mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 19:34:27 +00:00
1640 lines
45 KiB
1640 lines
45 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "ui/images.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "storage/localstorage.h"
#include "platform/platform_specific.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
#include "history/history_item.h"
#include "history/history.h"
namespace Images {
namespace {
TG_FORCE_INLINE uint64 blurGetColors(const uchar *p) {
return (uint64)p[0] + ((uint64)p[1] << 16) + ((uint64)p[2] << 32) + ((uint64)p[3] << 48);
const QPixmap &circleMask(int width, int height) {
uint64 key = uint64(uint32(width)) << 32 | uint64(uint32(height));
Global::CircleMasksMap &masks(Global::RefCircleMasks());
auto i = masks.constFind(key);
if (i == masks.cend()) {
QImage mask(width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
Painter p(&mask);
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
p.fillRect(0, 0, width, height, Qt::transparent);
p.drawEllipse(0, 0, width, height);
i = masks.insert(key, App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(mask)));
return i.value();
} // namespace
QPixmap PixmapFast(QImage &&image) {
Expects(image.format() == QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied
|| image.format() == QImage::Format_RGB32);
return QPixmap::fromImage(std::move(image), Qt::NoFormatConversion);
QImage prepareBlur(QImage img) {
auto ratio = img.devicePixelRatio();
auto fmt = img.format();
if (fmt != QImage::Format_RGB32 && fmt != QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) {
img = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
uchar *pix = img.bits();
if (pix) {
int w = img.width(), h = img.height(), wold = w, hold = h;
const int radius = 3;
const int r1 = radius + 1;
const int div = radius * 2 + 1;
const int stride = w * 4;
if (radius < 16 && div < w && div < h && stride <= w * 4) {
bool withalpha = img.hasAlphaChannel();
if (withalpha) {
QImage imgsmall(w, h, img.format());
Painter p(&imgsmall);
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
p.fillRect(0, 0, w, h, Qt::transparent);
p.drawImage(QRect(radius, radius, w - 2 * radius, h - 2 * radius), img, QRect(0, 0, w, h));
auto was = img;
img = std::move(imgsmall);
imgsmall = QImage();
pix = img.bits();
if (!pix) return was;
uint64 *rgb = new uint64[w * h];
int x, y, i;
int yw = 0;
const int we = w - r1;
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
uint64 cur = blurGetColors(&pix[yw]);
uint64 rgballsum = -radius * cur;
uint64 rgbsum = cur * ((r1 * (r1 + 1)) >> 1);
for (i = 1; i <= radius; i++) {
uint64 cur = blurGetColors(&pix[yw + i * 4]);
rgbsum += cur * (r1 - i);
rgballsum += cur;
x = 0;
#define update(start, middle, end) \
rgb[y * w + x] = (rgbsum >> 4) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFLL; \
rgballsum += blurGetColors(&pix[yw + (start) * 4]) - 2 * blurGetColors(&pix[yw + (middle) * 4]) + blurGetColors(&pix[yw + (end) * 4]); \
rgbsum += rgballsum; \
while (x < r1) {
update(0, x, x + r1);
while (x < we) {
update(x - r1, x, x + r1);
while (x < w) {
update(x - r1, x, w - 1);
#undef update
yw += stride;
const int he = h - r1;
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
uint64 rgballsum = -radius * rgb[x];
uint64 rgbsum = rgb[x] * ((r1 * (r1 + 1)) >> 1);
for (i = 1; i <= radius; i++) {
rgbsum += rgb[i * w + x] * (r1 - i);
rgballsum += rgb[i * w + x];
y = 0;
int yi = x * 4;
#define update(start, middle, end) \
uint64 res = rgbsum >> 4; \
pix[yi] = res & 0xFF; \
pix[yi + 1] = (res >> 16) & 0xFF; \
pix[yi + 2] = (res >> 32) & 0xFF; \
pix[yi + 3] = (res >> 48) & 0xFF; \
rgballsum += rgb[x + (start) * w] - 2 * rgb[x + (middle) * w] + rgb[x + (end) * w]; \
rgbsum += rgballsum; \
y++; \
yi += stride;
while (y < r1) {
update(0, y, y + r1);
while (y < he) {
update(y - r1, y, y + r1);
while (y < h) {
update(y - r1, y, h - 1);
#undef update
delete[] rgb;
return img;
void prepareCircle(QImage &img) {
img = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPixmap mask = circleMask(img.width(), img.height());
Painter p(&img);
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, mask);
void prepareRound(
QImage &image,
QImage *cornerMasks,
RectParts corners,
QRect target) {
if (target.isNull()) {
target = QRect(QPoint(), image.size());
} else {
Assert(QRect(QPoint(), image.size()).contains(target));
auto cornerWidth = cornerMasks[0].width();
auto cornerHeight = cornerMasks[0].height();
auto imageWidth = image.width();
auto imageHeight = image.height();
if (imageWidth < 2 * cornerWidth || imageHeight < 2 * cornerHeight) {
constexpr auto imageIntsPerPixel = 1;
auto imageIntsPerLine = (image.bytesPerLine() >> 2);
Assert(image.depth() == static_cast<int>((imageIntsPerPixel * sizeof(uint32)) << 3));
Assert(image.bytesPerLine() == (imageIntsPerLine << 2));
auto ints = reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(image.bits());
auto intsTopLeft = ints + target.x() + target.y() * imageWidth;
auto intsTopRight = ints + target.x() + target.width() - cornerWidth + target.y() * imageWidth;
auto intsBottomLeft = ints + target.x() + (target.y() + target.height() - cornerHeight) * imageWidth;
auto intsBottomRight = ints + target.x() + target.width() - cornerWidth + (target.y() + target.height() - cornerHeight) * imageWidth;
auto maskCorner = [&](uint32 *imageInts, const QImage &mask) {
