
542 lines
17 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "ui/rp_widget.h"
#include "ui/effects/animations.h"
#include "ui/dragging_scroll_manager.h"
#include "ui/widgets/tooltip.h"
#include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h"
#include "history/view/history_view_top_bar_widget.h"
#include <QtGui/QPainterPath>
struct ClickContext;
struct ClickHandlerContext;
namespace Data {
struct Group;
} // namespace Data
namespace HistoryView {
class ElementDelegate;
class EmojiInteractions;
struct TextState;
struct StateRequest;
enum class CursorState : char;
enum class PointState : char;
class EmptyPainter;
class Element;
class TranslateTracker;
struct PinnedId;
struct SelectedQuote;
class AboutView;
} // namespace HistoryView
namespace HistoryView::Reactions {
class Manager;
struct ChosenReaction;
struct ButtonParameters;
} // namespace HistoryView::Reactions
namespace Window {
class SessionController;
} // namespace Window
namespace Ui {
class ChatTheme;
class ChatStyle;
class PopupMenu;
enum class ReportReason;
struct ChatPaintContext;
class PathShiftGradient;
struct PeerUserpicView;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Dialogs::Ui {
using namespace ::Ui;
class VideoUserpic;
} // namespace Dialogs::Ui
class HistoryInner;
class HistoryMainElementDelegate;
class HistoryMainElementDelegateMixin {
void setCurrent(HistoryInner *widget) {
_widget = widget;
virtual not_null<HistoryView::ElementDelegate*> delegate() = 0;
virtual ~HistoryMainElementDelegateMixin();
friend class HistoryMainElementDelegate;
HistoryInner *_widget = nullptr;
class HistoryWidget;
class HistoryInner
: public Ui::RpWidget
, public Ui::AbstractTooltipShower {
using Element = HistoryView::Element;
not_null<HistoryWidget*> historyWidget,
not_null<Ui::ScrollArea*> scroll,
not_null<Window::SessionController*> controller,
not_null<History*> history);
[[nodiscard]] Main::Session &session() const;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<Ui::ChatTheme*> theme() const {
return _theme.get();
Ui::ChatPaintContext preparePaintContext(const QRect &clip) const;
void messagesReceived(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
const QVector<MTPMessage> &messages);
void messagesReceivedDown(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
const QVector<MTPMessage> &messages);
[[nodiscard]] TextForMimeData getSelectedText() const;
void touchScrollUpdated(const QPoint &screenPos);
void setItemsRevealHeight(int revealHeight);
void changeItemsRevealHeight(int revealHeight);
void checkActivation();
void recountHistoryGeometry();
void updateSize();
void setShownPinned(HistoryItem *item);
void repaintItem(const HistoryItem *item);
void repaintItem(const Element *view);
[[nodiscard]] bool canCopySelected() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool canDeleteSelected() const;
[[nodiscard]] auto getSelectionState() const
-> HistoryView::TopBarWidget::SelectedState;
void clearSelected(bool onlyTextSelection = false);
[[nodiscard]] MessageIdsList getSelectedItems() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool hasSelectedItems() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool inSelectionMode() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool elementIntersectsRange(
not_null<const Element*> view,
int from,
int till) const;
void elementStartStickerLoop(not_null<const Element*> view);
void elementShowPollResults(
not_null<PollData*> poll,
FullMsgId context);
void elementOpenPhoto(
not_null<PhotoData*> photo,
FullMsgId context);
void elementOpenDocument(
not_null<DocumentData*> document,
FullMsgId context,
bool showInMediaView = false);
void elementCancelUpload(const FullMsgId &context);
void elementShowTooltip(
const TextWithEntities &text,
Fn<void()> hiddenCallback);
bool elementAnimationsPaused();
void elementSendBotCommand(
const QString &command,
const FullMsgId &context);
void elementSearchInList(
const QString &query,
const FullMsgId &context);
void elementHandleViaClick(not_null<UserData*> bot);
bool elementIsChatWide();
not_null<Ui::PathShiftGradient*> elementPathShiftGradient();
void elementReplyTo(const FullReplyTo &to);
void elementStartInteraction(not_null<const Element*> view);
void elementStartPremium(
not_null<const Element*> view,
Element *replacing);
void elementCancelPremium(not_null<const Element*> view);
void elementStartEffect(
not_null<const Element*> view,
Element *replacing);
void startEffectOnRead(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void updateBotInfo(bool recount = true);
bool wasSelectedText() const;
// updates history->scrollTopItem/scrollTopOffset
void visibleAreaUpdated(int top, int bottom);
int historyHeight() const;
int historyScrollTop() const;
int migratedTop() const;
int historyTop() const;
int historyDrawTop() const;
void setChooseReportReason(Ui::ReportReason reason);
void clearChooseReportReason();
// -1 if should not be visible, -2 if bad history()
[[nodiscard]] int itemTop(const HistoryItem *item) const;
[[nodiscard]] int itemTop(const Element *view) const;
[[nodiscard]] Element *viewByItem(const HistoryItem *item) const;
// Returns (view, offset-from-top).
