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synced 2025-03-25 04:38:23 +00:00
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592 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "data/data_types.h"
#include "data/data_peer.h"
#include "dialogs/dialogs_entry.h"
#include "ui/effects/send_action_animations.h"
#include "base/observer.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "base/variant.h"
#include "base/flat_set.h"
#include "base/flags.h"
class History;
class HistoryBlock;
class HistoryItem;
class HistoryMessage;
class HistoryService;
class HistoryMedia;
namespace Data {
struct Draft;
} // namespace Data
namespace Dialogs {
class Row;
class IndexedList;
} // namespace Dialogs
namespace HistoryView {
class Element;
} // namespace HistoryView
namespace AdminLog {
class LocalIdManager;
} // namespace AdminLog
enum NewMessageType : char {
class Histories {
void registerSendAction(
not_null<History*> history,
not_null<UserData*> user,
const MTPSendMessageAction &action,
TimeId when);
void step_typings(TimeMs ms, bool timer);
History *find(PeerId peerId) const;
not_null<History*> findOrInsert(PeerId peerId);
void clear();
void remove(const PeerId &peer);
HistoryItem *addNewMessage(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type);
// When typing in this history started.
typedef QMap<History*, TimeMs> TypingHistories;
TypingHistories typing;
BasicAnimation _a_typings;
int unreadBadge() const;
int unreadMutedCount() const;
bool unreadOnlyMuted() const;
void unreadIncrement(int count, bool muted);
void unreadMuteChanged(int count, bool muted);
struct SendActionAnimationUpdate {
History *history;
int width;
int height;
bool textUpdated;
base::Observable<SendActionAnimationUpdate> &sendActionAnimationUpdated() {
return _sendActionAnimationUpdated;
void selfDestructIn(not_null<HistoryItem*> item, TimeMs delay);
void checkSelfDestructItems();
std::unordered_map<PeerId, std::unique_ptr<History>> _map;
int _unreadFull = 0;
int _unreadMuted = 0;
base::Observable<SendActionAnimationUpdate> _sendActionAnimationUpdated;
base::Timer _selfDestructTimer;
std::vector<FullMsgId> _selfDestructItems;
enum class UnreadMentionType {
New, // when new message is added to history
Existing, // when some messages slice was received
class History : public Dialogs::Entry {
using Element = HistoryView::Element;
History(const PeerId &peerId);
History(const History &) = delete;
History &operator=(const History &) = delete;
ChannelId channelId() const;
bool isChannel() const;
bool isMegagroup() const;
not_null<History*> migrateToOrMe() const;
History *migrateFrom() const;
MsgRange rangeForDifferenceRequest() const;
HistoryService *insertJoinedMessage(bool unread);
void checkJoinedMessage(bool createUnread = false);
void removeJoinedMessage();
bool isEmpty() const;
bool isDisplayedEmpty() const;
bool hasOrphanMediaGroupPart() const;
bool removeOrphanMediaGroupPart();
QVector<MsgId> collectMessagesFromUserToDelete(
not_null<UserData*> user) const;
void clear();
void markFullyLoaded();
void unloadBlocks();
void clearUpTill(MsgId availableMinId);
void applyGroupAdminChanges(
const base::flat_map<UserId, bool> &changes);
HistoryItem *addNewMessage(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type);
HistoryItem *addToHistory(const MTPMessage &msg);
not_null<HistoryItem*> addNewService(
MsgId msgId,
TimeId date,
const QString &text,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags = 0,
bool newMsg = true);
not_null<HistoryItem*> addNewForwarded(
MsgId id,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
TimeId date,
UserId from,
const QString &postAuthor,
not_null<HistoryMessage*> original);
not_null<HistoryItem*> addNewDocument(
MsgId id,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
UserId viaBotId,
MsgId replyTo,
TimeId date,
UserId from,
const QString &postAuthor,
not_null<DocumentData*> document,
const TextWithEntities &caption,
const MTPReplyMarkup &markup);
not_null<HistoryItem*> addNewPhoto(
MsgId id,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
UserId viaBotId,
MsgId replyTo,
TimeId date,
UserId from,
const QString &postAuthor,
not_null<PhotoData*> photo,
const TextWithEntities &caption,
const MTPReplyMarkup &markup);
not_null<HistoryItem*> addNewGame(
MsgId id,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
UserId viaBotId,
MsgId replyTo,
TimeId date,
UserId from,
const QString &postAuthor,
not_null<GameData*> game,
const MTPReplyMarkup &markup);
// Used only internally and for channel admin log.
