);
const QPoint pixelsPerSecond = newPixelDiff * (1000 / elapsed);
// fingers are inacurates, we ignore small changes to avoid stopping the autoscroll because
// of a small horizontal offset when scrolling vertically
const int newSpeedY = (qAbs(pixelsPerSecond.y()) > FingerAccuracyThreshold) ? pixelsPerSecond.y() : 0;
const int newSpeedX = (qAbs(pixelsPerSecond.x()) > FingerAccuracyThreshold) ? pixelsPerSecond.x() : 0;
if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto) {
const int oldSpeedY = _touchSpeed.y();
const int oldSpeedX = _touchSpeed.x();
if ((oldSpeedY <= 0 && newSpeedY <= 0) || ((oldSpeedY >= 0 && newSpeedY >= 0)
&& (oldSpeedX <= 0 && newSpeedX <= 0)) || (oldSpeedX >= 0 && newSpeedX >= 0)) {
_touchSpeed.setY(snap((oldSpeedY + (newSpeedY / 4)), -MaxScrollAccelerated, +MaxScrollAccelerated));
_touchSpeed.setX(snap((oldSpeedX + (newSpeedX / 4)), -MaxScrollAccelerated, +MaxScrollAccelerated));
} else {
_touchSpeed = QPoint();
} else {
// we average the speed to avoid strange effects with the last delta
if (!_touchSpeed.isNull()) {
_touchSpeed.setX(snap((_touchSpeed.x() / 4) + (newSpeedX * 3 / 4), -MaxScrollFlick, +MaxScrollFlick));
_touchSpeed.setY(snap((_touchSpeed.y() / 4) + (newSpeedY * 3 / 4), -MaxScrollFlick, +MaxScrollFlick));
} else {
_touchSpeed = QPoint(newSpeedX, newSpeedY);
} else {
_touchPrevPosValid = true;
_touchSpeedTime = nowTime;
_touchPrevPos = _touchPos;
void HistoryInner::touchResetSpeed() {
_touchSpeed = QPoint();
_touchPrevPosValid = false;
void HistoryInner::touchDeaccelerate(int32 elapsed) {
int32 x = _touchSpeed.x();
int32 y = _touchSpeed.y();
_touchSpeed.setX((x == 0) ? x : (x > 0) ? qMax(0, x - elapsed) : qMin(0, x + elapsed));
_touchSpeed.setY((y == 0) ? y : (y > 0) ? qMax(0, y - elapsed) : qMin(0, y + elapsed));
void HistoryInner::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *e) {
const Qt::TouchPointStates &states(e->touchPointStates());
if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchCancel) { // cancel
if (!_touchInProgress) return;
_touchInProgress = false;
_touchScroll = _touchSelect = false;
_touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual;
if (!e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) {
_touchPrevPos = _touchPos;
_touchPos = e->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint();
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::TouchBegin:
if (_menu) {
return; // ignore mouse press, that was hiding context menu
if (_touchInProgress) return;
if (e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) return;
_touchInProgress = true;
if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto) {
_touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration;
_touchWaitingAcceleration = true;
_touchAccelerationTime = getms();
_touchStart = _touchPos;
} else {
_touchScroll = false;
_touchSelect = false;
_touchStart = _touchPrevPos = _touchPos;
case QEvent::TouchUpdate:
if (!_touchInProgress) return;
if (_touchSelect) {
} else if (!_touchScroll && (_touchPos - _touchStart).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) {
_touchScroll = true;
if (_touchScroll) {
if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual) {
} else if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration) {
_touchAccelerationTime = getms();
if (_touchSpeed.isNull()) {
_touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual;
case QEvent::TouchEnd:
if (!_touchInProgress) return;
_touchInProgress = false;
if (_touchSelect) {
dragActionFinish(_touchPos, Qt::RightButton);
QContextMenuEvent contextMenu(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, mapFromGlobal(_touchPos), _touchPos);
showContextMenu(&contextMenu, true);
_touchScroll = false;
} else if (_touchScroll) {
if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual) {
_touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto;
_touchPrevPosValid = false;
_touchTime = getms();
} else if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto) {
_touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual;
_touchScroll = false;
} else if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration) {
_touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto;
_touchWaitingAcceleration = false;
_touchPrevPosValid = false;
} else { // one short tap -- like mouse click
_touchSelect = false;
void HistoryInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
auto buttonsPressed = (e->buttons() & (Qt::LeftButton | Qt::MiddleButton));
if (!buttonsPressed && _dragAction != NoDrag) {
if (!buttonsPressed || ClickHandler::getPressed() == _scrollDateLink) {
void HistoryInner::dragActionUpdate(const QPoint &screenPos) {
_dragPos = screenPos;
void HistoryInner::touchScrollUpdated(const QPoint &screenPos) {
_touchPos = screenPos;
_widget->touchScroll(_touchPos - _touchPrevPos);
QPoint HistoryInner::mapMouseToItem(QPoint p, HistoryItem *item) {
int32 msgy = itemTop(item);
if (msgy < 0) return QPoint(0, 0);
p.setY(p.y() - msgy);
return p;
void HistoryInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (_menu) {
return; // ignore mouse press, that was hiding context menu
dragActionStart(e->globalPos(), e->button());
void HistoryInner::dragActionStart(const QPoint &screenPos, Qt::MouseButton button) {
if (button != Qt::LeftButton) return;
if (App::pressedItem() != App::hoveredItem()) {
_dragAction = NoDrag;
_dragItem = App::mousedItem();
_dragStartPos = mapMouseToItem(mapFromGlobal(screenPos), _dragItem);
_dragWasInactive = App::wnd()->inactivePress();
if (_dragWasInactive) App::wnd()->inactivePress(false);
if (ClickHandler::getPressed()) {
_dragAction = PrepareDrag;
} else if (!_selected.isEmpty()) {
if (_selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection) {
if (_selected.constFind(_dragItem) != _selected.cend() && App::hoveredItem()) {
_dragAction = PrepareDrag; // start items drag
} else if (!_dragWasInactive) {
_dragAction = PrepareSelect; // start items select
if (_dragAction == NoDrag && _dragItem) {
HistoryTextState dragState;
if (_trippleClickTimer.isActive() && (screenPos - _trippleClickPoint).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) {
HistoryStateRequest request;
request.flags = Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol;
dragState = _dragItem->getState(_dragStartPos.x(), _dragStartPos.y(), request);
if (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState) {
TextSelection selStatus = { dragState.symbol, dragState.symbol };
if (selStatus != FullSelection && (_selected.isEmpty() || _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection)) {
if (!_selected.isEmpty()) {
_selected.insert(_dragItem, selStatus);
_dragSymbol = dragState.symbol;
_dragAction = Selecting;
_dragSelType = TextSelectType::Paragraphs;