[[nodiscard]] std::pair<Element*, int> findViewForPinnedTracking(
int top) const;
void refreshAboutView();
void notifyMigrateUpdated();
// Ui::AbstractTooltipShower interface.
QString tooltipText() const override;
QPoint tooltipPos() const override;
bool tooltipWindowActive() const override;
void onParentGeometryChanged();
bool consumeScrollAction(QPoint delta);
[[nodiscard]] Fn<HistoryView::ElementDelegate*()> elementDelegateFactory(
FullMsgId itemId) const;
[[nodiscard]] ClickHandlerContext prepareClickHandlerContext(
FullMsgId itemId) const;
[[nodiscard]] ClickContext prepareClickContext(
Qt::MouseButton button,
FullMsgId itemId) const;
[[nodiscard]] static auto DelegateMixin()
-> std::unique_ptr<HistoryMainElementDelegateMixin>;
bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next) override;
bool eventHook(QEvent *e) override; // calls touchEvent when necessary
void touchEvent(QTouchEvent *e);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void enterEventHook(QEnterEvent *e) override;
void leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) override;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override;
void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) override;
void onTouchSelect();
void onTouchScrollTimer();
using ChosenReaction = HistoryView::Reactions::ChosenReaction;
using VideoUserpic = Dialogs::Ui::VideoUserpic;
using SelectedItems = std::map<HistoryItem*, TextSelection, std::less<>>;
enum class MouseAction {
enum class SelectAction {
enum class EnumItemsDirection {
using CursorState = HistoryView::CursorState;
using PointState = HistoryView::PointState;
using TextState = HistoryView::TextState;
using StateRequest = HistoryView::StateRequest;
// This function finds all history items that are displayed and calls template method
// for each found message (in given direction) in the passed history with passed top offset.
// Method has "bool (*Method)(not_null<Element*> view, int itemtop, int itembottom)" signature
// if it returns false the enumeration stops immidiately.
template <bool TopToBottom, typename Method>
void enumerateItemsInHistory(History *history, int historytop, Method method);
template <EnumItemsDirection direction, typename Method>
void enumerateItems(Method method) {
constexpr auto TopToBottom = (direction == EnumItemsDirection::TopToBottom);
if (TopToBottom && _migrated) {
enumerateItemsInHistory<TopToBottom>(_migrated, migratedTop(), method);
enumerateItemsInHistory<TopToBottom>(_history, historyTop(), method);
if (!TopToBottom && _migrated) {
enumerateItemsInHistory<TopToBottom>(_migrated, migratedTop(), method);
// This function finds all userpics on the left that are displayed and calls template method
// for each found userpic (from the top to the bottom) using enumerateItems() method.
// Method has "bool (*Method)(not_null<Element*> view, int userpicTop)" signature
// if it returns false the enumeration stops immidiately.
template <typename Method>
void enumerateUserpics(Method method);
// This function finds all date elements that are displayed and calls template method
// for each found date element (from the bottom to the top) using enumerateItems() method.