auto maskWidth = mask.width();
auto maskHeight = mask.height();
auto maskBytesPerPixel = (mask.depth() >> 3);
auto maskBytesPerLine = mask.bytesPerLine();
auto maskBytesAdded = maskBytesPerLine - maskWidth * maskBytesPerPixel;
auto maskBytes = mask.constBits();
Assert(maskBytesAdded >= 0);
Assert(mask.depth() == (maskBytesPerPixel << 3));
auto imageIntsAdded = imageIntsPerLine - maskWidth * imageIntsPerPixel;
Assert(imageIntsAdded >= 0);
for (auto y = 0; y != maskHeight; ++y) {
for (auto x = 0; x != maskWidth; ++x) {
auto opacity = static_cast<anim::ShiftedMultiplier>(*maskBytes) + 1;
*imageInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(*imageInts) * opacity);
maskBytes += maskBytesPerPixel;
imageInts += imageIntsPerPixel;
maskBytes += maskBytesAdded;
imageInts += imageIntsAdded;
if (corners & RectPart::TopLeft) maskCorner(intsTopLeft, cornerMasks[0]);
if (corners & RectPart::TopRight) maskCorner(intsTopRight, cornerMasks[1]);
if (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft) maskCorner(intsBottomLeft, cornerMasks[2]);
if (corners & RectPart::BottomRight) maskCorner(intsBottomRight, cornerMasks[3]);
void prepareRound(
QImage &image,
ImageRoundRadius radius,
RectParts corners,
QRect target) {
if (!static_cast<int>(corners)) {
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) {
Assert((corners & RectPart::AllCorners) == RectPart::AllCorners);
image = std::move(image).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
auto masks = App::cornersMask(radius);
prepareRound(image, masks, corners, target);
QImage prepareColored(style::color add, QImage image) {
auto format = image.format();
if (format != QImage::Format_RGB32 && format != QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) {
image = std::move(image).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
if (auto pix = image.bits()) {
int ca = int(add->c.alphaF() * 0xFF), cr = int(add->c.redF() * 0xFF), cg = int(add->c.greenF() * 0xFF), cb = int(add->c.blueF() * 0xFF);
const int w = image.width(), h = image.height(), size = w * h * 4;
for (int32 i = 0; i < size; i += 4) {
int b = pix[i], g = pix[i + 1], r = pix[i + 2], a = pix[i + 3], aca = a * ca;
pix[i + 0] = uchar(b + ((aca * (cb - b)) >> 16));
pix[i + 1] = uchar(g + ((aca * (cg - g)) >> 16));
pix[i + 2] = uchar(r + ((aca * (cr - r)) >> 16));
pix[i + 3] = uchar(a + ((aca * (0xFF - a)) >> 16));
return image;
QImage prepareOpaque(QImage image) {
if (image.hasAlphaChannel()) {
image = std::move(image).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
auto ints = reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(image.bits());
auto bg = anim::shifted(st::imageBgTransparent->c);
auto width = image.width();
auto height = image.height();
auto addPerLine = (image.bytesPerLine() / sizeof(uint32)) - width;
for (auto y = 0; y != height; ++y) {
for (auto x = 0; x != width; ++x) {
auto components = anim::shifted(*ints);
*ints++ = anim::unshifted(components * 256 + bg * (256 - anim::getAlpha(components)));
ints += addPerLine;
return image;
QImage prepare(QImage img, int w, int h, Images::Options options, int outerw, int outerh, const style::color *colored) {
if (options & Images::Option::Blurred) {
img = prepareBlur(std::move(img));
if (w <= 0 || (w == img.width() && (h <= 0 || h == img.height()))) {
} else if (h <= 0) {
img = img.scaledToWidth(w, (options & Images::Option::Smooth) ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation);
} else {
img = img.scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, (options & Images::Option::Smooth) ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation);
if (outerw > 0 && outerh > 0) {
outerw *= cIntRetinaFactor();
outerh *= cIntRetinaFactor();
if (outerw != w || outerh != h) {
auto result = QImage(outerw, outerh, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
if (options & Images::Option::TransparentBackground) {
QPainter p(&result);
if (w < outerw || h < outerh) {
p.fillRect(0, 0, result.width(), result.height(), st::imageBg);
p.drawImage((result.width() - img.width()) / (2 * cIntRetinaFactor()), (result.height() - img.height()) / (2 * cIntRetinaFactor()), img);
img = result;
auto corners = [](Images::Options options) {
return ((options & Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft) ? RectPart::TopLeft : RectPart::None)
| ((options & Images::Option::RoundedTopRight) ? RectPart::TopRight : RectPart::None)
| ((options & Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft) ? RectPart::BottomLeft : RectPart::None)
| ((options & Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight) ? RectPart::BottomRight : RectPart::None);
if (options & Images::Option::Circled) {
} else if (options & Images::Option::RoundedLarge) {
prepareRound(img, ImageRoundRadius::Large, corners(options));
} else if (options & Images::Option::RoundedSmall) {
prepareRound(img, ImageRoundRadius::Small, corners(options));
if (options & Images::Option::Colored) {
Assert(colored != nullptr);
img = prepareColored(*colored, std::move(img));
return img;
} // namespace Images
namespace {
using LocalImages = QMap<QString, Image*>;
LocalImages localImages;
using WebImages = QMap<QString, WebImage*>;
WebImages webImages;
Image *generateBlankImage() {
auto data = QImage(cIntRetinaFactor(), cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