} else if (App::pressedItem()) {
HistoryStateRequest request;
request.flags = Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol;
dragState = _dragItem->getState(_dragStartPos.x(), _dragStartPos.y(), request);
if (_dragSelType != TextSelectType::Paragraphs) {
if (App::pressedItem()) {
_dragSymbol = dragState.symbol;
bool uponSelected = (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState);
if (uponSelected) {
if (_selected.isEmpty() ||
_selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection ||
_selected.cbegin().key() != _dragItem
) {
uponSelected = false;
} else {
uint16 selFrom = _selected.cbegin().value().from, selTo = _selected.cbegin().value().to;
if (_dragSymbol < selFrom || _dragSymbol >= selTo) {
uponSelected = false;
if (uponSelected) {
_dragAction = PrepareDrag; // start text drag
} else if (!_dragWasInactive) {
if (dynamic_cast<HistorySticker*>(App::pressedItem()->getMedia()) || _dragCursorState == HistoryInDateCursorState) {
_dragAction = PrepareDrag; // start sticker drag or by-date drag
} else {
if (dragState.afterSymbol) ++_dragSymbol;
TextSelection selStatus = { _dragSymbol, _dragSymbol };
if (selStatus != FullSelection && (_selected.isEmpty() || _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection)) {
if (!_selected.isEmpty()) {
_selected.insert(_dragItem, selStatus);
_dragAction = Selecting;
} else {
_dragAction = PrepareSelect;
} else if (!_dragWasInactive) {
_dragAction = PrepareSelect; // start items select
if (!_dragItem) {
_dragAction = NoDrag;
} else if (_dragAction == NoDrag) {
_dragItem = nullptr;
void HistoryInner::dragActionCancel() {
_dragItem = 0;
_dragAction = NoDrag;
_dragStartPos = QPoint(0, 0);
_dragSelFrom = _dragSelTo = 0;
_wasSelectedText = false;
void HistoryInner::onDragExec() {
if (_dragAction != Dragging) return;
bool uponSelected = false;
if (_dragItem) {
if (!_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection) {
uponSelected = _selected.contains(_dragItem);
} else {
HistoryStateRequest request;
request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol;
auto dragState = _dragItem->getState(_dragStartPos.x(), _dragStartPos.y(), request);
uponSelected = (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState);
if (uponSelected) {
if (_selected.isEmpty() ||
_selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection ||
_selected.cbegin().key() != _dragItem
) {
uponSelected = false;
} else {
uint16 selFrom = _selected.cbegin().value().from, selTo = _selected.cbegin().value().to;
if (dragState.symbol < selFrom || dragState.symbol >= selTo) {
uponSelected = false;
auto pressedHandler = ClickHandler::getPressed();
if (dynamic_cast<VoiceSeekClickHandler*>(pressedHandler.data())) {
TextWithEntities sel;
QList<QUrl> urls;
if (uponSelected) {
sel = getSelectedText();
} else if (pressedHandler) {
sel = { pressedHandler->dragText(), EntitiesInText() };
//if (!sel.isEmpty() && sel.at(0) != '/' && sel.at(0) != '@' && sel.at(0) != '#') {
// urls.push_back(QUrl::fromEncoded(sel.toUtf8())); // Google Chrome crashes in Mac OS X O_o
if (auto mimeData = mimeDataFromTextWithEntities(sel)) {
updateDragSelection(0, 0, false);
auto drag = std::make_unique<QDrag>(App::wnd());
if (!urls.isEmpty()) mimeData->setUrls(urls);
if (uponSelected && !_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection && !Adaptive::OneColumn()) {
mimeData->setData(qsl("application/x-td-forward-selected"), "1");
// We don't receive mouseReleaseEvent when drag is finished.
if (App::main()) App::main()->updateAfterDrag();
} else {
auto forwardMimeType = QString();
auto pressedMedia = static_cast<HistoryMedia*>(nullptr);
if (auto pressedItem = App::pressedItem()) {
pressedMedia = pressedItem->getMedia();
if (_dragCursorState == HistoryInDateCursorState || (pressedMedia && pressedMedia->dragItem())) {
forwardMimeType = qsl("application/x-td-forward-pressed");
if (auto pressedLnkItem = App::pressedLinkItem()) {
if ((pressedMedia = pressedLnkItem->getMedia())) {
if (forwardMimeType.isEmpty() && pressedMedia->dragItemByHandler(pressedHandler)) {
forwardMimeType = qsl("application/x-td-forward-pressed-link");
if (!forwardMimeType.isEmpty()) {
auto drag = std::make_unique<QDrag>(App::wnd());
auto mimeData = std::make_unique<QMimeData>();
mimeData->setData(forwardMimeType, "1");
if (auto document = (pressedMedia ? pressedMedia->getDocument() : nullptr)) {
auto filepath = document->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked);
if (!filepath.isEmpty()) {
QList<QUrl> urls;
// We don't receive mouseReleaseEvent when drag is finished.
if (App::main()) App::main()->updateAfterDrag();
void HistoryInner::itemRemoved(HistoryItem *item) {
if (_history != item->history() && _migrated != item->history()) {
if (!App::main()) {
auto i = _selected.find(item);
if (i != _selected.cend()) {
if (_dragItem == item) {
if (_dragSelFrom == item || _dragSelTo == item) {
_dragSelFrom = 0;
_dragSelTo = 0;
void HistoryInner::dragActionFinish(const QPoint &screenPos, Qt::MouseButton button) {
ClickHandlerPtr activated = ClickHandler::unpressed();
if (_dragAction == Dragging) {
} else if (HistoryItem *pressed = App::pressedLinkItem()) {
// if we are in selecting items mode perhaps we want to
// toggle selection instead of activating the pressed link
if (_dragAction == PrepareDrag && !_dragWasInactive && !_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection && button != Qt::RightButton) {
if (HistoryMedia *media = pressed->getMedia()) {
if (media->toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(activated)) {
if (App::pressedItem()) {
_wasSelectedText = false;
if (activated) {
App::activateClickHandler(activated, button);
if (_dragAction == PrepareSelect && !_dragWasInactive && !_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection) {
SelectedItems::iterator i = _selected.find(_dragItem);
if (i == _selected.cend() && !_dragItem->serviceMsg() && _dragItem->id > 0) {
if (_selected.size() < MaxSelectedItems) {
if (!_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection) {
_selected.insert(_dragItem, FullSelection);
} else {
} else if (_dragAction == PrepareDrag && !_dragWasInactive && button != Qt::RightButton) {
SelectedItems::iterator i = _selected.find(_dragItem);
if (i != _selected.cend() && i.value() == FullSelection) {
} else if (i == _selected.cend() && !_dragItem->serviceMsg() && _dragItem->id > 0 && !_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection) {
if (_selected.size() < MaxSelectedItems) {
_selected.insert(_dragItem, FullSelection);
} else {
} else if (_dragAction == Selecting) {
if (_dragSelFrom && _dragSelTo) {
_dragSelFrom = _dragSelTo = 0;
} else if (!_selected.isEmpty() && !_dragWasInactive) {
auto sel = _selected.cbegin().value();
if (sel != FullSelection && sel.from == sel.to) {
