
159 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "ui/effects/animations.h"
#include "ui/rp_widget.h"
#include "base/unique_qptr.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
namespace Ui {
class InnerDropdown;
class InputField;
namespace Emoji {
class SuggestionsWidget final : public Ui::RpWidget {
SuggestionsWidget(QWidget *parent);
void showWithQuery(const QString &query, bool force = false);
void selectFirstResult();
bool handleKeyEvent(int key);
rpl::producer<bool> toggleAnimated() const;
rpl::producer<QString> triggered() const;
struct Row {
Row(not_null<EmojiPtr> emoji, const QString &replacement);
not_null<EmojiPtr> emoji;
QString replacement;
bool eventHook(QEvent *e) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void enterEventHook(QEvent *e) override;
void leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) override;
void scrollByWheelEvent(not_null<QWheelEvent*> e);
void paintFadings(Painter &p) const;
std::vector<Row> getRowsByQuery() const;
void resizeToRows();
void setSelected(
int selected,
anim::type animated = anim::type::instant);
void setPressed(int pressed);
void clearMouseSelection();
void clearSelection();
void updateSelectedItem();
void updateItem(int index);
[[nodiscard]] QRect inner() const;
[[nodiscard]] QPoint innerShift() const;
[[nodiscard]] QPoint mapToInner(QPoint globalPosition) const;
void selectByMouse(QPoint globalPosition);
bool triggerSelectedRow() const;
void triggerRow(const Row &row) const;
[[nodiscard]] int scrollCurrent() const;
void scrollTo(int value, anim::type animated = anim::type::instant);
void stopAnimations();
QString _query;
std::vector<Row> _rows;
std::optional<QPoint> _lastMousePosition;
bool _mouseSelection = false;
int _selected = -1;
int _pressed = -1;
int _scrollValue = 0;
Ui::Animations::Simple _scrollAnimation;
Ui::Animations::Simple _selectedAnimation;
int _scrollMax = 0;
int _oneWidth = 0;
QMargins _padding;
QPoint _mousePressPosition;
int _dragScrollStart = -1;
rpl::event_stream<bool> _toggleAnimated;
rpl::event_stream<QString> _triggered;
class SuggestionsController {
struct Options {
Options() : suggestExactFirstWord(true) {
bool suggestExactFirstWord;
not_null<QWidget*> outer,
not_null<QTextEdit*> field,
const Options &options);
void raise();
void setReplaceCallback(Fn<void(
int from,
int till,
const QString &replacement)> callback);
static SuggestionsController *Init(
not_null<QWidget*> outer,
not_null<Ui::InputField*> field,
const Options &options = Options());
void handleCursorPositionChange();
void handleTextChange();
void showWithQuery(const QString &query);
[[nodiscard]] QString getEmojiQuery();
void suggestionsUpdated(bool visible);
void updateGeometry();
void updateForceHidden();
void replaceCurrent(const QString &replacement);
bool fieldFilter(not_null<QEvent*> event);
bool outerFilter(not_null<QEvent*> event);
bool _shown = false;
bool _forceHidden = false;
int _queryStartPosition = 0;
bool _ignoreCursorPositionChange = false;
bool _textChangeAfterKeyPress = false;
QPointer<QTextEdit> _field;
int from,
int till,
const QString &replacement)> _replaceCallback;
base::unique_qptr<InnerDropdown> _container;
QPointer<SuggestionsWidget> _suggestions;
base::unique_qptr<QObject> _fieldFilter;
base::unique_qptr<QObject> _outerFilter;
base::Timer _showExactTimer;
bool _keywordsRefreshed = false;
QString _lastShownQuery;
Options _options;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
} // namespace Emoji
} // namespace Ui