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synced 2025-03-22 19:34:27 +00:00
172 lines
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172 lines
4.4 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
using "basic.style";
using "ui/widgets/widgets.style";
countryRipple: defaultRippleAnimation;
introCoverHeight: 208px;
introCoverMaxWidth: 880px;
introCoverIconsMinSkip: 120px;
introCoverLeft: icon {{ "intro_left", introCoverIconsFg }};
introCoverRight: icon {{ "intro_right", introCoverIconsFg }};
introCoverIcon: icon {
{ "intro_plane_trace", introCoverPlaneTrace },
{ "intro_plane_inner", introCoverPlaneInner },
{ "intro_plane_outer", introCoverPlaneOuter },
{ "intro_plane_top", introCoverPlaneTop },
introCoverIconLeft: 50px;
introCoverIconTop: 46px;
introSettingsSkip: 10px;
introPhotoSize: 76px;
introPhotoIconPosition: point(23px, 25px);
introPhotoTop: 10px;
introCoverTitle: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) {
textFg: introTitleFg;
align: align(center);
style: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) {
font: font(22px semibold);
linkFont: font(22px semibold);
linkFontOver: font(22px semibold underline);
introCoverTitleTop: 136px;
introCoverDescription: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) {
textFg: introDescriptionFg;
align: align(center);
style: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) {
font: font(15px);
linkFont: font(15px);
linkFontOver: font(15px underline);
lineHeight: 24px;
introCoverDescriptionTop: 174px;
introTitle: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) {
textFg: introTitleFg;
style: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) {
font: font(17px semibold);
linkFont: font(17px semibold);
linkFontOver: font(17px semibold underline);
introTitleTop: 1px;
introDescription: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) {
textFg: introDescriptionFg;
style: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) {
lineHeight: 20px;
introDescriptionTop: 34px;
introLink: defaultLinkButton;
introPlaneWidth: 48px;
introPlaneHeight: 38px;
introHeight: 406px;
introStepTopMin: 76px;
introStepWidth: 380px;
introStepHeight: 266px;
introStepHeightAdd: 30px;
introStepHeightFull: 590px;
introSlideDuration: 200;
introCoverDuration: 200;
introNextButton: RoundButton(defaultActiveButton) {
width: 300px;
height: 56px;
textTop: 17px;
font: font(17px semibold);
introStepFieldTop: 96px;
introPhoneTop: 6px;
introLinkTop: 24px;
introCountry: InputField(defaultInputField) {
textMargins: margins(3px, 27px, 3px, 6px);
font: font(16px);
width: 300px;
heightMin: 61px;
introCountryCode: InputField(introCountry) {
width: 64px;
textAlign: align(top);
introPhone: InputField(introCountry) {
textMargins: margins(12px, 27px, 12px, 6px);
width: 225px;
introCode: introCountry;
introName: introCountry;
introPassword: introCountry;
introPasswordTop: 74px;
introPasswordHintTop: 151px;
introPasswordHint: FlatLabel(introDescription) {
textFg: windowFg;
introResetButton: RoundButton(defaultLightButton) {
textFg: attentionButtonFg;
textFgOver: attentionButtonFgOver;
textBgOver: attentionButtonBgOver;
ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) {
color: attentionButtonBgRipple;
introResetBottom: 20px;
introCountryIcon: icon {{ "intro_country_dropdown", menuIconFg }};
introCountryIconPosition: point(8px, 37px);
introSelectDelta: 30px;
introErrorTop: 235px;
introErrorBelowLinkTop: 220px;
introErrorDuration: 200;
introError: FlatLabel(introDescription) {
introErrorCentered: FlatLabel(introError) {
align: align(center);
introBackButton: IconButton(defaultIconButton) {
width: 56px;
height: 56px;
icon: icon {{ "box_button_back", menuIconFg }};
iconOver: icon {{ "box_button_back", menuIconFgOver }};
rippleAreaPosition: point(8px, 8px);
rippleAreaSize: 40px;
ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) {
color: windowBgOver;