John Preston 8b69e6ab99 Rename some methods in DocumentData.
Also fix voice message mark as read when autoplaying after previous.
Also show play icon and don't show playlist for audio files that do
not have shared music files attributes but have audio file mime type.
2017-12-10 14:28:04 +04:00

1371 lines
47 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
#include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_internal.h"
#include "data/data_photo.h"
#include "data/data_document.h"
#include "styles/style_overview.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
#include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h"
#include "styles/style_widgets.h"
#include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h"
#include "media/media_audio.h"
#include "media/media_clip_reader.h"
#include "media/player/media_player_instance.h"
#include "history/history_location_manager.h"
#include "storage/localstorage.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
namespace InlineBots {
namespace Layout {
namespace internal {
FileBase::FileBase(not_null<Context*> context, Result *result) : ItemBase(context, result) {
FileBase::FileBase(not_null<Context*> context, DocumentData *document) : ItemBase(context, document) {
DocumentData *FileBase::getShownDocument() const {
if (DocumentData *result = getDocument()) {
return result;
return getResultDocument();
int FileBase::content_width() const {
DocumentData *document = getShownDocument();
if (document->dimensions.width() > 0) {
return document->dimensions.width();
if (!document->thumb->isNull()) {
return convertScale(document->thumb->width());
return 0;
int FileBase::content_height() const {
DocumentData *document = getShownDocument();
if (document->dimensions.height() > 0) {
return document->dimensions.height();
if (!document->thumb->isNull()) {
return convertScale(document->thumb->height());
return 0;
int FileBase::content_duration() const {
if (const auto document = getShownDocument()) {
if (document->duration() > 0) {
return document->duration();
} else if (const auto song = document->song()) {
if (song->duration) {
return song->duration;
return getResultDuration();
ImagePtr FileBase::content_thumb() const {
if (DocumentData *document = getShownDocument()) {
if (!document->thumb->isNull()) {
return document->thumb;
return getResultThumb();
Gif::Gif(not_null<Context*> context, Result *result) : FileBase(context, result) {
Gif::Gif(not_null<Context*> context, DocumentData *document, bool hasDeleteButton) : FileBase(context, document) {
if (hasDeleteButton) {
_delete = MakeShared<DeleteSavedGifClickHandler>(document);
void Gif::initDimensions() {
int32 w = content_width(), h = content_height();
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
_maxw = 0;
} else {
w = w * st::inlineMediaHeight / h;
_maxw = qMax(w, int32(st::inlineResultsMinWidth));
_minh = st::inlineMediaHeight + st::inlineResultsSkip;
void Gif::setPosition(int32 position) {
if (_position < 0) {
void DeleteSavedGifClickHandler::onClickImpl() const {
auto index = Auth().data().savedGifs().indexOf(_data);
if (index >= 0) {
MTP::send(MTPmessages_SaveGif(_data->mtpInput(), MTP_bool(true)));
void Gif::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, const PaintContext *context) const {
DocumentData *document = getShownDocument();
bool loaded = document->loaded(), loading = document->loading(), displayLoading = document->displayLoading();
if (loaded && !_gif && !_gif.isBad()) {
auto that = const_cast<Gif*>(this);
that->_gif = Media::Clip::MakeReader(document, FullMsgId(), [that](Media::Clip::Notification notification) {
if (_gif) _gif->setAutoplay();
bool animating = (_gif && _gif->started());
if (displayLoading) {
if (!_animation->radial.animating()) {
bool radial = isRadialAnimation(context->ms);
int32 height = st::inlineMediaHeight;
QSize frame = countFrameSize();
QRect r(0, 0, _width, height);
if (animating) {
if (!_thumb.isNull()) _thumb = QPixmap();
auto pixmap = _gif->current(frame.width(), frame.height(), _width, height, ImageRoundRadius::None, ImageRoundCorner::None, context->paused ? 0 : context->ms);
p.drawPixmap(r.topLeft(), pixmap);
} else {
prepareThumb(_width, height, frame);
if (_thumb.isNull()) {
p.fillRect(r, st::overviewPhotoBg);
} else {
p.drawPixmap(r.topLeft(), _thumb);
if (radial || _gif.isBad() || (!_gif && !loaded && !loading)) {
auto radialOpacity = (radial && loaded) ? _animation->radial.opacity() : 1.;
if (_animation && _animation->_a_over.animating(context->ms)) {
auto over = _animation->_a_over.current();
p.fillRect(r, anim::brush(st::msgDateImgBg, st::msgDateImgBgOver, over));
} else {
auto over = (_state & StateFlag::Over);
p.fillRect(r, over ? st::msgDateImgBgOver : st::msgDateImgBg);
p.setOpacity(radialOpacity * p.opacity());
auto icon = ([loaded, radial, loading] {
if (loaded && !radial) {
return &st::historyFileInPlay;
} else if (radial || loading) {
return &st::historyFileInCancel;
return &st::historyFileInDownload;
QRect inner((_width - st::msgFileSize) / 2, (height - st::msgFileSize) / 2, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize);
icon->paintInCenter(p, inner);
if (radial) {
QRect rinner(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine)));
_animation->radial.draw(p, rinner, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgInBg);
