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synced 2025-03-21 10:53:21 +00:00
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282 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "boxes/photo_crop_box.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "ui/widgets/buttons.h"
#include "styles/style_boxes.h"
PhotoCropBox::PhotoCropBox(QWidget*, const QImage &img, const PeerId &peer)
: _img(img)
, _peerId(peer) {
init(img, nullptr);
PhotoCropBox::PhotoCropBox(QWidget*, const QImage &img, not_null<PeerData*> peer)
: _img(img)
, _peerId(peer->id) {
init(img, peer);
void PhotoCropBox::init(const QImage &img, PeerData *peer) {
if (peerIsChat(_peerId) || (peer && peer->isMegagroup())) {
_title = lang(lng_create_group_crop);
} else if (peerIsChannel(_peerId)) {
_title = lang(lng_create_channel_crop);
} else {
_title = lang(lng_settings_crop_profile);
void PhotoCropBox::prepare() {
addButton(langFactory(lng_settings_save), [this] { sendPhoto(); });
addButton(langFactory(lng_cancel), [this] { closeBox(); });
int32 s = st::boxWideWidth - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right();
_thumb = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(_img.scaled(s * cIntRetinaFactor(), s * cIntRetinaFactor(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
_mask = QImage(_thumb.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
_fade = QImage(_thumb.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
_thumbw = _thumb.width() / cIntRetinaFactor();
_thumbh = _thumb.height() / cIntRetinaFactor();
if (_thumbw > _thumbh) {
_cropw = _thumbh - 20;
} else {
_cropw = _thumbw - 20;
_cropx = (_thumbw - _cropw) / 2;
_cropy = (_thumbh - _cropw) / 2;
_thumbx = (st::boxWideWidth - _thumbw) / 2;
_thumby = st::boxPhotoPadding.top();
setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + _thumbh + st::boxPhotoPadding.bottom() + st::boxTextFont->height + st::cropSkip);
void PhotoCropBox::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
_downState = mouseState(e->pos());
_fromposx = e->pos().x();
_fromposy = e->pos().y();
_fromcropx = _cropx;
_fromcropy = _cropy;
_fromcropw = _cropw;
return BoxContent::mousePressEvent(e);
int PhotoCropBox::mouseState(QPoint p) {
p -= QPoint(_thumbx, _thumby);
int32 delta = st::cropPointSize, mdelta(-delta / 2);
if (QRect(_cropx + mdelta, _cropy + mdelta, delta, delta).contains(p)) {
return 1;
} else if (QRect(_cropx + _cropw + mdelta, _cropy + mdelta, delta, delta).contains(p)) {
return 2;
} else if (QRect(_cropx + _cropw + mdelta, _cropy + _cropw + mdelta, delta, delta).contains(p)) {
return 3;
} else if (QRect(_cropx + mdelta, _cropy + _cropw + mdelta, delta, delta).contains(p)) {
return 4;
} else if (QRect(_cropx, _cropy, _cropw, _cropw).contains(p)) {
return 5;
return 0;
rpl::producer<QImage> PhotoCropBox::ready() const {
return _readyImages.events();
void PhotoCropBox::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (_downState) {
_downState = 0;
void PhotoCropBox::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (_downState && !(e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) {
if (_downState) {
if (_downState == 1) {
int32 dx = e->pos().x() - _fromposx, dy = e->pos().y() - _fromposy, d = (dx < dy) ? dx : dy;
if (_fromcropx + d < 0) {
d = -_fromcropx;
if (_fromcropy + d < 0) {
d = -_fromcropy;
if (_fromcropw - d < st::cropMinSize) {
d = _fromcropw - st::cropMinSize;
if (_cropx != _fromcropx + d || _cropy != _fromcropy + d || _cropw != _fromcropw - d) {
_cropx = _fromcropx + d;
_cropy = _fromcropy + d;
_cropw = _fromcropw - d;
} else if (_downState == 2) {
int32 dx = _fromposx - e->pos().x(), dy = e->pos().y() - _fromposy, d = (dx < dy) ? dx : dy;
if (_fromcropx + _fromcropw - d > _thumbw) {
d = _fromcropx + _fromcropw - _thumbw;
if (_fromcropy + d < 0) {
d = -_fromcropy;
if (_fromcropw - d < st::cropMinSize) {
d = _fromcropw - st::cropMinSize;
if (_cropy != _fromcropy + d || _cropw != _fromcropw - d) {