HistoryItem *createItem(
const MTPMessage &message,
bool detachExistingItem);
std::vector<not_null<HistoryItem*>> createItems(
const QVector<MTPMessage> &data);
void addOlderSlice(const QVector<MTPMessage> &slice);
void addNewerSlice(const QVector<MTPMessage> &slice);
void newItemAdded(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
int countUnread(MsgId upTo);
MsgId readInbox();
void inboxRead(MsgId upTo);
void inboxRead(not_null<const HistoryItem*> wasRead);
void outboxRead(MsgId upTo);
void outboxRead(not_null<const HistoryItem*> wasRead);
bool isServerSideUnread(not_null<const HistoryItem*> item) const;
MsgId loadAroundId() const;
int unreadCount() const;
bool unreadCountKnown() const;
void setUnreadCount(int newUnreadCount);
void changeUnreadCount(int delta);
void setUnreadMark(bool unread);
bool unreadMark() const;
int historiesUnreadCount() const; // unreadCount || unreadMark ? 1 : 0.
bool mute() const;
bool changeMute(bool newMute);
void addUnreadBar();
void destroyUnreadBar();
bool hasNotFreezedUnreadBar() const;
Element *unreadBar() const;
void calculateFirstUnreadMessage();
void unsetFirstUnreadMessage();
Element *firstUnreadMessage() const;
void clearNotifications();
bool loadedAtBottom() const; // last message is in the list
void setNotLoadedAtBottom();
bool loadedAtTop() const; // nothing was added after loading history back
bool isReadyFor(MsgId msgId); // has messages for showing history at msgId
void getReadyFor(MsgId msgId);
HistoryItem *lastMessage() const;
bool lastMessageKnown() const;
void unknownMessageDeleted(MsgId messageId);
void applyDialogTopMessage(MsgId topMessageId);
void applyDialog(const MTPDdialog &data);
void applyDialogFields(
int unreadCount,
MsgId maxInboxRead,
MsgId maxOutboxRead);
MsgId minMsgId() const;
MsgId maxMsgId() const;
MsgId msgIdForRead() const;
HistoryItem *lastSentMessage() const;
void resizeToWidth(int newWidth);
int height() const;
void itemRemoved(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void itemVanished(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
HistoryItem *currentNotification();
bool hasNotification() const;
void skipNotification();
void popNotification(HistoryItem *item);
bool hasPendingResizedItems() const;
void setHasPendingResizedItems();
bool mySendActionUpdated(SendAction::Type type, bool doing);
bool paintSendAction(Painter &p, int x, int y, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, style::color color, TimeMs ms);
// Interface for Histories
bool updateSendActionNeedsAnimating(TimeMs ms, bool force = false);
bool updateSendActionNeedsAnimating(
not_null<UserData*> user,
const MTPSendMessageAction &action);
void clearLastKeyboard();
int getUnreadMentionsLoadedCount() const {
return _unreadMentions.size();
MsgId getMinLoadedUnreadMention() const {
return _unreadMentions.empty() ? 0 : _unreadMentions.front();
MsgId getMaxLoadedUnreadMention() const {
return _unreadMentions.empty() ? 0 : _unreadMentions.back();
int getUnreadMentionsCount(int notLoadedValue = -1) const {
return _unreadMentionsCount ? *_unreadMentionsCount : notLoadedValue;
bool hasUnreadMentions() const {
return (getUnreadMentionsCount() > 0);
void setUnreadMentionsCount(int count);
bool addToUnreadMentions(MsgId msgId, UnreadMentionType type);
void eraseFromUnreadMentions(MsgId msgId);
void addUnreadMentionsSlice(const MTPmessages_Messages &result);
Data::Draft *localDraft() const {
return _localDraft.get();
Data::Draft *cloudDraft() const {
return _cloudDraft.get();
Data::Draft *editDraft() const {
return _editDraft.get();
void setLocalDraft(std::unique_ptr<Data::Draft> &&draft);
void takeLocalDraft(History *from);
void createLocalDraftFromCloud();
void setCloudDraft(std::unique_ptr<Data::Draft> &&draft);
Data::Draft *createCloudDraft(Data::Draft *fromDraft);
bool skipCloudDraft(const QString &text, TimeId date) const;