if (_delete && (_state & StateFlag::Over)) {
auto deleteSelected = (_state & StateFlag::DeleteOver);
auto deletePos = QPoint(_width - st::stickerPanDeleteIconBg.width(), 0);
p.setOpacity(deleteSelected ? st::stickerPanDeleteOpacityBgOver : st::stickerPanDeleteOpacityBg);
st::stickerPanDeleteIconBg.paint(p, deletePos, width());
p.setOpacity(deleteSelected ? st::stickerPanDeleteOpacityFgOver : st::stickerPanDeleteOpacityFg);
st::stickerPanDeleteIconFg.paint(p, deletePos, width());
HistoryTextState Gif::getState(
QPoint point,
HistoryStateRequest request) const {
if (QRect(0, 0, _width, st::inlineMediaHeight).contains(point)) {
if (_delete && rtlpoint(point, _width).x() >= _width - st::stickerPanDeleteIconBg.width() && point.y() < st::stickerPanDeleteIconBg.height()) {
return _delete;
} else {
return _send;
return {};
void Gif::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
if (!p) return;
if (_delete && p == _delete) {
bool wasactive = (_state & StateFlag::DeleteOver);
if (active != wasactive) {
auto from = active ? 0. : 1., to = active ? 1. : 0.;
_a_deleteOver.start([this] { update(); }, from, to, st::stickersRowDuration);
if (active) {
_state |= StateFlag::DeleteOver;
} else {
_state &= ~StateFlag::DeleteOver;
if (p == _delete || p == _send) {
bool wasactive = (_state & StateFlag::Over);
if (active != wasactive) {
if (!getShownDocument()->loaded()) {
auto from = active ? 0. : 1., to = active ? 1. : 0.;
_animation->_a_over.start([this] { update(); }, from, to, st::stickersRowDuration);
if (active) {
_state |= StateFlag::Over;
} else {
_state &= ~StateFlag::Over;
ItemBase::clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active);
QSize Gif::countFrameSize() const {
bool animating = (_gif && _gif->ready());
int32 framew = animating ? _gif->width() : content_width(), frameh = animating ? _gif->height() : content_height(), height = st::inlineMediaHeight;
if (framew * height > frameh * _width) {
if (framew < st::maxStickerSize || frameh > height) {
if (frameh > height || (framew * height / frameh) <= st::maxStickerSize) {
framew = framew * height / frameh;
frameh = height;
} else {
frameh = int32(frameh * st::maxStickerSize) / framew;
framew = st::maxStickerSize;
} else {
if (frameh < st::maxStickerSize || framew > _width) {
if (framew > _width || (frameh * _width / framew) <= st::maxStickerSize) {
frameh = frameh * _width / framew;
framew = _width;
} else {
framew = int32(framew * st::maxStickerSize) / frameh;
frameh = st::maxStickerSize;
return QSize(framew, frameh);
void Gif::prepareThumb(int32 width, int32 height, const QSize &frame) const {
if (DocumentData *document = getShownDocument()) {
if (!document->thumb->isNull()) {
if (document->thumb->loaded()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
_thumb = document->thumb->pixNoCache(frame.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), frame.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, width, height);
} else {
} else {
ImagePtr thumb = getResultThumb();
if (!thumb->isNull()) {
if (thumb->loaded()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
_thumb = thumb->pixNoCache(frame.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), frame.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, width, height);
} else {
void Gif::ensureAnimation() const {
if (!_animation) {
_animation = std::make_unique<AnimationData>(animation(const_cast<Gif*>(this), &Gif::step_radial));
bool Gif::isRadialAnimation(TimeMs ms) const {
if (!_animation || !_animation->radial.animating()) return false;
return _animation && _animation->radial.animating();
void Gif::step_radial(TimeMs ms, bool timer) {
if (timer) {
} else {
DocumentData *document = getShownDocument();
_animation->radial.update(document->progress(), !document->loading() || document->loaded(), ms);
if (!_animation->radial.animating() && document->loaded()) {
void Gif::clipCallback(Media::Clip::Notification notification) {
using namespace Media::Clip;
switch (notification) {
case NotificationReinit: {
if (_gif) {
if (_gif->state() == State::Error) {
} else if (_gif->ready() && !_gif->started()) {
auto height = st::inlineMediaHeight;
auto frame = countFrameSize();
_gif->start(frame.width(), frame.height(), _width, height, ImageRoundRadius::None, ImageRoundCorner::None);
} else if (_gif->autoPausedGif() && !context()->inlineItemVisible(this)) {
} break;
case NotificationRepaint: {
if (_gif && !_gif->currentDisplayed()) {
} break;
Sticker::Sticker(not_null<Context*> context, Result *result) : FileBase(context, result) {
void Sticker::initDimensions() {
_maxw = st::stickerPanSize.width();
_minh = st::stickerPanSize.height();
void Sticker::preload() const {
if (DocumentData *document = getShownDocument()) {
bool goodThumb = !document->thumb->isNull() && ((document->thumb->width() >= 128) || (document->thumb->height() >= 128));
if (goodThumb) {
} else {
} else {
ImagePtr thumb = getResultThumb();
if (!thumb->isNull()) {
void Sticker::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, const PaintContext *context) const {
bool loaded = getShownDocument()->loaded();
auto over = _a_over.current(context->ms, _active ? 1. : 0.);
if (over > 0) {
App::roundRect(p, QRect(QPoint(0, 0), st::stickerPanSize), st::emojiPanHover, StickerHoverCorners);
if (!_thumb.isNull()) {