return internal::getImage(App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(data)), "GIF");
Image *blank() {
static auto blankImage = generateBlankImage();
return blankImage;
using StorageImages = QMap<StorageKey, StorageImage*>;
StorageImages storageImages;
using WebFileImages = QMap<StorageKey, WebFileImage*>;
WebFileImages webFileImages;
int64 globalAcquiredSize = 0;
uint64 PixKey(int width, int height, Images::Options options) {
return static_cast<uint64>(width) | (static_cast<uint64>(height) << 24) | (static_cast<uint64>(options) << 48);
uint64 SinglePixKey(Images::Options options) {
return PixKey(0, 0, options);
} // namespace
StorageImageLocation StorageImageLocation::Null;
WebFileLocation WebFileLocation::Null;
int32 width,
int32 height,
int32 dc,
const uint64 &volume,
int32 local,
const uint64 &secret,
const QByteArray &fileReference)
: _widthheight(packIntInt(width, height))
, _dclocal(packIntInt(dc, local))
, _volume(volume)
, _secret(secret)
, _fileReference(fileReference) {
int32 width,
int32 height,
const MTPDfileLocation &location)
: StorageImageLocation(
location.vfile_reference.v) {
bool Image::isNull() const {
return (this == blank());
ImagePtr::ImagePtr() : Parent(blank()) {
ImagePtr::ImagePtr(int32 width, int32 height, const MTPFileLocation &location, ImagePtr def) :
Parent((location.type() == mtpc_fileLocation) ? (Image*)(internal::getImage(StorageImageLocation(width, height, location.c_fileLocation()))) : def.v()) {
Image::Image(const QString &file, QByteArray fmt) : _forgot(false) {
_data = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(App::readImage(file, &fmt, false, 0, &_saved));
_format = fmt;
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
Image::Image(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray fmt) : _forgot(false) {
_data = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(App::readImage(filecontent, &fmt, false));
_format = fmt;
_saved = filecontent;
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
Image::Image(const QPixmap &pixmap, QByteArray format) : _format(format), _forgot(false), _data(pixmap) {
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
Image::Image(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray fmt, const QPixmap &pixmap) : _saved(filecontent), _format(fmt), _forgot(false), _data(pixmap) {
_data = pixmap;
_format = fmt;
_saved = filecontent;
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
const QPixmap &Image::pix(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
int32 w,
int32 h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width();
} else if (cRetina()) {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::None;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k);
if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options);
if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());
i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p);
if (!p.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4;
return i.value();
const QPixmap &Image::pixRounded(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
int32 w,
int32 h,
ImageRoundRadius radius,
RectParts corners) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width();
} else if (cRetina()) {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::None;
auto cornerOptions = [](RectParts corners) {
return (corners & RectPart::TopLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft : Images::Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::TopRight ? Images::Option::RoundedTopRight : Images::Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Images::Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomRight ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight : Images::Option::None);
if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Large) {
options |= Images::Option::RoundedLarge | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Small) {
options |= Images::Option::RoundedSmall | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) {
options |= Images::Option::Circled | cornerOptions(corners);
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k);
if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options);
if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());
i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p);
if (!p.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4;
return i.value();
const QPixmap &Image::pixCircled(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
int32 w,
int32 h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width();
} else if (cRetina()) {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Circled;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k);
if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options);
if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());
i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p);
if (!p.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4;
return i.value();
const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurredCircled(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
int32 w,
int32 h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width();
} else if (cRetina()) {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Circled | Images::Option::Blurred;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k);