if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->setInnerFocus();
_dragAction = NoDrag;
_dragItem = 0;
_dragSelType = TextSelectType::Letters;
#if defined Q_OS_LINUX32 || defined Q_OS_LINUX64
if (!_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection) {
setToClipboard(_selected.cbegin().key()->selectedText(_selected.cbegin().value()), QClipboard::Selection);
#endif // Q_OS_LINUX32 || Q_OS_LINUX64
void HistoryInner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
dragActionFinish(e->globalPos(), e->button());
if (!rect().contains(e->pos())) {
void HistoryInner::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (!_history) return;
dragActionStart(e->globalPos(), e->button());
if (((_dragAction == Selecting && !_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection) || (_dragAction == NoDrag && (_selected.isEmpty() || _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection))) && _dragSelType == TextSelectType::Letters && _dragItem) {
HistoryStateRequest request;
request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol;
auto dragState = _dragItem->getState(_dragStartPos.x(), _dragStartPos.y(), request);
if (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState) {
_dragSymbol = dragState.symbol;
_dragSelType = TextSelectType::Words;
if (_dragAction == NoDrag) {
_dragAction = Selecting;
TextSelection selStatus = { dragState.symbol, dragState.symbol };
if (!_selected.isEmpty()) {
_selected.insert(_dragItem, selStatus);
_trippleClickPoint = e->globalPos();
void HistoryInner::showContextMenu(QContextMenuEvent *e, bool showFromTouch) {
if (_menu) {
_menu = 0;
if (e->reason() == QContextMenuEvent::Mouse) {
int32 selectedForForward, selectedForDelete;
getSelectionState(selectedForForward, selectedForDelete);
bool canSendMessages = _widget->canSendMessages(_peer);
// -2 - has full selected items, but not over, -1 - has selection, but no over, 0 - no selection, 1 - over text, 2 - over full selected items
int32 isUponSelected = 0, hasSelected = 0;;
if (!_selected.isEmpty()) {
isUponSelected = -1;
if (_selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection) {
hasSelected = 2;
if (App::hoveredItem() && _selected.constFind(App::hoveredItem()) != _selected.cend()) {
isUponSelected = 2;
} else {
isUponSelected = -2;
} else {
uint16 selFrom = _selected.cbegin().value().from, selTo = _selected.cbegin().value().to;
hasSelected = (selTo > selFrom) ? 1 : 0;
if (App::mousedItem() && App::mousedItem() == App::hoveredItem()) {
QPoint mousePos(mapMouseToItem(mapFromGlobal(_dragPos), App::mousedItem()));
HistoryStateRequest request;
request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol;
auto dragState = App::mousedItem()->getState(mousePos.x(), mousePos.y(), request);
if (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState && dragState.symbol >= selFrom && dragState.symbol < selTo) {
isUponSelected = 1;
if (showFromTouch && hasSelected && isUponSelected < hasSelected) {
isUponSelected = hasSelected;
_menu = new Ui::PopupMenu(nullptr);
_contextMenuLnk = ClickHandler::getActive();
HistoryItem *item = App::hoveredItem() ? App::hoveredItem() : App::hoveredLinkItem();
PhotoClickHandler *lnkPhoto = dynamic_cast<PhotoClickHandler*>(_contextMenuLnk.data());
DocumentClickHandler *lnkDocument = dynamic_cast<DocumentClickHandler*>(_contextMenuLnk.data());
bool lnkIsVideo = lnkDocument ? lnkDocument->document()->isVideo() : false;
bool lnkIsAudio = lnkDocument ? (lnkDocument->document()->voice() != nullptr) : false;
bool lnkIsSong = lnkDocument ? (lnkDocument->document()->song() != nullptr) : false;
if (lnkPhoto || lnkDocument) {
if (isUponSelected > 0) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_selected), this, SLOT(copySelectedText()))->setEnabled(true);
if (item && item->id > 0 && isUponSelected != 2 && isUponSelected != -2) {
if (canSendMessages) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_reply_msg), _widget, SLOT(onReplyToMessage()));
if (item->canEdit(::date(unixtime()))) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_edit_msg), _widget, SLOT(onEditMessage()));
if (item->canPin()) {
bool ispinned = (item->history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId == item->id);
_menu->addAction(lang(ispinned ? lng_context_unpin_msg : lng_context_pin_msg), _widget, ispinned ? SLOT(onUnpinMessage()) : SLOT(onPinMessage()));
if (lnkPhoto) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_image), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [this, photo = lnkPhoto->photo()] {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_image), this, SLOT(copyContextImage()))->setEnabled(true);
} else {
auto document = lnkDocument->document();
if (document->loading()) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_cancel_download), this, SLOT(cancelContextDownload()))->setEnabled(true);
} else {
if (document->loaded() && document->isGifv()) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_gif), this, SLOT(saveContextGif()))->setEnabled(true);
if (!document->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked).isEmpty()) {
_menu->addAction(lang((cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) ? lng_context_show_in_finder : lng_context_show_in_folder), this, SLOT(showContextInFolder()))->setEnabled(true);
_menu->addAction(lang(lnkIsVideo ? lng_context_save_video : (lnkIsAudio ? lng_context_save_audio : (lnkIsSong ? lng_context_save_audio_file : lng_context_save_file))), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [this, document] {
if (item && item->hasDirectLink() && isUponSelected != 2 && isUponSelected != -2) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_post_link), _widget, SLOT(onCopyPostLink()));
if (isUponSelected > 1) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_selected), _widget, SLOT(onForwardSelected()));
if (selectedForDelete == selectedForForward) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_delete_selected), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_clear_selection), _widget, SLOT(onClearSelected()));
} else if (App::hoveredLinkItem()) {
if (isUponSelected != -2) {
if (dynamic_cast<HistoryMessage*>(App::hoveredLinkItem()) && App::hoveredLinkItem()->id > 0) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_msg), _widget, SLOT(forwardMessage()))->setEnabled(true);
if (App::hoveredLinkItem()->canDelete()) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_delete_msg), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] {
if (App::hoveredLinkItem()->id > 0 && !App::hoveredLinkItem()->serviceMsg()) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_select_msg), _widget, SLOT(selectMessage()))->setEnabled(true);
} else { // maybe cursor on some text history item?