int w = _thumb.width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), h = _thumb.height() / cIntRetinaFactor();
QPoint pos = QPoint((st::stickerPanSize.width() - w) / 2, (st::stickerPanSize.height() - h) / 2);
p.drawPixmap(pos, _thumb);
HistoryTextState Sticker::getState(
QPoint point,
HistoryStateRequest request) const {
if (QRect(0, 0, _width, st::inlineMediaHeight).contains(point)) {
return _send;
return {};
void Sticker::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
if (!p) return;
if (p == _send) {
if (active != _active) {
_active = active;
auto from = active ? 0. : 1., to = active ? 1. : 0.;
_a_over.start([this] { update(); }, from, to, st::stickersRowDuration);
ItemBase::clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active);
QSize Sticker::getThumbSize() const {
int width = qMax(content_width(), 1), height = qMax(content_height(), 1);
float64 coefw = (st::stickerPanSize.width() - st::buttonRadius * 2) / float64(width);
float64 coefh = (st::stickerPanSize.height() - st::buttonRadius * 2) / float64(height);
float64 coef = qMin(qMin(coefw, coefh), 1.);
int w = qRound(coef * content_width()), h = qRound(coef * content_height());
return QSize(qMax(w, 1), qMax(h, 1));
void Sticker::prepareThumb() const {
if (DocumentData *document = getShownDocument()) {
bool goodThumb = !document->thumb->isNull() && ((document->thumb->width() >= 128) || (document->thumb->height() >= 128));
if (goodThumb) {
} else {
ImagePtr sticker = goodThumb ? document->thumb : document->sticker()->img;
if (!_thumbLoaded && sticker->loaded()) {
QSize thumbSize = getThumbSize();
_thumb = sticker->pix(thumbSize.width(), thumbSize.height());
_thumbLoaded = true;
} else {
ImagePtr thumb = getResultThumb();
if (thumb->loaded()) {
if (!_thumbLoaded) {
QSize thumbSize = getThumbSize();
_thumb = thumb->pix(thumbSize.width(), thumbSize.height());
_thumbLoaded = true;
} else {
Photo::Photo(not_null<Context*> context, Result *result) : ItemBase(context, result) {
void Photo::initDimensions() {
PhotoData *photo = getShownPhoto();
int32 w = photo->full->width(), h = photo->full->height();
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
_maxw = 0;
} else {
w = w * st::inlineMediaHeight / h;
_maxw = qMax(w, int32(st::inlineResultsMinWidth));
_minh = st::inlineMediaHeight + st::inlineResultsSkip;
void Photo::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, const PaintContext *context) const {
int32 height = st::inlineMediaHeight;
QSize frame = countFrameSize();
QRect r(0, 0, _width, height);
prepareThumb(_width, height, frame);
if (_thumb.isNull()) {
p.fillRect(r, st::overviewPhotoBg);
} else {
p.drawPixmap(r.topLeft(), _thumb);
HistoryTextState Photo::getState(
QPoint point,
HistoryStateRequest request) const {
if (QRect(0, 0, _width, st::inlineMediaHeight).contains(point)) {
return _send;
return {};
PhotoData *Photo::getShownPhoto() const {
if (PhotoData *result = getPhoto()) {
return result;
return getResultPhoto();
QSize Photo::countFrameSize() const {
PhotoData *photo = getShownPhoto();
int32 framew = photo->full->width(), frameh = photo->full->height(), height = st::inlineMediaHeight;
if (framew * height > frameh * _width) {
if (framew < st::maxStickerSize || frameh > height) {
if (frameh > height || (framew * height / frameh) <= st::maxStickerSize) {
framew = framew * height / frameh;
frameh = height;
} else {
frameh = int32(frameh * st::maxStickerSize) / framew;
framew = st::maxStickerSize;
} else {
if (frameh < st::maxStickerSize || framew > _width) {
if (framew > _width || (frameh * _width / framew) <= st::maxStickerSize) {
frameh = frameh * _width / framew;
framew = _width;
} else {
framew = int32(framew * st::maxStickerSize) / frameh;
frameh = st::maxStickerSize;
return QSize(framew, frameh);
void Photo::prepareThumb(int32 width, int32 height, const QSize &frame) const {
if (PhotoData *photo = getShownPhoto()) {
if (photo->medium->loaded()) {
if (!_thumbLoaded || _thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
_thumb = photo->medium->pixNoCache(frame.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), frame.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, width, height);
_thumbLoaded = true;
} else {
if (photo->thumb->loaded()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
_thumb = photo->thumb->pixNoCache(frame.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), frame.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, width, height);
} else {
ImagePtr thumb = getResultThumb();
if (thumb->loaded()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
_thumb = thumb->pixNoCache(frame.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), frame.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, width, height);
} else {
Video::Video(not_null<Context*> context, Result *result) : FileBase(context, result)
, _link(getResultContentUrlHandler())
, _title(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip)
, _description(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip) {
if (int duration = content_duration()) {
_duration = formatDurationText(duration);
_durationWidth = st::normalFont->width(_duration);
void Video::initDimensions() {
bool withThumb = !content_thumb()->isNull();
_maxw = st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft;