void setSentDraftText(const QString &text);
void clearSentDraftText(const QString &text);
void setEditDraft(std::unique_ptr<Data::Draft> &&draft);
void clearLocalDraft();
void clearCloudDraft();
void clearEditDraft();
void draftSavedToCloud();
Data::Draft *draft() {
return _editDraft ? editDraft() : localDraft();
const MessageIdsList &forwardDraft() const {
return _forwardDraft;
HistoryItemsList validateForwardDraft();
void setForwardDraft(MessageIdsList &&items);
History *migrateSibling() const;
bool useProxyPromotion() const override;
void updateChatListExistence() override;
bool shouldBeInChatList() const override;
bool toImportant() const override {
return !mute();
int chatListUnreadCount() const override;
bool chatListUnreadMark() const override;
bool chatListMutedBadge() const override;
HistoryItem *chatsListItem() const override;
const QString &chatsListName() const override;
const base::flat_set<QString> &chatsListNameWords() const override;
const base::flat_set<QChar> &chatsListFirstLetters() const override;
void loadUserpic() override;
void paintUserpic(
Painter &p,
int x,
int y,
int size) const override;
void forgetScrollState() {
scrollTopItem = nullptr;
// find the correct scrollTopItem and scrollTopOffset using given top
// of the displayed window relative to the history start coordinate
void countScrollState(int top);
std::shared_ptr<AdminLog::LocalIdManager> adminLogIdManager();
virtual ~History();
// Still public data.
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<HistoryBlock>> blocks;
not_null<PeerData*> peer;
typedef QList<HistoryItem*> NotifyQueue;
NotifyQueue notifies;
// we save the last showAtMsgId to restore the state when switching
// between different conversation histories
MsgId showAtMsgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId;
// we save a pointer of the history item at the top of the displayed window
// together with an offset from the window top to the top of this message
// resulting scrollTop = top(scrollTopItem) + scrollTopOffset
Element *scrollTopItem = nullptr;
int scrollTopOffset = 0;
bool lastKeyboardInited = false;
bool lastKeyboardUsed = false;
MsgId lastKeyboardId = 0;
MsgId lastKeyboardHiddenId = 0;
PeerId lastKeyboardFrom = 0;
mtpRequestId sendRequestId = 0;
Text cloudDraftTextCache;
friend class HistoryBlock;
enum class Flag {
f_has_pending_resized_items = (1 << 0),
using Flags = base::flags<Flag>;
friend inline constexpr auto is_flag_type(Flag) {
return true;
// when this item is destroyed scrollTopItem just points to the next one
// and scrollTopOffset remains the same
// if we are at the bottom of the window scrollTopItem == nullptr and
// scrollTopOffset is undefined
void getNextScrollTopItem(HistoryBlock *block, int32 i);
// helper method for countScrollState(int top)
void countScrollTopItem(int top);
HistoryItem *addNewToLastBlock(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type);
// this method just removes a block from the blocks list
// when the last item from this block was detached and
// calls the required previousItemChanged()
void removeBlock(not_null<HistoryBlock*> block);
void clearBlocks(bool leaveItems);
not_null<HistoryItem*> addNewItem(
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
bool unread);
not_null<HistoryItem*> addNewInTheMiddle(
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
int blockIndex,
int itemIndex);
// All this methods add a new item to the first or last block
// depending on if we are in isBuildingFronBlock() state.
// The last block is created on the go if it is needed.
// Adds the item to the back or front block, depending on
// isBuildingFrontBlock(), creating the block if necessary.
void addItemToBlock(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
// Usually all new items are added to the last block.