bool canDelete = item && item->canDelete() && (item->id > 0 || !item->serviceMsg());
bool canForward = item && (item->id > 0) && !item->serviceMsg();
HistoryMessage *msg = dynamic_cast<HistoryMessage*>(item);
if (isUponSelected > 0) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_selected), this, SLOT(copySelectedText()))->setEnabled(true);
if (item && item->id > 0 && isUponSelected != 2) {
if (canSendMessages) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_reply_msg), _widget, SLOT(onReplyToMessage()));
if (item->canEdit(::date(unixtime()))) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_edit_msg), _widget, SLOT(onEditMessage()));
if (item->canPin()) {
bool ispinned = (item->history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId == item->id);
_menu->addAction(lang(ispinned ? lng_context_unpin_msg : lng_context_pin_msg), _widget, ispinned ? SLOT(onUnpinMessage()) : SLOT(onPinMessage()));
} else {
if (item && item->id > 0 && isUponSelected != -2) {
if (canSendMessages) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_reply_msg), _widget, SLOT(onReplyToMessage()));
if (item->canEdit(::date(unixtime()))) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_edit_msg), _widget, SLOT(onEditMessage()));
if (item->canPin()) {
bool ispinned = (item->history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId == item->id);
_menu->addAction(lang(ispinned ? lng_context_unpin_msg : lng_context_pin_msg), _widget, ispinned ? SLOT(onUnpinMessage()) : SLOT(onPinMessage()));
if (item && !isUponSelected) {
auto mediaHasTextForCopy = false;
if (auto media = (msg ? msg->getMedia() : nullptr)) {
mediaHasTextForCopy = media->hasTextForCopy();
if (media->type() == MediaTypeWebPage && static_cast<HistoryWebPage*>(media)->attach()) {
media = static_cast<HistoryWebPage*>(media)->attach();
if (media->type() == MediaTypeSticker) {
if (auto document = media->getDocument()) {
if (document->sticker() && document->sticker()->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetEmpty) {
_menu->addAction(lang(document->sticker()->setInstalled() ? lng_context_pack_info : lng_context_pack_add), _widget, SLOT(onStickerPackInfo()));
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_image), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [this, document] {
} else if (media->type() == MediaTypeGif && !_contextMenuLnk) {
if (auto document = media->getDocument()) {
if (document->loading()) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_cancel_download), this, SLOT(cancelContextDownload()))->setEnabled(true);
} else {
if (document->isGifv()) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_gif), this, SLOT(saveContextGif()))->setEnabled(true);
if (!document->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked).isEmpty()) {
_menu->addAction(lang((cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) ? lng_context_show_in_finder : lng_context_show_in_folder), this, SLOT(showContextInFolder()))->setEnabled(true);
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_file), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [this, document] {
if (msg && !_contextMenuLnk && (!msg->emptyText() || mediaHasTextForCopy)) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_text), this, SLOT(copyContextText()))->setEnabled(true);
QString linkCopyToClipboardText = _contextMenuLnk ? _contextMenuLnk->copyToClipboardContextItemText() : QString();
if (!linkCopyToClipboardText.isEmpty()) {
_menu->addAction(linkCopyToClipboardText, this, SLOT(copyContextUrl()))->setEnabled(true);
if (item && item->hasDirectLink() && isUponSelected != 2 && isUponSelected != -2) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_post_link), _widget, SLOT(onCopyPostLink()));
if (isUponSelected > 1) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_selected), _widget, SLOT(onForwardSelected()));
if (selectedForDelete == selectedForForward) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_delete_selected), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_clear_selection), _widget, SLOT(onClearSelected()));
} else if (item && ((isUponSelected != -2 && (canForward || canDelete)) || item->id > 0)) {
if (isUponSelected != -2) {
if (canForward) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_msg), _widget, SLOT(forwardMessage()))->setEnabled(true);
if (canDelete) {
_menu->addAction(lang((msg && msg->uploading()) ? lng_context_cancel_upload : lng_context_delete_msg), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] {
if (item->id > 0 && !item->serviceMsg()) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_select_msg), _widget, SLOT(selectMessage()))->setEnabled(true);
} else {
if (App::mousedItem() && !App::mousedItem()->serviceMsg() && App::mousedItem()->id > 0) {
_menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_select_msg), _widget, SLOT(selectMessage()))->setEnabled(true);
item = App::mousedItem();
if (_menu->actions().isEmpty()) {
delete _menu;
_menu = 0;
} else {
connect(_menu, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onMenuDestroy(QObject*)));
void HistoryInner::onMenuDestroy(QObject *obj) {
if (_menu == obj) {
_menu = nullptr;
void HistoryInner::copySelectedText() {
void HistoryInner::copyContextUrl() {
if (_contextMenuLnk) {
void HistoryInner::savePhotoToFile(PhotoData *photo) {
if (!photo || !photo->date || !photo->loaded()) return;
auto filter = qsl("JPEG Image (*.jpg);;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter();
FileDialog::GetWritePath(lang(lng_save_photo), filter, filedialogDefaultName(qsl("photo"), qsl(".jpg")), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this, photo](const QString &result) {
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
photo->full->pix().toImage().save(result, "JPG");
void HistoryInner::copyContextImage() {
PhotoClickHandler *lnk = dynamic_cast<PhotoClickHandler*>(_contextMenuLnk.data());
if (!lnk) return;
PhotoData *photo = lnk->photo();
if (!photo || !photo->date || !photo->loaded()) return;
void HistoryInner::cancelContextDownload() {
if (DocumentClickHandler *lnkDocument = dynamic_cast<DocumentClickHandler*>(_contextMenuLnk.data())) {
} else if (HistoryItem *item = App::contextItem()) {
if (HistoryMedia *media = item->getMedia()) {
if (DocumentData *doc = media->getDocument()) {
void HistoryInner::showContextInFolder() {
QString filepath;
if (DocumentClickHandler *lnkDocument = dynamic_cast<DocumentClickHandler*>(_contextMenuLnk.data())) {
filepath = lnkDocument->document()->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked);
} else if (HistoryItem *item = App::contextItem()) {
if (HistoryMedia *media = item->getMedia()) {
if (DocumentData *doc = media->getDocument()) {
filepath = doc->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked);
if (!filepath.isEmpty()) {
void HistoryInner::saveDocumentToFile(DocumentData *document) {
DocumentSaveClickHandler::doSave(document, true);
void HistoryInner::saveContextGif() {
if (auto item = App::contextItem()) {
if (auto media = item->getMedia()) {
if (auto document = media->getDocument()) {
void HistoryInner::copyContextText() {
auto item = App::contextItem();
if (!item || (item->getMedia() && item->getMedia()->type() == MediaTypeSticker)) {
void HistoryInner::setToClipboard(const TextWithEntities &forClipboard, QClipboard::Mode mode) {
if (auto data = mimeDataFromTextWithEntities(forClipboard)) {
QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(data, mode);
void HistoryInner::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) {
TextWithEntities HistoryInner::getSelectedText() const {
SelectedItems sel = _selected;
if (_dragAction == Selecting && _dragSelFrom && _dragSelTo) {
if (sel.isEmpty()) {
return TextWithEntities();
if (sel.cbegin().value() != FullSelection) {