int32 textWidth = _maxw - (withThumb ? (st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip) : 0);
TextParseOptions titleOpts = { 0, _maxw, 2 * st::semiboldFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
auto title = TextUtilities::SingleLine(_result->getLayoutTitle());
if (title.isEmpty()) {
title = lang(lng_media_video);
_title.setText(st::semiboldTextStyle, title, titleOpts);
int32 titleHeight = qMin(_title.countHeight(_maxw), 2 * st::semiboldFont->height);
int32 descriptionLines = withThumb ? (titleHeight > st::semiboldFont->height ? 1 : 2) : 3;
TextParseOptions descriptionOpts = { TextParseMultiline, _maxw, descriptionLines * st::normalFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
QString description = _result->getLayoutDescription();
if (description.isEmpty()) {
description = _duration;
_description.setText(st::defaultTextStyle, description, descriptionOpts);
int32 descriptionHeight = qMin(_description.countHeight(_maxw), descriptionLines * st::normalFont->height);
_minh = st::inlineThumbSize;
_minh += st::inlineRowMargin * 2 + st::inlineRowBorder;
void Video::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, const PaintContext *context) const {
int left = st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip;
bool withThumb = !content_thumb()->isNull();
if (withThumb) {
prepareThumb(st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize);
if (_thumb.isNull()) {
p.fillRect(rtlrect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize, _width), st::overviewPhotoBg);
} else {
p.drawPixmapLeft(0, st::inlineRowMargin, _width, _thumb);
} else {
p.fillRect(rtlrect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize, _width), st::overviewVideoBg);
if (!_duration.isEmpty()) {
int durationTop = st::inlineRowMargin + st::inlineThumbSize - st::normalFont->height - st::inlineDurationMargin;
int durationW = _durationWidth + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), durationH = st::normalFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
int durationX = (st::inlineThumbSize - durationW) / 2, durationY = st::inlineRowMargin + st::inlineThumbSize - durationH;
App::roundRect(p, durationX, durationY - st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), durationW, durationH, st::msgDateImgBg, DateCorners);
p.drawText(durationX + st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), durationTop + st::normalFont->ascent, _duration);
_title.drawLeftElided(p, left, st::inlineRowMargin, _width - left, _width, 2);
int32 titleHeight = qMin(_title.countHeight(_width - left), st::semiboldFont->height * 2);
int32 descriptionLines = withThumb ? (titleHeight > st::semiboldFont->height ? 1 : 2) : 3;
_description.drawLeftElided(p, left, st::inlineRowMargin + titleHeight, _width - left, _width, descriptionLines);
if (!context->lastRow) {
p.fillRect(rtlrect(left, _height - st::inlineRowBorder, _width - left, st::inlineRowBorder, _width), st::inlineRowBorderFg);
HistoryTextState Video::getState(
QPoint point,
HistoryStateRequest request) const {
if (QRect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize).contains(point)) {
return _link;
if (QRect(st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip, 0, _width - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip, _height).contains(point)) {
return _send;
return {};
void Video::prepareThumb(int32 width, int32 height) const {
ImagePtr thumb = content_thumb();
if (thumb->loaded()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
int32 w = qMax(convertScale(thumb->width()), 1), h = qMax(convertScale(thumb->height()), 1);
if (w * height > h * width) {
if (height < h) {
w = w * height / h;
h = height;
} else {
if (width < w) {
h = h * width / w;
w = width;
_thumb = thumb->pixNoCache(w * cIntRetinaFactor(), h * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, width, height);
} else {
void OpenFileClickHandler::onClickImpl() const {
void CancelFileClickHandler::onClickImpl() const {
File::File(not_null<Context*> context, Result *result) : FileBase(context, result)
, _title(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::msgFileSize - st::inlineThumbSkip)
, _description(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::msgFileSize - st::inlineThumbSkip)
, _open(MakeShared<OpenFileClickHandler>(result))
, _cancel(MakeShared<CancelFileClickHandler>(result)) {
regDocumentItem(getShownDocument(), this);
void File::initDimensions() {
_maxw = st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft;
int textWidth = _maxw - (st::msgFileSize + st::inlineThumbSkip);
TextParseOptions titleOpts = { 0, _maxw, st::semiboldFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_title.setText(st::semiboldTextStyle, TextUtilities::SingleLine(_result->getLayoutTitle()), titleOpts);
TextParseOptions descriptionOpts = { TextParseMultiline, _maxw, st::normalFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_description.setText(st::defaultTextStyle, _result->getLayoutDescription(), descriptionOpts);
_minh = st::msgFileSize;
_minh += st::inlineRowMargin * 2 + st::inlineRowBorder;
void File::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, const PaintContext *context) const {
int32 left = st::msgFileSize + st::inlineThumbSkip;
DocumentData *document = getShownDocument();
bool loaded = document->loaded(), displayLoading = document->displayLoading();