if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options);
if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());
i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p);
if (!p.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4;
return i.value();
const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurred(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
int32 w,
int32 h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else if (cRetina()) {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Blurred;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k);
if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options);
if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());
i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p);
if (!p.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4;
return i.value();
const QPixmap &Image::pixColored(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
style::color add,
int32 w,
int32 h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else if (cRetina()) {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Colored;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k);
if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) {
auto p = pixColoredNoCache(origin, add, w, h, true);
if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());
i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p);
if (!p.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4;
return i.value();
const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurredColored(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
style::color add,
int32 w,
int32 h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else if (cRetina()) {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Blurred | Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Colored;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k);
if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) {
auto p = pixBlurredColoredNoCache(origin, add, w, h);
if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());
i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p);
if (!p.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4;
return i.value();
const QPixmap &Image::pixSingle(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
int32 w,
int32 h,
int32 outerw,
int32 outerh,
ImageRoundRadius radius,
RectParts corners,
const style::color *colored) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else if (cRetina()) {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::None;
auto cornerOptions = [](RectParts corners) {
return (corners & RectPart::TopLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft : Images::Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::TopRight ? Images::Option::RoundedTopRight : Images::Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Images::Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomRight ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight : Images::Option::None);
if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Large) {
options |= Images::Option::RoundedLarge | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Small) {
options |= Images::Option::RoundedSmall | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) {
options |= Images::Option::Circled | cornerOptions(corners);
if (colored) {
options |= Images::Option::Colored;
auto k = SinglePixKey(options);
auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k);
if (i == _sizesCache.cend() || i->width() != (outerw * cIntRetinaFactor()) || i->height() != (outerh * cIntRetinaFactor())) {
if (i != _sizesCache.cend()) {
globalAcquiredSize -= int64(i->width()) * i->height() * 4;
auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options, outerw, outerh, colored);
if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());
i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p);
if (!p.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4;
return i.value();
const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurredSingle(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
int w,
int h,
int32 outerw,
int32 outerh,
ImageRoundRadius radius,
RectParts corners) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else if (cRetina()) {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Blurred;
auto cornerOptions = [](RectParts corners) {
return (corners & RectPart::TopLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft : Images::Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::TopRight ? Images::Option::RoundedTopRight : Images::Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Images::Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomRight ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight : Images::Option::None);
if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Large) {
options |= Images::Option::RoundedLarge | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Small) {
options |= Images::Option::RoundedSmall | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) {
options |= Images::Option::Circled | cornerOptions(corners);
auto k = SinglePixKey(options);
auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k);
if (i == _sizesCache.cend() || i->width() != (outerw * cIntRetinaFactor()) || i->height() != (outerh * cIntRetinaFactor())) {