return sel.cbegin().key()->selectedText(sel.cbegin().value());
int fullSize = 0;
QString timeFormat(qsl(", [dd.MM.yy hh:mm]\n"));
QMap<int, TextWithEntities> texts;
for (auto i = sel.cbegin(), e = sel.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
HistoryItem *item = i.key();
if (item->detached()) continue;
QString time = item->date.toString(timeFormat);
TextWithEntities part, unwrapped = item->selectedText(FullSelection);
int size = item->author()->name.size() + time.size() + unwrapped.text.size();
int y = itemTop(item);
if (y >= 0) {
appendTextWithEntities(part, std::move(unwrapped));
texts.insert(y, part);
fullSize += size;
TextWithEntities result;
auto sep = qsl("\n\n");
result.text.reserve(fullSize + (texts.size() - 1) * sep.size());
for (auto i = texts.begin(), e = texts.end(); i != e; ++i) {
appendTextWithEntities(result, std::move(i.value()));
if (i + 1 != e) {
return result;
void HistoryInner::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) {
if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) {
} else if (e == QKeySequence::Copy && !_selected.isEmpty()) {
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
} else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_E && e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)) {
setToClipboard(getSelectedText(), QClipboard::FindBuffer);
#endif // Q_OS_MAC
} else if (e == QKeySequence::Delete) {
int32 selectedForForward, selectedForDelete;
getSelectionState(selectedForForward, selectedForDelete);
if (!_selected.isEmpty() && selectedForDelete == selectedForForward) {
} else {
void HistoryInner::recountHeight() {
int visibleHeight = _scroll->height();
int oldHistoryPaddingTop = qMax(visibleHeight - historyHeight() - st::historyPaddingBottom, 0);
if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) {
accumulate_max(oldHistoryPaddingTop, st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgMargin.bottom() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height);
if (_migrated) {
// with migrated history we perhaps do not need to display first _history message
// (if last _migrated message and first _history message are both isGroupMigrate)
// or at least we don't need to display first _history date (just skip it by height)
_historySkipHeight = 0;
if (_migrated) {
if (!_migrated->isEmpty() && !_history->isEmpty() && _migrated->loadedAtBottom() && _history->loadedAtTop()) {
if (_migrated->blocks.back()->items.back()->date.date() == _history->blocks.front()->items.front()->date.date()) {
if (_migrated->blocks.back()->items.back()->isGroupMigrate() && _history->blocks.front()->items.front()->isGroupMigrate()) {
_historySkipHeight += _history->blocks.front()->items.front()->height();
} else {
_historySkipHeight += _history->blocks.front()->items.front()->displayedDateHeight();
if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) {
int32 tw = _scroll->width() - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right();
if (tw > st::msgMaxWidth) tw = st::msgMaxWidth;
tw -= st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right();
int32 mw = qMax(_botAbout->info->text.maxWidth(), st::msgNameFont->width(lang(lng_bot_description)));
if (tw > mw) tw = mw;
_botAbout->width = tw;
_botAbout->height = _botAbout->info->text.countHeight(_botAbout->width);
int32 descH = st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgMargin.bottom();
int32 descMaxWidth = _scroll->width();
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
descMaxWidth = qMin(descMaxWidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left()));
int32 descAtX = (descMaxWidth - _botAbout->width) / 2 - st::msgPadding.left();
int32 descAtY = qMin(_historyPaddingTop - descH, qMax(0, (_scroll->height() - descH) / 2)) + st::msgMargin.top();
_botAbout->rect = QRect(descAtX, descAtY, _botAbout->width + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(), descH - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom());
} else if (_botAbout) {
_botAbout->width = _botAbout->height = 0;
_botAbout->rect = QRect();
int newHistoryPaddingTop = qMax(visibleHeight - historyHeight() - st::historyPaddingBottom, 0);
if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) {
accumulate_max(newHistoryPaddingTop, st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgMargin.bottom() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height);
auto historyPaddingTopDelta = (newHistoryPaddingTop - oldHistoryPaddingTop);
if (historyPaddingTopDelta != 0) {
if (_history->scrollTopItem) {
_history->scrollTopOffset += historyPaddingTopDelta;
} else if (_migrated && _migrated->scrollTopItem) {
_migrated->scrollTopOffset += historyPaddingTopDelta;
void HistoryInner::updateBotInfo(bool recount) {
int newh = 0;
if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->description.isEmpty()) {
if (_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) {
_botAbout->info->text.setText(st::messageTextStyle, _botAbout->info->description, _historyBotNoMonoOptions);
if (recount) {
int32 tw = _scroll->width() - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right();
if (tw > st::msgMaxWidth) tw = st::msgMaxWidth;
tw -= st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right();
int32 mw = qMax(_botAbout->info->text.maxWidth(), st::msgNameFont->width(lang(lng_bot_description)));
if (tw > mw) tw = mw;
_botAbout->width = tw;
newh = _botAbout->info->text.countHeight(_botAbout->width);
} else if (recount) {
newh = _botAbout->height;
if (recount && _botAbout) {
if (_botAbout->height != newh) {
_botAbout->height = newh;
if (_botAbout->height > 0) {
int32 descH = st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgMargin.bottom();
int32 descAtX = (_scroll->width() - _botAbout->width) / 2 - st::msgPadding.left();
int32 descAtY = qMin(_historyPaddingTop - descH, (_scroll->height() - descH) / 2) + st::msgMargin.top();
_botAbout->rect = QRect(descAtX, descAtY, _botAbout->width + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(), descH - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom());
} else {
_botAbout->width = 0;
_botAbout->rect = QRect();
bool HistoryInner::wasSelectedText() const {
return _wasSelectedText;
void HistoryInner::setFirstLoading(bool loading) {
_firstLoading = loading;
void HistoryInner::visibleAreaUpdated(int top, int bottom) {
_visibleAreaTop = top;
_visibleAreaBottom = bottom;
// if history has pending resize events we should not update scrollTopItem
if (hasPendingResizedItems()) {
if (bottom >= _historyPaddingTop + historyHeight() + st::historyPaddingBottom) {
if (_migrated) {
} else {
int htop = historyTop(), mtop = migratedTop();
if ((htop >= 0 && top >= htop) || mtop < 0) {
_history->countScrollState(top - htop);
if (_migrated) {
} else if (mtop >= 0 && top >= mtop) {
_migrated->countScrollState(top - mtop);
} else {
_history->countScrollState(top - htop);
if (_migrated) {
bool HistoryInner::displayScrollDate() const {
return (_visibleAreaTop <= height() - 2 * (_visibleAreaBottom - _visibleAreaTop));
void HistoryInner::onScrollDateCheck() {
if (!_history) return;
auto newScrollDateItem = _history->scrollTopItem ? _history->scrollTopItem : (_migrated ? _migrated->scrollTopItem : nullptr);
auto newScrollDateItemTop = _history->scrollTopItem ? _history->scrollTopOffset : (_migrated ? _migrated->scrollTopOffset : 0);
//if (newScrollDateItem && !displayScrollDate()) {
// if (!_history->isEmpty() && newScrollDateItem->date.date() == _history->blocks.back()->items.back()->date.date()) {
// newScrollDateItem = nullptr;
// }
if (!newScrollDateItem) {
_scrollDateLastItem = nullptr;
_scrollDateLastItemTop = 0;
} else if (newScrollDateItem != _scrollDateLastItem || newScrollDateItemTop != _scrollDateLastItemTop) {
// Show scroll date only if it is not the initial onScroll() event (with empty _scrollDateLastItem).