if (displayLoading) {
if (!_animation->radial.animating()) {
bool showPause = updateStatusText();
bool radial = isRadialAnimation(context->ms);
auto inner = rtlrect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize, _width);
if (isThumbAnimation(context->ms)) {
auto over = _animation->a_thumbOver.current();
p.setBrush(anim::brush(st::msgFileInBg, st::msgFileInBgOver, over));
} else {
bool over = ClickHandler::showAsActive(document->loading() ? _cancel : _open);
p.setBrush(over ? st::msgFileInBgOver : st::msgFileInBg);
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
if (radial) {
auto radialCircle = inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine));
_animation->radial.draw(p, radialCircle, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgInBg);
auto icon = ([showPause, radial, document] {
if (showPause) {
return &st::historyFileInPause;
} else if (radial || document->loading()) {
return &st::historyFileInCancel;
} else if (true || document->loaded()) {
if (document->isImage()) {
return &st::historyFileInImage;
} else if (document->isVoiceMessage() || document->isAudioFile()) {
return &st::historyFileInPlay;
return &st::historyFileInDocument;
return &st::historyFileInDownload;
icon->paintInCenter(p, inner);
int titleTop = st::inlineRowMargin + st::inlineRowFileNameTop;
int descriptionTop = st::inlineRowMargin + st::inlineRowFileDescriptionTop;
_title.drawLeftElided(p, left, titleTop, _width - left, _width);
bool drawStatusSize = true;
if (_statusSize == FileStatusSizeReady || _statusSize == FileStatusSizeLoaded || _statusSize == FileStatusSizeFailed) {
if (!_description.isEmpty()) {
_description.drawLeftElided(p, left, descriptionTop, _width - left, _width);
drawStatusSize = false;
if (drawStatusSize) {
p.drawTextLeft(left, descriptionTop, _width, _statusText);
if (!context->lastRow) {
p.fillRect(rtlrect(left, _height - st::inlineRowBorder, _width - left, st::inlineRowBorder, _width), st::inlineRowBorderFg);
HistoryTextState File::getState(
QPoint point,
HistoryStateRequest request) const {
if (QRect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize).contains(point)) {
return getShownDocument()->loading() ? _cancel : _open;
} else {
auto left = st::msgFileSize + st::inlineThumbSkip;
if (QRect(left, 0, _width - left, _height).contains(point)) {
return _send;
return {};
void File::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
if (p == _open || p == _cancel) {
_animation->a_thumbOver.start([this] { thumbAnimationCallback(); }, active ? 0. : 1., active ? 1. : 0., st::msgFileOverDuration);
File::~File() {
unregDocumentItem(getShownDocument(), this);
void File::thumbAnimationCallback() {
void File::step_radial(TimeMs ms, bool timer) {
if (timer) {
} else {
DocumentData *document = getShownDocument();
_animation->radial.update(document->progress(), !document->loading() || document->loaded(), ms);
if (!_animation->radial.animating()) {
void File::ensureAnimation() const {
if (!_animation) {
_animation = std::make_unique<AnimationData>(animation(const_cast<File*>(this), &File::step_radial));
void File::checkAnimationFinished() const {
if (_animation && !_animation->a_thumbOver.animating() && !_animation->radial.animating()) {
if (getShownDocument()->loaded()) {
bool File::updateStatusText() const {
bool showPause = false;
int32 statusSize = 0, realDuration = 0;
DocumentData *document = getShownDocument();
if (document->status == FileDownloadFailed || document->status == FileUploadFailed) {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeFailed;
} else if (document->status == FileUploading) {
statusSize = document->uploadOffset;
} else if (document->loading()) {
statusSize = document->loadOffset();
} else if (document->loaded()) {
using State = Media::Player::State;
if (document->isVoiceMessage()) {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeLoaded;
auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice);
if ( == AudioMsgId(document, FullMsgId()) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) {
statusSize = -1 - (state.position / state.frequency);
realDuration = (state.length / state.frequency);
showPause = (state.state == State::Playing || state.state == State::Resuming || state.state == State::Starting);
} else if (document->isAudioFile()) {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeLoaded;
auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Song);
if ( == AudioMsgId(document, FullMsgId()) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) {
statusSize = -1 - (state.position / state.frequency);
realDuration = (state.length / state.frequency);
showPause = (state.state == State::Playing || state.state == State::Resuming || state.state == State::Starting);
if (!showPause && ( == AudioMsgId(document, FullMsgId())) && Media::Player::instance()->isSeeking(AudioMsgId::Type::Song)) {
showPause = true;
} else {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeLoaded;
} else {
statusSize = FileStatusSizeReady;
if (statusSize != _statusSize) {
int32 duration = document->isSong()
? document->song()->duration
: (document->isVoiceMessage()
? document->voice()->duration
: -1);
setStatusSize(statusSize, document->size, duration, realDuration);
return showPause;