_cropy = _fromcropy + d;
_cropw = _fromcropw - d;
} else if (_downState == 3) {
int32 dx = _fromposx - e->pos().x(), dy = _fromposy - e->pos().y(), d = (dx < dy) ? dx : dy;
if (_fromcropx + _fromcropw - d > _thumbw) {
d = _fromcropx + _fromcropw - _thumbw;
if (_fromcropy + _fromcropw - d > _thumbh) {
d = _fromcropy + _fromcropw - _thumbh;
if (_fromcropw - d < st::cropMinSize) {
d = _fromcropw - st::cropMinSize;
if (_cropw != _fromcropw - d) {
_cropw = _fromcropw - d;
} else if (_downState == 4) {
int32 dx = e->pos().x() - _fromposx, dy = _fromposy - e->pos().y(), d = (dx < dy) ? dx : dy;
if (_fromcropx + d < 0) {
d = -_fromcropx;
if (_fromcropy + _fromcropw - d > _thumbh) {
d = _fromcropy + _fromcropw - _thumbh;
if (_fromcropw - d < st::cropMinSize) {
d = _fromcropw - st::cropMinSize;
if (_cropx != _fromcropx + d || _cropw != _fromcropw - d) {
_cropx = _fromcropx + d;
_cropw = _fromcropw - d;
} else if (_downState == 5) {
int32 dx = e->pos().x() - _fromposx, dy = e->pos().y() - _fromposy;
if (_fromcropx + dx < 0) {
dx = -_fromcropx;
} else if (_fromcropx + _fromcropw + dx > _thumbw) {
dx = _thumbw - _fromcropx - _fromcropw;
if (_fromcropy + dy < 0) {
dy = -_fromcropy;
} else if (_fromcropy + _fromcropw + dy > _thumbh) {
dy = _thumbh - _fromcropy - _fromcropw;
if (_cropx != _fromcropx + dx || _cropy != _fromcropy + dy) {
_cropx = _fromcropx + dx;
_cropy = _fromcropy + dy;
int32 cursorState = _downState ? _downState : mouseState(e->pos());
QCursor cur(style::cur_default);
if (cursorState == 1 || cursorState == 3) {
cur = style::cur_sizefdiag;
} else if (cursorState == 2 || cursorState == 4) {
cur = style::cur_sizebdiag;
} else if (cursorState == 5) {
cur = style::cur_sizeall;
void PhotoCropBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) {
if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return) {
} else {
void PhotoCropBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
Painter p(this);
p.drawText(QRect(st::boxPhotoPadding.left(), st::boxPhotoPadding.top() + _thumbh + st::boxPhotoPadding.bottom(), width() - st::boxPhotoPadding.left() - st::boxPhotoPadding.right(), st::boxTextFont->height), _title, style::al_top);
p.translate(_thumbx, _thumby);
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _thumb);
Painter p(&_mask);
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
p.drawEllipse(_cropx, _cropy, _cropw, _cropw);
style::colorizeImage(_mask, st::photoCropFadeBg->c, &_fade);
p.drawImage(0, 0, _fade);
int delta = st::cropPointSize;
int mdelta = -delta / 2;
p.fillRect(QRect(_cropx + mdelta, _cropy + mdelta, delta, delta), st::photoCropPointFg);
p.fillRect(QRect(_cropx + _cropw + mdelta, _cropy + mdelta, delta, delta), st::photoCropPointFg);
p.fillRect(QRect(_cropx + _cropw + mdelta, _cropy + _cropw + mdelta, delta, delta), st::photoCropPointFg);
p.fillRect(QRect(_cropx + mdelta, _cropy + _cropw + mdelta, delta, delta), st::photoCropPointFg);
void PhotoCropBox::sendPhoto() {
auto from = _img;
if (_img.width() < _thumb.width()) {
from = _thumb.toImage();
float64 x = float64(_cropx) / _thumbw, y = float64(_cropy) / _thumbh, w = float64(_cropw) / _thumbw;
int32 ix = int32(x * from.width()), iy = int32(y * from.height()), iw = int32(w * from.width());
if (ix < 0) {
ix = 0;
if (ix + iw > from.width()) {
iw = from.width() - ix;
if (iy < 0) {
iy = 0;
if (iy + iw > from.height()) {
iw = from.height() - iy;
int32 offset = ix * from.depth() / 8 + iy * from.bytesPerLine();
QImage cropped(from.constBits() + offset, iw, iw, from.bytesPerLine(), from.format()), tosend;
if (from.format() == QImage::Format_Indexed8) {
if (cropped.width() > 1280) {
tosend = cropped.scaled(1280, 1280, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
} else if (cropped.width() < 320) {
tosend = cropped.scaled(320, 320, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
} else {
tosend = cropped.copy();
auto weak = make_weak(this);
if (weak) {