if (_scrollDateLastItem && !_scrollDateShown) {
_scrollDateLastItem = newScrollDateItem;
_scrollDateLastItemTop = newScrollDateItemTop;
void HistoryInner::onScrollDateHideByTimer() {
if (ClickHandler::getPressed() != _scrollDateLink) {
void HistoryInner::scrollDateHide() {
if (_scrollDateShown) {
void HistoryInner::keepScrollDateForNow() {
if (!_scrollDateShown && _scrollDateLastItem && _scrollDateOpacity.animating()) {
void HistoryInner::toggleScrollDateShown() {
_scrollDateShown = !_scrollDateShown;
auto from = _scrollDateShown ? 0. : 1.;
auto to = _scrollDateShown ? 1. : 0.;
_scrollDateOpacity.start([this] { repaintScrollDateCallback(); }, from, to, st::historyDateFadeDuration);
void HistoryInner::repaintScrollDateCallback() {
int updateTop = _visibleAreaTop;
int updateHeight = st::msgServiceMargin.top() + st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.bottom();
update(0, updateTop, width(), updateHeight);
void HistoryInner::updateSize() {
int visibleHeight = _scroll->height();
int newHistoryPaddingTop = qMax(visibleHeight - historyHeight() - st::historyPaddingBottom, 0);
if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) {
accumulate_max(newHistoryPaddingTop, st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgMargin.bottom() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height);
if (_botAbout && _botAbout->height > 0) {
int32 descH = st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgMargin.bottom();
int32 descMaxWidth = _scroll->width();
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
descMaxWidth = qMin(descMaxWidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left()));
int32 descAtX = (descMaxWidth - _botAbout->width) / 2 - st::msgPadding.left();
int32 descAtY = qMin(newHistoryPaddingTop - descH, qMax(0, (_scroll->height() - descH) / 2)) + st::msgMargin.top();
_botAbout->rect = QRect(descAtX, descAtY, _botAbout->width + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(), descH - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom());
_historyPaddingTop = newHistoryPaddingTop;
int newHeight = _historyPaddingTop + historyHeight() + st::historyPaddingBottom;
if (width() != _scroll->width() || height() != newHeight) {
resize(_scroll->width(), newHeight);
} else {
void HistoryInner::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) {
return TWidget::enterEventHook(e);
void HistoryInner::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) {
if (auto item = App::hoveredItem()) {
if (!ClickHandler::getPressed() && _cursor != style::cur_default) {
_cursor = style::cur_default;
return TWidget::leaveEventHook(e);
HistoryInner::~HistoryInner() {
delete _menu;
_dragAction = NoDrag;
bool HistoryInner::focusNextPrevChild(bool next) {
if (_selected.isEmpty()) {
return TWidget::focusNextPrevChild(next);
} else {
return true;
void HistoryInner::adjustCurrent(int32 y) const {
int32 htop = historyTop(), hdrawtop = historyDrawTop(), mtop = migratedTop();
_curHistory = 0;
if (mtop >= 0) {
adjustCurrent(y - mtop, _migrated);
if (htop >= 0 && hdrawtop >= 0 && (mtop < 0 || y >= hdrawtop)) {
adjustCurrent(y - htop, _history);
void HistoryInner::adjustCurrent(int32 y, History *history) const {
_curHistory = history;
if (_curBlock >= history->blocks.size()) {
_curBlock = history->blocks.size() - 1;
_curItem = 0;
while (history->blocks.at(_curBlock)->y > y && _curBlock > 0) {
_curItem = 0;
while (history->blocks.at(_curBlock)->y + history->blocks.at(_curBlock)->height <= y && _curBlock + 1 < history->blocks.size()) {
_curItem = 0;
HistoryBlock *block = history->blocks.at(_curBlock);
if (_curItem >= block->items.size()) {
_curItem = block->items.size() - 1;
int by = block->y;
while (block->items.at(_curItem)->y + by > y && _curItem > 0) {
while (block->items.at(_curItem)->y + block->items.at(_curItem)->height() + by <= y && _curItem + 1 < block->items.size()) {
HistoryItem *HistoryInner::prevItem(HistoryItem *item) {
if (!item || item->detached()) return nullptr;
HistoryBlock *block = item->block();
int blockIndex = block->indexInHistory(), itemIndex = item->indexInBlock();
if (itemIndex > 0) {
return block->items.at(itemIndex - 1);
if (blockIndex > 0) {
return item->history()->blocks.at(blockIndex - 1)->items.back();
if (item->history() == _history && _migrated && _history->loadedAtTop() && !_migrated->isEmpty() && _migrated->loadedAtBottom()) {
return _migrated->blocks.back()->items.back();
return nullptr;
HistoryItem *HistoryInner::nextItem(HistoryItem *item) {
if (!item || item->detached()) return nullptr;
HistoryBlock *block = item->block();
int blockIndex = block->indexInHistory(), itemIndex = item->indexInBlock();
if (itemIndex + 1 < block->items.size()) {
return block->items.at(itemIndex + 1);
if (blockIndex + 1 < item->history()->blocks.size()) {
return item->history()->blocks.at(blockIndex + 1)->items.front();
if (item->history() == _migrated && _history && _migrated->loadedAtBottom() && _history->loadedAtTop() && !_history->isEmpty()) {
return _history->blocks.front()->items.front();
return nullptr;
bool HistoryInner::canCopySelected() const {
return !_selected.isEmpty();
bool HistoryInner::canDeleteSelected() const {
if (_selected.isEmpty() || _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection) return false;
int32 selectedForForward, selectedForDelete;
getSelectionState(selectedForForward, selectedForDelete);
return (selectedForForward == selectedForDelete);
void HistoryInner::getSelectionState(int32 &selectedForForward, int32 &selectedForDelete) const {
selectedForForward = selectedForDelete = 0;
for (auto i = _selected.cbegin(), e = _selected.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i.value() == FullSelection) {
if (i.key()->canDelete()) {
if (!selectedForDelete && !selectedForForward && !_selected.isEmpty()) { // text selection
selectedForForward = -1;
void HistoryInner::clearSelectedItems(bool onlyTextSelection) {
if (!_selected.isEmpty() && (!onlyTextSelection || _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection)) {
void HistoryInner::fillSelectedItems(SelectedItemSet &sel, bool forDelete) {
if (_selected.isEmpty() || _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection) return;
for (SelectedItems::const_iterator i = _selected.cbegin(), e = _selected.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
HistoryItem *item = i.key();
if (item && item->toHistoryMessage() && item->id > 0) {
if (item->history() == _migrated) {
sel.insert(item->id - ServerMaxMsgId, item);
} else {
sel.insert(item->id, item);
void HistoryInner::selectItem(HistoryItem *item) {
if (!_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection) {
} else if (_selected.size() == MaxSelectedItems && _selected.constFind(item) == _selected.cend()) {
_selected.insert(item, FullSelection);
void HistoryInner::onTouchSelect() {
_touchSelect = true;
void HistoryInner::onUpdateSelected() {
if (!_history || hasPendingResizedItems()) {
auto mousePos = mapFromGlobal(_dragPos);
auto point = _widget->clampMousePosition(mousePos);
HistoryBlock *block = 0;