void File::setStatusSize(int32 newSize, int32 fullSize, int32 duration, qint64 realDuration) const {
_statusSize = newSize;
if (_statusSize == FileStatusSizeReady) {
_statusText = (duration >= 0) ? formatDurationAndSizeText(duration, fullSize) : (duration < -1 ? formatGifAndSizeText(fullSize) : formatSizeText(fullSize));
} else if (_statusSize == FileStatusSizeLoaded) {
_statusText = (duration >= 0) ? formatDurationText(duration) : (duration < -1 ? qsl("GIF") : formatSizeText(fullSize));
} else if (_statusSize == FileStatusSizeFailed) {
_statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed);
} else if (_statusSize >= 0) {
_statusText = formatDownloadText(_statusSize, fullSize);
} else {
_statusText = formatPlayedText(-_statusSize - 1, realDuration);
Contact::Contact(not_null<Context*> context, Result *result) : ItemBase(context, result)
, _title(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip)
, _description(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip) {
void Contact::initDimensions() {
_maxw = st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft;
int32 textWidth = _maxw - (st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip);
TextParseOptions titleOpts = { 0, _maxw, st::semiboldFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_title.setText(st::semiboldTextStyle, TextUtilities::SingleLine(_result->getLayoutTitle()), titleOpts);
int32 titleHeight = qMin(_title.countHeight(_maxw), st::semiboldFont->height);
TextParseOptions descriptionOpts = { TextParseMultiline, _maxw, st::normalFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_description.setText(st::defaultTextStyle, _result->getLayoutDescription(), descriptionOpts);
int32 descriptionHeight = qMin(_description.countHeight(_maxw), st::normalFont->height);
_minh = st::msgFileSize;
_minh += st::inlineRowMargin * 2 + st::inlineRowBorder;
int32 Contact::resizeGetHeight(int32 width) {
_width = qMin(width, _maxw);
_height = _minh;
return _height;
void Contact::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, const PaintContext *context) const {
int32 left = st::emojiPanHeaderLeft - st::inlineResultsLeft;
left = st::msgFileSize + st::inlineThumbSkip;
prepareThumb(st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize);
QRect rthumb(rtlrect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize, _width));
p.drawPixmapLeft(rthumb.topLeft(), _width, _thumb);
int titleTop = st::inlineRowMargin + st::inlineRowFileNameTop;
int descriptionTop = st::inlineRowMargin + st::inlineRowFileDescriptionTop;
_title.drawLeftElided(p, left, titleTop, _width - left, _width);
_description.drawLeftElided(p, left, descriptionTop, _width - left, _width);
if (!context->lastRow) {
p.fillRect(rtlrect(left, _height - st::inlineRowBorder, _width - left, st::inlineRowBorder, _width), st::inlineRowBorderFg);
HistoryTextState Contact::getState(
QPoint point,
HistoryStateRequest request) const {
if (!QRect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::msgFileSize, st::inlineThumbSize).contains(point)) {
auto left = (st::msgFileSize + st::inlineThumbSkip);
if (QRect(left, 0, _width - left, _height).contains(point)) {
return _send;
return {};
void Contact::prepareThumb(int width, int height) const {
ImagePtr thumb = getResultThumb();
if (thumb->isNull()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
_thumb = getResultContactAvatar(width, height);
if (thumb->loaded()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
int w = qMax(convertScale(thumb->width()), 1), h = qMax(convertScale(thumb->height()), 1);
if (w * height > h * width) {
if (height < h) {
w = w * height / h;
h = height;
} else {
if (width < w) {
h = h * width / w;
w = width;
_thumb = thumb->pixNoCache(w * cIntRetinaFactor(), h * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, width, height);
} else {
Article::Article(not_null<Context*> context, Result *result, bool withThumb) : ItemBase(context, result)
, _url(getResultUrlHandler())
, _link(getResultContentUrlHandler())
, _withThumb(withThumb)
, _title(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip)
, _description(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip) {
LocationCoords location;
if (!_link && result->getLocationCoords(&location)) {
_link = MakeShared<LocationClickHandler>(location);
_thumbLetter = getResultThumbLetter();
void Article::initDimensions() {
_maxw = st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft;
int32 textWidth = _maxw - (_withThumb ? (st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip) : 0);
TextParseOptions titleOpts = { 0, _maxw, 2 * st::semiboldFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_title.setText(st::semiboldTextStyle, TextUtilities::SingleLine(_result->getLayoutTitle()), titleOpts);
int32 titleHeight = qMin(_title.countHeight(_maxw), 2 * st::semiboldFont->height);
int32 descriptionLines = (_withThumb || _url) ? 2 : 3;
QString description = _result->getLayoutDescription();
TextParseOptions descriptionOpts = { TextParseMultiline, _maxw, descriptionLines * st::normalFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_description.setText(st::defaultTextStyle, description, descriptionOpts);
int32 descriptionHeight = qMin(_description.countHeight(_maxw), descriptionLines * st::normalFont->height);
_minh = titleHeight + descriptionHeight;
if (_url) _minh += st::normalFont->height;