if (i != _sizesCache.cend()) {
globalAcquiredSize -= int64(i->width()) * i->height() * 4;
auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options, outerw, outerh);
if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());
i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p);
if (!p.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4;
return i.value();
QPixmap Image::pixNoCache(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
int w,
int h,
Images::Options options,
int outerw,
int outerh,
const style::color *colored) const {
if (!loading()) const_cast<Image*>(this)->load(origin);
if (_data.isNull()) {
if (h <= 0 && height() > 0) {
h = qRound(width() * w / float64(height()));
return blank()->pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options, outerw, outerh);
if (isNull() && outerw > 0 && outerh > 0) {
outerw *= cIntRetinaFactor();
outerh *= cIntRetinaFactor();
QImage result(outerw, outerh, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter p(&result);
if (w < outerw) {
p.fillRect(0, 0, (outerw - w) / 2, result.height(), st::imageBg);
p.fillRect(((outerw - w) / 2) + w, 0, result.width() - (((outerw - w) / 2) + w), result.height(), st::imageBg);
if (h < outerh) {
p.fillRect(qMax(0, (outerw - w) / 2), 0, qMin(result.width(), w), (outerh - h) / 2, st::imageBg);
p.fillRect(qMax(0, (outerw - w) / 2), ((outerh - h) / 2) + h, qMin(result.width(), w), result.height() - (((outerh - h) / 2) + h), st::imageBg);
p.fillRect(qMax(0, (outerw - w) / 2), qMax(0, (outerh - h) / 2), qMin(result.width(), w), qMin(result.height(), h), st::imageBgTransparent);
auto corners = [](Images::Options options) {
return ((options & Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft) ? RectPart::TopLeft : RectPart::None)
| ((options & Images::Option::RoundedTopRight) ? RectPart::TopRight : RectPart::None)
| ((options & Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft) ? RectPart::BottomLeft : RectPart::None)
| ((options & Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight) ? RectPart::BottomRight : RectPart::None);
if (options & Images::Option::Circled) {
} else if (options & Images::Option::RoundedLarge) {
Images::prepareRound(result, ImageRoundRadius::Large, corners(options));
} else if (options & Images::Option::RoundedSmall) {
Images::prepareRound(result, ImageRoundRadius::Small, corners(options));
if (options & Images::Option::Colored) {
Assert(colored != nullptr);
result = Images::prepareColored(*colored, std::move(result));
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result));
return Images::pixmap(_data.toImage(), w, h, options, outerw, outerh, colored);
QPixmap Image::pixColoredNoCache(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
style::color add,
int32 w,
int32 h,
bool smooth) const {
if (_data.isNull()) return blank()->pix(origin);
auto img = _data.toImage();
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height() || (w == width() && (h <= 0 || h == height()))) {
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(Images::prepareColored(add, std::move(img)));
if (h <= 0) {
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(Images::prepareColored(add, img.scaledToWidth(w, smooth ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation)));
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(Images::prepareColored(add, img.scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, smooth ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation)));
QPixmap Image::pixBlurredColoredNoCache(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
style::color add,
int32 w,
int32 h) const {
if (_data.isNull()) return blank()->pix(origin);
auto img = Images::prepareBlur(_data.toImage());
if (h <= 0) {
img = img.scaledToWidth(w, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
} else {
img = img.scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(Images::prepareColored(add, img));
void Image::forget() const {
if (_forgot) return;
if (_data.isNull()) return;
/*if (hasLocalCopy()) {
} else */if (_saved.isEmpty()) {
QBuffer buffer(&_saved);
if (!_data.save(&buffer, _format)) {
if (_data.save(&buffer, "PNG")) {
_format = "PNG";
} else {
globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
_data = QPixmap();
_forgot = true;
void Image::restore() const {
if (!_forgot) return;
QBuffer buffer(&_saved);
QImageReader reader(&buffer, _format);
#ifndef OS_MAC_OLD
#endif // OS_MAC_OLD
_data = QPixmap::fromImageReader(&reader, Qt::ColorOnly);
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
_forgot = false;
void Image::invalidateSizeCache() const {
for (auto &pix : _sizesCache) {
if (!pix.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize -= int64(pix.width()) * pix.height() * 4;
Image::~Image() {
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
void clearStorageImages() {
for (auto image : base::take(storageImages)) {
delete image;
for (auto image : base::take(webImages)) {
delete image;
for (auto image : base::take(webFileImages)) {
delete image;
void clearAllImages() {
for (auto image : base::take(localImages)) {
delete image;
int64 imageCacheSize() {
return globalAcquiredSize;
void RemoteImage::doCheckload() const {
if (!amLoading() || !_loader->finished()) return;
QPixmap data = _loader->imagePixmap(shrinkBox());
if (data.isNull()) {