HistoryItem *item = 0;
QPoint m;
if (_curHistory && !_curHistory->isEmpty()) {
block = _curHistory->blocks[_curBlock];
item = block->items[_curItem];
m = mapMouseToItem(point, item);
if (item->hasPoint(m.x(), m.y())) {
if (App::hoveredItem() != item) {
} else if (App::hoveredItem()) {
if (_dragItem && _dragItem->detached()) {
HistoryTextState dragState;
ClickHandlerHost *lnkhost = nullptr;
bool selectingText = (item == _dragItem && item == App::hoveredItem() && !_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection);
if (point.y() < _historyPaddingTop) {
if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty() && _botAbout->height > 0) {
dragState = _botAbout->info->text.getState(point.x() - _botAbout->rect.left() - st::msgPadding.left(), point.y() - _botAbout->rect.top() - st::msgPadding.top() - st::botDescSkip - st::msgNameFont->height, _botAbout->width);
lnkhost = _botAbout.get();
} else if (item) {
if (item != _dragItem || (m - _dragStartPos).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) {
if (_dragAction == PrepareDrag) {
_dragAction = Dragging;
QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(onDragExec()));
} else if (_dragAction == PrepareSelect) {
_dragAction = Selecting;
auto dateHeight = st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.top();
auto scrollDateOpacity = _scrollDateOpacity.current(_scrollDateShown ? 1. : 0.);
enumerateDates([this, &dragState, &lnkhost, &point, scrollDateOpacity, dateHeight/*, lastDate, showFloatingBefore*/](HistoryItem *item, int itemtop, int dateTop) {
// stop enumeration if the date is above our point
if (dateTop + dateHeight <= point.y()) {
return false;
bool displayDate = item->displayDate();
bool dateInPlace = displayDate;
if (dateInPlace) {
int correctDateTop = itemtop + st::msgServiceMargin.top();
dateInPlace = (dateTop < correctDateTop + dateHeight);
// stop enumeration if we've found a date under the cursor
if (dateTop <= point.y()) {
auto opacity = (dateInPlace/* || noFloatingDate*/) ? 1. : scrollDateOpacity;
if (opacity > 0.) {
auto dateWidth = 0;
if (auto date = item->Get<HistoryMessageDate>()) {
dateWidth = date->_width;
} else {
dateWidth = st::msgServiceFont->width(langDayOfMonthFull(item->date.date()));
dateWidth += st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right();
auto dateLeft = st::msgServiceMargin.left();
auto maxwidth = item->history()->width;
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
maxwidth = qMin(maxwidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left()));
auto widthForDate = maxwidth - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left();
dateLeft += (widthForDate - dateWidth) / 2;
if (point.x() >= dateLeft && point.x() < dateLeft + dateWidth) {
if (!_scrollDateLink) {
_scrollDateLink = MakeShared<DateClickHandler>(item->history()->peer, item->date.date());
} else {
dragState.link = _scrollDateLink;
lnkhost = item;
return false;
return true;
if (!dragState.link) {
HistoryStateRequest request;
if (_dragAction == Selecting) {
request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol;
} else {
selectingText = false;
dragState = item->getState(m.x(), m.y(), request);
lnkhost = item;
if (!dragState.link && m.x() >= st::historyPhotoLeft && m.x() < st::historyPhotoLeft + st::msgPhotoSize) {
if (auto msg = item->toHistoryMessage()) {
if (msg->hasFromPhoto()) {
enumerateUserpics([&dragState, &lnkhost, &point](HistoryMessage *message, int userpicTop) -> bool {
// stop enumeration if the userpic is below our point
if (userpicTop > point.y()) {
return false;
// stop enumeration if we've found a userpic under the cursor
if (point.y() >= userpicTop && point.y() < userpicTop + st::msgPhotoSize) {
dragState.link = message->from()->openLink();
lnkhost = message;
return false;
return true;
auto lnkChanged = ClickHandler::setActive(dragState.link, lnkhost);
if (lnkChanged || dragState.cursor != _dragCursorState) {
if (dragState.link || dragState.cursor == HistoryInDateCursorState || dragState.cursor == HistoryInForwardedCursorState) {
Ui::Tooltip::Show(1000, this);
Qt::CursorShape cur = style::cur_default;
if (_dragAction == NoDrag) {
_dragCursorState = dragState.cursor;
if (dragState.link) {
cur = style::cur_pointer;
} else if (_dragCursorState == HistoryInTextCursorState && (_selected.isEmpty() || _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection)) {
cur = style::cur_text;
} else if (_dragCursorState == HistoryInDateCursorState) {
// cur = style::cur_cross;
} else if (item) {
if (_dragAction == Selecting) {
auto canSelectMany = (_history != nullptr);
if (selectingText) {
uint16 second = dragState.symbol;
if (dragState.afterSymbol && _dragSelType == TextSelectType::Letters) {
auto selState = _dragItem->adjustSelection({ qMin(second, _dragSymbol), qMax(second, _dragSymbol) }, _dragSelType);
if (_selected[_dragItem] != selState) {
_selected[_dragItem] = selState;
if (!_wasSelectedText && (selState == FullSelection || selState.from != selState.to)) {
_wasSelectedText = true;
updateDragSelection(0, 0, false);
} else if (canSelectMany) {
auto selectingDown = (itemTop(_dragItem) < itemTop(item)) || (_dragItem == item && _dragStartPos.y() < m.y());
auto dragSelFrom = _dragItem, dragSelTo = item;
if (!dragSelFrom->hasPoint(_dragStartPos.x(), _dragStartPos.y())) { // maybe exclude dragSelFrom
if (selectingDown) {
if (_dragStartPos.y() >= dragSelFrom->height() - dragSelFrom->marginBottom() || ((item == dragSelFrom) && (m.y() < _dragStartPos.y() + QApplication::startDragDistance() || m.y() < dragSelFrom->marginTop()))) {
dragSelFrom = (dragSelFrom == dragSelTo) ? 0 : nextItem(dragSelFrom);
} else {
if (_dragStartPos.y() < dragSelFrom->marginTop() || ((item == dragSelFrom) && (m.y() >= _dragStartPos.y() - QApplication::startDragDistance() || m.y() >= dragSelFrom->height() - dragSelFrom->marginBottom()))) {
dragSelFrom = (dragSelFrom == dragSelTo) ? 0 : prevItem(dragSelFrom);
if (_dragItem != item) { // maybe exclude dragSelTo
if (selectingDown) {
if (m.y() < dragSelTo->marginTop()) {
dragSelTo = (dragSelFrom == dragSelTo) ? 0 : prevItem(dragSelTo);
} else {
if (m.y() >= dragSelTo->height() - dragSelTo->marginBottom()) {
dragSelTo = (dragSelFrom == dragSelTo) ? 0 : nextItem(dragSelTo);
auto dragSelecting = false;
auto dragFirstAffected = dragSelFrom;
while (dragFirstAffected && (dragFirstAffected->id < 0 || dragFirstAffected->serviceMsg())) {
dragFirstAffected = (dragFirstAffected == dragSelTo) ? 0 : (selectingDown ? nextItem(dragFirstAffected) : prevItem(dragFirstAffected));
if (dragFirstAffected) {
auto i = _selected.constFind(dragFirstAffected);
dragSelecting = (i == _selected.cend() || i.value() != FullSelection);
updateDragSelection(dragSelFrom, dragSelTo, dragSelecting);
} else if (_dragAction == Dragging) {
if (ClickHandler::getPressed()) {
cur = style::cur_pointer;
} else if (_dragAction == Selecting && !_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() != FullSelection) {
if (!_dragSelFrom || !_dragSelTo) {
cur = style::cur_text;
// Voice message seek support.