if (_withThumb) _minh = qMax(_minh, int32(st::inlineThumbSize));
_minh += st::inlineRowMargin * 2 + st::inlineRowBorder;
int32 Article::resizeGetHeight(int32 width) {
_width = qMin(width, _maxw);
if (_url) {
_urlText = getResultUrl();
_urlWidth = st::normalFont->width(_urlText);
if (_urlWidth > _width - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip) {
_urlText = st::normalFont->elided(_urlText, _width - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip);
_urlWidth = st::normalFont->width(_urlText);
_height = _minh;
return _height;
void Article::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, const PaintContext *context) const {
int32 left = st::emojiPanHeaderLeft - st::inlineResultsLeft;
if (_withThumb) {
left = st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip;
prepareThumb(st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize);
QRect rthumb(rtlrect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize, _width));
if (_thumb.isNull()) {
ImagePtr thumb = getResultThumb();
if (thumb->isNull() && !_thumbLetter.isEmpty()) {
int32 index = ( % 4);
style::color colors[] = {
p.fillRect(rthumb, colors[index]);
if (!_thumbLetter.isEmpty()) {
p.drawText(rthumb, _thumbLetter, style::al_center);
} else {
p.fillRect(rthumb, st::overviewPhotoBg);
} else {
p.drawPixmapLeft(rthumb.topLeft(), _width, _thumb);
_title.drawLeftElided(p, left, st::inlineRowMargin, _width - left, _width, 2);
int32 titleHeight = qMin(_title.countHeight(_width - left), st::semiboldFont->height * 2);
int32 descriptionLines = (_withThumb || _url) ? 2 : 3;
_description.drawLeftElided(p, left, st::inlineRowMargin + titleHeight, _width - left, _width, descriptionLines);
if (_url) {
int32 descriptionHeight = qMin(_description.countHeight(_width - left), st::normalFont->height * descriptionLines);
p.drawTextLeft(left, st::inlineRowMargin + titleHeight + descriptionHeight, _width, _urlText, _urlWidth);
if (!context->lastRow) {
p.fillRect(rtlrect(left, _height - st::inlineRowBorder, _width - left, st::inlineRowBorder, _width), st::inlineRowBorderFg);
HistoryTextState Article::getState(
QPoint point,
HistoryStateRequest request) const {
if (_withThumb && QRect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize).contains(point)) {
return _link;
auto left = _withThumb ? (st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip) : 0;
if (QRect(left, 0, _width - left, _height).contains(point)) {
if (_url) {
auto left = st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip;
auto titleHeight = qMin(_title.countHeight(_width - left), st::semiboldFont->height * 2);
auto descriptionLines = 2;
auto descriptionHeight = qMin(_description.countHeight(_width - left), st::normalFont->height * descriptionLines);
if (rtlrect(left, st::inlineRowMargin + titleHeight + descriptionHeight, _urlWidth, st::normalFont->height, _width).contains(point)) {
return _url;
return _send;
return {};
void Article::prepareThumb(int width, int height) const {
ImagePtr thumb = getResultThumb();
if (thumb->isNull()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
_thumb = getResultContactAvatar(width, height);
if (thumb->loaded()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
int w = qMax(convertScale(thumb->width()), 1), h = qMax(convertScale(thumb->height()), 1);
if (w * height > h * width) {
if (height < h) {
w = w * height / h;
h = height;
} else {
if (width < w) {
h = h * width / w;
w = width;
_thumb = thumb->pixNoCache(w * cIntRetinaFactor(), h * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, width, height);
} else {
Game::Game(not_null<Context*> context, Result *result) : ItemBase(context, result)
, _title(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip)
, _description(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft - st::inlineThumbSize - st::inlineThumbSkip) {
void Game::countFrameSize() {
if (auto document = getResultDocument()) {
if (document->isAnimation()) {
auto documentSize = document->dimensions;
if (documentSize.isEmpty()) {
documentSize = QSize(st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize);
auto resizeByHeight1 = (documentSize.width() > documentSize.height()) && (documentSize.height() >= st::inlineThumbSize);
auto resizeByHeight2 = (documentSize.height() >= documentSize.width()) && (documentSize.width() < st::inlineThumbSize);
if (resizeByHeight1 || resizeByHeight2) {
if (documentSize.height() > st::inlineThumbSize) {
_frameSize = QSize((documentSize.width() * st::inlineThumbSize) / documentSize.height(), st::inlineThumbSize);
} else {
if (documentSize.width() > st::inlineThumbSize) {
_frameSize = QSize(st::inlineThumbSize, (documentSize.height() * st::inlineThumbSize) / documentSize.width());
if (!_frameSize.width()) {
if (!_frameSize.height()) {
void Game::initDimensions() {
_maxw = st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft;
int32 textWidth = _maxw - (st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip);
TextParseOptions titleOpts = { 0, _maxw, 2 * st::semiboldFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_title.setText(st::semiboldTextStyle, TextUtilities::SingleLine(_result->getLayoutTitle()), titleOpts);
int32 titleHeight = qMin(_title.countHeight(_maxw), 2 * st::semiboldFont->height);
int32 descriptionLines = 2;
QString description = _result->getLayoutDescription();