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
_format = _loader->imageFormat(shrinkBox());
_data = data;
_saved = _loader->bytes();
const_cast<RemoteImage*>(this)->setInformation(_saved.size(), _data.width(), _data.height());
globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
_forgot = false;
void RemoteImage::destroyLoaderDelayed(FileLoader *newValue) const {
auto loader = std::unique_ptr<FileLoader>(std::exchange(_loader, newValue));
void RemoteImage::loadLocal() {
if (loaded() || amLoading()) return;
_loader = createLoader(base::none, LoadFromLocalOnly, true);
if (_loader) _loader->start();
void RemoteImage::setData(QByteArray &bytes, const QByteArray &bytesFormat) {
QBuffer buffer(&bytes);
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
QByteArray fmt(bytesFormat);
_data = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(App::readImage(bytes, &fmt, false));
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
setInformation(bytes.size(), _data.width(), _data.height());
if (amLoading()) {
_saved = bytes;
_format = fmt;
_forgot = false;
bool RemoteImage::amLoading() const {
return _loader && _loader != CancelledFileLoader;
void RemoteImage::automaticLoad(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
const HistoryItem *item) {
if (loaded()) return;
if (_loader != CancelledFileLoader && item) {
bool loadFromCloud = false;
if (item->history()->peer->isUser()) {
loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadPhoto() & dbiadNoPrivate);
} else {
loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadPhoto() & dbiadNoGroups);
if (_loader) {
if (loadFromCloud) _loader->permitLoadFromCloud();
} else {
_loader = createLoader(
loadFromCloud ? LoadFromCloudOrLocal : LoadFromLocalOnly,
if (_loader) _loader->start();
void RemoteImage::automaticLoadSettingsChanged() {
if (loaded() || _loader != CancelledFileLoader) return;
_loader = 0;
void RemoteImage::load(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
bool loadFirst,
bool prior) {
if (loaded()) return;
if (!_loader) {
_loader = createLoader(origin, LoadFromCloudOrLocal, false);
if (amLoading()) {
_loader->start(loadFirst, prior);
void RemoteImage::loadEvenCancelled(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
bool loadFirst,
bool prior) {
if (_loader == CancelledFileLoader) {
_loader = nullptr;
return load(origin, loadFirst, prior);
RemoteImage::~RemoteImage() {
if (!_data.isNull()) {
globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4;
if (amLoading()) {
bool RemoteImage::loaded() const {
return (!_data.isNull() || !_saved.isNull());
bool RemoteImage::displayLoading() const {
return amLoading() && (!_loader->loadingLocal() || !_loader->autoLoading());
void RemoteImage::cancel() {
if (!amLoading()) return;
auto loader = std::exchange(_loader, CancelledFileLoader);
float64 RemoteImage::progress() const {
return amLoading() ? _loader->currentProgress() : (loaded() ? 1 : 0);
int32 RemoteImage::loadOffset() const {
return amLoading() ? _loader->currentOffset() : 0;
StorageImage::StorageImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, int32 size)
: _location(location)
, _size(size) {
StorageImage::StorageImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, QByteArray &bytes)
: _location(location)
, _size(bytes.size()) {
if (!_location.isNull()) {
Local::writeImage(storageKey(_location), StorageImageSaved(bytes));
int32 StorageImage::countWidth() const {
return _location.width();
int32 StorageImage::countHeight() const {
return _location.height();
bool StorageImage::hasLocalCopy() const {
return Local::willImageLoad(storageKey(_location));
void StorageImage::setInformation(int32 size, int32 width, int32 height) {
_size = size;
_location.setSize(width, height);
FileLoader *StorageImage::createLoader(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud,
bool autoLoading) {
if (_location.isNull()) {
return nullptr;
return new mtpFileLoader(
const WebFileLocation &location,
QSize box,
int size)
: _location(location)
, _box(box)
, _width(0)
, _height(0)
, _size(size) {
const WebFileLocation &location,
int width,
int height,
int size)
: _location(location)
, _width(width)
, _height(height)
, _size(size) {
int WebFileImage::countWidth() const {
return _width;
int WebFileImage::countHeight() const {
return _height;
bool WebFileImage::hasLocalCopy() const {
return Local::willImageLoad(storageKey(_location));
void WebFileImage::setInformation(int size, int width, int height) {
_size = size;
_width = width;
_height = height;
FileLoader *WebFileImage::createLoader(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud,
bool autoLoading) {
return _location.isNull()
? nullptr
: new mtpFileLoader(
DelayedStorageImage::DelayedStorageImage() : StorageImage(StorageImageLocation())
, _loadRequested(false)
, _loadCancelled(false)
, _loadFromCloud(false) {
DelayedStorageImage::DelayedStorageImage(int32 w, int32 h)
: StorageImage(StorageImageLocation(w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, {}))
, _loadRequested(false)
, _loadCancelled(false)
, _loadFromCloud(false) {
DelayedStorageImage::DelayedStorageImage(QByteArray &bytes)
: StorageImage(StorageImageLocation(), bytes)
, _loadRequested(false)
, _loadCancelled(false)
, _loadFromCloud(false) {
void DelayedStorageImage::setStorageLocation(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