if (auto pressedItem = App::pressedLinkItem()) {
if (!pressedItem->detached()) {
if (pressedItem->history() == _history || pressedItem->history() == _migrated) {
auto adjustedPoint = mapMouseToItem(point, pressedItem);
pressedItem->updatePressed(adjustedPoint.x(), adjustedPoint.y());
if (_dragAction == Selecting) {
} else {
updateDragSelection(0, 0, false);
if (_dragAction == NoDrag && (lnkChanged || cur != _cursor)) {
setCursor(_cursor = cur);
void HistoryInner::updateDragSelection(HistoryItem *dragSelFrom, HistoryItem *dragSelTo, bool dragSelecting, bool force) {
if (_dragSelFrom != dragSelFrom || _dragSelTo != dragSelTo || _dragSelecting != dragSelecting) {
_dragSelFrom = dragSelFrom;
_dragSelTo = dragSelTo;
int32 fromy = itemTop(_dragSelFrom), toy = itemTop(_dragSelTo);
if (fromy >= 0 && toy >= 0 && fromy > toy) {
qSwap(_dragSelFrom, _dragSelTo);
_dragSelecting = dragSelecting;
if (!_wasSelectedText && _dragSelFrom && _dragSelTo && _dragSelecting) {
_wasSelectedText = true;
force = true;
if (!force) return;
void HistoryInner::BotAbout::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
void HistoryInner::BotAbout::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) {
int HistoryInner::historyHeight() const {
int result = 0;
if (!_history || _history->isEmpty()) {
result += _migrated ? _migrated->height : 0;
} else {
result += _history->height - _historySkipHeight + (_migrated ? _migrated->height : 0);
return result;
int HistoryInner::historyScrollTop() const {
int htop = historyTop(), mtop = migratedTop();
if (htop >= 0 && _history->scrollTopItem) {
return htop + _history->scrollTopItem->block()->y + _history->scrollTopItem->y + _history->scrollTopOffset;
if (mtop >= 0 && _migrated->scrollTopItem) {
return mtop + _migrated->scrollTopItem->block()->y + _migrated->scrollTopItem->y + _migrated->scrollTopOffset;
return ScrollMax;
int HistoryInner::migratedTop() const {
return (_migrated && !_migrated->isEmpty()) ? _historyPaddingTop : -1;
int HistoryInner::historyTop() const {
int mig = migratedTop();
return (_history && !_history->isEmpty()) ? (mig >= 0 ? (mig + _migrated->height - _historySkipHeight) : _historyPaddingTop) : -1;
int HistoryInner::historyDrawTop() const {
int his = historyTop();
return (his >= 0) ? (his + _historySkipHeight) : -1;
int HistoryInner::itemTop(const HistoryItem *item) const { // -1 if should not be visible, -2 if bad history()
if (!item) return -2;
if (item->detached()) return -1;
int top = (item->history() == _history) ? historyTop() : (item->history() == _migrated ? migratedTop() : -2);
return (top < 0) ? top : (top + item->y + item->block()->y);
void HistoryInner::notifyIsBotChanged() {
BotInfo *newinfo = (_history && _history->peer->isUser()) ? _history->peer->asUser()->botInfo.get() : nullptr;
if ((!newinfo && !_botAbout) || (newinfo && _botAbout && _botAbout->info == newinfo)) {
if (newinfo) {
_botAbout.reset(new BotAbout(this, newinfo));
if (newinfo && !newinfo->inited) {
} else {
_botAbout = nullptr;
void HistoryInner::notifyMigrateUpdated() {
_migrated = _peer->migrateFrom() ? App::history(_peer->migrateFrom()->id) : 0;
int HistoryInner::moveScrollFollowingInlineKeyboard(const HistoryItem *item, int oldKeyboardTop, int newKeyboardTop) {
if (item == App::mousedItem()) {
int top = itemTop(item);
if (top >= oldKeyboardTop) {
return newKeyboardTop - oldKeyboardTop;
return 0;
void HistoryInner::applyDragSelection() {
void HistoryInner::addSelectionRange(SelectedItems *toItems, int32 fromblock, int32 fromitem, int32 toblock, int32 toitem, History *h) const {
if (fromblock >= 0 && fromitem >= 0 && toblock >= 0 && toitem >= 0) {
for (; fromblock <= toblock; ++fromblock) {
HistoryBlock *block = h->blocks[fromblock];
for (int32 cnt = (fromblock < toblock) ? block->items.size() : (toitem + 1); fromitem < cnt; ++fromitem) {
HistoryItem *item = block->items[fromitem];
SelectedItems::iterator i = toItems->find(item);
if (item->id > 0 && !item->serviceMsg()) {
if (i == toItems->cend()) {
if (toItems->size() >= MaxSelectedItems) break;
toItems->insert(item, FullSelection);
} else if (i.value() != FullSelection) {
*i = FullSelection;
} else {
if (i != toItems->cend()) {
if (toItems->size() >= MaxSelectedItems) break;
fromitem = 0;
void HistoryInner::applyDragSelection(SelectedItems *toItems) const {
int32 selfromy = itemTop(_dragSelFrom), seltoy = itemTop(_dragSelTo);
if (selfromy < 0 || seltoy < 0) {
seltoy += _dragSelTo->height();
if (!toItems->isEmpty() && toItems->cbegin().value() != FullSelection) {
if (_dragSelecting) {
int32 fromblock = _dragSelFrom->block()->indexInHistory(), fromitem = _dragSelFrom->indexInBlock();
int32 toblock = _dragSelTo->block()->indexInHistory(), toitem = _dragSelTo->indexInBlock();
if (_migrated) {
if (_dragSelFrom->history() == _migrated) {
if (_dragSelTo->history() == _migrated) {
addSelectionRange(toItems, fromblock, fromitem, toblock, toitem, _migrated);
toblock = -1;
toitem = -1;
} else {
addSelectionRange(toItems, fromblock, fromitem, _migrated->blocks.size() - 1, _migrated->blocks.back()->items.size() - 1, _migrated);
fromblock = 0;
fromitem = 0;
} else if (_dragSelTo->history() == _migrated) { // wtf
toblock = -1;
toitem = -1;
addSelectionRange(toItems, fromblock, fromitem, toblock, toitem, _history);
} else {
for (SelectedItems::iterator i = toItems->begin(); i != toItems->cend();) {
int32 iy = itemTop(i.key());
if (iy < 0) {
if (iy < -1) i = toItems->erase(i);
if (iy >= selfromy && iy < seltoy) {
i = toItems->erase(i);
} else {
QString HistoryInner::tooltipText() const {
if (_dragCursorState == HistoryInDateCursorState && _dragAction == NoDrag) {
if (App::hoveredItem()) {
QString dateText = App::hoveredItem()->date.toString(QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat(QLocale::LongFormat));
if (auto edited = App::hoveredItem()->Get<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
dateText += '\n' + lng_edited_date(lt_date, edited->_editDate.toString(QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat(QLocale::LongFormat)));
return dateText;
} else if (_dragCursorState == HistoryInForwardedCursorState && _dragAction == NoDrag) {
if (App::hoveredItem()) {
if (HistoryMessageForwarded *fwd = App::hoveredItem()->Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
return fwd->_text.originalText(AllTextSelection, ExpandLinksNone);
} else if (ClickHandlerPtr lnk = ClickHandler::getActive()) {
return lnk->tooltip();
return QString();
QPoint HistoryInner::tooltipPos() const {
return _dragPos;
void HistoryInner::onParentGeometryChanged() {
auto mousePos = QCursor::pos();
auto mouseOver = _widget->rect().contains(_widget->mapFromGlobal(mousePos));
auto needToUpdate = (_dragAction != NoDrag || _touchScroll || mouseOver);
if (needToUpdate) {