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synced 2025-03-22 19:34:27 +00:00
484 lines
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484 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "codegen/lang/generator.h"
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QSet>
#include <QtGui/QImage>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
namespace codegen {
namespace lang {
namespace {
char hexChar(uchar ch) {
if (ch < 10) {
return '0' + ch;
} else if (ch < 16) {
return 'a' + (ch - 10);
return '0';
char hexSecondChar(char ch) {
return hexChar((*reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(&ch)) & 0x0F);
char hexFirstChar(char ch) {
return hexChar((*reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(&ch)) >> 4);
QString stringToEncodedString(const QString &str) {
QString result, lineBreak = "\\\n";
result.reserve(str.size() * 8);
bool writingHexEscapedCharacters = false, startOnNewLine = false;
int lastCutSize = 0;
auto utf = str.toUtf8();
for (auto ch : utf) {
if (result.size() - lastCutSize > 80) {
startOnNewLine = true;
lastCutSize = result.size();
if (ch == '\n') {
writingHexEscapedCharacters = false;
} else if (ch == '\t') {
writingHexEscapedCharacters = false;
} else if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\') {
writingHexEscapedCharacters = false;
} else if (ch < 32 || static_cast<uchar>(ch) > 127) {
writingHexEscapedCharacters = true;
} else {
if (writingHexEscapedCharacters) {
writingHexEscapedCharacters = false;
return '"' + (startOnNewLine ? lineBreak : QString()) + result + '"';
QString stringToEncodedString(const std::string &str) {
return stringToEncodedString(QString::fromStdString(str));
QString stringToBinaryArray(const std::string &str) {
QStringList rows, chars;
rows.reserve(1 + (str.size() / 13));
for (uchar ch : str) {
if (chars.size() > 12) {
rows.push_back(chars.join(", "));
chars.push_back(QString("0x") + hexFirstChar(ch) + hexSecondChar(ch));
if (!chars.isEmpty()) {
rows.push_back(chars.join(", "));
return QString("{") + ((rows.size() > 1) ? '\n' : ' ') + rows.join(",\n") + " }";
} // namespace
Generator::Generator(const LangPack &langpack, const QString &destBasePath, const common::ProjectInfo &project)
: langpack_(langpack)
, basePath_(destBasePath)
, baseName_(QFileInfo(basePath_).baseName())
, project_(project) {
bool Generator::writeHeader() {
header_ = std::make_unique<common::CppFile>(basePath_ + ".h", project_);
header_->include("lang/lang_tag.h").newline().pushNamespace("Lang").stream() << "\
constexpr auto kTagsCount = " << langpack_.tags.size() << ";\n\
auto index = 0;
for (auto &tag : langpack_.tags) {
header_->stream() << "enum lngtag_" << tag.tag << " { lt_" << tag.tag << " = " << index++ << " };\n";
header_->stream() << "\
enum LangKey : int {\n";
for (auto &entry : langpack_.entries) {
header_->stream() << "\t" << getFullKey(entry) << ",\n";
header_->stream() << "\
QString lang(LangKey key);\n\
for (auto &entry : langpack_.entries) {
auto isPlural = !entry.keyBase.isEmpty();
auto &key = entry.key;
auto genericParams = QStringList();
auto params = QStringList();
auto applyTags = QStringList();
auto plural = QString();
auto nonPluralTagFound = false;
for (auto &tagData : entry.tags) {
auto &tag = tagData.tag;
auto isPluralTag = isPlural && (tag == kPluralTag);
genericParams.push_back("lngtag_" + tag + ", " + (isPluralTag ? "float64 " : "const ResultString &") + tag + "__val");
params.push_back("lngtag_" + tag + ", " + (isPluralTag ? "float64 " : "const QString &") + tag + "__val");
if (isPluralTag) {
plural = "\tauto plural = Lang::Plural(" + key + ", " + kPluralTag + "__val);\n";
applyTags.push_back("\tresult = Lang::ReplaceTag<ResultString>::Call(std::move(result), lt_" + tag + ", Lang::StartReplacements<ResultString>::Call(std::move(plural.replacement)));\n");
} else {
nonPluralTagFound = true;
applyTags.push_back("\tresult = Lang::ReplaceTag<ResultString>::Call(std::move(result), lt_" + tag + ", " + tag + "__val);\n");
if (!entry.tags.empty() && (!isPlural || key == ComputePluralKey(entry.keyBase, 0))) {
auto initialString = isPlural ? ("std::move(plural.string)") : ("lang(" + getFullKey(entry) + ")");
header_->stream() << "\
template <typename ResultString>\n\
inline ResultString " << (isPlural ? entry.keyBase : key) << "__generic(" << genericParams.join(QString(", ")) << ") {\n\