const StorageImageLocation location) {
_location = location;
if (_loadRequested) {
if (!_loadCancelled) {
if (_loadFromCloud) {
} else {
_loadRequested = false;
void DelayedStorageImage::automaticLoad(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
const HistoryItem *item) {
if (_location.isNull()) {
if (!_loadCancelled && item) {
bool loadFromCloud = false;
if (item->history()->peer->isUser()) {
loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadPhoto() & dbiadNoPrivate);
} else {
loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadPhoto() & dbiadNoGroups);
if (_loadRequested) {
if (loadFromCloud) _loadFromCloud = loadFromCloud;
} else {
_loadFromCloud = loadFromCloud;
_loadRequested = true;
} else {
StorageImage::automaticLoad(origin, item);
void DelayedStorageImage::automaticLoadSettingsChanged() {
if (_loadCancelled) _loadCancelled = false;
void DelayedStorageImage::load(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
bool loadFirst,
bool prior) {
if (_location.isNull()) {
_loadRequested = _loadFromCloud = true;
} else {
StorageImage::load(origin, loadFirst, prior);
void DelayedStorageImage::loadEvenCancelled(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
bool loadFirst,
bool prior) {
_loadCancelled = false;
StorageImage::loadEvenCancelled(origin, loadFirst, prior);
bool DelayedStorageImage::displayLoading() const {
return _location.isNull() ? true : StorageImage::displayLoading();
void DelayedStorageImage::cancel() {
if (_loadRequested) {
_loadRequested = false;
WebImage::WebImage(const QString &url, QSize box)
: _url(url)
, _box(box)
, _size(0)
, _width(0)
, _height(0) {
WebImage::WebImage(const QString &url, int width, int height)
: _url(url)
, _size(0)
, _width(width)
, _height(height) {
void WebImage::setSize(int width, int height) {
_width = width;
_height = height;
int32 WebImage::countWidth() const {
return _width;
int32 WebImage::countHeight() const {
return _height;
bool WebImage::hasLocalCopy() const {
return Local::willWebFileLoad(_url);
void WebImage::setInformation(int32 size, int32 width, int32 height) {
_size = size;
setSize(width, height);
FileLoader *WebImage::createLoader(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud,
bool autoLoading) {
return new webFileLoader(_url, QString(), fromCloud, autoLoading);
namespace internal {
Image *getImage(const QString &file, QByteArray format) {
if (file.startsWith(qstr("http://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || file.startsWith(qstr("https://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
QString key = file;
WebImages::const_iterator i = webImages.constFind(key);
if (i == webImages.cend()) {
i = webImages.insert(key, new WebImage(file));
return i.value();
} else {
QFileInfo f(file);
QString key = qsl("//:%1//:%2//:").arg(f.size()).arg(f.lastModified().toTime_t()) + file;
LocalImages::const_iterator i = localImages.constFind(key);
if (i == localImages.cend()) {
i = localImages.insert(key, new Image(file, format));
return i.value();
Image *getImage(const QString &url, QSize box) {
QString key = qsl("//:%1//:%2//:").arg(box.width()).arg(box.height()) + url;
auto i = webImages.constFind(key);
if (i == webImages.cend()) {
i = webImages.insert(key, new WebImage(url, box));
return i.value();
Image *getImage(const QString &url, int width, int height) {
QString key = url;
auto i = webImages.constFind(key);
if (i == webImages.cend()) {
i = webImages.insert(key, new WebImage(url, width, height));
} else {
i.value()->setSize(width, height);
return i.value();
Image *getImage(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format) {
return new Image(filecontent, format);
Image *getImage(const QPixmap &pixmap, QByteArray format) {
return new Image(pixmap, format);
Image *getImage(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format, const QPixmap &pixmap) {
return new Image(filecontent, format, pixmap);
Image *getImage(int32 width, int32 height) {
return new DelayedStorageImage(width, height);
StorageImage *getImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, int32 size) {
StorageKey key(storageKey(location));
StorageImages::const_iterator i = storageImages.constFind(key);
if (i == storageImages.cend()) {
i = storageImages.insert(key, new StorageImage(location, size));
} else {
return i.value();
StorageImage *getImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, const QByteArray &bytes) {
StorageKey key(storageKey(location));
StorageImages::const_iterator i = storageImages.constFind(key);
if (i == storageImages.cend()) {
QByteArray bytesArr(bytes);
i = storageImages.insert(key, new StorageImage(location, bytesArr));
} else {
if (!i.value()->loaded()) {
QByteArray bytesArr(bytes);
if (!location.isNull()) {
Local::writeImage(key, StorageImageSaved(bytes));
return i.value();
QSize getImageSize(const QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> &attributes) {
for (const auto &attribute : attributes) {
if (attribute.type() == mtpc_documentAttributeImageSize) {
auto &size = attribute.c_documentAttributeImageSize();
return QSize(size.vw.v, size.vh.v);
return QSize();
Image *getImage(const MTPDwebDocument &document) {
const auto size = getImageSize(document.vattributes.v);
if (size.isEmpty()) {
return blank();
// We don't use size from WebDocument, because it is not reliable.