TextParseOptions descriptionOpts = { TextParseMultiline, _maxw, descriptionLines * st::normalFont->height, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_description.setText(st::defaultTextStyle, description, descriptionOpts);
int32 descriptionHeight = qMin(_description.countHeight(_maxw), descriptionLines * st::normalFont->height);
_minh = titleHeight + descriptionHeight;
accumulate_max(_minh, st::inlineThumbSize);
_minh += st::inlineRowMargin * 2 + st::inlineRowBorder;
void Game::setPosition(int32 position) {
if (_position < 0) {
void Game::paint(Painter &p, const QRect &clip, const PaintContext *context) const {
int32 left = st::emojiPanHeaderLeft - st::inlineResultsLeft;
left = st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip;
auto rthumb = rtlrect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize, _width);
// Gif thumb
auto thumbDisplayed = false, radial = false;
auto document = getResultDocument();
auto animatedThumb = document && document->isAnimation();
if (animatedThumb) {
bool loaded = document->loaded(), loading = document->loading(), displayLoading = document->displayLoading();
if (loaded && !_gif && !_gif.isBad()) {
auto that = const_cast<Game*>(this);
that->_gif = Media::Clip::MakeReader(document, FullMsgId(), [that](Media::Clip::Notification notification) {
if (_gif) _gif->setAutoplay();
bool animating = (_gif && _gif->started());
if (displayLoading) {
if (!_radial) {
_radial = std::make_unique<Ui::RadialAnimation>(animation(const_cast<Game*>(this), &Game::step_radial));
if (!_radial->animating()) {
radial = isRadialAnimation(context->ms);
if (animating) {
if (!_thumb.isNull()) _thumb = QPixmap();
auto animationThumb = _gif->current(_frameSize.width(), _frameSize.height(), st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize, ImageRoundRadius::None, ImageRoundCorner::None, context->paused ? 0 : context->ms);
p.drawPixmapLeft(rthumb.topLeft(), _width, animationThumb);
thumbDisplayed = true;
if (!thumbDisplayed) {
prepareThumb(st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize);
if (_thumb.isNull()) {
p.fillRect(rthumb, st::overviewPhotoBg);
} else {
p.drawPixmapLeft(rthumb.topLeft(), _width, _thumb);
if (radial) {
p.fillRect(rthumb, st::msgDateImgBg);
QRect inner((st::inlineThumbSize - st::msgFileSize) / 2, (st::inlineThumbSize - st::msgFileSize) / 2, st::msgFileSize, st::msgFileSize);
if (radial) {
QRect rinner(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine)));
_radial->draw(p, rinner, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgInBg);
_title.drawLeftElided(p, left, st::inlineRowMargin, _width - left, _width, 2);
int32 titleHeight = qMin(_title.countHeight(_width - left), st::semiboldFont->height * 2);
int32 descriptionLines = 2;
_description.drawLeftElided(p, left, st::inlineRowMargin + titleHeight, _width - left, _width, descriptionLines);
if (!context->lastRow) {
p.fillRect(rtlrect(left, _height - st::inlineRowBorder, _width - left, st::inlineRowBorder, _width), st::inlineRowBorderFg);
HistoryTextState Game::getState(
QPoint point,
HistoryStateRequest request) const {
int left = st::inlineThumbSize + st::inlineThumbSkip;
if (QRect(0, st::inlineRowMargin, st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize).contains(point)) {
return _send;
if (QRect(left, 0, _width - left, _height).contains(point)) {
return _send;
return {};
void Game::prepareThumb(int width, int height) const {
auto thumb = ([this]() {
if (auto photo = getResultPhoto()) {
return photo->medium;
} else if (auto document = getResultDocument()) {
return document->thumb;
return ImagePtr();
if (thumb->isNull()) {
if (thumb->loaded()) {
if (_thumb.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor() || _thumb.height() != height * cIntRetinaFactor()) {
int w = qMax(convertScale(thumb->width()), 1), h = qMax(convertScale(thumb->height()), 1);
auto resizeByHeight1 = (w * height > h * width) && (h >= height);
auto resizeByHeight2 = (h * width >= w * height) && (w < width);
if (resizeByHeight1 || resizeByHeight2) {
if (h > height) {
w = w * height / h;
h = height;
} else {
if (w > width) {
h = h * width / w;
w = width;
_thumb = thumb->pixNoCache(w * cIntRetinaFactor(), h * cIntRetinaFactor(), Images::Option::Smooth, width, height);
} else {
bool Game::isRadialAnimation(TimeMs ms) const {
if (!_radial || !_radial->animating()) return false;
return _radial && _radial->animating();
void Game::step_radial(TimeMs ms, bool timer) {
if (timer) {
} else {
auto document = getResultDocument();
_radial->update(document->progress(), !document->loading() || document->loaded(), ms);
if (!_radial->animating() && document->loaded()) {
void Game::clipCallback(Media::Clip::Notification notification) {
using namespace Media::Clip;
switch (notification) {
case NotificationReinit: {
if (_gif) {
if (_gif->state() == State::Error) {
} else if (_gif->ready() && !_gif->started()) {
_gif->start(_frameSize.width(), _frameSize.height(), st::inlineThumbSize, st::inlineThumbSize, ImageRoundRadius::None, ImageRoundCorner::None);
} else if (_gif->autoPausedGif() && !context()->inlineItemVisible(this)) {
} break;
case NotificationRepaint: {
if (_gif && !_gif->currentDisplayed()) {
} break;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace Layout
} // namespace InlineBots