// Only when we scroll up and add a new slice to the
// front we want to create a new front block.
void startBuildingFrontBlock(int expectedItemsCount = 1);
void finishBuildingFrontBlock();
bool isBuildingFrontBlock() const {
return _buildingFrontBlock != nullptr;
void mainViewRemoved(
not_null<HistoryBlock*> block,
not_null<Element*> view);
void removeNotification(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
TimeId adjustChatListTimeId() const override;
void changedInChatListHook(Dialogs::Mode list, bool added) override;
void changedChatListPinHook() override;
void setInboxReadTill(MsgId upTo);
void setOutboxReadTill(MsgId upTo);
void applyMessageChanges(
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
const MTPMessage &original);
void applyServiceChanges(
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
const MTPDmessageService &data);
// After adding a new history slice check lastMessage / loadedAtBottom.
void checkLastMessage();
void setLastMessage(HistoryItem *item);
// Add all items to the unread mentions if we were not loaded at bottom and now are.
void checkAddAllToUnreadMentions();
void addToSharedMedia(const std::vector<not_null<HistoryItem*>> &items);
void addEdgesToSharedMedia();
void addItemsToLists(const std::vector<not_null<HistoryItem*>> &items);
void clearSendAction(not_null<UserData*> from);
bool skipUnreadUpdateForClientSideUnread() const;
HistoryItem *lastAvailableMessage() const;
void getNextFirstUnreadMessage();
// Creates if necessary a new block for adding item.
// Depending on isBuildingFrontBlock() gets front or back block.
HistoryBlock *prepareBlockForAddingItem();
void viewReplaced(not_null<const Element*> was, Element *now);
Flags _flags = 0;
bool _mute = false;
int _width = 0;
int _height = 0;
Element *_unreadBarView = nullptr;
Element *_firstUnreadView = nullptr;
HistoryService *_joinedMessage = nullptr;
bool _loadedAtTop = false;
bool _loadedAtBottom = true;
std::optional<MsgId> _inboxReadBefore;
std::optional<MsgId> _outboxReadBefore;
std::optional<int> _unreadCount;
std::optional<int> _unreadMentionsCount;
base::flat_set<MsgId> _unreadMentions;
std::optional<HistoryItem*> _lastMessage;
bool _unreadMark = false;
// A pointer to the block that is currently being built.
// We hold this pointer so we can destroy it while building
// and then create a new one if it is necessary.
struct BuildingBlock {
int expectedItemsCount = 0; // optimization for block->items.reserve() call
HistoryBlock *block = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<BuildingBlock> _buildingFrontBlock;
std::unique_ptr<Data::Draft> _localDraft, _cloudDraft;
std::unique_ptr<Data::Draft> _editDraft;
std::optional<QString> _lastSentDraftText;
TimeId _lastSentDraftTime = 0;
MessageIdsList _forwardDraft;
using TypingUsers = QMap<UserData*, TimeMs>;
TypingUsers _typing;
using SendActionUsers = QMap<UserData*, SendAction>;
SendActionUsers _sendActions;
QString _sendActionString;
Text _sendActionText;
Ui::SendActionAnimation _sendActionAnimation;
QMap<SendAction::Type, TimeMs> _mySendActions;
std::weak_ptr<AdminLog::LocalIdManager> _adminLogIdManager;
class HistoryBlock {
using Element = HistoryView::Element;
HistoryBlock(not_null<History*> history);
HistoryBlock(const HistoryBlock &) = delete;
HistoryBlock &operator=(const HistoryBlock &) = delete;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Element>> messages;
void remove(not_null<Element*> view);
void refreshView(not_null<Element*> view);
int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth, bool resizeAllItems);
int y() const {
return _y;
void setY(int y) {
_y = y;
int height() const {
return _height;
not_null<History*> history() const {
return _history;
HistoryBlock *previousBlock() const {
Expects(_indexInHistory >= 0);
return (_indexInHistory > 0)
? _history->blocks[_indexInHistory - 1].get()
: nullptr;
HistoryBlock *nextBlock() const {
Expects(_indexInHistory >= 0);
return (_indexInHistory + 1 < _history->blocks.size())
? _history->blocks[_indexInHistory + 1].get()
: nullptr;
void setIndexInHistory(int index) {
_indexInHistory = index;
int indexInHistory() const {
Expects(_indexInHistory >= 0);
Expects(_indexInHistory < _history->blocks.size());
Expects(_history->blocks[_indexInHistory].get() == this);
return _indexInHistory;
const not_null<History*> _history;
int _y = 0;
int _height = 0;
int _indexInHistory = -1;