// It can be > 0 and different from the real size that we get in upload.WebFile result.
auto filesize = 0; // document.vsize.v;
return getImage(
Image *getImage(const MTPDwebDocumentNoProxy &document) {
const auto size = getImageSize(document.vattributes.v);
if (size.isEmpty()) {
return blank();
return getImage(qs(document.vurl), size.width(), size.height());
Image *getImage(const MTPDwebDocument &document, QSize box) {
//const auto size = getImageSize(document.vattributes.v);
//if (size.isEmpty()) {
// return blank();
// We don't use size from WebDocument, because it is not reliable.
// It can be > 0 and different from the real size that we get in upload.WebFile result.
auto filesize = 0; // document.vsize.v;
return getImage(
Image *getImage(const MTPDwebDocumentNoProxy &document, QSize box) {
//const auto size = getImageSize(document.vattributes.v);
//if (size.isEmpty()) {
// return blank();
return getImage(qs(document.vurl), box);
Image *getImage(const MTPWebDocument &document) {
switch (document.type()) {
case mtpc_webDocument:
return getImage(document.c_webDocument());
case mtpc_webDocumentNoProxy:
return getImage(document.c_webDocumentNoProxy());
Unexpected("Type in getImage(MTPWebDocument).");
Image *getImage(const MTPWebDocument &document, QSize box) {
switch (document.type()) {
case mtpc_webDocument:
return getImage(document.c_webDocument(), box);
case mtpc_webDocumentNoProxy:
return getImage(document.c_webDocumentNoProxy(), box);
Unexpected("Type in getImage(MTPWebDocument).");
WebFileImage *getImage(
const WebFileLocation &location,
QSize box,
int size) {
auto key = storageKey(location);
auto i = webFileImages.constFind(key);
if (i == webFileImages.cend()) {
i = webFileImages.insert(
new WebFileImage(location, box, size));
return i.value();
WebFileImage *getImage(
const WebFileLocation &location,
int width,
int height,
int size) {
auto key = storageKey(location);
auto i = webFileImages.constFind(key);
if (i == webFileImages.cend()) {
i = webFileImages.insert(
new WebFileImage(location, width, height, size));
return i.value();
} // namespace internal
ReadAccessEnabler::ReadAccessEnabler(const PsFileBookmark *bookmark)
: _bookmark(bookmark)
, _failed(_bookmark ? !_bookmark->enable() : false) {
const std::shared_ptr<PsFileBookmark> &bookmark)
: _bookmark(bookmark.get())
, _failed(_bookmark ? !_bookmark->enable() : false) {
ReadAccessEnabler::~ReadAccessEnabler() {
if (_bookmark && !_failed) _bookmark->disable();
FileLocation::FileLocation(const QString &name) : fname(name) {
if (fname.isEmpty()) {
size = 0;
} else {
QFileInfo f(name);
if (f.exists()) {
qint64 s = f.size();
if (s > INT_MAX) {
fname = QString();
_bookmark = nullptr;
size = 0;
} else {
modified = f.lastModified();
size = qint32(s);
} else {
fname = QString();
_bookmark = nullptr;
size = 0;
bool FileLocation::check() const {
if (fname.isEmpty()) return false;
ReadAccessEnabler enabler(_bookmark);
if (enabler.failed()) {
const_cast<FileLocation*>(this)->_bookmark = nullptr;
QFileInfo f(name());
if (!f.isReadable()) return false;
quint64 s = f.size();
if (s > INT_MAX) {
DEBUG_LOG(("File location check: Wrong size %1").arg(s));
return false;
if (qint32(s) != size) {
DEBUG_LOG(("File location check: Wrong size %1 when should be %2").arg(s).arg(size));
return false;
auto realModified = f.lastModified();
if (realModified != modified) {
DEBUG_LOG(("File location check: Wrong last modified time %1 when should be %2").arg(realModified.toMSecsSinceEpoch()).arg(modified.toMSecsSinceEpoch()));
return false;
return true;
const QString &FileLocation::name() const {
return _bookmark ? _bookmark->name(fname) : fname;
QByteArray FileLocation::bookmark() const {
return _bookmark ? _bookmark->bookmark() : QByteArray();
void FileLocation::setBookmark(const QByteArray &bm) {
_bookmark.reset(bm.isEmpty() ? nullptr : new PsFileBookmark(bm));
bool FileLocation::accessEnable() const {
return isEmpty() ? false : (_bookmark ? _bookmark->enable() : true);
void FileLocation::accessDisable() const {
return _bookmark ? _bookmark->disable() : (void)0;