" << plural << "\
auto result = Lang::StartReplacements<ResultString>::Call(" << initialString << ");\n\
" << applyTags.join(QString()) << "\
return result;\n\
constexpr auto " << (isPlural ? entry.keyBase : key) << " = &" << (isPlural ? entry.keyBase : key) << "__generic<QString>;\n\
header_->pushNamespace("Lang").stream() << "\
const char *GetKeyName(LangKey key);\n\
ushort GetTagIndex(QLatin1String tag);\n\
LangKey GetKeyIndex(QLatin1String key);\n\
bool IsTagReplaced(LangKey key, ushort tag);\n\
QString GetOriginalValue(LangKey key);\n\
return header_->finalize();
bool Generator::writeSource() {
source_ = std::make_unique<common::CppFile>(basePath_ + ".cpp", project_);
source_->include("lang/lang_keys.h").pushNamespace("Lang").pushNamespace().stream() << "\
const char *KeyNames[kLangKeysCount] = {\n\
for (auto &entry : langpack_.entries) {
source_->stream() << "\"" << entry.key << "\",\n";
source_->stream() << "\
QChar DefaultData[] = {";
auto count = 0;
auto fulllength = 0;
for (auto &entry : langpack_.entries) {
for (auto ch : entry.value) {
if (fulllength > 0) source_->stream() << ",";
if (!count++) {
source_->stream() << "\n";
} else {
if (count == 12) {
count = 0;
source_->stream() << " ";
source_->stream() << "0x" << QString::number(ch.unicode(), 16);
source_->stream() << " };\n\
int Offsets[] = {";
count = 0;
auto offset = 0;
auto writeOffset = [this, &count, &offset] {
if (offset > 0) source_->stream() << ",";
if (!count++) {
source_->stream() << "\n";
} else {
if (count == 12) {
count = 0;
source_->stream() << " ";
source_->stream() << offset;
for (auto &entry : langpack_.entries) {
offset += entry.value.size();
source_->stream() << " };\n";
source_->popNamespace().stream() << "\
const char *GetKeyName(LangKey key) {\n\
return (key < 0 || key >= kLangKeysCount) ? \"\" : KeyNames[key];\n\
ushort GetTagIndex(QLatin1String tag) {\n\
auto size = tag.size();\n\
auto data = tag.data();\n";
auto tagsSet = std::set<QString, std::greater<QString>>();
for (auto &tag : langpack_.tags) {
writeSetSearch(tagsSet, [](const QString &tag) {
return "lt_" + tag;
}, "kTagsCount");
source_->stream() << "\
LangKey GetKeyIndex(QLatin1String key) {\n\
auto size = key.size();\n\
auto data = key.data();\n";
auto taggedKeys = std::map<QString, QString>();
auto keysSet = std::set<QString, std::greater<QString>>();
for (auto &entry : langpack_.entries) {
if (!entry.keyBase.isEmpty()) {
for (auto i = 0; i != kPluralPartCount; ++i) {
auto keyName = entry.keyBase + '#' + kPluralParts[i];
taggedKeys.emplace(keyName, ComputePluralKey(entry.keyBase, i));
} else {
auto full = getFullKey(entry);
if (full != entry.key) {
taggedKeys.emplace(entry.key, full);
writeSetSearch(keysSet, [&taggedKeys](const QString &key) {
auto it = taggedKeys.find(key);
return (it != taggedKeys.end()) ? it->second : key;
}, "kLangKeysCount");
source_->stream() << "\
bool IsTagReplaced(LangKey key, ushort tag) {\n\
switch (key) {\n";
auto lastWrittenPluralEntry = QString();
for (auto &entry : langpack_.entries) {
if (entry.tags.empty()) {
if (!entry.keyBase.isEmpty()) {
if (entry.keyBase == lastWrittenPluralEntry) {
lastWrittenPluralEntry = entry.keyBase;
for (auto i = 0; i != kPluralPartCount; ++i) {
source_->stream() << "\
case " << ComputePluralKey(entry.keyBase, i) << ":" << ((i + 1 == kPluralPartCount) ? " {" : "") << "\n";
} else {
source_->stream() << "\
case " << getFullKey(entry) << ": {\n";
source_->stream() << "\
switch (tag) {\n";
for (auto &tag : entry.tags) {
source_->stream() << "\
case lt_" << tag.tag << ":\n";
source_->stream() << "\
return true;\n\
} break;\n";
source_->stream() << "\
return false;\n\
QString GetOriginalValue(LangKey key) {\n\
Expects(key >= 0 && key < kLangKeysCount);\n\
auto offset = Offsets[key];\n\
return QString::fromRawData(DefaultData + offset, Offsets[key + 1] - offset);\n\
return source_->finalize();
template <typename ComputeResult>
void Generator::writeSetSearch(const std::set<QString, std::greater<QString>> &set, ComputeResult computeResult, const QString &invalidResult) {
auto tabs = [](int size) {
return QString(size, '\t');
enum class UsedCheckType {
auto checkTypes = QVector<UsedCheckType>();
auto checkLengthHistory = QVector<int>();
auto chars = QString();
auto tabsUsed = 1;
// Returns true if at least one check was finished.
