mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 04:38:23 +00:00
82 lines
2.3 KiB
82 lines
2.3 KiB
@echo OFF
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "FullScriptPath=%~dp0"
set "FullExecPath=%cd%"
if not exist "%FullScriptPath%..\..\..\TelegramPrivate" (
echo This script is for building the production version of Telegram Desktop.
echo For building custom versions please visit the build instructions page at:
echo https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/#build-instructions
exit /b
set "HomePath=%FullScriptPath%.."
set "SignAppxPath=%HomePath%\..\..\TelegramPrivate\AppxSign.bat"
set "ResourcesPath=%HomePath%\Resources"
set "SolutionPath=%HomePath%\.."
set "ReleasePath=%HomePath%\..\out\Debug"
set "BinaryName=Telegram"
if exist %ReleasePath%\AppX\ (
echo Result folder out\Debug\AppX already exists!
exit /b 1
cd "%HomePath%"
call gyp\refresh.bat
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error
cd "%SolutionPath%"
call ninja -C out/Debug Telegram
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error
cd "%HomePath%"
mkdir "%ReleasePath%\AppX"
xcopy "Resources\uwp\AppX\*" "%ReleasePath%\AppX\" /E
set "ResourcePath=%ReleasePath%\AppX\AppxManifest.xml"
call :repl "Argument= (Publisher=)"CN=536BC709-8EE1-4478-AF22-F0F0F26FF64A"/ $1"CN=Telegram Messenger LLP, O=Telegram Messenger LLP, L=London, C=GB"" "Filename=%ResourcePath%" || goto :error
call :repl "Argument= (ProcessorArchitecture=)"ARCHITECTURE"/ $1"x64"" "Filename=%ResourcePath%" || goto :error
makepri new /pr Resources\uwp\AppX\ /cf Resources\uwp\priconfig.xml /mn %ReleasePath%\AppX\AppxManifest.xml /of %ReleasePath%\AppX\resources.pri
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error
xcopy "%ReleasePath%\%BinaryName%.exe" "%ReleasePath%\AppX\"
MakeAppx.exe pack /d "%ReleasePath%\AppX" /l /p ..\out\Debug\%BinaryName%.appx
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error
call "%SignAppxPath%" "..\out\Debug\%BinaryName%.appx"
move "%ReleasePath%\%BinaryName%.appx" "%ReleasePath%\AppX\"
echo Done.
exit /b
set %1
set %2
set "TempFilename=!Filename!__tmp__"
cscript //Nologo "%FullScriptPath%replace.vbs" "Replace" "!Argument!" < "!Filename!" > "!TempFilename!" || goto :repl_finish
xcopy /Y !TempFilename! !Filename! >NUL || goto :repl_finish
goto :repl_finish
set ErrorCode=%errorlevel%
if !ErrorCode! neq 0 (
echo Replace error !ErrorCode!
echo While replacing "%Replace%"
echo In file "%Filename%"
del %TempFilename%
exit /b !ErrorCode!