// Method has "bool (*Method)(not_null<Element*> view, int itemtop, int dateTop)" signature
// if it returns false the enumeration stops immidiately.
template <typename Method>
void enumerateDates(Method method);
void scrollDateCheck();
void scrollDateHideByTimer();
bool canHaveFromUserpics() const;
void mouseActionStart(const QPoint &screenPos, Qt::MouseButton button);
void mouseActionUpdate();
void mouseActionUpdate(const QPoint &screenPos);
void mouseActionFinish(const QPoint &screenPos, Qt::MouseButton button);
void mouseActionCancel();
std::unique_ptr<QMimeData> prepareDrag();
void performDrag();
void paintEmpty(
Painter &p,
not_null<const Ui::ChatStyle*> st,
int width,
int height);
QPoint mapPointToItem(QPoint p, const Element *view) const;
QPoint mapPointToItem(QPoint p, const HistoryItem *item) const;
[[nodiscard]] HistoryView::SelectedQuote selectedQuote(
not_null<HistoryItem*> item) const;
void showContextMenu(QContextMenuEvent *e, bool showFromTouch = false);
void cancelContextDownload(not_null<DocumentData*> document);
void openContextGif(FullMsgId itemId);
void saveContextGif(FullMsgId itemId);
void copyContextText(FullMsgId itemId);
void showContextInFolder(not_null<DocumentData*> document);
void savePhotoToFile(not_null<PhotoData*> photo);
void saveDocumentToFile(
FullMsgId contextId,
not_null<DocumentData*> document);
void copyContextImage(not_null<PhotoData*> photo, FullMsgId itemId);
void showStickerPackInfo(not_null<DocumentData*> document);
void itemRemoved(not_null<const HistoryItem*> item);
void viewRemoved(not_null<const Element*> view);
void touchResetSpeed();
void touchUpdateSpeed();
void touchDeaccelerate(int32 elapsed);
void adjustCurrent(int32 y) const;
void adjustCurrent(int32 y, History *history) const;
Element *prevItem(Element *item);
Element *nextItem(Element *item);
void updateDragSelection(Element *dragSelFrom, Element *dragSelTo, bool dragSelecting);
TextSelection itemRenderSelection(
not_null<Element*> view,
int selfromy,
int seltoy) const;
TextSelection computeRenderSelection(
not_null<const SelectedItems*> selected,
not_null<Element*> view) const;
void toggleScrollDateShown();
void repaintScrollDateCallback();
bool displayScrollDate() const;
void scrollDateHide();
void keepScrollDateForNow();
void applyDragSelection();
void applyDragSelection(not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems) const;
void addSelectionRange(
not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems,
not_null<History*> history,
int fromblock,
int fromitem,
int toblock,
int toitem) const;
bool isSelected(
not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems,
not_null<HistoryItem*> item) const;
bool isSelectedGroup(
not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems,
not_null<const Data::Group*> group) const;
bool isSelectedAsGroup(
not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems,
not_null<HistoryItem*> item) const;
bool goodForSelection(
not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems,
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
int &totalCount) const;
void addToSelection(
not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems,
not_null<HistoryItem*> item) const;
void removeFromSelection(
not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems,
not_null<HistoryItem*> item) const;
void changeSelection(
not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems,
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
SelectAction action) const;
void changeSelectionAsGroup(
not_null<SelectedItems*> toItems,
not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
SelectAction action) const;
void forwardItem(FullMsgId itemId);
void forwardAsGroup(FullMsgId itemId);
void deleteItem(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void deleteItem(FullMsgId itemId);
void deleteAsGroup(FullMsgId itemId);
void reportItem(FullMsgId itemId);
void reportAsGroup(FullMsgId itemId);
void blockSenderItem(FullMsgId itemId);
void blockSenderAsGroup(FullMsgId itemId);
void copySelectedText();
[[nodiscard]] auto reactionButtonParameters(
not_null<const Element*> view,
QPoint position,
const HistoryView::TextState &reactionState) const
-> HistoryView::Reactions::ButtonParameters;
void toggleFavoriteReaction(not_null<Element*> view) const;
void reactionChosen(const ChosenReaction &reaction);
void setupSharingDisallowed();
[[nodiscard]] bool hasCopyRestriction(HistoryItem *item = nullptr) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool hasCopyMediaRestriction(
not_null<HistoryItem*> item) const;
bool showCopyRestriction(HistoryItem *item = nullptr);
bool showCopyMediaRestriction(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
[[nodiscard]] bool hasCopyRestrictionForSelected() const;
bool showCopyRestrictionForSelected();
[[nodiscard]] bool hasSelectRestriction() const;
VideoUserpic *validateVideoUserpic(not_null<PeerData*> peer);
// Does any of the shown histories has this flag set.