auto finishChecksTillKey = [this, &chars, &checkTypes, &checkLengthHistory, &tabsUsed, tabs](const QString &key) {
auto result = false;
while (!chars.isEmpty() && key.midRef(0, chars.size()) != chars) {
result = true;
auto wasType = checkTypes.back();
chars.resize(chars.size() - 1);
if (wasType == UsedCheckType::Switch || wasType == UsedCheckType::If) {
if (wasType == UsedCheckType::Switch) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "break;\n";
if ((!chars.isEmpty() && key.midRef(0, chars.size()) != chars) || key == chars) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "}\n";
return result;
// Check if we can use "if" for a check on "charIndex" in "it" (otherwise only "switch")
auto canUseIfForCheck = [](auto it, auto end, int charIndex) {
auto key = *it;
auto i = it;
auto keyStart = key.mid(0, charIndex);
for (++i; i != end; ++i) {
auto nextKey = *i;
if (nextKey.mid(0, charIndex) != keyStart) {
return true;
} else if (nextKey.size() > charIndex && nextKey[charIndex] != key[charIndex]) {
return false;
return true;
auto countMinimalLength = [](auto it, auto end, int charIndex) {
auto key = *it;
auto i = it;
auto keyStart = key.mid(0, charIndex);
auto result = key.size();
for (++i; i != end; ++i) {
auto nextKey = *i;
if (nextKey.mid(0, charIndex) != keyStart) {
} else if (nextKey.size() > charIndex && result > nextKey.size()) {
result = nextKey.size();
return result;
for (auto i = set.begin(), e = set.end(); i != e; ++i) {
// If we use just "auto" here and "name" becomes mutable,
// the operator[] will return QCharRef instead of QChar,
// and "auto ch = name[index]" will behave like "auto &ch =",
// if you assign something to "ch" after that you'll change "name" (!)
const auto name = *i;
auto weContinueOldSwitch = finishChecksTillKey(name);
while (chars.size() != name.size()) {
auto checking = chars.size();
auto partialKey = name.mid(0, checking);
auto keyChar = name[checking];
auto usedIfForCheckCount = 0;
auto minimalLengthCheck = countMinimalLength(i, e, checking);
for (; checking + usedIfForCheckCount != name.size(); ++usedIfForCheckCount) {
if (!canUseIfForCheck(i, e, checking + usedIfForCheckCount)
|| countMinimalLength(i, e, checking + usedIfForCheckCount) != minimalLengthCheck) {
auto usedIfForCheck = !weContinueOldSwitch && (usedIfForCheckCount > 0);
const auto checkedLength = checkLengthHistory.isEmpty()
? 0
: checkLengthHistory.back();
const auto requiredLength = qMax(
auto checkLengthCondition = QString();
if (weContinueOldSwitch) {
weContinueOldSwitch = false;
} else {
checkLengthCondition = (requiredLength > checkedLength) ? ("size >= " + QString::number(requiredLength)) : QString();
if (!usedIfForCheck) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << (checkLengthCondition.isEmpty() ? QString() : ("if (" + checkLengthCondition + ") ")) << "switch (data[" << checking << "]) {\n";
if (usedIfForCheck) {
auto conditions = QStringList();
if (usedIfForCheckCount > 1) {
conditions.push_back("!memcmp(data + " + QString::number(checking) + ", \"" + name.mid(checking, usedIfForCheckCount) + "\", " + QString::number(usedIfForCheckCount) + ")");
} else {
conditions.push_back("data[" + QString::number(checking) + "] == '" + keyChar + "'");
if (!checkLengthCondition.isEmpty()) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "if (" << conditions.join(" && ") << ") {\n";
for (auto i = 1; i != usedIfForCheckCount; ++i) {
keyChar = name[checking + i];
} else {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "case '" << keyChar << "':\n";
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "return (size == " << chars.size() << ") ? " << computeResult(name) << " : " << invalidResult << ";\n";
source_->stream() << "\
return " << invalidResult << ";\n";
QString Generator::getFullKey(const LangPack::Entry &entry) {
if (!entry.keyBase.isEmpty() || entry.tags.empty()) {
return entry.key;
return entry.key + "__tagged";
} // namespace lang
} // namespace codegen