bool hasPendingResizedItems() const;
const not_null<HistoryWidget*> _widget;
const not_null<Ui::ScrollArea*> _scroll;
const not_null<Window::SessionController*> _controller;
const not_null<PeerData*> _peer;
const not_null<History*> _history;
const not_null<HistoryView::ElementDelegate*> _elementDelegate;
const std::unique_ptr<HistoryView::EmojiInteractions> _emojiInteractions;
std::shared_ptr<Ui::ChatTheme> _theme;
History *_migrated = nullptr;
HistoryView::ElementDelegate *_migratedElementDelegate = nullptr;
int _contentWidth = 0;
int _historyPaddingTop = 0;
int _revealHeight = 0;
// Save visible area coords for painting / pressing userpics.
int _visibleAreaTop = 0;
int _visibleAreaBottom = 0;
// With migrated history we perhaps do not need to display
// the first _history message date (just skip it by height).
int _historySkipHeight = 0;
std::unique_ptr<HistoryView::AboutView> _aboutView;
std::unique_ptr<HistoryView::EmptyPainter> _emptyPainter;
std::unique_ptr<HistoryView::TranslateTracker> _translateTracker;
mutable History *_curHistory = nullptr;
mutable int _curBlock = 0;
mutable int _curItem = 0;
style::cursor _cursor = style::cur_default;
SelectedItems _selected;
std::optional<Ui::ReportReason> _chooseForReportReason;
const std::unique_ptr<Ui::PathShiftGradient> _pathGradient;
QPainterPath _highlightPathCache;
bool _isChatWide = false;
base::flat_set<not_null<const HistoryItem*>> _animatedStickersPlayed;
base::flat_map<not_null<PeerData*>, Ui::PeerUserpicView> _userpics;
base::flat_map<not_null<PeerData*>, Ui::PeerUserpicView> _userpicsCache;
base::flat_map<MsgId, Ui::PeerUserpicView> _hiddenSenderUserpics;
std::unique_ptr<VideoUserpic>> _videoUserpics;
std::unique_ptr<HistoryView::Reactions::Manager> _reactionsManager;
rpl::variable<HistoryItem*> _reactionsItem;
HistoryItem *_pinnedItem = nullptr;
MouseAction _mouseAction = MouseAction::None;
TextSelectType _mouseSelectType = TextSelectType::Letters;
QPoint _dragStartPosition;
QPoint _mousePosition;
HistoryItem *_mouseActionItem = nullptr;
HistoryItem *_dragStateItem = nullptr;
CursorState _mouseCursorState = CursorState();
uint16 _mouseTextSymbol = 0;
bool _pressWasInactive = false;
bool _recountedAfterPendingResizedItems = false;
bool _useCornerReaction = false;
bool _acceptsHorizontalScroll = false;
bool _horizontalScrollLocked = false;
QPoint _trippleClickPoint;
base::Timer _trippleClickTimer;
Element *_dragSelFrom = nullptr;
Element *_dragSelTo = nullptr;
bool _dragSelecting = false;
bool _wasSelectedText = false; // was some text selected in current drag action
// scroll by touch support (at least Windows Surface tablets)
bool _touchScroll = false;
bool _touchSelect = false;
bool _touchInProgress = false;
QPoint _touchStart, _touchPrevPos, _touchPos;
base::Timer _touchSelectTimer;
Ui::DraggingScrollManager _selectScroll;
rpl::variable<bool> _sharingDisallowed = false;
Ui::TouchScrollState _touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual;
bool _touchPrevPosValid = false;
bool _touchWaitingAcceleration = false;
QPoint _touchSpeed;
crl::time _touchSpeedTime = 0;
crl::time _touchAccelerationTime = 0;
crl::time _touchTime = 0;
base::Timer _touchScrollTimer;
// _menu must be destroyed before _whoReactedMenuLifetime.
rpl::lifetime _whoReactedMenuLifetime;
base::unique_qptr<Ui::PopupMenu> _menu;
bool _scrollDateShown = false;
Ui::Animations::Simple _scrollDateOpacity;
SingleQueuedInvokation _scrollDateCheck;
base::Timer _scrollDateHideTimer;
Element *_scrollDateLastItem = nullptr;
int _scrollDateLastItemTop = 0;
ClickHandlerPtr _scrollDateLink;